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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Messages from the Galactic Federation of Light. Mostrar todas las entradas

6 de marzo de 2020

Mike Quinsey Message: It is the time for reconciliation. - Benevolent View

Mike Quinsey Message, March 06, 2020           
It is the time for reconciliation as you cannot ascend until you have forgiven those souls who have offended you. You must make peace with everyone who has hurt you in any way and the sooner the better. It matters not whether they are one of the most evil souls living, as you do not help them or yourself if you continue to put up barriers against them. Life is something of a pantomime except that you rightly take it very seriously. However, the fact remains that even the darkest of souls can turn to the light, and they are helped by those who can see the inner soul spark of light in them. No one is beyond redemption and they could become fully lighted given the chance.

You will find it difficult to get beyond your present dimension if you hold onto grudges against another soul. Forgiveness is a big factor in your life and it is best practised whenever you feel that you have been wronged. Some are concerned that an aggressor will get away with their treatment of you, but realise that when their life is completed they pass on as with all souls and a review of their life takes place. It is then that the truth behind their problem is known as only the truth can exist in such circumstances.

So there is no avoiding an individual’s responsibility and neither is there punishment. Understand that such a review is held in a truly amicable way and it is not so much to point out “blame” but to enable true reasons to be understood, and hopefully avoid a repetition in any future life. There may be karma involved as sometimes there can be a situation that calls for future experiences to make good the errors that have taken place. As you may see it, no one “gets away” with negative action against another soul. So, ideas of revenge as a means of paying someone back are never justified or necessary.

Being a loving caring soul calls for a very benevolent view of others and their life. However, putting others first does not rule out also covering for your own needs. You do not need to live a life in poverty to prove you are not selfish or out for self-aggrandisement. It is a matter of degree and doing things according to your ability and opportunities. You cannot be all things to all people but by always doing things with the best of intentions you will be acting according to your beliefs and spiritual understanding.

Genuine spiritual help calls for nothing in return as the joy is in the giving. However, accepting thanks in whatever form it may take allows the beneficiary to feel that they have acknowledged your kindness. Such actions help create a higher vibration and by example you encourage others to follow suit. At present you live in a world where so many are desperate for some kind of help and it presents others with an opportunity to respond in a benevolent way. Some people believe that you get what you deserve and are reluctant to help, but fail to understand that at times all souls have experience the ups and downs of lives experiences.

We realise that not all souls are in the same position to be able to help others, but sometimes even a few kind words of sympathy can lift another soul up. Truly you cannot really understand another person’s problems but helpful advice and a genuine sympathy can lift them up. Simply caring about other people and their well-being can help immensely and those who lead a solitary life often lack the value of social contact. If everyone was to care about those needing such contact the general feeling of well-being would rise up. Caring for others is a natural part of a human’s make-up and ensures society does not neglect those in need.

If mankind can expand the set-up of help centres for those in need you will have the basis of a caring society that could soon end the poverty that presently exists at some level in all countries. If the wealth of the world was spread more evenly the standard of living would improve very quickly, and all could at least have their basic needs covered. If the intent is there to make things happen you can be assured that you will get every help from our side of the veil.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey

29 de febrero de 2020

Mike Quinsey, Higher Self: Advancements

Mike Quinsey message, February 28, 2020     

At a time when many new inventions being developed in secret, however, is an amazing time to be present on Earth. Behind all the turmoil that is taking place, they are making great strides forward that will drive faster than ever to the New Era. Advances are occurring in many different industries and are such that it will be impossible to keep them secret. In fact, when necessary, there is a degree of urgency to come forward. Free energy and water are among the first on the list, and how climate changes occur, the needs of people in some areas is becoming urgent.

For example, for some time know how to economically convert sea water in the tap water, and disclosure of such information would ensure that there was a global problem because of the shortage. Free energy would be a great addition to ensure that people can be autonomous and to see their way through climate change ends in one way or another. If you added food replicators, people would become almost completely self - sufficient. These changes are coming and the question is whether they will arrive fast enough to avoid the most extreme result of climate change.

