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Bayer Monsanto, the plot to conspire against humanity

by Michael Welch, Dr. Vandana ShivaNick Meyerand Ellen Brown
May 20, 2018
from GlobalResearch Website

  • Dr. Vandana Shiva is an Indian scholar, environmental activist and anti-globalization author. Her work centers on issues of bioethics, biodiversity, intellectual property rights, and genetic engineering. She founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology in 1982, which led to the creation of Navdanya in 1991, a national movement for the protection of biological resources, especially native seeds. In a short discussion recorded in Winnipeg in May of 2017, Dr. Shiva put the Bayer-Monsanto merger and GMO agriculture within the larger frame of colonialism, patriarchy, and anthropocentrism, and points us to alternative perspectives which will allow our species not only to survive, but thrive. She has authored numerous books including her most recent: Who Really Feeds the World? (2016)

  • Ellen Brown is an attorney, founder of the Public Banking Institute and the author of hundreds of articles and a dozen books including The Public Bank Solution - From Austerity to Prosperity(2013) and Web of Debt - The Shocking Truth About Our Money System and How We Can Break Free (2007). Ms. Brown speaks about her recent article on the Bayer-Monsanto merger which makes reference to these two companies' links to the infamous war-time chemical cartel known as I.G. Farben. Brown also makes note of the alternatives to GMO / agro-chemical agriculture being offered up by Russia.

  • Nick Meyer is a writer with the Meyer briefly lays out some of the history and rationale behind the resistance to Monsanto, and gives us some details about the priorities underlying the May 19, 2018 march.

  • Dr. Stephen Frantz is the Principal with Global Environmental Options, LLC, which specializes in the management of environmental toxicants through sustainable , ecologically sound intervention strategies. He holds a PhD in pathobiology from John Hopkins University and helped pioneer the concept of Integrated Pest Management. He has done extensive research into the effects of glyphosate and similar pesticides over the course of his work. Dr. Frantz confronts some of the misinformation and disinformation coming from Monsanto and its defenders about the safety of its products.


As much of the world and the media focuses on the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, another 'royal couple' is on the verge of completing its own matrimonial arrangement after a 21 month engagement.

The U.S. Department of Justice recently cleared the path for the German pharmaceutical and chemical company Bayer to merge with U.S. based agricultural giant Monsanto in a take-over deal worth more than $60 billion.

Once the partnership attains U.S. anti-trust approval, likely within days, a new entity will emerge, commanding more than a quarter of the combined world market for seeds and pesticides.

Would that this were a traditional wedding ceremony! With profound reasons for opposing this marriage, a robust crop of hands would spring up when prompted to 'speak now or forever hold your peace!'

According to a recent poll of 48 U.S. States, 94 percent of farmers are concerned about the merger, with 83 percent being very concerned.

Their top three concerns:
  • market dominance to push other products
  • control over farmers' data
  • increased pressure to rely on chemical based farming practices
This merger has implications not only for what goes on our dinner plate.

There are questions of economic and political control that need to be addressed. Critics argue that the power of these economic giants is such that they have 'captured' regulatory agencies.

Limitless financial resources permit these and similar companies to buy off academics, media and politicians.

The Global Research News Hour radio program takes a devoted look this week to the social and environmental costs associated with the merger ofBayer and Monsanto and the agro-chemical industry more generally with four interviews.

Interview with Vandana Shiva
May 26, 2017
Global Research: Dr. Shiva, I'm very interested in a lot of what you had to say in your recent talk and in your writings about this interface between the corporate for-profit model and how it intersects with this need to provide for our basic food needs and basic energy needs.

I guess it just…bringing in something that's fairly timely, this merger between Monsanto, who you've been very outspoken against, and Bayer.

Could you maybe quantify exactly how you see that merger making the situation worse, going from the frying pan to the fire? What, in particular, do you think that those … is a concern for farmers and for food security generally?

Vandana Shiva: First thing that people should remember is Monsanto and Bayer were one during the war. They were called Mobay.

They worked together to sell poisons on both sides of the war.

It's only after the IG Farben trial at Nuremberg that the separation took place. So, in a way, the Bayer-Monsanto merger of the contemporary times is just a coming together in an open way of a hidden marriage that always was there.

