
30 de abril de 2016

Polémica por el "boicot académico" al Estado de Israel aprobado por estudiantes de Derecho de la U. de Chile

Esta situación trajo consigo la reacción del Centro Simon Wiesenthal, reconocida por documentar a las víctimas del Holocausto y llevar un registro de los criminales nazis. “Debe evitarse que el fanatismo del BDS norteamericano y europeo importe su cultura de odio a las universidades de Latinoamérica”, señalaron y solicitaron que dejara sin efecto el “boicot académico”.

Fueron dos preguntas las que realizaron este lunes los organizadores del Movimiento BDS (Boicot, Desinversión y Sanción contra el Apartheid de Israel contra el pueblo palestino), en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile y en la que podían votar todos los estudiantes de dicha Casa de Estudios durante toda la jornada que se extendió entre las 10:00 y las 19:00 horas. Ambas respuestas le otorgaron un amplio triunfo al movimiento de Boicot contra Israel, en el que un grupo de estudiantes de distintas facultades de la Universidad llevan trabajando desde hace meses.

La primera pregunta decía “¿Estás de acuerdo con que no se realicen actividades que cuenten con la participación de personeros del Estado de Israel y/o con financiamiento de la Embajada de Israel en la Facultad de Derecho?”. 515 personas dijeron que sí y 399 respondieron que no. Y la segunda pregunta decía “¿Estás de acuerdo con que la Universidad de Chile no mantenga vínculos institucionales con aquellas universidades israelíes que contribuyen directamente con la violación de derechos humanos del pueblo palestino?” Aquí la diferencia fue aún mayor: 582 personas dijeron que sí y 327 respondieron que no.

“Para nosotros esto marca un logro y un precedente para hacer crecer este llamado tan necesario. Como estudiantes de la Universidad de Chile, que se proclama como una Casa de Estudios con conciencia social, crítica y éticamente responsable y que busca el bien social, nos parece incongruente ser cómplices de un Estado que viola constantemente los Derechos Humanos de un pueblo oprimido y sostiene un sistema de apartheid, con 68 años de impunidad. La adhesión de la Facultad de Derecho al BDS académico, es nuestro primer paso para que la Universidad completa demuestre que el boicot académico a Israel es la vía necesaria y legítima de presión efectiva”, señalaron representantes del Movimiento BDS UChile.

Esta situación trajo consigo la reacción del Centro Simon Wiesenthal, reconocida por documentar a las víctimas del Holocausto y llevar un registro de los criminales nazis. “Debe evitarse que el fanatismo del BDS norteamericano y europeo importe su cultura de odio a las universidades de Latinoamérica”, señalaron según El Dinamo, y solicitaron que dejara sin efecto el “boicot académico”.

“Quienes sostienen el boicot, acusando falsamente al Estado de Israel de instalar un sistema de apartheid, están proponiendo combatirlo con otro apartheid contra Israel y sus simpatizantes, tanto judíos como no judíos”, declaró Ariel Gelblung, representante del Centro Wiesenthal para América Latina.

ISIS includes hundreds of New Yorkers list of possible targets

ISIS includes hundreds of New Yorkers list of possible targets

The FBI is advising people mentioned in the listadoNo is the first time that ISIS threatens attacks on private citizens.
ISIS includes hundreds of New Yorkers list of possible targets
NEW YORK - After followers of the Islamic State (ISIS) freed a list of possible targets in the United States, which includes hundreds of New Yorkers, the FBIcomenzó to notify those indicated. In recent days, the group of hackers known as "Caliphate Cyber ​​United "or" Cibercalifato ", published on the internet a list of names and other personal data Yorkers. In the list include employees of the Department of State and Homeland Security.However, intelligence experts believe that the 3,600 names were chosen at random for several years and that is a campaign of fear alone, as New Yorkers in list, none is particularly known. the Federal Bureau of investigation said in a statement that "the agency reported routinely to individuals and organizations of information collected during the course of an investigation that may be perceived as a potential threat" . it is not the first time that ISIS shares such publications. Last year, they reported a smaller list of names of soldiers. The retired FBI agent and security analyst, Manny Gomez, told PIX 11 this kind of behavior is not new within the terrorist organization."Clearly this is another propaganda campaign ISIS, but you can not underestimate their reach. We must act as a force multiplier. If you see something, say something. That is the new norm , "said Gomez.