Some of you may wonder why any group would have the power to prevent new inventions are available to all and the most likely answer is that the military did not want the technology available to those seen as enemies. However, most of the inventions can be used for peaceful purposes and should not be denied to the population. Dark are in decline but may still interfere with the work of those who have positive intentions, but the Alliance is too powerful to be stopped in its goals to liberate the world from interference.

Dear, have been asked to be patient with the delay extended to allow them to benefit from some inventions that are already in use but until those in power have in mind to put people first, they will have to wait changes at a given time . level can order the progress of humanity. Your alien friends are ready to help, but are subject to laws prohibiting interference in the affairs of others unless circumstances permit. However, they anticipate it will not be long before they are allowed to establish full contact with you. If enough of you talk peace and act peacefully, would help bring about the changes they crave.

Regardless of what part and regardless of where you are right now, be sure that each of you is in the right place for this particular time. Some may not be enjoying their life experiences, but all souls are where they can make the most progress to improve its evolution. For some there is still need to remove the old karma so they can finally move forward with a clean sheet. In the present time, the new karma where necessary can be instantaneous and can no longer take it forward. Some of you do not understand karma, but it is simply a way to learn from their mistakes.

The effects of the new energies are being felt everywhere and it is remarkable that bring a more relaxed and peaceful energy that transmutes negative. It will continue that way until a peaceful absolute level becomes normal. At that time, the Ascension will occur through the tremendous flash of light from the sun.  Many of you will ascend at that time and will be in the new Earth. It will provide everything you need and do not want anything. You will become a superior version of yourself with your higher self and you will have all the attributes of a superior soul.

You will witness and be part of an event that only occurs at the end of a complete solar cycle and you remember that Ascension is unique insofar as you ascend your current body. Naturally, their vibrations will have elevated before the event, so you'll be well prepared for it. They shall apply little or nothing of the old ways, and it will become galactic being with all the attributes associated with this higher level of being. Now you understand why there is so much importance associated with Ascension. 'Ve worked hard to achieve the highest levels and praise for your achievement are in order.

His remaining time at current levels will be short but will be tested, as there are energies present that have not yet removed that can distract you from your goal. We have said many times that knows, but does not allow it to interfere with your life plan. Do not engage in them unless you have the karmic responsibility to do so. However, in reality there is nothing to fear, since you passed the marker and shown that you are ready to ascend. There is still a way to go before the event takes place and the Pleiadians are available to help. Now they are in your solar system but has not yet been revealed. They are similar to your family and look at you that way.

As time passes, you will find that the introduction of beneficial inventions will accelerate and will have the effect of removing the old ways and reliability of the methods that are outdated. It will be his introduction to the New Era and a new way of life that will allow you to follow your wishes. The entire galaxy will be yours to explore and learn about the different types of beings in it. In fact, some have been in contact with Earth, but only for commercial purposes. Your place is really in the Galaxy and will be relieved and happy to have so much freedom while you meet other humans that are in it. But for restrictions around your Earth that prevent direct interaction with you, and they have landed on Earth.

We leave you with love and blessings, and that the Light illumine your days and your way to the end. This message comes through my higher self , my Divine Being, and every soul has the same inner connection with God.

In love and light.
Mike Quinsey

15 de febrero de 2020

The Acceptance of Differences by Lord Melchizedek

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

I, Lord Melchizedek, bring into your awareness a key stage of mastery that you will move through and embody when you are ready. Each level and stage of mastery encourages your unification with and expression of the Creator through your being whether you exist within an energetic or physical body. Your experiences on the Earth, what you create, how you react, all allow you to move through different stages of spiritual mastery, retrieving wisdom, knowingness, trust in self and the Creator as well as feeling deepening freedom. You could liken stages of mastery as lessons that offer enlightenment. While there are specific embodiments
which take place, each person experiences their manifestation within their being and reality in different and diverse ways. Thus, mastery for each person appears unique and yet everyone is striving to reach the same goal. When you experience unification with the Creator, you embody the entire universe of the Creator, the presence of infinity and a limitless awakening; full freedom can be the only way to describe this. Freedom for your spiritual being, soul and soul group, which will powerfully impact your existence on the Earth. As a physical being you have a powerful role in your journey of mastery as many deep-seated shifts that require to take place are played out within your being and your physical reality. Everything you do, say and think has the potential to make a difference to your reality, ascension, mastery and the evolutionary divine plan of the Creator.