Second, even if you look at cross licensing arrangements, they've been working together.

When the BT Cotton of Monsanto failed in India in 2015-16 of the states of Punjab, 80% of the cotton was hit by White Fly. Who sold the pesticides? Bayer. So they work as one. As a poison cartel...

Right now, buyers trying to push a GMO mustard. At the same time, Monsanto is trying to dismantle our patent laws which say we cannot allow patents and seeds, plants, animals, because these are not human inventions.

They have their own self-organizing capacity to organize life, regulate life reproduce life, multiply seeds.

What will this new open merger mean?

First is, I think the numbers like 66 billion are just games for the public. I've done an analysis. It will be out in my new book on the resurgence of the rial.

The true owners of all of these corporations, down to the Coca Colas and Pepsis, all of them are the new investment giants, which are the cartel of the rich men, who have now designed ways of using their money to basically control the future of humanity.

And, for them, there is more future in collecting rents from seeds which they never invented, from selling more poisons, including corrupting governments, including denying the fact that even the W.H.O. said glyphosate is a carcinogen, so they're putting their money to tell lies to defend killing and destroy democracy.

So, in effect, actually, the merger is more power in the hands of criminal corporations. To not just push the agenda, but corrupt governments, subvert democracy.

We are witnessing it right now in India with the GM mustard case.

Destroy science, and in the name of science, they say science requires GMOs, but they are knocking out any scientist who does real research on,
  1. the fact that GMOs don't produce more
  2. that they haven't controlled pests or weeds, they have created super pests and superweeds
  3. that they have better ways through biodiversity, through agro-ecology, to actually produce enough food for people and have enough for other species, which is what the food system is about
So, I see the merger of Bayer and Monsanto as, in a way, the peak of a contest between a century of ecocide and genocide with no stopping, versus Earth democracy where all species have their rights recognized, and they act.

Because most of the subversion of the Monsanto agenda hasn't taken place because people marched into the fields of Round-Up Ready soya, but the Palmer amaranth rose and defeated the project and that's why I insist 300 million species and if you assume that even half of humanity will keep thinking and defending their freedom which would mean 3.5 billion people that's a lot of intelligence against the criminality of a cartel of,
  • Bayer-Monsanto
  • Dow-Dupont
  • Syngenta-ChemChina,
...all working together with a failed agenda ofpushing GMOs.

GR: I find that there's a sort of a parallel development perhaps - you're talking about the food system, but there's also the energy economy.

And I noticed that there's a lot of talk about transition, and about time, transition away from fossil fuel, but I noticed that a lot of investment, corruption, subversion, perhaps, is taking place in the guise of major investors like the Rockefellers and Warren Buffett and all of these major players.

They are trying to invest, the Bill GatesMission Innovation, they're all trying to invest, get in on this renewable economy, but they're not seeing the renewable economy as a… well, it seems as if their larger objective is finding a new frontier for capitalistic expansion.

And so, if I look at those sorts of developments when you see major donations to major environmental NGOs and so on, I'm wondering if we aren't similarly seeing if this is something that we need to be on guard against.

To prevent this kind of poison pill, another kind of poisonous cartel, from moving so that the renewable economy is in fact something that's aligned with natural systems and natural intelligence and not simply another mechanism for for-profit growth and capitalist expansion.

Could you address those concerns?

VS: First thing is, food is energy. It gives us energy when we eat nourishing food.

Sadly, food itself has become the source of major confidence of a non-sustainable energy model. 90% of the corn in the soil, grown in the world right now, is going for biofuel.

So we already have food diverted into a non-sustainable energy model.

When it comes to renewable energy, which really began as small initiatives trying to build energy alternatives to fossil fuel, it was so clear in the Paris meetings that this would be the next platform for the Gates of the worldand the Buffets of the world.

And do they make windmills? No, they don't. He just keeps his hands in his pockets and eats hamburgers. Do they make solar panels? No. What do they run for? What is their innovation? Grabbing the patents...

So, they are looking for a future where there will be a lot of renewable energy in the world but they will collect rents from the expansion of renewable energy like they seek to collect rents from seed, which is the only agenda for GMOs and the patents of seed.

