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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Creation. Mostrar todas las entradas


Life Tapestry Creations: Your Joys are Related to Old 3D Fears

Dear Ones,
Many are feeling out of sorts, confused, just not right. Such is so because you are adapting to new you. When you were of 3D, you knew what to expect. Now that you are beyond 3D, you feel as if you are wandering in the dark. That which was is no more, and that which is is not yet comfortable.
You do not feel like moving forward, and you certainly do not wish to step back. Your comfort zone seems limited and small, yet comfortable enough for you to remain there until something better arrives.
So it is you wait patiently, you believe, for something, anything that seems exciting. Yet when you experience what you believe will be exciting, it does not feel so. It is merely another activity that holds little ongoing interest. Where is your excitement? Where is your joy?
You are growing into your joy. Something you do not yet believe for you are an adult. That is, a former 3D adult with complete knowledge of what to expect and what you want – or did. Applying 3D joys to current interests produces very little other than “Is that all there is?”
Your interests are flat, lifeless. Easy is what you want and do not want now. For you are beginning to wonder if you should try difficult just to spark some interest in anything.
Some of you continue to find joy or sparks of interest in your activities, but far fewer than you realize. Most of you are putting on a show of interest because you have little else to do. Such as someone calling about an activity that sounds interesting, until it does not. You cannot explain your disinterest, even to yourself. So you try to drum up interest by exclaiming your pleasure only to look within at your inner yawn. An inner yawn that is frightening for your life feels topsy-turvy.
Some of you have given up, thinking this shift, you worked so diligently to achieve, does not seem worth the effort. For you are filled with unanticipated anger, fear, or disinterest in anything and everything.
You are in a void developmental stage.
Of course, you can find joy in nature or a new toy. But nothing seems to last more than a few moments, unlike what you believed joy was in 3D. For many of you remember the highs and forgot or tried to forget the lows. Such is exactly as we predicted for you are no longer of 3D fear.
What you do not understand is that for eons, your fears were your joy base. Your fears colored your lens in ways you cannot imagine. Those pieces that eradicated your fears, for even a few moments, became joy pieces that you relived over and over. Unless you so enmeshed yourself in fear, you cannot remember joy.
At any rate, you cleared most, if not all, of those fear pieces leaving significant gaps in your memory and, therefore, cells. If you have no fear, how do you know joy? So it is you are at a developmental crossroads. You have no fears to bounce your joys off. But then, you also have no idea how to experience joy in your new being. You have cleared to the point of an almost empty vessel. And you do not know how to refill your vessel with joy.
Your 3D joy was based on the opposite of fear. And since you no longer have those fears, how do you determine your joy?
The question becomes, “If you are filled with joy, do you need a counterpoint?” Fear is not disappearing from the earth, it is merely taking a much smaller role. So it is your joy will be countered with minimal fear, just as your 3D fear being was countered with a bit of joy.
Perhaps such a concept seems overwhelming. For the last thing you wish to add to your new being is fear.
Fear remains part of the earth. Not because it has dominated earth beings for eons, but because small pieces of fear will help those following remember how incredible joy is.
The fears you experience as new you will be minimal. Merely obvious enough for you to accept and express joy. Even though at some point in the earth’s development, humans will know only joy, such is not yet that time. For joy is so foreign to those who have been of the earth for more than one 3D life as to negate joy possibilities, without the slight counterbalance of fear.
Perhaps you are afraid that the joy we have long predicted is merely fear wrapped in a pretty bow. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your new fears might be equated to learning not to touch a hot stove as happened to most of you in your childhood. Knowing such did not subtract your longing for the food prepared on that or any stove. Knowing merely informed you that this cooking tool could also be dangerous.
Very soon, your joy will overtake your being as you accept the minimal limits of that joy.
For now, many of you ponder, creating joy to negate your fears; instead of joy, merely to experience joy. So you wish to create financial wealth, a relationship, or a family. All pieces that likely frightened or saddened you in your 3D being. You have yet to create those pieces that will give you joy without the element of 3D fear.
Did we not just inform you that your joy has not been defined for you have not yet countered it with fear? Ah. You misunderstood, for your joy will occur first, followed by minor fears. The opposite of your 3D world.
The joys you are now envisioning are ongoing attempts to alleviate 3D fears.
You will soon acknowledge your 5D and beyond joys. But for now, you feel as if nothing seems right.
As you empty your vessel of fear, you have yet to begin filling it with nonrelated 5D joy. Filling yourself with fear-related joy is SO yesterday. And tomorrow’s joys have not yet arrived.
You are in a joy void attempting to fill that void with outdated joys that produce blah feelings.
Allow yourself to evolve a bit more. Something that will occur in the next few weeks. You are empty of fear, but not yet of your 3D fear-related joy.
So it is you will begin experiencing your new 5D joy in the next few weeks. So be it. Amen.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