Do You Embody Acceptance?

This is a powerful question to ask yourself, answering with honesty and integrity. It is most likely that you do embody acceptance to a certain degree although not fully. To embody acceptance is to live your life from the space of loving acceptance within you. It is to accept yourself, others, your life, experiences, and the world completely. Acceptance doesn’t mean that you have to agree with or believe in. It doesn’t even mean you allow, understand, or tolerate. Acceptance doesn’t invite you to resign yourself to certain outcomes of manifestations. The acceptance, I, Lord Melchizedek, speak of is to be present without judgment, to receive and to acknowledge. When you accept a person you are present with them, letting go of any judgments that may arise within you, receiving all they are or are not sharing/ expressing, and acknowledging them which is welcoming them to be themselves in every given moment, knowing you are allowing yourself to be truthful. This is the same for any experience, part of your reality or aspect of yourself.

Acceptance is a powerful stage of mastery because it encourages you to see, sense or acknowledge yourself and reality with greater clarity. You begin to recognise things beyond your previous perceptions, ideas, and beliefs. Embodying acceptance opens your being and world to you creating freedom, love and the truth of the Creator.

When you commit to embodying acceptance you begin to experience internal shifts, awakening enlightenment and a deepening clarity of yourself and the Creator. You may also begin to see/ perceive things in a different way. In truth, you learn or remember how to see the world and yourself through the eyes of the Creator, a magical and empowering experience. Imagine viewing yourself and the world from unconditional love, infinity, and an eternal bond.

The Power of Differences

Each soul or spark expressed from the Creator is the same as the Creator and yet is unique. No person on the Earth is the same however many similarities may be apparent. Each person/ soul is different and yet born from the same source. Differences are a part of the Creator; they are a core function and an essence of life / ascension. Gazing through the eyes of the Creator the differences that manifest within all aspects of the Creator are exciting, informative, expressive and create growth or a journey of self/Creator discovery. When we accept that differences are a key aspect of the Creator, we begin to recognise differences within and all around us with awe and understanding.

Do You Embody Acceptance of Difference?

With the realisations that difference of any form or kind are an expression of the Creator, so you can begin to evaluate your beliefs and the way you view yourself and the world in your current reality. Do you perceive differences are negative, something to be feared or a source of separation? Do you judge others for their difference or judge yourself feeling separated from others? This requires tremendous thought and contemplation. How are you perceiving yourself and the world around you? With an understanding of acceptance and a new understanding of differences what changes could be made to your thinking as you perceive the world around and within you?

Many choose to isolate themselves or others because they judge them as being different in some way or another. Disagreements, wars, misunderstandings, abuse, seclusion, suffering, loneliness, and fear are all a product or manifestation of judging differences. In truth, differences have the power to bring unity and oneness to your being and the world.

Observe the differences you recognise within your being.

Are you willing to view these differences from a space of acceptance within you?

Observe the differences you recognise in the people around you.

Are you willing to view these differences from a space of acceptance within you?

Observe the differences you recognise in the world.

Are you willing to view these differences from a space of acceptance within you?

It is important to remember the acceptance of differences doesn’t mean that you have to agree with or believe in. It doesn’t even mean you allow, understand, or tolerate. Acceptance doesn’t invite you to resign yourself to certain outcomes of manifestations. The acceptance, I, Lord Melchizedek, speak of is to be present with difference without judgment, to receive and to acknowledge them. To then speak, react or create from a space of unconditional love within you. Something new, insightful or illuminating may then appear to you as a result of your acceptance.