What we are seeing is the emergence of a new economy that's a rental economy based on intellectual property, and people who don't work making the huge money and becomingthe 1%, and the people who work and slog and are creative and are innovative punished just because they are hard-working human beings.

It's that - not just - I don't call it inequality because it is worse than inequality. It is a lie, it is a brutalization, it is a dehumanization.

It is a dehumanization of those that are robbed of their share of this Earth and the well-being of the Earth, but it's a brutalization of those few who think being lords and masters of the universe at this critical time with a very survival of our species is at stake, that their profits come first not the humanity of the planet.

GR: You brought up the term anthropocentrismearly in your talk, and that's a serious concern insofar as it's something that we just sort of don't really pay attention or think about, it's part of like the water that we swim in.

And I'm finding that a lot of those technologies has that sort of anthropocentric veneer to it. Could you address the technologies, another vista, the digital technology that we mentioned, spyware,Edward Snowden talks about surveillance…

I'm wondering if these technologies are irredeemably anthropocentric, or can we find some aspect to them where we can continue to utilize them?

VS: You know, for me, technologies are not some magical phenomenon that gets sent from the skies to a few privileged men, which is how Bacon used to think of the new technologies, and the new science, and the new Atlantis, and superheroes, etc.

That's not the way the world works. The way the world works is, people are creative and innovative, and they evolved tools. The problem with the tools that have come from the commons…

Microsoft is not the inventor of software. It's the patenter of software. Monsanto is not the inventor of seed and definitely even not of recombinant DNA. It's the patenter, and it's the buyer of others who might have had the patent before them.

So, it's really a race for ownership through any means whatsoever. And the reason I worry about digital technologies is not that humans have worked out ways to deal with digital technologies, but that those who control digital technologies want to use it as an instrument of control.

For example, all of India's economy was shut down on the 8th of November 2016, for a digital economy. Big cash notes were banned. All the savings of millions and billions of people were wiped out.

This privileging of digital basically means that the global financial system where money runs to the U.S. to Wall Street, to these investment funds, that those people get your 6% rental with every transaction, and the hard-working person, through exchange, loses out. Has to pay more.

The second reason why the digital economy is being used as a new digital dictatorship, and I've written about this, is the new merger between digital technologies and information technologies on the one hand, and agriculture and biotechnologies on the other, but also digital technologies and finance.

Right now, finance economy has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with wealth. It has everything to do with speculation, wire, rapid algorithms.

And I think it is narrowing our possibilities by not allowing the wide intelligences which are not one-dimensional, which are not linear, which play out in all kinds of combinations of hearts and heads and hands working as one to guide us out of crisis.

At this moment of crisis, to put your fate of humanity in combinations of zeros and ones, and machines owned and patented, and algorithms owned and a handful of men who have zero real experience of what life is about is a very, very dangerous.

GR: And you also mention the term Terra Nullius, the second coming of Christopher Columbus and that whole mentality that seems to infect so much of our culture including the sciences.

I mean, you come from a scientific background, and the way that we approach things, and you had to relearn from meeting with women and peasant folk a different understanding of this.

So, could you maybe help us, those of us who wish to relieve ourselves of this infection, what we could do to not unknowingly or instinctively duplicate and replicate these same patterns?

VS: There are no empty lands; there are no empty minds, and the very idea that knowledge starts when someone gets the idea of conquest or extermination is the illusion born of colonialism, it's the illusion born of fossil fuel age it's the illusion born the concentration camps of Hitler and those are the kind of sciences that are dominating today especially in agriculture.

I think it is really time for us to recognize that we've done agriculture for 10,000 years. And there's 10,000 years of knowledges, not one but many.

It takes a different kind of ability to be able to live on fish in the Arctic in Greenland, and a totally different kind of ability to harvest your food from the Amazon rainforest.

Each of these interactions generates its own knowledge, so the idea of one agriculture, one science that Bill Gates is trying to propose is absolutely against the diversity and vitality of the world.

The second thing we need to know and remember now is something:
indigenous people never separated themselves from other species, never had an anthropocentric hierarchy, and realized that every plant, every microbe, every animal, was an intelligent and sentient being.
Science is finally waking up to this. The science not controlled by the poison cartel.