Creating Sacred Spac

Sacred Space

Creating Sacred Space was a titillating ancient secret. Observe how far people travel to a sacred site – without knowing that they can create such spaces themselves.
Everything is vibration, and every vibration has a frequency… such as the rocks in the ground, the mineral content of the soil, the presence of water in the air (or not). These things contribute to the “frequency potpourri” of a location. For example, reflect on the feeling of being in a desert and then near the ocean. The amount of water in the air makes a difference in the feel of a location.
Perhaps the crystal content in the soil, the type of rocks beneath the soil or the magnetic flow deep under the surface contribute to the positive feelings emanating from special spots. Locations on ley line intersections (energy currents from the Earth’s molten iron core) were desired because the sacred energy that masters created – combined with the energy of the ley lines and impacted a broader area.
Likewise, it was important to locate spots on underground waterways so the good vibes practiced at the site, would travel in the water to upgrade the geographical area that the stream nourished.
Special places uplift people increase their strength and healing. Yet we can notice how any space feels. For example, it feels better to visit Machu Picchu, a sacred site, then Auschwitz (the former concentration camp). The history of events at a certain location contributes to its “feel.”
People’s feelings and consciousness subtly float in the air around them. This energy is like snowflakes floating to the ground. Highly evolved people’s “energy-droplets” soak into the ground. For example, places where people pray – become peaceful.
Each direction was associated with precise, subtle feelings. Try it! Face North, South East, and West, while paying attention to the tiniest feelings that you can detect. There are subtle differences in feelings, although you must be quite intuitive to notice the sure-but-tiny variations. These “directional” energies feel different in a variety of locations. Applying this technique, helped ancient people select a balanced location to become a sacred spot.
When the perfect site was not found, secret techniques were used to uplift the energy of an area. Ancient spiritual leaders faced each direction and spent many hours singing vowels sounds to balance the feeling of each direction. The sounds varied a bit with each culture, but they experimented to find a tone to bring harmony into the feeling they got from each direction. Below is one Native American Indian set of associations.
• The East, Vowel sound: eeeee, felt like air and uplifted the spiritual body
• The South, Vowel sound: aye, felt like fire and raised the energy of the emotional body
• The West, Vowel sound: uuu, felt like water, enhanced the physical body
• The North, Vowel sound: ooo, felt like earth and brightened the mental body.
Ancient people were well versed in tiny subtleties. A method was needed to describe the gamut of tiny amounts of energies that ancient people felt. People divided all types of subtle energy into categories and compared each category to feelings of nature – they then called this “elemental energy.” When this “elemental” energy was in balance, it benefitted an individual in this location – as he also became balanced on body, mind and spirit levels.
Each culture used different elements to compare to the same feeling. For example, one culture might compare a feeling to Earth, and the next group compared the same energy to wood. The energy did not vary, but the associations that were used to describe it varied.
Another secret was to observe your feelings while on each square foot of a property. Perhaps one area felt better than another. Crystals were dug into the ground to lift any pockets or negative energy. Beautiful songs were sung on the low energy spots.
Buildings or stones were aligned with the magnetic energies of north and sound – again to improve the “balanced” feeling of a location. Star positions were copied in building placement – to resonate with a star system and subtly download the energies of those stars. Nature shapes (sacred geometry) were also copied in building design – to add the deep comforting feelings of Mother Earth. Masters converted sacred geometry to sounds. Some musicians have done this today, such as in Mattson’s Paint Your Soul and Star Dust CDs.
Music and sound are the most powerful tools in the creation of sacred space!
Ancient people sang their most uplifting songs to create sacred space. With prayerful intent and sound vibrations, strong doses of divine energy entered the air and settled in the soil. Musical repetitions are necessary as the sound is subtle energy (tiny amounts of energy); each time a song is sung – one drop of positive energy is added to the location. The singing continued until the area was overflowing with uplifting energy. Rocks also slowly absorbed the singing and intent, adding to the permanent healing capacities of the location – an ancient version of a free health care center.
Sacred Space is uplifting and transformative. You can create it in your location – uplifting not only yourself but many others and the Earth herself.


The Creation of Your Truth by Archangel Michael

Channeled through Natalie Glasson - 26th October 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

In love, truth and blessings, I, Archangel Michael, extend my energy to synthesise with yours. We are all one in the Universe of the Creator. We all hold the key to unlock the truth of the Creator, bringing the truth into our awareness, expression and actions. The truth is present within all souls and each soul can access the complete and whole truth of the Creator. There are no limits to the abundant and expansive nature of the Creator’s truth, therefore there are no limits to you accessing the Creator’s truth.

