
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Ashtar Command. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Ashtar Command. Mostrar todas las entradas

19 de junio de 2020

ASHTAR SHERAN: «Extraterrestrial Religion»

"Extraterrestrial Religion"

UFO religion (UFO religion) or UFO sect / ufological sect (UFO cult), are the informal denominations received by religions that believe in the possibility of contacting extraterrestrial beings and following their messages channeled by mediums.

Although the beliefs of these groups are very different, the UFO religions generally believe in the existence of extraterrestrial beings that have had, or are still having a dominant role in human history and that in the future humanity will be part of a galactic community. They maintain that the arrival or the rediscovery of civilizations, technologies and extraterrestrial spirituality will allow human beings to overcome current ecological, spiritual and social problems. They even go so far as to claim that problems such as hatred, war, bigotry or poverty will be solved with the use of superior technology and the spiritual capabilities of aliens.

These belief systems have been described as millennial in their perspective. These religions often introduce Christian beliefs by giving them a new interpretation, such as that "Jesus or God" are of extraterrestrial origin. They also believe there is an extraterrestrial concealment conspiracy organized by governments, because they would not want to lose global control. But it must be remembered that all of them have a sectarian character.

UFO religions are present in Technologically advanced Societies, especially in the United States, Canada, France and the United Kingdom. Most were born in the 1950s: Chen Tao, Scientology, the Ethereal Society, the Unarius Academy of Science).
Although others did it in the 70s: the Raelian Movement, the Iglesia de los Subgenios and the Industrial Church of the New World Comforter. In the 90s there was a renewed interest in this topic: Puerta del Cielo, Vesmírní Lidé.


This is a list of some religions that could be considered "UFO Sect":

• Scientology: Created by the American science fiction writer Ron Hubbard (1.911 - 1986). Consider that millions of years ago a galactic tyrant named Xenu brought millions of political prisoners to planet Earth, placed them near volcanoes and murdered them with hydrogen bombs (which at the time Hubbard was writing these texts had just been invented) . The spirits of the dead were trapped on this planet, being the origin of human souls, which can be "liberated" through the techniques of dianetics, at a high economic cost.

• Heaven's Gate: Controversial sect that believed that a group of aliens traveling in a spaceship hidden behind the comet Hale-Bopp would take their souls, for which they should leave aside the physical bodies. They committed suicide on March 26, 1997.

• Church of the Subgenius : Religious parody that admits to being a farce, and mockingly uses the beliefs of different groups (Scientology, Shaverism, David Icke) ridiculing the use of paraphernalia and UFO mythology.

• Raelian Movement: Founded in France by car racer Claude Vorilhon (1946) - self-styled Rael - who claims to be a clone. He claims that humanity was created by aliens, whom he calls Elohim ('lords or gods', one of the names of the only god Yahweh, from the Bible), who also cloned Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, etc., and who they were about to return. He intends to create an embassy in Jerusalem for those elohim. • Nation of Islam

: Founded in the United States by Wallace Fard Muhammad (1,891 - 1,934) - self-proclaimed incarnation of the Turkish and Middle Eastern god Allah. Considers that the Universe is ruled by a council of twelve aliens, being the oldest of all Allah and reinterpreting Islam. to adapt it to their beliefs of black supremacy and extraterrestrial origin of the black race.

• Nuwaubianism : Founded by Dwight York in the United States, it is similar to the Nation of Islam. Consider that the world is dominated by reptilians and grays. That blacks are of extraterrestrial origin. That the white race is a failed genetic experiment. • Nazi Occultism

: With different origins, although one of its greatest exponents was the Chilean Miguel Serrano. Consider the extraterrestrial origin of the white race or Aryan race, sometimes associated with the star Aldebaran of the Pleiades. Although other stars can be mentioned. They also argue that Hitler was in contact with the Nordic aliens and this allowed him to create some UFOs made on Earth. • Typhonian Order

: Founded by British occultist Kenneth Grant, it is an esoteric tradition derived from the Ordo Templi Orientis, which practices rituals to invoke, materialize, and contact extraterrestrial and extradimensional entities, influenced by the horror stories Myths of Cthulhu, by the American fantastic writer HP Lovecraft and the rituals performed by Aleister Crowley who is said to have materialized an entity called lam.

• Shaverism: More than a religion, it is a kind of phenomenon that emerged in the 1930s, when the science fiction writer Richard Sharpe Shaver claimed that there were malicious and cannibalistic beings living underground, who like to kidnap humans to rape, torture and eat them, thus how to cause disasters. Shaver also assured that said Beings, called "Deros", had contact with evil extraterrestrial species. This UFO sect came to have a large following and "Shaver circles" throughout the United States and Europe. • Atma Energy Release Training Center

: It is a sectarian group mainly active in Tenerife (Spain) and Germany. It is mainly known for the suspicion of trying to commit a ritual suicide in the "Teide National Park in Tenerife". Apparently the 32 members of this sect believed that after committing suicide their souls would be picked up by a spaceship and taken to an unspecified destination.

• Ashtar Command: As an individual, she is, in traditional occult circles, a demon of considerable power, associated with the clan of the Goddess Anunna Ishtar / Lilith, the goddess of ambition and sex. While in the UFO tradition, perceivers identify it as a group or sect that promotes the "positive force"; emerged in the year 1,952. Group with which a number of people claim to have channeled. George Van Tassel, a US citizen, claims to be the first to have received a message from Ashtar 
"Commander Ashtar Sheran." The terms command and commander are different in concept.

Command refers to a group of force recognized by the base; while Commander is a person or entity in charge of directing the group or base. Therefore they must clearly understand the term that is expressed as the title of this chapter in question: "Commander" Ashtar Sheran.

In the early 1950s, Ashtar Sheran, the alleged "Christian" commander of the interplanetary space fleet, first came into contact with Earthlings, through George Van Tessel.

Van Tessel, along with other psychics, even claims to have traveled in one of the spaceships that orbit Earth. Since the mid-20th century, Ashtar, who according to Van Tessel would come from the planet Metharia, in the Alpha Centauri solar system, is said to have appealed to "men of good will" to warn them of the dangers of self-destruction this planet may incur. , if its inhabitants persevere in irresponsible behavior.