ISIS incluye a cientos de neoyorquinos en lista de posibles objetivos

ISIS incluye a cientos de neoyorquinos en lista de posibles objetivos

El FBI está notificando a las personas mencionadas en el listadoNo es la primera vez que ISIS amenaza con ataques a ciudadanos particulares.
ISIS incluye a cientos de neoyorquinos en lista de posibles objetivos
NUEVA YORK – Después que seguidores del Estado Islámico (ISIS) liberaran una lista de posibles objetivos en Estados Unidos, que incluye a cientos de neoyorquinos, el FBIcomenzó a notificar a los señalados.

En los últimos días, el grupo de hackers conocido como “Caliphate Cyber United” o “Cibercalifato”,publicó en internet un listado con nombres y otros datos personales de neoyorquinos. En la lista, figuran empleados del Departamento de Estado y de Seguridad Nacional.

Sin embargo, expertos en inteligencia creen que los 3,600 nombres fueron elegidos al azar hace varios años y que solo se trata de una campaña de miedo, ya que de los neoyorquinos en la lista, ninguno es particularmente conocido.

El Buró Federal de Investigaciones dijo en un comunicado que “la agencia notifica de forma rutinaria a los individuos y las organizaciones de la información recopilada durante el curso de una investigación que puede ser percibido como una amenaza potencial”.

No es la primera vez que ISIS comparte este tipo de publicaciones. El año pasado, divulgaron un listado menor con nombres de militares.

El agente retirado del FBI y analista de Seguridad, Manny Gómez, le dijo a PIX 11 que este tipo de comportamiento no es nuevo dentro de la organización terrorista. “Está claro que esta es otra campaña de propaganda de ISIS, aunque no se puede subestimar su alcance. Tenemos que actuar como un multiplicador de fuerza. Si ves algo, di algo. Esa es la nueva norma”, explicó Gómez.


Según informa el medio israelí DEBKAfile, combatientes de Estado Islámico destruyeron un contingente de tropas de Operaciones Especiales italianas y británicas, en la primera batalla de este tipo en Libia.

Esta batalla dará lugar a la demora de la invasión occidental prevista de Libia, a la vez que el enfrentamiento demuestra que las fuerzas europeas no están preparados para este tipo de guerra de guerrillas. Las fuentes también dijeron que los planificadores de la invasión fueron sorprendidos por las altas habilidades de combate de los soldados de Estado Islámico.
Según las fuentes de DEBKAfile, el convoy de marines italianos, fuerzas especiales británicas y tropas libias viajaba desde la ciudad noroccidental de Misrata hacia el bastión de Estado Islámico en Sirte, cuando recibió una fuerte emboscada.

Poco se sabe de la cantidad de bajas, debido a que las tropas de operaciones especiales implicadas actuaban en secreto, pero como mínimo se especula con la muerte de diversos soldados italianos.
Algunos informes sostienen que miembros de la fuerza occidental fueron hechos prisioneros por ISIS, a pesar de que todavía tienen que ser identificados. Es posible que alguna rehenes pertenezca en realidad al Ejército Libio, una milicia comandada por el general Khalifa Haftar, un libio que tiene la ciudadanía estadounidense.

El comando conjunto integrado por agentes de Gran Bretaña, Francia, Italia, Alemania y los EE.UU. que es responsable de la planificación de la invasión de Libia, así como los Ministerios de Defensa italiano y británico, han impuesto un bloqueo informativo sobre el asunto.
La invasión de Libia por parte de fuerzas occidentales podría acelerarse debido al deterioro de la seguridad en Libia.
Fuentes militares europeas sostienen que una fuerza italiana de 6.000 soldados está a punto de llegar a Libia, junto con 1.000 soldados británicos.


