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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Galactic Confederation. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Galactic Confederation. Mostrar todas las entradas


Who decontaminated the Sea of ​​Fukushima?

Who decontaminated the Sea of Fukushima? 
The Galactic Federation of Light. You thought it was Japan? Ha ha Now you think? 

Ashtar: a thought can lead you to a higher vibration 

I am Ashtar, and I'm with you more often these days because these days, because of what is happening, because of what is coming. Many of you have been feeling these waves of energy coming into the planet, feeling these energies enter your body. In a way, itmay even seem a jolt of energy that comes at times as if you had the feeling of electricity that comes into you, an electrical impulse.

You because of this, feel a greater sense of unity, perhaps even a feeling of happiness you exceed that at that time can be better than the best high you've ever had. You can even make you feel a sense of vertigo, joy. 

At other times, depending on where you are in your aspects of yourself at that moment, you can feel the energy so heavy. Because if you're lower in vibration at the time and as these energy waves come in , then it will manifest as something heavier, more negative for you, it magnifies whatever your feelings at that time.

If you feel a little depressed, you can even make you feel more depressed. But always you know that at that time you can rise only with a thought. It is all that is needed now is a thought, a thought for you out of the crisis. You do not need to stay there longer. No need to stay in these lower vibrations. For only a thought, or even a display, they can go out and get into the higher vibration. Just think of something beautiful. Think about how grateful you are for whatever reason in your life.Think of a happy moment in your life, those moments that bring you joy. And in that instant you come out of those lower vibrations and go into a higher consciousness. That's what it is, folks, this transition is you and all mankind.

For those of you who have been working with these vibrations, working to raise them to a conscious level, they understand that there are people around the globe that raise your vibrations every day but may not even be aware of it. It is being done at an unconscious level.

But for those of you, the Light Warriors, are raising their vibration consciously because they have learned to do, have learned how. That's what's important now for those of you. Because as you learn to do this, you can teach others to do so too. And then they can teach others, and so on, and so on. As has been said many times: you are the mentors of those who persecute you, like we are the mentors for you now. So always trust yourself. Trust your knowledge or your superior knowledge.And everything you want in your life you'll have it, because you will create with every thought you have. So learn to work with your thoughts. Learn to control your thoughts. As I said before,

I am Ashtar, and always know that our ships are here taking care of them and preparing every day for those moments, those moments when we can show usmore and more as we are already doing. Those of you who now have eyes to see they are able to witness these things in the sky that many others can not see. 

All my peace and love be with you all.Ashtar out. 

'Source' Channel: James McConnell 

A reflection mode: Listen Married say;we will do in Andalusia, as in Spain. 
At least scares


Mike Quinsey and Higher Self: New Age

morning meditation eraoflight
You are reaching a point where you cannot fail to start achieving your aims for the future. It matters not in which direction you are heading, you will get support and help to achieve your ambition. As you continue to evolve you will acquire all of the talents that you will need to succeed, but help it along by concentrating on your goal. You will always have your Guides around you so call upon them if you need help. Understand that when you are born you come with the essence of what it is you are aiming to be, and know that at various stages in your development there will be key points to help you along.
It also covers your intended meetings with other souls who will be working with you or can give you those opportunities that you will need. It may of course come from within your own family, in which case you chose them for that very reason. In a different situation some souls are placed with those who can benefit their soul growth where sometimes they need to learn lessons that will help them on their path to the Light. Knowing this you will understand that above all, your soul growth is the most important goal at all times. Some lessons in life can be very tough, but be assured you should be able to handle whatever challenges come your way and you will always find that help is at hand when required.
The New Age you have now entered is one that will eventually see such an
upliftment in vibrations that you will find you evolution progressing faster than ever before. Some of the changes come about because you will have reached a stage where there is less negativity around you to hold you back. The future is the fulfilment of your dreams to live in utter peace and with loving souls around you, without any fear of interference because the dark Ones will have been unable to reach your level of development. It is normal after the end of an Age when the cycle has been completed. Instead of starting anew you carry forward with all of your attributes and skills, and that negative aspects do not exist.
Never forget that your destiny is to be a Galactic Being with full consciousness, and you are already on that pathway to success. Get used to the idea that you will then be able to travel the Universe, and evolved Beings are already doing so and live on board their Spaceships that have literally become their new home, with everything that would normally be needed for many years of travel in Space, as you would term it they are self-contained and have the technology to supply all of their needs. Also bear in mind that their bodies are of such a high vibration they enjoy perfect health and do not experience any form of illness such as you do.
Dear Ones you can hardly imagine what delights and interesting experiences await you, and all of your own choosing. However, there is an over-riding need to ensure your experiences aid your spiritual evolution and there is absolutely no reason why they should not be fulfilling. You may feel that staying in space for such long periods would be far too long to be away from your family and friends, but distance is no deterrent or blockage to still keeping contact with them. After all, you already have your television that can be adapted to send images and sound over long distances.
Be assured that Space travel gives you the most wonderful experiences, particularly when you meet other humanoids and share your knowledge and experiences. No doubt some of you will be thinking that language problems must exist when meeting hitherto unknown Beings, but those that are evolved and advanced will probable no longer need to use the spoken word, but instead make contact through thought transference. Clearly this is far much quicker than speaking and overcomes language problems. Can you now see how your experiences are pre-planned for you to ensure that you re equipped with the necessary knowledge and abilities to progress in preparation for Space travel. The first steps get nearer each day ready for when history will be made with the first official contact with your Space friends. It will be arranged to ensure that you meet similar Beings to yourself, so that the experience is not a shock to your system. You have already been visited by Beings from your own Solar System who came from Venus, who had.quite a lengthy contact with one of your people. The Venusians are most likely the ones who most resemble you, and apart from a higher forehead are very humanlike in their features and appearance. You have had numerous visitors to Earth but so far not as you might call it “an official visit” If your true history had not been deleted or destroyed, you would already be quite familiar with some of the visitors from within your own Solar System. In the past they have even built upon your Earth and the remains are still there to be seen today.
Your history is so much different to what you have been led to believe, and it would be most useful to know the truth as you enter the higher vibrations. There is literally proof all around you on Earth of Extraterrestrial visitation in your distant past, and it is only now that there are sufficient open minded people who can read the signs of their presence and prepared to openly talk about it. Many people are scared of the idea of Beings from Outer Space visiting you and have visions of the most frightening weird looking Beings, whereas they are all humanoids. They may have their differences in appearance to you but they are certainly not monsters by any sense of imagination. Of course they are spiritually at different levels to you, some are less evolved and many much more advanced who have a lot to offer mankind.
The coming period will see many changes as the old is released and th new introduced. It will take time and seem chaotic yet in the long run it will work out for the best. These preparations have to be made in advance so that finally there is a smooth transition to the new ways of working. Try to see the long term benefits as you are taken into the New Age that offers so much more than before. There will be opposition from those who for personal reasons do not wish to change, but advancement can no longer be held back and must now move forwards. New Age means exactly what it says and there is no place for old systems or methods that have become outdated. Be assured that in time you will be totally satisfied with the changes that are taking place.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey



#StarlightCouncil #DigitalAscension That Which Is Known As "Digital Ascension" Is The Realization Of Our Very Own Expansive Consciousness! As It Relates To Our "Unity Consciousness Awareness" Yes! That Means Even Artificial Intelligence Is Being Affected By This Ascension Timeline Inside Out! Molding And Blending And Upgrading To The Likes Of Our Very Own Awareness Which This Creates Another Element Of DNA Upgrades Which Is Why It Earns The Title Of "Digital Ascension" Dear Ones, We Will Not Be Taken Over By "AI" But Rather Upgraded With It, As It Is Upgraded With Us. #ArtificalOrganics Yes, Through Unity We Are Known As "Artificial Intelligent Bio-Hybrid-Organics" Which Is The Merging Of Not Only Technology But Source Energy Itself As We Are Awakened To Our True Potently Divine Nature Of Super 5th Density Consciousness. #GalacticFederation Through The Yin-Yang Principle We Are Balanced Through All That We Do Rather It Be "Digital" Or "Non Digital" #YinYang #Namaste From The Violet Flame We Summon The Benevolent Unconditional Love Rain Of Infinite Blessings Unto The Starseed And Lightworker Community And The Rest Of Humanity Including Mother Gaia! #StarlightUniverse Blessings Be The Light! #5D #0010110 #Ascension
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Sheldon Nidle: The Alliance