If acceptance is difficult then understand that healing may be required in order for acceptance to manifest. You may wish to call upon your community of guide to assist you with the necessary healing. There is no need for you to understand what healing is required and why. Simply allow healing to take place when it is needed and bathe in the benefits.

Gradually you will change your perception of difference and thus shift your reality and ascension. There is so much to experience. It is time to embrace the unique expressions of the Creator.

A Final Note

While my communication to you describes a stage of ascension and mastery you are ready to embody, it also presents to you what is needed in your world now to create healing, peace and the manifestation of the truth of the Creator. Imagine if a large percentage of the world and world leaders adopted acceptance of difference, what would be created for all to experience? This is a time where powerful shifts and transformations are possible.

With love, truth, and peace,

Lord Melchizedek

20 de enero de 2020

The Importance of Language and Thoughts by the Arcturians

We express our greetings to you upon a wave of the purest vibration of Arcturian truth. We greet you with the strength of our love and the power of our inner peace. In greeting you and all beings in this way we create a vibration within and around us that supports our existence in every moment.
Do you create a vibration from within you and through your actions to support your existence upon the Earth? Do you realise you can support your existence and creations on the Earth through the vibration you choose to exist as? While the vibration of your soul cannot be altered and only elevated, your vibration on the Earth depends upon your choices, thoughts, examples and how you live in the physical reality. Thus, your vibration impacts and changes the reality you experience. You could liken your vibration to your energy, the atmosphere you create, or the qualities you exude. It can be the way you see yourself or the impression others receive.
We, the Arcturians, focus upon the purest vibration from the core of the Arcturian Soul Group, thus everything we are and do becomes an expression of this. Where do you choose or feel guided to place your focus in order to awaken the flow of vibration through you that serves you? In taking time to contemplate where it is most appropriate for you to place your focus, you will welcome and become acquainted with the vibration of the Creator and your truth, which truly wishes to flow through you. Your mind may not be able to answer this question, your soul will guide you to new understandings of yourself. Then you can recognise and make choices that empower and serve your vibration. Thus, you become magnetic, powerful and a beacon of truth.

Everything you are is in your reality at some time or another.

If there are aspects of yourself you reject, hide or dismiss, so you will experience them in your reality. If you take time to cleanse your mind, emotions, and soul, so you will encounter a powerful experience of everything flowing ease in your reality. There are limiting habits within you which seem unresolvable and yet you are simply not allowing yourself to see, sense or acknowledge a solution. There are aspects of your mind, emotions, and creations which you are blind to and there are energies, fears or anxieties which you hold onto so you can carry them with you. Everything will show up in your reality, then it is time to let go within you that which creates a disappointing and painful reality for you.
It is important to mention that all that is divine, love, peace, truth and the Creator within you will also show up in your reality. Sometimes it can be more challenging to recognise and project the magnificence you are because to do so requires more courage than recognising the limiting energies you are holding onto. Courage is needed because when you recognise the divinity within your being and choose to be a shimmering example of it; following your intuition in every choice you make, you are taking responsibility for your creations and imprint in every moment of your life.
Rather than following the ideas, concepts, ways, and examples of others, you become fully accountable for your life and experiences, recognising that every step, word and thought impacts the divine plan of the Creator, the Universe of the Creator and especially the reality of the Earth. To live your life knowing this requires tremendous self-connection, trust, and unconditional love. You can live a full and powerful life if you choose to. A life where you draw the wisdom of your soul to the surface to be your guide and expression. Please do not interpret our expression to you as a need to be perfect or even the perfection of the Creator in your reality. Your being may wish to be perfect, however, perfection is unobtainable. The perfection of the Creator is already within you, it is the innocence and sacred flow of your essence, soul, and energy. It has nothing to do with being exact or flawless. It is time for you to discover your own blazing light, your own pathway, and your inner values, to do so is to be an expression of the Creator. We, the Arcturians wish to encourage you to contemplate our expression and sharing to you, so you may align with the healing vibration we are sharing designed to realign you with your truth, while also restoring your inner power.