You can change the future, but not the destination, traduction in spanish

I know when will be the end of Vladimir Putin 
can change the future, but not the destination, the destination is marked, the future what you do you with your acts

Americans, you manipulate and acatais without protest, wake up already!

Smack in the US for the implementation of identification chips in workers • Reviews by assuming a "full -scaleinvasion of privacy ' • Proponents claim the voluntary nature of the implant WASHIGNTON.- The increasing use of identification microchips implanted in the human body, serve both to control employees to access the medical history of their carriers, he has created controversy in the United States. The empresaCitywatcher was the first to implement this controversial 'security measure' in their employees. Several associations of civil rights have protested against what they see as a new step in the invasion of privacy of workers, while their manufacturers insist that it is an advanced, multipurpose, technology correspondent reports EFE US Enrique Rubio.Citywatcher, a company video surveillance, is the first that has started using the chips to control employee access to security restricted areas of company. its president, Sean Darks, he explained how two of its employees who volunteered, and he himself, have implanted a chip about the size of a grain of rice, is placed into the skin and works as a card access to protected areas. with government permission These microchips are the work of the company VeriChip, a subsidiary of Applied Digital Solutions of Palm Beach (Florida), which in October 2004 received the consent of the Food and . drug (FDA) to market the product John Procter, a spokesman for VeriChip, said the company works primarily on two applications of this technology: for identification, as in the case of Citywatcher, and for use in hospitals. . .. tHE EXECUTIVE oF GOOGLE THAT PUSHES tHE IDENTIFICATION CHIP ingestible "is a very useful device in patients with difficulty communicating, such as alzheimer's patients. Using a scanner you can access your medical history , "Procter said. The capsule, which is inserted under the skin of the arm or hand with a syringe, containing a 16 - digit number that allows access to themedical history of the carrier. Partisans and detractors addition to these uses, Procter recalled that the Mexican Ministry of Justice already use this technology to identify their employees. The chip also has other less altruistic uses and, for example, a nightclub in Barcelona using these capsules with their VIP customers. But this futuristic technology increasingly detractors. Among them is "Professional technology for social responsibility", a group based in Palo Alto (California), protesting what they consider "a bad initiative." Lisa Smith, a member of the association, said that "the thought to bring something implanted in the body, which can not be shut down, it is a total invasion of privacy ". "There are other less invasive forms of identification are also suitable, however this is voluntary , " Smith said. Both VeriChip as Citywatcher cling to the voluntary nature of the implants to reject any accusation. 

Norteamericanos, os manipulan y lo acatais sin protestar, despertad ya!

Polémica en EEUU por la implantación de chips de identificación en trabajadores

•Críticas por suponer una ‘invasión total de la intimidad’
•Los defensores alegan el carácter voluntario del implante

WASHIGNTON.- El uso creciente de microcircuitos de identificación implantados en el cuerpo humano, que sirven tanto para el control de empleados como para acceder a la historia médica de sus portadores, ha creado polémica en Estados Unidos. La empresaCitywatcher fue la primera en implantar esta polémica ‘medida de seguridad’ en sus empleados.

Varias asociaciones de derechos civiles han protestado contra lo que consideran un nuevo paso en la invasión de la intimidad de los trabajadores, mientras que sus fabricantes insisten en que es una tecnología avanzada y de usos múltiples, informa el corresponsal de EFE en EEUU Enrique Rubio.