For Ashtar Sheran's disciples, he is above all a Master of truth: his task is to fight against mistakes and lies so that love, harmony and brotherhood triumph. He believes that his sublime teachings cannot be imposed: men, upon awakening their latent consciousness, must concretely demonstrate that they put good before evil, to deserve to be admitted to the Cosmic Brotherhood, a kind of intergalactic federation to which civilizations adhere. outposts of the Universe. Only then can human beings take advantage of a wealth of knowledge useful not only for scientific and technological progress, but especially effective for spiritual evolution.

Members of this kind of intergalactic federation are often identified with angelic beings who have come to Earth and are described as figures with unmistakable features: tall, thin, their faces with a serene expression, are framed by blond hair, blue eyes, long arched eyebrows, fine features. Hairless fur gives these aliens a look that instinctively inspires confidence, despite some slightly icy features. However, the idyllic image of their leader seems to be broken, contradicted by one detail, the name: Ashtar Sheran.

It has been observed that the name Ashtar Sheran is reminiscent of Astarotte, one of the demons of Jewish culture who, according to a non-canonical tradition, pushed Cain to kill his brother Abel. Astarotte, or better Ashtoreth, is a name formed by inserting letters to get the meaning of "something shameful".

Ashtoreth (Astarte) was originally a goddess, transformed by the Jews into a terrifying and repulsive demon. The Bible refers to this divinity in some historical books that was worshiped by King Solomon (990 - 922 BC) and by the idolatrous Israelites.

That monarch famous for his wisdom, "worshiped Astarte or Ascera, goddess of the Sidonians", when Josiah the pious (640-609 BC) was ruler of Judah, who by renewing the covenant of the covenant with 'God', He "threw out of the Temple all the objects that served for the worship of Baal, Ascera and the stars in the sky. He brought out the stick of the goddess Ascera from Jerusalem, burned it in the Cedron Valley and reduced it to ashes, which was later thrown into the common people's cemetery. He

knocked down the prostitution house next to the Temple, where the women wove robes for Ascera, ripped the stones, cut the trunks representing Ascera, and filled those places with human bones. "

Astarte is a Canaanite version of Ishtar, a Babylonian deity associated with the planet Venus (planet of sex, passion, and romance), which in turn is a metamorphosis of the Sumerian deity Inanna - the Nibirwana Anunnaki, and of Lilith (who they say the 'first woman of Adam') according to apocryphal texts was from the canonical bibles. This entity is described in the Sumerian tablets (the first Bible) as a sexual, ambitious and warrior deity. She intoxicated and seduced her uncle Enki (Lucifer) to steal the ME tables of fate (Cosmic Maps and Genetic Codes). Among other descriptions, it is said of Ella that, as a morning star, Astarte (Ascera / Ishtar / Inanna / Lilith) was surrounded by flames, armed with a sword and two blows filled with deadly arrows. She threw herself like a swallow onto the battlefield. As an evening star, Goddess of Eros, Astarte entered the underworld to claim a lost lover. Its colors were white and red: vermilion flowers flourished in its acacia, and for this reason acacia became its symbol.

Cypresses, stallions, firstborn, firsts and bloodless offerings were also sacred. In some representations, Astarte stands on the back of a lioness, holding a lotus flower and a mirror in one hand, while in the other she holds two snakes. In other cases, it is represented with the head of the lioness, to denote its proud and lewd nature.

This digression on Astarotte-Astarte-Ascera-Ishtar-Inanna-Lilith leads to some questions: Ashtar Sheran manifested himself with a name that closely resembles that of the ancient Sumerian-Semitic deity, Ashtar → Ishtar. How can this be explained? ? Is it a coincidence that these names are linked to a Jewish heritage, although they are not canonical and certainly ignored by ordinary Christians, generally little versed in theological studies, in angelology and demonology?

It should not be forgotten that the two characters have the names of entities with not always angelic features: Astarotte is a demon, although at first "it is said" that it was not.

The name of Ashtar Sheran read backwards becomes Naresh Rathsa, which is pure Sanskrit, better spelled as Naresh Raja, which means "King Man-God":
Nara = man
Isha = god.
According to the Sandhi rule in Sanskrit grammar, they become Naresha when written together, Naresh is pronounced in Hindi today; raja = king.
This refers to Anu, king of the planet Nibiru, the planet of the reptilian anthropomophical beings among dragons, amphibians and snakes that have the ability to change their forms to humans and vice versa.

Ashtar himself said he came from a planet called Nirbua, which looks a lot like Nibiru. He has been channeled for decades through various people. Already the fact that he calls himself "man-god king" and spells it the other way around, is suspicious, and several well-known sources claim that he is a fake and a suitor. He has also been described as a kind of "space criminal".

He calls himself the Commander of a large fleet of 10 million spaceships, which is too far-fetched and unbelievable to buy.
He also said that his real name is Aruseak.

Something also strange about Ashtar Sheran is that he is often channeled along with another individual, who calls himself Sananda and claims he was Jesus on Earth. He also has a Sanskrit name, for whatever reason. Sa means "wind, air", but it also means "a snake". However, it can actually be "śa" with the apostrophe over the omitted "s", which is often done for simplicity, and that word means "destroyer".
Ananda means "bliss / happiness". So, do you feel "happiness" in "destruction"?

Each of these two types give a "suspicious" feeling. Apparently many are deceived by channeling entities that drive the channeler's ego, claiming that he or she would be "chosen" for a special task. There is a case where Ashtar and Sananda made the person who channeled them believe that he or she (the channeling person) was Mary Magdalene, and there are many more than She who, because of Ashtar and Sananda, believe that they are Mary Magdalene . 

«The Ashtar Command, its mission, purpose and directive. Ashtar-Athena talks about it. (Those who are awake, understand) .

«The Ashtar Command is the airborne division of the Great Brotherhood of Light, under the administrative direction of Commander Ashtar and the spiritual guidance of Lord Sananda, known on Earth as Jesus, or the Christ, our Commander in Chief.

Made up of millions of spacecraft and personnel from many civilizations, we are here to help Earth and humanity through the current cycle of planetary cleansing and polar realignment.