Imagine an energy or consciousness that is far more expansive than you could ever envisage, it holds everything you wish to understand and so much more. Imagine that you have the ability to embody this energy or consciousness and understand it completely. This is the truth of the Creator. It is your divine right to accept and acknowledge the complete truth of the Creator in your current embodiment.

Choose to See, Sense and Acknowledge the Truth of the Creator

I, Archangel Michael, wish to empower you to realise that all you seek is within you and can be accessed through your choosing. Cleansing and purifying your being supports openings within you which direct you to choosing to access new wisdom and understandings. Often it is not the holding onto certain energies or blockages that hinder your awareness of the truth of the Creator within you, instead it is your choosing to distract yourself. When you choose to see, sense and acknowledge the truth of the Creator in every moment of your reality then you create a powerful promise to yourself and an unwavering alignment with the truth of the Creator. Your promise is to realise when you are distracting yourself, if something requires to be healed, then instigate the necessary acts for healing to take place. Let yourself be focused and alert in the needs of your being, when shifts are required and when healing is essential. This will mean that you are able to remain in the space of your promise to yourself of choosing to see, sense and acknowledge the truth of the Creator. This way new openings of truth will manifest from within your being and you will more easily access the complete truth of the Creator.

You, The Creator

The Earth is a planet devoted to creation, every soul who comes to the Earth enrols in the processes of creating; learning and remembering how to create their existence and the world from the source of all that is the Creator. This means that your purpose on the Earth is to create for yourself and to support others. That which you choose you create. When you choose to see, sense and acknowledge the truth of the Creator in every moment of your reality, you are empowering yourself and your ability to create. You become a creator, you manifest and express the truth on the Earth. This is immensely powerful, as you can create infinite possibilities because the truth of the Creator is infinite.

The way you choose to see, sense and acknowledge the world around you fuels the way you create your life and existence in the world. If you choose to see negativity in the world you will create more negativity. If you choose to acknowledge the presence of light, love and truth even in the deepest darkness you will create light, love and truth for yourself and your reality.

What you choose to think, feel, see, sense, acknowledge, communicate and express in every moment creates the reality you experience and impacts the realities of others.

To really embody this is to take responsibility for who you are in the world while also encouraging you to really accept your power and how powerful you can be from the space of love and truth. Power is not to take control of yourself, life or others, it is to harness everything you have available to you using it to create goodness for yourself and others.

Receiving the Truth of the Creator

It is important to hold the understanding that you have access to, can receive and embody the whole and complete truth of the Creator. With this knowledge you become powerful and open to receive all that is available to you.

There is a second important understanding to accept and acknowledge which is that you have a purpose of bringing forth certain aspects, qualities, wisdom and knowingness through your being from the source of the Creator. It is your purpose to align with the whole and complete truth of the Creator and your purpose to express through your being an aspect of the truth of the Creator that is relevant to and aligned with your incarnations. These two purposes are different, they offer you access to the power of the wholeness and completeness of the Creator while allowing you to realise you can focus on delivering a small portion of the truth through your being and into your reality, which will feel like a mammoth expression. It is not for you to express the whole truth, simply what is relevant for your current incarnation. Your soul came to the Earth to remember and experience an aspect, quality or experience with the Creator. You do not even need to know what it is your soul wants to remember and experience. By simply aligning with the whole and complete truth of the Creator you will allow yourself access to the truth that is essential for your existence now. It will flow to you and through you, inspiring your existence on the Earth.

Your greatest mission is to align, receive and act on what you receive from the Creator, knowing you have available to you all you need. When you put this mission into action, everything flows with ease and perfection, manifesting fulfilment.

‘Archangel Michael, please align my entire being with the whole and complete truth of the Creator. Let me experience the truth of the Creator pulsating throughout my being. I choose to see, sense and acknowledge the truth of the Creator in all aspects of my being, reality and the whole world.’

Breathe deeply and allow me, Archangel Michael, to work with you to empower your alignment with whole and complete truth of the Creator.

‘Archangel Michael, I invite you to commune with my soul, please support me in connecting with the truth of the Creator that is most important for me to receive now to empower my being and reality, allowing me to exist in and as my purpose on the Earth. I am open to receive now.

Breathe deeply and allow me, Archangel Michael, to work with you to support you in receiving the truth most essentials for your embodiment.

‘Archangel Michael, I choose to see, sense and acknowledge the truth of the Creator in all that I am, the world around me and all I create. This is my promise to myself. I choose to allow healings needing to take place to be experienced quickly and easily, always bringing my focus back to the presence of the truth of the Creator. Archangel Michael, please support me and magnify my promise. Thank you.’

Take time to breathe in your choosing and promise as well as the energies and light I, Archangel Michael, share with you as I magnify your being.

Blessings, truth and the wholeness of the Creator I share with you,

Archangel Michael

Ángeles de Crystal

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