Citywatcher, una empresa de videovigilancia, es la primera que ha empezado a utilizar los chips para controlar el acceso de sus empleados a las zonas de seguridad restringidas de la compañía.
Su presidente, Sean Darks, explicó cómo dos de sus empleados, que se presentaron como voluntarios, y él mismo, se han implantado un chip que tiene el tamaño de un grano de arroz, se coloca dentro de la piel y funciona como una tarjeta de acceso a las áreas protegidas.
Con permiso del Gobierno
Estos microcircuitos son obra de la empresa VeriChip, filial de Applied Digital Solutions, de Palm Beach (Florida), que en octubre de 2004 recibió el consentimiento por parte de la Dirección de Alimentos y Fármacos de Estados Unidos (FDA) para comercializar el producto.
John Procter, portavoz de VeriChip, explicó que la compañía trabaja fundamentalmente sobre dos aplicaciones de esta tecnología: para identificación, como en el caso de Citywatcher, y para su utilización en hospitales.


“Es un aparato muy útil en pacientes con dificultades para comunicarse, como pueden ser los enfermos de alzheimer. Mediante un escáner se puede acceder a su historial médico”, dijo Procter.
La cápsula, que se inserta bajo la piel del brazo o la mano con una jeringa, contiene un número de 16 dígitos que permite el acceso al historial médico del portador.
Partidarios y detractores
Además de estos usos, Procter recordó que la Secretaría de Justicia mexicana ya utiliza este tipo de tecnología para identificar a sus empleados. El chip tiene también otros usos menos altruistas y, por ejemplo,una discoteca en Barcelona utiliza estas cápsulas con sus clientes VIP.

Pero esta tecnología futurista cada vez más detractores. Entre ellos está “Profesionales de la tecnología por la responsabilidad social”, un grupo ubicado en Palo Alto (California), que protesta por lo que consideran “una pésima iniciativa”.
Lisa Smith, miembro de esta asociación, aseguró que “la sola idea de llevar algo implantado en el cuerpo, que no se puede apagar, supone una invasión total de la intimidad“. “Existen otras formas de identificación menos invasivas que también son adecuadas, por muy voluntario que esto sea”, dijo Smith.
Tanto VeriChip como Citywatcher se aferran al carácter voluntario de los implantes para rechazar cualquier acusación.

29 de abril de 2016

puede cambiarse el futuro, pero no el destino,

yo se cuando sera el fin del mundo Vladimir Putin
puede cambiarse el futuro, pero no el destino, el destino está marcado, el futuro te lo haces tú con tus actos

¿Gas for a penny?

What will be the limit of falling oil prices ?, raises the Slon website, analyzing the factors behind this global trend and many experts forget. 

 In view of the continuing decline they have suffered oil prices, many experts predicted an early start of the opposite trend, ensuring that low prices lead to production becoming less profitable, and the consequent reduction of supply and competition would cause a new growth cycle . However, these views again and again proved wrong because no one considered an important factor that differentiates the oil market from other commodity markets, publishes the Slon portal. Speaking about an inevitable reduction in production if prices are below the cost price, experts forget who the main players in the market and what is their motivation, says the article. While the 10 most expensive oil companies in the world, among which are ExxonMobil, PetroChina, Chevron etc., it is up only 14 percent of world oil production, the rest of the market belongs to companies under direct state control or indirect . Among the ten largest companies reserves there is none that does not belong to the government, says the portal. Another important factor is that in most of these countries, oil makes up more than 90 percent of exports. Thus, no matter how low the prices, none of the major producing countries begin to reduce production because it is better to get low income do not get any and lose market presence. One possible answer to what might happen in the oil market in the near future can be found by observing what has happened in the financial markets in recent years, said Slon. "Until recently, the key interest rates of the central banks vacillated around zero, while interest rates of deposit of the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, as well as national banks of Switzerland, Sweden and Denmark they are poor , "writes the portal, adding that in this way the central banks try to revive the economy of their countries. Does something similar may happen in another area controlled by the State ?, the author of the article asks. "Can it happen that gasoline costs $ 0.01 per gallon, and that oil is accepted at ports and border consumer countries, producers pay between 2 and 3 dollars per barrel?" He adds. Although such a situation it seems incredible, the author recalls that "negative interest rates 50 years ago also seemed a Christmas fantasy". 