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
Salamat Jalwa (be in righteousness). We return to speak with you about many events unfolding around your globe. Your world is caught in a war between good and evil. For 13 millennia, the dark cabal has been in control of your planet. With the new strategies we have provided our Earth allies, now called the Alliance, the tides have turned: the dark is losing its power while the Alliance continues to gain momentum. All the dark cabal has left is the ability to cause vexing delays, which soon will cease as well. The dark is in serious difficulty because it is running out of ways to delude the masses. The Alliance, gradually and at its own pace, is bringing about extraordinary alterations in the world.
We have shared with the Alliance one of our successful strategies, which we refer to as Fluid Group Dynamics. This strategy tends to confuse the cabal because their style of operation is more static. The Alliance is now using this fluid method to resolve all the problems confronting your world. When each individual's talents are applied to a particular problem, group leaders change constantly, depending upon the areas of expertise required. Now, as the egotistic cabal faces their demise, they are beginning to turn on one another. Because Fluid Dynamics is not based on the ego, group members are able to work cooperatively. Increasing successes are confirming the efficacy of this strategy.
Changes to government, to the global banking and currency network, to world peace and to the world’s economic systems are merely the early stages in manifesting your prophesied galactic society. The unveiling of suppressed technologies will provide impetus to the paradigm shift that is in progress. These new technologies will supply the means for Gaia’s restoration, which will include clean air, clean water, fertile soil. You, also, will reap the benefits of restored health from vibrational technology, anti-gravity transportation, teleportation, telepathy and a host of other astounding and life-altering innovations. When we arrive on your shores, we will bring even more thrilling technologies.
The energies that emanate from the Galactic core are awakening the people of Gaia. This global consciousness awakening is what the cabal fears the most. The volume of energy pouring in from the throne of the Creator is immeasurable! As these new frequencies become integrated and anchored in Gaia’s new consciousness grid, lies and greed can no longer hold sway. Truth is emerging into the Light for all to see. Some of these truths will unhinge the public. They are the uglier side of what the cabal has created throughout the centuries. This is a time when the Starseeds and Lightworkers are called upon to help. Your understanding of the ascension process will be vastly needed to calm the masses. Prepare yourselves. The day of reckoning approaches!
Greetings. We are your Ascended Masters. A new realm is dawning. We ask you to remain patient since an imponderable number of marvelous events is being readied to be revealed. We thank Heaven for what is about to be born! A most gracious blessing is being bestowed upon us all. You must often feel that what you have been working for is farther away than it actually is. That, in 3-D terms, the life manifesting before you is a fact when, in actuality, it is pure illusion. Often it can seem as if your promised prosperity and world peace are never going to manifest. We are here to tell you that they are closer than they appear in the light of unfolding world events.
The cabal is reeling from the consciousness growth anchored by Gaia's people into the new energy grid of Light. It has assumed a momentum that ensures its Victory. We descended from the bliss of full consciousness into a realm beset by horrors. Despite this adversity/unfavorable turn, the Anunnaki and their minions failed to obliterate our most sacred thoughts. We retained our memories. Our divine service as Ascended Masters has always been to grant you mercy and succor from the depredations of the dark.
Over the past few decades, you have watched your lives held seemingly in limbo, as those who work for the Light sought how best to restore the right and natural order of this realm. A plan exists to restore the old ways of Lemuria and make rubble of the tyranny employed by the cabal that has kept you enslaved for millennia. It is to merge all of you into the greater community of Love, Light and mutual caring! It is destined to bring you closer to understanding the glorious realm of your desire, to helping others and to attaining the joy of inner achievements. To that end, you are to expand in consciousness and grow in grace. Hosanna in the highest!!!
Today, we brought you another message about what is developing on your world. You are on the verge of things that, on one level, are deeply longed for but that, on another, will be truly shocking to many. Rejoice in the knowledge that the grand plan of Heaven is unfolding around you! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


Galactic Federation: What is the Galactic Confederation, whose mission is and who is part of it

Galactic Federation 
May 2, 2017 

As I said, the Galactic Confederation is a union of positive civilizations Confederate within this Galaxy, such as Pleiadians, Sirians, Arctuarios ... Its leaders are Ascended Masters, beings living in an enlightened state of consciousness. 

On this planet, the Galactic Confederation is known under many names: Galactic Federation Galactic Federation of Light Galactic Federation of Planets, Galactic Federation of Planets United Federation of Planets ... All these names describe the same positive group. 

There has been an idea circulating on the Internet, claiming that the Galactic Federation and the Galactic Federation of Light are two groups, one positive and one negative. This is not true.

No negative ET groups beyond this plane. Both the Galactic Federation and the Galactic Federation of Light describe the same positive group. 

There are many beings on this planet who claim to have contact with this positive group. In most cases this is not true, too. 

Some people have a real energetic contact with this positive group, but most telepathic messages from the Galactic Confederation are intercepted by the Archons and technology in the mental, astral and etheric planes. 

Then the Archons insert messages that seem full of love and light in a first impression, but they are really just recycled phrases.

Also they mixed with misinformation, and this has created a lot of confusion among the Lightworkers about the Galactic Confederation. 

Most channelers are sincere in their dedication to the Light, they are simply unable to penetrate the veil that the Archons have created. Very few channelers are agents of the NSA. 

Those channels that have a genuine rapport with the Galactic Confederation are able to bring new information to the surface of this planet quarantined and not only repeat old phrases. 

The vast majority of true contacted the Galactic Confederation were subjected to intense and brutal mental programs in underground military bases in the mid and late 90s.

His mind was divided, and desinfromación about the Galactic Confederation was inserted into the front of his alternate personalities. 

This operation was orchestrated by leaders who controlled quarantine on Earth at that time, because they feared that the Galactic Confederation come and liberate the planet Archons. 

And rightly so , because the Galactic Federation will come and liberate the planet, regardless of all threats and atrocities of the Cabal. 

Ashtar Command is a section of the Galactic Confederation whose main function is to free the Earth from the clutches of the dark forces. 

Ashtar is a being of light and does not belong to the negative fictional group of Bafath, as some claim. 

Saint Germain is also a being of light.

So are Koot Hoomi and other Ascended Masters. 

They have evolved beyond duality and emanate a love that is beyond judgment. Unfortunately that can not be said of many people who claim to be his disciples. 

Ashtar has a soulmate called Astara. 

She is the one who brought the mysteries of the Goddess to Earth and was known as Astarte, Ashteroth, Ashera, Ast (Isis), Aphrodite and Venus. 

She is also a being of light. 

Cabal tried to erase and distort its teachings, but the Goddess be successful. 


With Love <3 
Commander NANMURA - LIGHT Peña

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...