And I think we need a new alliance of the ability to look through new eyes like microscopes, and the old eyes of wisdom, and join those in a resurgence of the real which is what my new book is about


The main families of Archons are the family of Massimo (Maximus): Massimo Crime Family

Don Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio is the top owner of the Vatican and has high authority over the Sicilian Mafia and owns the Corleonisi Clan. They own a large fortress in Arsoli and another castle in Campania. The Massimo family use lions on their coat of arms like Corleone, Sicily uses a lion on its flag. The Massimo family frequently take the name Leone which means lion. Brancaccio is a neighborhood in Sicily where Cosa Nostra originated and named after the Brancaccio family that later merged with the Massimo family. The Massimos use violence, threats, terrorism, extortion, and blackmail as their primary tools for control. The Massimo family are one of the oldest families of Rome and claim to be the ancient Fabii-Maximus dynasty. They likely have a portion of Maximus ancestry. The Pope is titled the Pontifex Maximus. Massimo or Maximus mean massive or the Latin meaning of greatest. The Fabii family were known for using the “scorched earth” military tactic during the Roman Empire. Scorched Earth is a ruthless tactic where they burn everything down that can aid an enemy like food, resources, and people. The communist Fabian Society uses the wolf in sheep’s clothing for its logo. Fabii like Fabian. The Massimo family are married with royal bloodlines like the Savoy, Wettin, Bourbon, and Osorio noble family which have a family branch in Galicia, Spain. The Osorio family use wolves on their coat of arms. Prince Carlo Massimo is married to Princess Elisa Osorio of Moscoso and Estagna. Amancio Ortega is from Galicia and works as a Court Factor and money launderer for Spanish nobles  including the House of Osorio. Amancio Ortega is one of the wealthiest billionaires and worth more than 70 billion. Amancio Ortega owns Inditex with the store chain called Massimo Dutti which is high end fashion.
Prince Stefano Massimo married into the British Foxwell family and he is a fashion photographer with residences in London. Prince Stefano’s mother was the English actress Dawn Addams. The Massimo family of Roccasecca own the Clerkenwell Mafia of London also called the Adams crime family and are part owners of various Irish Mafias. The district of Clerkenwell is known as London’s “Little Italy.” Rupert Murdoch who owns Fox News is a Vatican Knight of the Order of St Gregory. Fox was covertly named for Foxwell. The fox is considered a cunning animal. Fox News is a propaganda machine for the Vatican. Prince Valerio Massimo founded SCM Capital Partners and an aerospace company called Auctus Industries with his business associate Duke Edward Spencer-Churchill. The House of Massimo and other Italian Nobility have infiltrated the United Kingdom and work with the House of Windsor and some British Peers. The Massimo family has married in with the Lucchesi-Palli, Savoy-Genovese, and Bourbon families. All these families are mafia owners. The Massimo family have a close alliance with the Borghese family with Princess Barbara Massimo-Brancaccio married to Prince Scipione Borghese. I believe the billionaire Bulgari family of Rome work for the Massimo family. The Bulgari family and their jewelry company were recently investigated for tax evasion. Some jewelry companies are involved in money laundering by fixing the prices of jewelry. The Bulgari family originated from Bulgaria which uses a coat of arms with two lions similar to the Massimo coat of arms. I believe the term Black in Black Nobility refers to the Black Sea along the eastern coast of Bulgaria where some Goths resided. The words mass and bulge can be synonymous.
The House of Massimo is the nucleus of the Black Nobility. They are the primary owners of the Holy See. I believe they have a hidden ancestry with the ancient Spanish House of Burgundy. Queen Maxima of the Netherlands claims Burgundian ancestry. I believe Baron August von Senarclens de Grancy who had an affair with Princess Wilhelmine of Baden was a relative of the Massimo family and this is why the House of Hesse created the name Battenberg for suspected Senaclens offspring which later married in with the royal families of Russia, Spain, Sweden, and England. Princess Marie of Battenberg’s son was named Count Maximilian and another suspected Senarclens was Princess Maximiliane Wilhelmine Auguste Sophie Marie of Hesse. Prince Carlo Massimo oversees the Sovereign Military Order of Malta as President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta. The Order of Malta was involved in various wars and several top military and intelligence leaders in the United States like Alexander Haig, William Colby, and John McCone were Knights of Malta. The Massimo family have authority over a faction of the Jesuits through their Massimiliano Massimo Institute and former Jesuit Nobile Collegio Mondragone which had five Massimo presidents. Prince Ferdinando Massimo has been an honorary president of this closed college. Mondragone uses a dragon for its symbol. The Black Nobility use Jesuits as Roman intelligence and infiltrators. The Roman born Mario Draghi is President of the European Central Bank and Draghi was educated at the Massimo Institute. The Black Nobility have control over vast wealth through private Swiss banking. There are three board directors for the Bank for International Settlements connected to Rome including Mario Draghi, Fabio Panetta, and Ignazio Visco. The very evil Prince Giacomo Massimo-Brancaccio worked at Banca Finnat located at the Palazzo Altieri in Rome.
The Massimo family are the foundations of the global crime syndicate and they are involved in every crime imaginable including war crimes, terrorism, murder, extortion, threats, human trafficking, money laundering and more. The Massimo family also run organized crime in Rome like the Magliana Mafia and were one of the families behind the neo-fascist group Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari headed up by their agent Massimo Carminati. This family has a portion of ownership over various mafias including the Corleonisi Clan, Magliana Mafia, Gambino crime family, Clerkenwell Mafia, Lanza crime family, Philly Mob, Irish Mafia, and Boston crime family. Most mafias pay dues back to the Massimo family through their Corleonisi Clan. Individual mafia families make billions per year. I believe the Massimo Palazzo has an underground tunnel connecting to the basement of the Vatican which is how they have maintained their control. The Massimos have recently married with the Carpegna-Falconieri-Gabrielli family which function as their support. Members of the Massimo crime family include Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio, Donna Alessandra Malesci, Princess Barbara Massimo-Brancaccio, Prince Giacomo Leone Massimo-Brancaccio, Prince Carlo Massimo, Prince Stefano Massimo of Roccasecca, Prince Valerio Massimo of Roccasecca (Foxwell), Prince Cesare Massimo of Roccasecca, Prince Tancredi Massimo of Roccasecca, Prince Ferdinando Massimo, Prince Lucovico Massimo-Lancellotti, Prince Ascanio Massimo-Lancellotti, and Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti. Prince Giacomo Massimo-Brancaccio’s unnamed father is another high level and well guarded member of this wicked family and possibly living in France or French Polynesia. The Massimo family are the greatest source of wickedness on Earth.


