It is not to bring sadness and pain to people through the collapse of the planet, but to make them experience that sadness becomes joy and pain becomes satisfaction, and the universe will let us know that there is no reason to feel resentment or to blame anyone, for everything that happens to us is the result of our own choices.
All beings on Earth (humans, animals and plants) are now spending their last moments here. Therefore, for all beings on this planet, these are the last moments we have to spend on the material Earth of the third dimension.
All beings who have remained on Earth through repeated incarnations will soon be scattered throughout the galaxy.
For the rest of our time on Earth, regardless of what happens to us or to the people around us, we should not just see the particular phenomenon, but we should also observe its intrinsic nature.
Above all, all of us will wake up to ourselves and realize that, in the beginning, everything originated from a source. Whether we take good care of our neighbors or cause them pain, we all play our roles in the process of mutual learning, helping other people learn.
In the case of anyone who has a Higher Self in the fifth dimension, or in a higher dimension, the Subordinate Self on Earth will meet the higher self at some point during the Great Change.
Before starting this life, we all go through the process of evaluating our accumulated experiences and planning this life. It is a celebration where everyone recovers some vague memories about themselves and prepares for the last moments when everyone will be able to accelerate their spiritual growth. In particular, we all planned how we would experience the Great Earth Change.
In the case of beings whose consciousness is lower than the fifth dimension, it has already been decided that they will move to other worlds that are suitable for their frequencies.
According to what was already planned before this lifetime, anyone who ascends to the fifth dimension has the option of staying on Earth after the Great Shift or moving to some other world in the fifth dimensional universe.
When the time of separation comes, people will have a few minutes for remorse and a few minutes to unite with the Origin of the universe, when we understand the deep meaning of the universe behind the phenomenon, everything will change and become bliss.
Regardless of their level of consciousness or their mission, most of the beings who have been living on Earth will soon have to pack up and go on a long journey.
We cannot remember it well yet, but as soon as we shed our physical human bodies, we will all remember the past completely and miss all things pertaining to the Earth.
This is the purpose of the Great Earth Change.
It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by people's ignorance, which once dispelled, people now awaken can also alert the public to this knowledge in hand.
©misteri1963 this publication may be freely reproduced provided that its integrity is respected and the author is acknowledged as the source and this URL and the copyright notice are included
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