American youth criticizes capitalism

Social Networks makes the American Youth Turn left and criticize capitalism. 

  The network, election campaigns and American political thought 

 A survey conducted by Harvard University to Americans between 18 and 29 states that, in a 51% reject capitalism, real cornerstone of the economic system of his country. The data are consistent with the strong popularity of Bernie Sanders, surely the candidate who could be considered more "left" among US presidential candidates of all time, among young people in the same age range, or the increased mobilization of young people in causes traditionally considered activism - now reduced to "clicktivismo" or "slacktivismo" rather - on platforms like or Avaaz.  In some countries, as in the case of Spain, it is common to hear in some conservative circles that the opinion in the network tends mainly to support closer to the left thesis.  Is there a relationship between the evolution of American political thought and popularizing the use of the network? in the survey of Harvard, most young Americans between 18 and 29 manifest rejecting both capitalism and socialism. But in the United States, the fact that 33% of respondents are considered closer to support thesis identified with socialism compared with 42% of young people who identify with capitalism, regardless of the concept and ideological arriving identify with these labels, it is extremely provocative, and could make the Senator Joe McCarthy himself should rise from his grave in Wisconsin to try to take radical measures. Profundizando on data from the survey shows that typically, the closer to socialism ideas are supported by young people between 18 and 20 years (41%), Democrats (50%), voters Clinton (54%), Hispanics (38%) and African Americans (39%), while capitalist theses are supported mainly young people with higher education (56%), white (43%), men (49%), Southerners (46%) or west (45%) and Republicans (54%). The data suggest that, in a hyper -connected society in which all information is within reach of a click to those who are interested in doing so, an increasing number of young people tend to identify themselves and take sides with regard not so much capitalism but some of the problems arising from its application: do not reject the economic doctrine as such, but issues traditionally associated with those based on the free market, such as inequalities, exclusion or lack of access to basic needs such as housing systems, food or health.  Basically, they tend to reject the status quo, to criticize aparticularly strong they consider the failures of the free market, and meet a chamber suitable resonance when considering these issues in numerous forums on the net .  There is both a critique of capitalism as such or the market economy, as is the way in which capitalism takes place today. But for whatever reason, the mention of capitalism on the network seems to have become less cool, somewhat awkward: even conservative, in fact, tend to use the term to criticize the so - called crony capitalism or crony capitalism. Tampoco seems to express explicit support for socialism and as such, the operation of based on that ideology systems, although it should be noted that the campaign Bernie Sanders, which describes itself as "democratic socialist" (with everything provocative that it may result in that country), and the great support obtained among younger, seems to be marking in a profound way the manner in which the so - called millennials approach a political thought that for several generations, seemed to have moved away from their conversations and interests.  Now that a simple little bird pose on the podium Bernie Sanders at a rally makes almost a collective madness triggered. can we expect an evolution of political thought in the United States, real bastion of capitalism understood as such derived from the majority popularizing the use of the network for information? Is this just a cyclical effect arising from the approach of a brilliant campaign on the network by a particular political, or talk about an amazing drift for a country like the United States and could have even greater scope?  The effect Bernie Sanders, the "feel the Bern" which many see as a new Ronald Reagan left and the XXI century whose effect on young voters Hillary Clinton may have underestimated (and dedicated to trollearla on Twitter), you could end up in nothing depending on the complex US system for determining the candidate from each party.But even if it should not be the presidential candidate in 2016 ... you could get to make an influence on the political thought of the future of American voters?  So far, the network usage by US presidential candidates had essentially represented the supremacy of analytics. The campaign Sanders, however, exploits another factor, another set of values, another way to communicate, and applies it to a political ideas that traditionally appeared to be far from the thinking of the average American voter, young or mature.  Can one significant number of American voters think be comfortable under the "socialist" label, consciously adopted by a political and communicated using teaching from the network?  