Khazar scam of debt: debt is not debt

Final call attention: the debt scam Khazaria

The scam Khazar debt

debt is not debt 
scam is the illusion of money that puts us into bondage: most  people have no idea that their money is worthless and that the Central Bank, banking system and governments are totally corrupt. Please note that we people and our country together, just us one nation under God, like all other 208 sovereign nationsthe world. Unfortunately, most people have lost their bright light as a beacon of self - esteem. To address this short-coming;  

every citizen should take note of the following internal information to understand how and why we, the people, have been manipulated to become perpetual debt slaves. Most people do not really know what money is and what is not. It is taken as a given, but really that should not be the case. One of the main mistakes is that money is considered equal to the debt, which is not the case. Debt can not be used as money. However, the whole world monetary system is based on debt, which is a contradiction in itself!Then, surely, the financial system is headed for a disastrous and inevitable failure. 

 There will be no way to avoid it , because debt can not be used as money.Fair, equaling legally the money created by ordinary people who rely on each other, that money is fiat money created by central banks is debt money, since the latter acquires confidence in the first. That results ininflation, which in itself is a direct theft : increasing the money supply goes beyond social trust. The conflict between the two types of money, trust versus debt money is clear: because u

n dollar can be spent only once in principle for private transactions between citizens, but that same dollar again agrees to pay the public debt, through schemes in which governments commit without the consent or knowledge of their citizens. To keep analytically simple: the creditor of the money must be returned, which is the Central Bank, with the same money created from nothing. Between the Central Bank and abused citizens, a smokescreen placed: through government requirement that its citizens pay their taxes in the currency the central bank. And precisely this is the commitment that defines the essence of debt money.