The Empowerment of Creation

The Creator’s energy of creation is building momentum on the Earth and throughout the Universe of the Creator. Your soul, all souls are preparing to manifest from the light shifts that generate transitions and the formation of what may seem like a new world. Inner awakenings, harmonious living, peace, reconciliation, and unity will be visible within all creations. Each person’s ability to create, manifest and experience that which is within them in their outer reality will be amplified. Having a sense of what you/ your soul wishes to create for yourself and the world has never been more important.
Everything you are is manifesting as the reality you experience; this is becoming more and more real with every moment.
With this in mind, we, the Arcturians, wish to bring your attention to the language, words and thoughts you use every day. The choices you make in all three support the manifestation of your experiences in your life. In order to benefit from the empowerment of your creative energy taking place, there is a need to align your language, words, and thoughts with your true meaning. Listen to the statements you make/ create about yourself, your life and others. What do the statements you make and the phrases you use say about yourself? Are they born from habit? Someone else’s thoughts and words you have adopted? Do you mean what you are saying? Are you saying one thing and meaning something else? Does your language fully describe your intention, purpose, and meaning?
Your language, the words you use and the thoughts you create are now more than ever your tool for manifestation and creating the ascension of the Earth. It is important all three are as clear and precise as possible, expressing your inner meaning. This doesn’t mean that you must only create positive and loving thoughts. It is acceptable to have a negative thought or to make a limiting statement. The key is to realise that your language, thoughts, and words must be in alignment with the feelings, purpose, and intentions within you.
Remember that every word and thought has the power and capacity to program your subconscious mind, which is the source of most of your experiences. Do you actually mean what you say and do you want what you say to come true?
Examples: You’re such a nuisance. I would forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on. I am a drama queen. I have been hurt too many times. You drive me crazy. You are disgusting. I am so stupid. I always have bad luck. I am too old for that. I can’t trust anyone. That child is so naughty. I am fat. Life is hard. No one cares.
Sometimes something is said with affection, however, if you took away the affection the wording is judgemental or hurtful. This is when your inner meaning isn’t aligned with the words or thoughts you are creating. Alignment is needed within every part of your being and life.
It is time to cleanse and heal your language, the creation of the world and your world depends upon it. Let all aspects of your being be aligned. Speak from the truth within you and ensure you truly mean everything you say. Each word is creating your reality step by step.
Our words are to encourage a deeper discover into your being and the power you hold over your life and creations.
In loving gratitude for all you are,


Channeled through Natalie Glasson  – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

20 de diciembre de 2019

Stellar message Commander Ashtar Galactic Federation of Light. We have reached agreements with key members of the Cabal and his surrender is now at hand!

Shared by our friend
Thank you.-
Ronald Parker
Thank you.-
Shaz Amaana
3 hours
Greetings: I am the star Commander Ashtar Galactic Federation of Light!
We are approaching a major milestone!
📍 We have reached agreements with key members of the Cabal and his surrender is now at hand!
You will witness the official surrender soon in the coming days and want to publicize this event across your world and take this opportunity to its greatest advantage!
At this time we are making sure that these arrests will be televised for all to see throughout the world, which will act as a signal to our allies allow time to make your move is at hand.
📍 The Galactic Federation of Light is, among many things, to share their experience in the field of Management of the Government to establish world peace according to the Galactic Codex.
We have many allies who have been positioned for quite some time and are fully trained and prepared to step in and fill new positions at higher levels of government throughout the world!
📍 United States has been an important country in many of The Dealings Of The Dark Ones andbelieve that this is the most important place where these changes occur along different branches of the government!
Here is where you will carry out the most significant changes and this is where most Altos be set in these important times!
There are many surprises for all of you and we are sure that all your hard work and your wait will be worth it!
- Sit back and enjoy what should be a very exciting show! We promise that you would not want to miss!
These arrests will clear the way for our fleet make open contact with you, the people of planet Earth!
We have much work to accomplish together and we are very eager to follow the path!
Remove the Cabal and their minions of power is perhaps the biggest obstacle that has blocked many roads throughout its long history, but we see that many avenues become clear so fast that Your world is short to experience changes to that incredible speed!
Many of you will be amazed at the speed in which it can take place such great metamorphosis of a civilization and we are sure that everyone will enjoy much of what awaits them.
Many of their worlds have suffered for so long and now is the day that their suffering has come to an end!
We are very anxious to see that suffering ceases around your world and this is where we will put our focus immediately!
I am StarCommander Joan Ashtar
© misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author / a, as a source of it and include this URL and notice of the Copyright