We serve as midwives at the birth of humanity, from dense physical light bodies to etheric physicists, capable of ascending to the fifth dimension along with Earth.
We are the hosts of heaven who serve the most radiant (the Christ) in his mission of love. We work in coordination with the legions of Michael, Uriel, Jophiel, Gabriel and the 70 Brotherhoods of Light that administer the Divine Plan. We serve by monitoring and stabilizing planetary network systems and serving as protectors of this universal sector.

The different fleets within the Command specialize in spiritual education, ascension, scientific research, communication, monitoring of planetary affairs and the well-being of our personnel, statehood and universal and intergalactic laws, species observation, education, relocation, media and artistic expression, healing, horticulture, zoology and many other areas of research.

A primary focus at this time is the activation of the collective Messiah, the 144,000 ascended masters, known as Eagles within the Command, who form the Legion of Special Volunteers. These are the star-streamed emissaries of the Office of the Christ, through the interstellar Councils of Light, here on the allotment of the earth. His awakening is crucial for the transition of the planet.

Therefore, we and our terrestrial representatives are here to facilitate the awakening of the Eagles and other servants of the Light. Our mission administers the sacred ordinances of the Lord God Most High and works through the Elohim, the Orion Councils, the hierarchy of the Great Central Sun and the Order of Melchizedek.

We recognize that God, the Source, is an ever-present and everlasting life force, universally recognized by many names and forms.

We affirm that there is a only begotten Son of God, since pure unconditional love spread throughout all of creation. The Lord God of the highest positive realms of the spirit created and spread only love.

This Son of God exists as a state of divine consciousness or Christianity exemplified by divine incarnations like Jesus, Sanada, Maitreya, Krishna and others. These and all true masters or avatars represent a multidimensional collective of love-wisdom, focused and extended through the Office of Christ. This office, as well as other divine thrones of heavenly administration, is anchored by a trinity. Currently, the office of Christ is occupied by the Lord Jesus, the Lord Moses and the Lord Elijah.

The current planetary Christ is Lord Maitreya. Lord Kuthumi and others maintain these Christic energies as our cycle progresses into the future and the new hierarchy of teachers takes its place. Lord Sathva Sai Baba, who currently resides in South India, manifests the cosmic Christood and also the Father-Mother Divinity. as an extremely rare full avatar, known as the Kalkhi Avatar or the tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The Christ also manifests as the individualized soul within humanity with the potential to express the perfect filiation, or bell Christ.

The collective Messiah consists of those 144,000 ascended teachers who accompany the Christ or the designated Messiah on a mission of love.These constitute the true church or body of Christ. This body of divine filiation is not limited to 144,000, but requires that minimum number for yeast and to give rise to humanity's rod of ascension or change to a new paradigm. The door of grace is open to anyone who steps forward and chooses conscious filiation.

The term son, father and humanity does not refer to gender but to the directive spiritual function, purusha or spirit. Prakrithio material creation, refers to the receptive spiritual function known by the terms daughter, mother, Goddess, Shakti, etc., through which the spirit is born as the son-daughter of God, soul or main Christ. As there seems to be a lot of controversy regarding these issues, we have wanted to bring some light and clarity. We of the Ashtar Command simply refer to the Christ as the Most Radiant or the Beloved.

We teach that in the highest truth, you have never left the heart of God. As rays of the Source of God, we have the divine function of spreading the love of God throughout the cosmos.

The belief in separation that we refer to as the father of all lies and the root cause of all fear and negativity or ignorance, expressed as what we call ego or false self. We practice the only true religion of unconditional love . We always strive to inspire faith and trust in the One Source and in God's purpose and plan. Our message is always positive of hope and affirmation. We encourage your worship of God along the path of his preference, because we have not yet begun another religion! We ask not to be set apart, idolized or adored, but to be respected and seen as your older brothers and sisters in surviving the One God.

We are universal ambassadors for peace, peacemakers and peacemakers. Our spaceships have no defense mechanisms of any kind. Our commitment to complete harmlessness in thought, word, and deed serves as your own protection. We always encourage unity, harmony and peaceful coexistence of all.

The terms "command" and "commanders" refer to our self-chosen duty to be in command of ourselves and responsible for our positions of trust and stewardship at the command of the Lord God Most High and the Most Radiant. In no way do these terms imply an attitude of militancy. A true commander walks in a spirit of humility and service in tune with the divine directive.

We strictly comply with the Confederation's policy of non-interference with free will. While we can point out the possible consequences of some of your action options, we allow you to live, express and rule your lives and the planet of your choice. The only exception would be if their actions could jeopardize the survival of their planet and populations as a whole or impact the rest of the solar system. However, we are always available to respond to your specific requests for assistance. We are excited to join you in more conscious interaction and co-creative endeavor.

We honor all life and all people as inherently divine. We recognize only one race, the race of humanity: the universal heavenly Man.

Man, manifestation of the One [AN]; also Manas, the divine mind or thinker and Hu-man = God-man, the one who can know the heavenly universal divine being; also HU, an ancient word for God.

We celebrate the great diversity within creation and honor all races, colors, creeds, and governmental forms that honor the individual right to freedom of expression and human rights. We love them unconditionally and maintain the vision of the Earth and its humanity as living, ascended, upright and radiant beings in abundance and freedom.

We are the guardian action that pastures your Earth. ASH stands for pastor, an elder of Melchizedek. Ashtar is a code name for the one he oversees as commander of the administrative fleets of the Most Radiant - Sananda. Athena is Ashtar's counterpart energy and it is the aspect that is often sent out objectively to serve by sharing wisdom through teaching and star seed activation.

Therefore Ashtar and Athena can function separately or as two rays combined in one way, the code name for this function is Ashtar-Athena; or they can function on cosmic levels as a vast higher soul consciousness or a stellar family of Ashtar and Athena encodings. The often-seen name linked to Ashtar - SherAn, is a code name that refers to someone who has entered this universal sector to help resurrect and ascend a planetary world from the involuntary codes of 666, to those of the resurrected life. Eternal, or 999, reattaching, so to speak, a planetary world to the tree of eternal life.

It refers specifically to someone who works with the energies of salvation, restoring a world to the Divine Plan through the pattern of Christ. The AN or ON lineage appears at the beginning and end of the main cycles as teachers of the universal law of Unity. We don't have names as you understand them. We have code designations that represent our divine functions.