Through this scheme, inflation occurs due to nothing more or less than the injection of fiat money (debt money) in the existing amount of money in trust. This is actually a "breach of trust" with respect to persons, or FRAUD clearly defined . Everyone knows that the debt should always be paid, so the people as a whole continues to pay a debt to which he never committed.This  is deliberately and blatantly scam . This scam has resulted in the following consequences: if all debt is repaid, no money in circulation. Why

 the first component of the money supply, fiat money, serves as collateral for the second, money debt, and the second is for the purchase of the former, while both support the illusion of money. In other words, public debt is required to create money while people are told that their money is needed to pay off public debt, which of course is complete nonsense and a lie . Synopsis: The commitment of trust money is a promise. The collateral debt money that comes from the "debt" requires a guarantee that taxes collected by the government to repay the debt "endless" or life to the Central Bank in the currency issued by the central bank itself created. 

It is then mixed with the trust money already in circulation, which makes the scam invisible . The truth about the monetary system for analytical thinker! This scam is rooted in the premise of perpetual loans, imposed by central bankers on governments to borrow money that did not exist before loan against collateral of tax money of the people. Money  that governments themselves might have created interest. But governments have been forced to join companies owned by the Rothschilds mafia Khazar and therefore must borrow from central banks. Truth involves manipulation so that something comes from nothing. 

Sovereign debt is needed to create debt-money and told people that their tax money is required to 'pay the debt'.  This leads to the logical conclusion,if all debt is canceled, there will be more money in circulation. Thus, central bankers coined the term "perpetual debt" thatnever be paid, and this makes the government is a big liar. Henry Ford I, over a hundred years ago, said: "If people understand the scam is called money, tomorrow we will have a revolution." Today, the world is in the process of this revolution, and it is becoming clear that all these miseries are compounded by the fact that the Western financial system, since 1933, has been insolvent. 

In addition, since 1971, the USD has no logical basis behind any sustainable value due to the lack of guarantees of hard assets. It's just air!That means all your "money" in their accounts just not real. And it has never been! Like the USD, the Euro, Yen, etc. as Treasury bonds, junk bonds, ETF and US corporate actions, as well as stocks and bonds Canadian, European or Australian. Everything is a total fabrication, and that is what is causing all this chaos and dangerously imminent collapsing markets and the cash reserve system. However, the Chinese movement against the petrodollar should not be confused with a movement against the United States. 

Actually, it is a move against the approximately 700 major Khazars mobsters who have used their petrodollar control as part of its plan to enslave humanity. In fact, today the Western Patriots are actually fighting alongside its Asian allies to liberate people from their enslavement. It is why the "underground bases" throughout the world are being destroyed.  The US Army. UU. It eliminated a base seabed was involved in attacks that caused all the recent mysterious fires started by Khazarian in northern California. In addition ,the US Army. UU. He made sure that all Khazar mafia bosses were expelled from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Board. The new president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,

John Williams, has already declared publicly that US monetary creation.UU.  You should use the asset backing and new objectives such as median income, rather than simply deliver cash Khazars controlled by oligarchs private banks. Go to "middle income" basically means giving the money to the average citizen rather than a satanic esoteric elite . In addition, as part of the movement against the Khazars and their scam of "creating moneyof nothing" a bill to the US Congress was presented. UU. Lalmoneda requiring US is backed by gold . On this front, the secret negotiations are ongoing, but should result in "tens of trillions" of dollars available to help rebuild the US. UU., According to experts involved in the ongoing negotiations . The end to a new beginning So when the USN comes into play later this year, and things get real and fast, dramatic events and changes occur more suddenly than anyone had imagined possible, the great illusion of mastery Western end. The end of the clique is happening in real time, right now, with the end of their world, not ours . Actually,


for us it is the beginning of a golden resurgence of human sovereignty over the world, whose repercussions reach far into the cosmos. The situation will be the union of alien crimes of the clique is no longer in control of the affairs of humanity after more than a thousand millennia. Think of the collateral damage that approximates to fall on the mechanisms of control if no more cabal USD to pay anything because literally no more period USD! Do not think that this story will affect global MSM cables. Of course, no. The MSM will talk about the instantaneous and catastrophic devastation! Psychological shedding blood will be taken to new heights on both sides of the truth. 