2 de diciembre de 2019

The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild,The Federation of Light: You Are Being Of Great Service

How wonderful to be able to connect up with you, not just today, yet, in general. You have offered so much advice as to how to ‘cope’ in these tumultuous times, and for this service we are so grateful to you.
Welcome ONE and ALL. We thank you for your accolades, Dearest Blossom and yet, we are very much in the background upon this mission. For it is you … YOU BEAUTIFUL BEINGS OF LIGHT upon the Earth plane, that are the ones who are BEING(S) OF GREAT SERVICE.
You knew before you ‘arrived’ of how it would be. You knew also, that your memory of this KNOWING would be erased upon that arrival.
Yet, deep down in the core of your BEING, YOUR KNOWING KNOWS … and this is why you follow your heart’s call and remain steadfast and diligent.
For although ‘time’ is an ongoing ‘wait’ for you all, you know too, that what is to come is to be of such GREAT CHANGE … in ways of LIGHT and LOVE SHINING DOWN UPON AND WITHIN YOUR PLANET … AND WITHIN THE HEART’S CORE OF YOUR VERY BEINGNESS.
The strength that is to present itself to you, in ways that are not yet understood, will give you new found perspectives on the reasoning of why you are here.
That which once appeared to be normal, will not be so. For a ‘new normal’ is approaching and it is to be something that fills ‘EVERYTHING’ to the brim with a NEW BEGINNING.
Do you mean THE EVENT when you say this?
We mean a build up to it. Things will fall apart, systems shall quiver and much sadness and upheaval will ensue.
And a Merry Christmas to you, too!
The fact is, Blossom … You live in a world of opportunity. You live in a world of Courage. You seek out that which is OF THE LIGHT and you follow it.
When you TRULY, FULLY KNOW THE POWER WITHIN YOU … such disturbances that indeed will be enormous … will not actually ‘disturb’ YOUR equilibrium, unless you allow it to.
As each ugly gesture of a deeply negative Vibration surfaces, it is ENTIRELY UP TO YOU as to how you choose to accept it and what your intentions are to ‘Clear it’.
That which is to be ‘shown’ is of a Vibration … for ALL THAT IS … IS.
So, when atrocities and all things that are of the lowest Energy are presented to you … do not for one minute allow your mouth to gape open in surprize and disbelief. Simply acknowledge each and every time ‘Ah yes. Here it is. Here is our ‘parcel’.
Parcel. Yes, Blossom. You unwrap it … see what is inside and find the Joy in USING YOUR POWER TO COMPLETE YOUR TASK. IT IS A GIFT … THIS LOVE THAT YOU ARE.
Do you mean sending it Love is completing the task?
We do and, yet, although one’s heart is to remain ‘LIGHT’, for Being Light-hearted … within/about … ‘all of this’ is a major Game Changer, we ask that you take your BEING INTO THE KNOWINGNESS … OF/ON … A FAR GREATER UNDERSTANDING.
It is time now to take matters into your own hands/hearts. Yet to do so … you have to walk more deeply into your BEING.
It is all very well to say, with respect … I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE I AM. Yet, unless you are prepared to FEEL it … its magic is not activated.
We KNOW you understand this yet, not anywhere near the level that we are trying to express to you of WHO YOU ACTUALLY ARE.
A MILLION TIMES or more have we said to you KNOW WHO YOU ARE. YOU ARE LOVE …YOU ARE LIGHT … in a million different ways … and this knowledge IS getting through. Yet we desire for you TO FIND WITHIN YOU … the level to which you REALLY GET IT.
YES, you have all come so far.
YES, you have advanced in ways that were unexpected of yourselves.
YES! YES! YES to so many many aspects of moving forward along your journey. Yet, STILL WE KNOW … that you have not yet ‘cracked the code’.
And … we’re off! Pray tell, kind sirs and siressess … how does one go about doing that?