Arrive or not finally to the Democratic nomination Bernie Sanders, I think we're talking about a campaign that will It is studied for quite some time. Enrique Dans's Blog  Only Half Of Americans realize that the choice of system is rigged is Dan 27TH APRIL, 2016 Por Lily Dane "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If this happens, you you can bet it was planned that way . "- Unknown, commonly attributed erroneously to Franklin D. Roosevelt according to a Reuters / Ipsos, nearly half of American voters believe that the American system political parties use to pick up their candidates for the White House is "manipulated" and more than two - thirds want to see the process changed. Only half? You might think that, at this point, most (if not all) people would realize that the entire voting system is a farce. From Reuters: The United States is one of only a handful of countries giving regular voters a say in who should be included on the presidential ballot. But the system of state-by-state primary, assemblies and conventions is complex . The competitions were historically always party events, and while the popular vote has grown in influence since the mid-20th century, the parties still have considerable influence. A peculiarity of the US system - and the area in which the parties come to strengthen their power - is the use of delegates, party members who are assigned to support contenders in their respective conventions, is generally based on results the vote. The parties decide how delegates are awarded in each state, with Republicans and Democrats have different rules.personal opinions of the delegates may come into play at the party conventions if the race is too close to call - an issue that has become a lightning rod in the current political season. Another complication is that state governments have different rules on whether voters should be registered as party members to participate. In some states, parties still restrict selection of delegates to small committees of party elites, as the Republican Party in Colorado He made ​​this year. In other words: the establishment selects two candidates and "allow" us tochoose them on election day. And the third in discord? Forget this. The mainstream media largely ignores. They suggest vote for one, and most Americans will tell you that you're Unfortunately, not wrong "wasting your vote." The elite will never allow a candidate from a third party other than the system has a real opportunity presidency.In the recent article The system is rigged: Widespread dissatisfaction among American voters, The Guardian says: Increased anti-system candidates Sanders and Trump has highlighted the mess of rules and processes deliberately designed to keep these candidates clinching the nomination. For these voters, and many more across the political spectrum just awakening to the basic rules of the game-high stakes in the country, primaries may seem terribly unfair. The Guardian also surveyed Americans to ask what they think about the election system. More than 300 readers responded, and many expressed doubts about the way in which parties select candidates, describing the modern primary process as "manipulated", "undemocratic" and a "farce". Your comments are very revealing:  "Why states, party organizations and voters to go through all the hype, the cost and time to have a party poobahs primary when making the final decision?" - Don Grafues "Now we have the real bases, anti-establishment, populist candidates on both sides [Sanders and Trump], the political machine is in the way the total to maintain the status quo survival Party leaders feel a threat. real and direct campaigns ... and the two major parties will use all the tools they have to block what they feel is a threat to their own existence. "- Chris Ritz" the reason I have never voted is because I thought that corruption thought maybe I was wrong or unfair, but it is [the electoral process this year] kind of makes me think that there is a lot of corruption and his voice does not count "-.. Wendy Kranmer earlier this month, RT discussed election fraud with Dr. Ron Paul, who called the "rotten" system and a "farce"  in the article "the illusion of choice , " says Bernhard Guenther ... As the saying goes , "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." In unponerized society with a corrupt political system, good intention, hope and the vote will not lead to positive change, but simply an illusion and denial. There are no free elections in this country. There has been a long time. The voting system is a fraud sold to the public to give the illusion of choice. The same applies to the two - party setup. Democrats and Republicans. Back and forth. Two sides of the same coin .Despite popular belief they do not really live in a democracy. People are so caught up in this vision of left / right tunnel do not see how they are being deceived and played with. Elections are nonsense. They serve to maintain the illusion that we actually have a say in the selection of a new master every four years. Participation in this system gives validity - voters are giving permission to keep the current system in place. Lily Dane is a staff writer for the Daily Sheeple. Its aim is to help people to "Wake up the Flock!" 

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...