We function as units of divine purpose united by unified intention and total harmony. The state that any one of us can have is solely the result of spiritual purity and integration. The same is also true for you. When one is in clear alignment with the Source, it becomes a channel or conduit for the flow of greater divine power.

When one is clogged with the remnants of the ego, that divine flow will seek a clearer conduit. Neither we nor our representatives on Earth are authorized to promote or degrade anyone! Each of us is responsible only before the Lord God within.

Therefore, you and we share a common task: transcending the lower self, maintaining spiritual clarity, and always focusing on selfless and loving service. We all came divinely endowed with everything we really need to ascend to increasingly glorious states of being; an eternal divine spirit, a heart and freedom of choice. For this reason, we do not encourage dependence on external technologies, whether spiritual or material. To ascend, you only need a pure heart filled with the love of God and shared with your neighbor.

Our main teaching and message is spiritual, focusing on the recognition, realization, and personification of the divine self. This is an individual task of spiritual infusion. For earth humanity, this means integrating the soul and higher self energies into the physical, emotional, and mental bodies and transcending from the third and fourth dimensions to the fifth dimension of Adam Kadmon, or state of perfected manhood. This is accomplished by gradually training yourself to vibrate at the highest levels of pure love and light. We continue similarly at cosmic levels. The process is ongoing.

The administrative levels of the Ashtar Command operate from divine and cosmic dimensions and can best be understood as being heavenly or angelic in nature. At these levels, we function as Councils of Light, collectives of divine purpose and sacred effort. We function as pure love and light, existing in what you call ascended (or undescended) etheric and immortal bodies of light. Being multidimensional, we can raise or lower our vibrations to any dimensional plane to manifest ourselves in service.

The Ashtar Command, also known as the Galactic Command and the Solar Cross Fleets, is comprised of personnel representing many dimensions, civilizations, and points of cosmic originWe have thousands of Earth and Earth-born representatives here as volunteers to help with the planetary ascension.

We have commanders, walk-ins, and incarnated rays from some of the commanders who often operate from higher levels. Our main characteristics are cheerful service, serenity, radiance and, above all, goodwill and love.

There are many extraterrestrial civilizations visiting and observing the earth during its transformation and ascension. Some are curious observers, some genetic scientists collecting data, some scientific survey teams, and others of varying degrees of undisclosed evolution. Any being that brings energies of fear, foreboding, depression or coercion is not aligned with the Ashtar Command!

Our energy signature is always one of love. We do not play any role in kidnapping, implantation, manipulation, intimidation or any type of mind control scenarios. We are not fortune tellers, nor will we tell you what you should or should not do.

We can point out areas where your service could be useful, if you wish. We always and always honor your free will and your right to choose to live your own life your way. Similarly, we don't judge what you do. That is between you and God. We do not have a score.

Trust yourself if you would interact with us. Rely on your intuitive inner knowledge as we communicate through telethought transmissions or telepathic printing. Our broadcasts may sound like ringtones, Morse code to your ears or head, or your own thoughts.

However, our advice is always divinely affirmative, positive, and loving. We also communicate through a language of light that may appear as pictograms in his mind, which he then interprets and expresses in his own words and concepts. We can also place it within a transmission beam so that it receives messages emitted from our ships or minds to your typewriter, computer or pencil and paper!

We will convey our messages to you if you present yourself sincerely with a pure heart and wish to serve as a transmitter of our message.

We and our spaceships are invisible to you unless you raise your frequency to match the level we maintain or vice versa! By raising or lowering our vibrations we can seem to appear or disappear. You can only see and hear the dimensional level that matches your frequency. As you learn to operate and modulate your frequency to include more multidimensional bands, you will discover the many life forms that share the cosmos with you.

You will also learn, as we have, to materialize, dematerialize and create with your mind everything you need.

We are not limited by time, space, distance, or size. So we can appear as a small spark, a shiny bubble, a shape as big as a skyscraper or a mothership the size of a city! Our ships are called merkabah, light bodied vehicles of great beauty, molded from our harmony and love to serve our missions and unified intention. They are as real at our level as their environment is for you!

Sometimes our spacecraft are partially densified to appear as stationary lenticular (or other) cloud formations or as a rainbow glow. We can also densify ourselves to land on the three-dimensional Earth or also within the fourth dimension.

We may look like a bright star that blinks red, white, and green, or appear as your familiar flying discs. Our boats are always very radiant and beautiful, shining with an aura of safety and friendliness.

We send you messages of love and wisdom through crop circles or snow and ice circles.

We also form messages within your skies. This will continue and increase until your planet realizes that you are not alone, that you are loved, and that you are part of a plan more beautiful and wonderful than you could have imagined. We have tried in this transmission to convey a little of the purpose of our heart. Please receive our love that we so freely offer to each of you on your beautiful planet.

In short, you can know us as the forces of Christ in a mission of love. We are the heavenly heralds of the good news of God's love for all of creation and the entrance of his world into an era of peace and goodwill for all. With blessings, we are the Ashtar Command. Adonia »

«Ashtar Sheran, the Great Cosmic Puppeteer»

(By Débora Goldstern - "Underground Chronicle")

For almost sixty years the figure of Asthar Sheran became a regular and active presence with great influence, even today in some of the most from the world of extraterrestrial contact or, UFO religion (UFO religion). This androgynous-style entity with almost angelic features, from its appearance garnered attention and gained a legion of followers.

The reason for this fascination would require the opinion of psychologists and in some cases even psychiatrists, to understand the motivations that drive even the most rational minds to devote themselves to an entity that is far from being decoded in its real dimension.

Although the case of Asthar Sheran deserved a certain type of attention among some scholars, most did not go beyond linking it to one of the fundamental springs of New Age, as well as demystification as to its true role, but without succeeding in unraveling the mystery that its presence provokes.

From Underground Chronicle, we decided to investigate in some of those gray areas, where we believe there are fundamental clues to solve the enigma that we currently know as Asthar Sheran. We are going to review three cases involving the mythical star commander, which we understand summarizes a little the history of his adventures.

- The first to come across the androgynous Venusian, was the American George Van Tassel, an aviation mechanic to whom Asthar appeared after a meditation session, which was held in Giant Rock, a place considered sacred by the ancient Indians of the area, and that stands in the middle of the Mojave desert, California.