By having the greatest intention when you close your eyes and smile and take deep breaths to connect up with the HIGHEST PART OF WHO YOU ARE.
Actually, if I may jump in here. There are many of us who have been working on this for a long time … and not even cracked open an egg, let alone THE CODE! Is this because of Earth’s density?
No. Because although Earthly density/Energies can restrict and even delay certain possibilities … it cannot take ‘you’ away from ‘you’. Essentially.
Then why is it, that even with so much intention to KNOW OUR LIGHT IN ITS FULLNESS OF ITSELF that we cannot get to that level which you speak of?
We are not for one moment saying you cannot. Perhaps, Dearest Souls, it is that the opportunities to ‘try it out’ at the level required have not yet ‘come your way.’
Well is that a ‘perhaps’ or is that a “definite’?
Here we are confusing you a little, which is not our intention. It is understood that souls of Earth are on many different levels of understanding, Vibration, Energy, Knowledge, unfolding, recognition and indeed, commitment.
Therefore, there are some who may not have ‘cracked the code’ yet, are certainly closer than others. In comparison, we would say metaphorically, that some are still on their adding and taking away, whilst others are on highly-involved logarithms.
Are we going to be able to crack the code, then? Or, will it only be a few?
ALL, each and every one, in time, shall do so. For although we speak of it in the way we do … it really, in another way of expressing it, is about reaching a level of your own awareness that allows you to ‘Get it’ , GET WHO YOU ARE.
Are you saying then … that when we are in full swing of dealing with the world turning upside down that we will have that opportunity?
YES. And this is what we ask you to concentrate upon. Experimenting with this Higher Light of yourselves.
Thing is, believing we are and seeing proof of who we are are two very different things. Many, I would say, have tried little ‘experiments’ within ourselves to test this theory out.
Such as? …
I knew you were going to ask me that! Eh … one ‘simple’ one that springs to mind is ‘moving objects’. I KNOW it can be done … absolutely with my BEINGNESS, I KNOW it can be done. Yet, it has never worked for me. I remember once, a group of us trying it … fully concentrating on this one object till we were blue in the face and … nope! Nada! What am I missing? Not faith, not Trust, not the KNOWING … for I know others can do it.
You are not missing anything.
Your KNOWING KNOWS it is possible. Your KNOWING KNOWS a single soul could literally move a mountain.
I’d like to meet that soul!
You COULD meet that soul. That soul COULD be YOU. It COULD be any one of you.
We seem to have gone off track from cracking the code.
Not really, Blossom.
Once again, we remind you of the I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM.
Keep on keeping on FEELING this … over and over and over.
WE cannot reiterate enough the POWER THAT LIES WITHIN THIS.
The more you continue and build upon this ‘CODE’ … the closer you come to cracking it.
So, I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM is a code?
As we explained last week, Blossom … everything is coded.
Yet this particular one is of great value … more than we are able to express in words.
It takes you home … and when you are there … you reunite with your family … who are also there because of BEING THAT CODE and repeating it and FEELING it.
You have travelled so far on your journeys. You have remembered much. Yet, now … in these days upon you … you will take yourselves to a newer level. A Higher level. A Greater level of yourselves … of your understanding of this KNOWLEDGE OF WHO YOU TRULY ARE.
When you put it like that … it’s actually very exciting.
Indeed. Because no matter what is to unfold … YOU KNOW … that it is for the HIGHEST GREATEST GOOD OF ALL.
And so it is indeed. In Gratitude. In Loving service

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...