According to what Tassel said at the first moment of the experience, he says he was astrally transported to a huge alien spacecraft that orbited the earth, where he met the so-called council of the seven sages. Date 1,951.

A year later, Tassel affirmed that he was visited by flesh and blood beings in his house, these were according to him, from Venus, who encouraged him to build a structure whose purpose was to extend human life; and helping people to take advantage of the aging process. This structure would be the "Integratron", his obsession for the next 25 years.

As a result of these encounters, it would lead to the realization of gigantic conventions of the public gathered to contact the space masters, and the publication of six books, one of which would become material for UFO worship. I Surround a Flying Saucer (1,952).

Let's look at one of the typical messages channeled by that American, most of which was accomplished by automatic writing, a resource that would also be abused by its followers to contact the "space brothers." The message was NUCLEAR CONCERN (July 18, 1952):

«[Greetings to you, beings of Shan, I greet you in love and peace, my identity is Ashtar, commander of the block sector, Schare patrol station, all projections, all waves.

Greetings, through The Council of the Seven Lights, you have been brought here with the inner light to help your neighbor.

You are mortal, and other mortals can only understand what your neighbor can understand. The purpose of this organization is, in a sense, to save humanity from itself. A few years ago their nuclear physicists penetrated the "Knowledge Book", they discovered how to exploit the atom.

Shameful as the results have been, that this force should be used for destruction, is not even compared to what it can be. We have not been concerned with its explosion of plutonium and UR 235, the parent element Uranium, this atom is an inert element.

We are concerned, however, with his attempt to exploit the element hydrogen.

This element is life-giving along with five other elements in the air they breathe, in the water they drink, in the composition of their physical substance, hydrogen. Their efforts in the field of science have been successful to the extent that they are not content to rest on their laurels of a power beyond its use, nor content with the entire destruction of an entire deity at a time.

They must have something more destructive, they have it. When they explode the hydrogen atom, they must extinguish life on this planet. They are playing with a formula that they do not understand.

They are destroying a life-giving element of Creative Intelligence. Our message to you is this: you must forward to your government all the information that we have transmitted to you. They should request that their government should immediately contact all other nations regardless of their political feelings.

Many of his physicists, with a development of internal perception, have refused to have anything to do with the explosion of the hydrogen atom. The explosion of an atom of inert substances and that of a living substance are two different things.

We are concerned with your deliberate determination to extinguish humanity and make this planet an ash. Their materialism will be at odds with our attempt to warn humanity.

Be careful, they must stop exploiting the life-giving atoms, or we must eliminate all the projects connected with them.

Our mission is peaceful, but this condition occurred before in this solar system and the planet, Lucifer, was shattered.

We are determined that it will not happen again. The governments of planet Shan have recognized that we are of a higher intelligence, they must also recognize that we are of a higher authority. So we don't have to go into their buildings to know what they're doing. We have the formula that you would like to use.

It is not understood to be for destruction.

Your purpose here has been to build a receptivity in such a way that we could communicate with your planet, because by the attraction of light substance atoms, we patrol your universe. For your government and for your people and through them for all the governments and all the people of the planet Shan, accept the warning as a blessing that humanity can survive.

My light, we must remain in contact here, in this cone of receptivity] ».

Many of the topics described in the story of Van Tassel, would be the model to be followed by others contacted, where similar elements are repeated in their interaction with the Venusian entity.

- A second case takes us to Europe where Asthar's footprint becomes visible again. Italy, Monte Manfré, ETNA
April 30, 1982 - Time 22:15. Protagonist: Eugenio Siragusa. At that time an arbitration employee from the Catania area.

According to Siragusa, self-styled 'messenger from aliens', the meeting with Sheran took place on Mount Manfré. There the Venusian commander along with another companion, Ithacar, delivered a message to the leaders of the earth alerting him about the use of atomic weapons.

Siragusa recounts that he had reached the middle of the steep slope when he saw the silhouette of two individuals at the top of the hill, whose silver spacesuit shone under the rays of the full moon. They were tall and athletic looking, with blonde hair falling over their shoulders. They wore shiny-looking wristbands and anklets that looked like gold. They had a luminous belt at the waist and strange plaques on the chest.

He said that seeing them his blood froze in his veins and he felt flooded with a cold sweat. He had been ardently awaiting that moment for ten years, but the isolated place, the night darkness, and the sudden encounter did not exactly stimulate its value. He said that one of the aliens directed a beam of green light at him, projected by an object in his hand, and instantly felt a strange sensation sweep over him, which immediately calmed him, giving him an indescribable serenity.

His heart, which at first seemed to want to explode in his chest, began to beat regularly and slowly. He stared at them both as if dumbfounded. Under the moonlight, he could make out her delicate features and her piercing, overwhelming gaze.

One of the two says he spoke to him in Italian: "Peace be with you son. We were waiting for you. Engrave in your mind whatever we tell you." The voice had no human timbre; It looked metallic and as if it came from a recorder. They gave him the message, and he tried to hold it in his memory to write it down as soon as he got home. (AGAIN THE NUCLEAR CONCERN)

«[Message to the Earth's potentates

Wise, Rulers!

To our regret, we must, once again, and necessarily, warn you that, in the event that you continue carrying out the crazy designs that you have set for yourself on nuclear experiments, nothing can be done to prevent our world from suffering a rude blow from disastrous and deadly nature.

If you want your planet not to be immersed again in the pain bath of a remote time, you must, in the most effective and decisive way, dismantle forever your unjustifiable madmen and deadly nuclear experiments. If we have set out to monitor your destiny, it is because we have nourished and still nourish great confidence in your future. By doing and acting as you proceed, you cause serious impediments to your positive intentions.

Be assured that if you find the strength and the courage to build a solid union between all the peoples of the earth and completely destroy all the destructive weapons that even today, and more than ever, make you proudly evil and morbidly aggressive, we will be authorized, for the love that unites us to you from the origins of the solar system, to approach us without any reservation, to provide you with the knowledge and a better science that will bring to all humanity on your earth a serene life, rich in happiness, in true freedom and in infinite prosperity.

By acting as you do, you provoke in us, in addition to difficulties, great disappointment and bitterness.

You could be truly free and, like us, owners of the universe and its eternal beauty, you could be free to rejoice by loving without suffering and without suffering.

In short, you could turn your eyes full of hope and love, of blessed serenity and spiritual sweetness, towards the living image of Him who is always the eternal Creator of All.

Why give up so much peace and happiness? Why do you want at all costs to destroy yourself in such a terrible way, denying in an instant your historical evolutionary fatigue?

This message, which we have dictated with great love, although with equal concern, is one of the most heartfelt invitations, given the seriousness of the events that you intend to carry out, we have done a lot and will continue to do everything possible to avoid the worst .

But in the event that you, rulers and scientists, choose the worst, we will have no other mission than to take out of the irremediable disaster only those who have recognized and understood us and who have loved their neighbor as we love you. we love. So stay awake and be responsible if you want to survive.

Do not make useless the heavenly forgiveness that Jesus-Christ brought you by grace of the Creator Father. In faith] ».

They raised their hands as a gesture of blessing and says they said: "Peace be with you", and they went to the disk that was next to one of the craters.

- / -

A data provided by Siragusa regarding the nature of Sheran, reveals that he considers himself as the "holy chief in charge of command of the fleet on mission over our planet."
Unlike Ashtar, Siragusa introduces the religious bond, which from there would elevate the Venusian to the position of spatial patron saint.

The result of his encounters with the "extraterrestrials" would be evidenced in speeches about the operation and energy used by the ufos, trips to the dark zone of the Moon, where he affirmed he contemplated alien bases as well as the beginning of groups that under the title of Cosmic Fraternity , spread throughout the world, were part of a legacy that the Italian contactee cultivated until his death.

- Our third element of study will be the Rahma Group, originally from Peru and with whom Asthar made contact in the mid-1970s.

As we know, Sixto Paz, its founder, claimed to be in communication with beings from the moons of Jupiter, Morlen and Ganymids, thus turning around in the classic Venusian encounters.

However, the "patron saint" also integrated the Rahma saga, although with a corruption as to pronunciation as it was known as Antar Sherar.

The event that we are going to relate and involves it took place in the Gorbea mountain, Bilbao, Spain and is narrated by JJ Benítez in "100,000 kilometers after the UFOs (1978)":

«[It was just after seven in the afternoon. I saw the tents. And the members of Rahma forming a circle in that kind of small esplanade, next to some white rocks in the mountains called Gorbea. Almost at the same time a feeling of peace flooded me. I felt a draft of warm air and when I noticed, that large, white-light ship was perched on the ground, a few meters from the group.

But the members of Rahma remained silent, followed in their meditations. And they seemed not to notice the landing of that splendid ship. I then saw two guides in front of the ship, one was Antar Sherar, the commander of the space fleet. But the other did not recognize him, he was somewhat shorter than Antar Sherar and dressed in the same way.

Their clothes were bright white, they were seamless. She wore like brighter wristbands, as well as knee-high boots, and also sparkling. And on the breasts it was distinguished as a horizontal stripe or forming a V.

The hair was long and as white as the clothes. I was amazed by their statures, they were all over two meters. Antar Sherar perhaps reached 2.50 meters. His eyes were slanted and his white skin, like that of the Nordic peoples, inspired fear in me.

I looked at the group absorbed and found that she was still absorbed in her thoughts and meditations, no one had moved. No one seemed to notice what was happening. But they were there.

Suddenly I saw something strange around the group. It was like a circle of energy and very close to the RAMA members "face to face of those two guides", I observed two other aliens, as tall as the one accompanying the commander, of the fleet of ships. They also dressed the same, and also gave off that beautiful white light as if they shone.

For half an hour the commander, the second guide, and the other beings spoke to the RAMA members. But none seemed to realize what was happening. They hadn't even seen them. At around half past seven the guides returned to their ship and disappeared.

But none of the RAMA members had noticed the presence of the beings from space ...] ».

According to some members participating in this meeting, Antar and his group emphasized, not only on the dominant atomic issue in previous times, but on the preparation of humanity for future contact between races, as well as alerts regarding future crises they would have the land as the protagonist.

I think the passage is highly revealing, and reveals essential aspects of the entity's behavior regarding its link to human receptors.

He also points out that it is through the old occultism of the school, which we have been proclaiming for a long time, where we will find the necessary keys to decipher this mystery.


C omencemos with analysis - First topic: Venus. Occultism teaches that "each planet is considered a school where specific teachings are learned.

- Uranus is known as the Tenth Order School of Magic . 
- Vulcan is called The School of Fire Stones , and humans under The influence of this planet have a special relationship with the mineral world. - Jupiter is the school of beneficial magicians , where those who practice constructive magic are trained. - Mars is the school of warriors . - Venus is the school of five. strict grades - Mercury has the school for the Children of Aspiration .

All of these terms really make no sense to ordinary man, but the Earth, which is known as the School of Magnetic Response, calls its disciples "the Graduates of the Sorrowful Enterprise," a title that no one will have difficulty in. understand.

It is also said that "the planet Venus and the Lords of the Flame figure very frequently in the mysterious doctrines, for the following reasons: it is known that Venus is a sacred planet, and that its inhabitants reached a much more advanced state of evolution.

Several eons ago, the Lords of the Flame waged a battle on Venus against the Lords of the Dark Face. This does not mean that the planet was traversed by bands of strange types that cascaded each other with atomic bombs and laser beam weapons. It is only a way of saying that the spirit triumphed over matter. Thanks to her triumph Venus leads the Earth in all phases of its development, and therefore is in a position to help its inhabitants. The Lords of the Flame "are not Venusians from space", but one of the great spiritual Hierarchies that guide our solar system.

The mysteries say that they began to control the evolution of humanity on Earth about eighteen million years ago, in times of the Lemurid or third-root race.

CONTACT APPOINTMENTS OF THE CONTACTED : Giant Rock - Mojave Desert, Monte Manfré and Monte Gorbea

✓ Giant Rock - The Mojave desert has a history that is highly suggestive.

The same year that Van Tessel proclaimed his encounters with Asthar, another contact jumped to the public fore, George Adamsky, when he mentioned that he was approached in those solitary places by an entity, oh ... coincidence, of Venusian origin, that He called himself Orthon, also concerned, oh ... by chance, about the development of nuclear weapons.

As if that were not enough, Mojave is home to the famous Area 51. And it seems that the famous king of the world lives in its entrails, if we listen to a rumor that circulates since 1986.

Giant Rock, on the other hand, beyond residing in this enigmatic enclave, is a stone considered sacred, engraved with innumerable petroglyphs, most of them linked to the cosmic.

✓ Mount Manfré
Crater off the slope of the Etna volcano.

✓ Monte Gorbea
Located in the Basque mountains.

A priori these three localities do not suppose any connection for the reader, but if one reviews the history of the encounters of the Jewish prophet Moses at Mount Sinai, with the "burning bush", everything begins to acquire meaning, and we begin to understand the staging of the venusian Asthar, where the desert, the great mountain elevations, find a surprising similarity with the Judaic saga. As we say the perfect setting.

Both Van Tessel and Siragusa received certain data of interest that pointed to the operation of certain machines, such as the case of Integraton, designed for cell rejuvenation, although currently impossible to carry out.

Siragusa, for example, left countless writings on the energy used by UFOs that made their activation possible, although they do not offer much attention from scholars, perhaps due to prejudice.

We must understand, on the other hand, that talking about a technology that defies known laws and breaks with established paradigms, is not easy to channel in our current science, and because some of those alien revelations, in most cases, fail in their recreation.

If we take the occult texts again, they say that man is still far from accessing certain forgotten powers, which involve the unknown sides of nature, mainly due to his poor spiritual development.

In the Cosmic Fire Treaty, we read:
"When these qualities come to the fore, and when man has demonstrated the authenticity of his will to serve. It will be when he is given the key by which he will discover the method for controlling and using electric energy, which will manifest itself in the form of light, heat and movement, you will discover the source of the motor drive first in the outer centers of the system, and you will also discover the basic rhythm. Then, and only then, will you become an intelligent collaborator and, escaping the control of the law of the three worlds, it will be he who dictates the laws to the lower spheres. "

Adamski for example postulated that UFOs were controlled "with what he called ideo-motor movement", a hypothesis that refers to the enigmatic Hindu vimanas, which apparently linked the psychic aspect with matter. Considering these recommendations, does it not seem reasonable that the alien entities, to call them somehow, have in mind to deliver advanced technology to man, since the limitations for their recreation are immense?

But as we see, they like to please their receivers or channelers ... Or rather create problems for them, presenting them with projects that are not very feasible, because they are too ahead of their time.

This analysis on the figure of Asthar, whom we choose because of his ancestry in innumerable groups of contacts, can be applied to any entity that is contacting individuals and groups, since they generally behave similarly.

Perhaps many of the readers refuse to disassociate the charismatic commander from his extraterrestrial origin, since, as we saw, his appearances suggest another reality, much closer, and that only the occultism of school, applied in the realization of this work, can reveal that. that is hidden behind the facade of these contacts.

As we know, man has a long way to go in the spiritual, and he does not know laws that perhaps in the future and depending on his progress he will be able to discover.

The approach with entities that say they want to help us as a race, represents a danger for the recipient, since they are at a frank disadvantage and little prepared for the action of such powerful energies.

It is first necessary for man to advance and then he does attempt communication with that other reality, not before, since, as we said, it is far from being understood.

(By Débora Goldstern - "Underground Chronicle)

"Ashtar Sheran claims the hijacking of the MH370, a Malaysia Airlines Airplane, disappeared on March 8, 2014"

Considered one of the greatest aviation mysteries, Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared after leaving Kuala Lumpur in the direction of Beijing on March 8, 2014, which started a vast search operation in the southern Indian Ocean that failed to find the main fuselage after tracking 232,000 kilometers.

All sorts of news had come to light in line with the possible fate of the missing plane. However, as the title of this article says, Ashtar Sheran claimed the hijacking of that aircraft; His most salient words were: "We Have the Missing Plane from Malaysia."

As it was being said in those last years, all politics was going to be geopolitical, and geopolitical exopolitical. For those who were not very informed with the latest events of those years, at least now they will know the most important news from Russia and Asia.

Things were about to go bad in that part of the world. The Cabal wanted its Third World War; but according to Ashtar, "they had challenged the ONE in their own face, and when they should have retired, on the contrary they planned to risk the future of humanity in a dice throw. Fortunately, with the process of ascension so much in the offing, he says, his Father gave the green light to the intervention without waiting any longer for the declassification that had to be announced by Obama, so with the consent of the 'ONE', Ashtar sent a ship to Ukraine forcing the parties, including Putin, to withdraw. Flight 327 from Malaysia is 'hijacked by Galactic Federation ships' and taken to the center of the planet, to Agartha, where the crew, all previously warned Lightworkers, were safe and sound. The Plane is itself the declaration of the Galactic Federation to Declassify itself. Commander Ashtar first reported on the events, and the Marial Ship then landed at a secret location for 'The Contact', the first official meeting between the ground and the Federation. Subsequently, the 'UNO' sent a message warning of its intention not to allow the Dark Cabal any more than a single act of war. And he released an ultimatum to simply erase all existence that goes against the divine plan of peace, harmony and love that are the premises of the Golden Age, as well as the possibility for others to ascend to 5D and return to their respective places of origin.

The following is a document channeled by Ashtar Sheran himself, where a few hours later after the disappearance of the MH370 Boening 777 Airplane, this message of his appeared, declaring the hijacking:

«This is Ashtar, regards:

I have to say that all this has been very shocking. And first of all, I must tell you that the passengers of Flight 370 are absolutely delighted to spend their time where they are now.

And I'm going to tell you where they are. They are truly in Hollow Earth.

When they return, they will have a good story to tell them. They will be interviewed by television, radio and the media of all kinds.

The cigar-shaped spacecraft has been assigned to fly above every conflict location on planet Earth. When they return from Hollow Earth, they are going to get very serious talking about what they are already knowing as the Galactic Plan.

The passengers have asked us to be able to be the emissaries of the message, to create equality, and to insist to the governments, all over the planet, that they deliver all the weapons of mass destruction and that the NESARA law be implemented throughout the world. world.

There are many planes from various countries searching for the wreckage of the plane. They won't find anything, because no plane crashed or failed. Simply put, we take it very carefully and take it to the Hollow Earth. And they are all fine.

If any of you have a family in China or Malaysia, please tell them that you are perfectly safe and sound, in the loving hands of the Galactic Federation. Many of them have their cell phones with them and eventually they will be allowed to send messages to their loved ones.

Firstly, we have to wait for these units of people, who are sure that they are going to find some evidence, to finish scrutinizing the entire Asian continent.

There are accounts that say "the plane may have strayed from its trajectory, it may have set out to cross Malaysia" ... well ... of course it did not.

As you can see, when all this happened, our ships were just off the coast, anticipating. We chose this airline ourselves, this particular plane, because of a group of passengers that was inside. When we captured her, we were very careful with the passengers and with the onboard team.

There is a great connection between the ship that appeared in Ukraine, Flight 370 that was lost, and the introduction of the NESARA Act, which will shake the entire planet to enter a new way of governing.

We are looking at how to create an environment in which we will let the leaders of all countries (by the way there are many nationalities on that plane), particularly those who have citizens of their country on the plane, know that we are open to negotiating with them. , and that passengers will be released when they have signed the NESARA Law.

The world has to understand that until there is an agreement to sign the law, the held passengers will not return.

Of course, we are not holding passengers against their will. Unless you want to go home, and we will work with you to make it possible. But there are many who say that until it is signed, they do not want to return.

They know that they are the ones who will bring World Peace. They are now the diplomats, the representatives of their countries. They are dedicated to the project and fully understand its importance. These are very special times!

We are not going to appropriate anyone, or anything. We have offered our help, and if passengers do not wish to take part in all of this at some point, we will take them home.

Our intentions are to bring Love, Peace and Brotherhood. The kind of Love and Fellowship that we experience in the higher dimensions. We wish them well, love, happiness and joy. We are here to stay by your side, and bring you the glorious paradigm that has been promised to you.

You have made it possible, dear friends. Don't surf the Internet saying "Oh this is a lie, because it can't be true, because I know it's not true."

Just because it hasn't happened before doesn't mean it's not true. Or because they have not seen any previous action, clear and forceful, it does not mean that it will not happen. It has taken a long time, but we are building that "Momentum", all of us together.

There will be no more nuclear weapons, no destruction of that kind. There will be no Armageddon. Focus on the Light. Focus on Achievements, for they are there. Focus on the real change that is happening on the Planet, as the real change is happening everywhere.

Yes, there are still remnants of smoke trails in the sky, and they are remnants. There will be no plague, no Nuclear war. You are working with us, and we are co-creating it together.

Be a part of the Solution and the Hope, and not the skeptics who say "I am going to discredit everything that this criminal named Ashtar says."

Ignore the foremen. Don't read those things. Listen to your hearts, and let yourself be lifted up. Everything is happening. Unfortunately, your Media is not going to tell you about this news. Don't count on it.

There are sources on the Internet; there are pipes. Listen carefully, because along with the words that we send you, there is also the vibration that will help you to lift yourself up. It is all about Ascension, and raising your vibration.

Leave fears behind. Leave suspicions behind. This wonderful journey will end with your Ascension, which is the beginning of a whole new life. I hope I have encouraged you.

Everything is fine, progress has been made, and there are surprises just around the corner.

Open your minds and your hearts, because it is going to be much more wonderful than you have ever imagined ».

- / -


As has always been said and is known, genuine Light Beings do not abduct people, do not physically interact with or speak through channelers, do not ask for rituals on a full, waning, or waning moon, let alone during alignments. of the planets or kabbalistic dates and do not ask to be worshiped, as is the case when someone says "holy chief".

There was already talk on another subject regarding the existence of a board of Beings from different worlds that make up a directive known as the "Galactic Federation", and also of its most outstanding law, "NO INTERFERENCE" in internal political, social affairs , economic and cultural of the worlds, and thus make prevail what they call themselves as "Free Will". However here in this hijacking experience, Ashtar Sheran claims on behalf of the Galactic Federation the right to interfere with the ground modus vivendi by hijacking a human aircraft (apart from other things that we will see in the next chapter), in order to try to compel signing to all presidents a supposed Law that professes economic equality and the end of human poverty worldwide, the Nesara Law, post Gesara.

NESARA is an acronym for National Economic Security And Reformation Act / Ley Nacional de Reforma y Seguridad Económica. It refers to a supposed American law that would have been elaborated in principle when the American empire was founded, ratified at the time by Bill Clinton until "before leaving office" (ironic that he did not ratify while ruling. Absurd). The Law aims to end the power of banks and proposes justice for all. However, the empire is also founded on the "capitalist, expansion and consumption" system.

This entity, Ashtar Sheran / Naresh Rathsa / Aruseak or whatever he calls himself or others, works with different orders of Beings whose mission is to bring humanity to the New World Order, among those organizations of Beings are the so-called Brotherhood Blanca, made up of the so-called 'ascended masters', who, as Ashtar himself said of these in one of his previous messages: they usually incarnate in human bodies, skipping the birth process, calling these host bodies as Walk-ins and they come to meet the relevant missions as servants of the Elohim YHWH to impose a unique world religion based on Catholicism (ECUMENISM), such as the mission of the so-called 'ascended master' Kuthumi, who would have possessed the body of Francis of Assisi in the past,and it is the same entity that now rests in the walk-in body of today's Pope Francis, called as the Christ of the earth (not Jesus Christ), because on his shoulders they say rests the responsibility of influencing all the religious leaders of the world: evangelicals , charismatics, protestants, orthodox, Mormons, Christians, Catholics, Anglicans, Muslims, Jews, the new era, etc., to unite them through the 'ecumenism' that he is promoting in his pontificate.ecumenism 'that he is driving in his pontificate.ecumenism 'that he is driving in his pontificate.

Could it be that, having a Nordic appearance, blue-eyed blonde, a non-terrestrial Being and calling himself Commander, Ashtar did not commit a crime by claiming that he was the one who hijacked the Malaysia Airlines plane in 2014?

Quite apart from this analysis and consideration, which is not the last word at all, judge for yourself the facts and draw your own conclusion. 
source: la luz news II *** © misteri1963 this publication may be freely reproduced on condition of respecting its integrity and mentioning the author, as the source of the same include URL and the notice of the Copyright ***

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