Many people simply frightened or self - destructs. As the electoral votes never counted the Clinton, Bush, Obama, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Eisenhower, Truman and Ford selected; everyone was in the master plan of the clique not only to keep the enslaved humanity, but also to genetically euthanize the DNA strands people directly on the planet, with the aim of creating a race of multisexual slaves unisex living in utter poverty only for the mining of hard assets of the Earth and the elite servants All aspects of modern society have been created for humanity to alter their collective perception of the possibility artificially turning the innate thirst to seek the truth. 

Just to keep the audience asleep reducing their imagination. Media leaders, celebrities and social media websites remain the master lie legitimizing false flag events as false murder Sandy Hook, JFK and Reagan Boston Marathon Bombing plus and Paris Night Club Shooting. Then his false political "elect" may seem like they are solving problems and protecting / improving society. Whatever course is complete nonsense! Society has never really improved, as the debt is never paid, or never audited gold in Fort Knox, problems continue to be driven on the road for the next generation so that once again not resolved . 

Then take charge imposed by more people and cut more freedoms. Clique secretly created deadlock over the centuries, all by design, just as they have tried to hide the collapse of the western financial system around 1933 to keep the game of enslaving the global middle class, so you never have the means or will to fight. Pantano shoot down the Globalist plans to clean the swamp globalist devised over a hundred years ago. By working in an operation like this, everyone is impatient because things do not happen fast enough In order to bring down the entire system to bring it back to life, we do not have to go very high on the totem pole. 


When we talk about people like Clinton, Obama, Bush and Soros family, we are talking about people midlevel. These are the puppets of the globalist union. These people are in Rothschild , and Rockefeller axis. For the country to stand up again, defeating the Clinton, Obama and Soros is not enough, because that creature back to life. We need to break down those entities above mid - level players. That's what's taking so long. It could take many months for the creature to be erased, says Bob Mazur, a former undercover DEA agent who was one of the people responsible for toppling the drug lord, the king Pablo Escobar and destroy the BCCI bank that used to washing drugs. money. 

- The traitors and criminals "Deep State" are concerned and corralled. "This is not like trying to turn some tough mafia". These people are juniors when it comes to being criminals. Yes, they were involved in criminal activities. They wanted more control and more money, but these people are not hardened criminals. Therefore, these people will change in a second, and when theychange, no stop sign. They will bring as many people who need to be saved down. None of these, at this point, can trust each other. 

The ultimate goal is to take this to a higher level before removing the Obamas, the Clinton, Bush and Soros family, and then apply the pressure needed to reach the top. " Remember, the globalists are Luciferian. They support is people, especially in children.  they control our politicians with dirty details involving abuse and sexual abuse.  Unfortunately, many people can not understand this. they think it's a conspiracy theory .  that's all.  Trust Him plan!  the beginning of an avalanche of truth has come. he will begin filming with immense speed and power, and will not stop until the clique is completely eliminated from the planet Earth. 

And that certainly will happen well  before  November 11, 2018. That is the date when the grand parade of the promised victory Anon Q / President of Trump. President Trump alerts us to the huge avalanche is about to roar in the hearts and minds of the US population. UU. And, ultimately, the rest of the world. President Trump said in a tweet, "It's bigger than Watergate ... '  ." An imminent report of the Inspector General (IG) may rule that the FBI and the Justice Department violated the law in its handling of the investigation by mail Hillary Clinton e ". Q says; We have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 '- 10,000km - long ago. 

As we prepare for landing, please fasten your seat belts and make sure the back of his seat and folding tray are upright. " Q Anon has referred to 40,000 feet in several places.  It relates to the importance General view of the Plan of the Alliance.  people should always see everything from a much wider and broader perspective.  As Q Anon often said, "the future test last" . the great awakening Although many private initiatives bloggers, independent journalists, seekers of truth, revolutionary and alternative news sources that

for many years have been warning about these dangers, discrepancies, the lack of control of the financial and government corruption from top to bottom, all designed by lies and deceit, the suffering of millions of people as a result of unnecessary austerity measures, which They culminated in economic crises deliberately created today, etc. Too many people are still worried, apathetic or too ignorant to recognize these warning signs. - If action is not taken now; We, the people we live today, we will be responsible for allowing mankind to die in thousands of millions, not being alert and prepared to take significant steps to stop this agenda, but we remain incompetent and apathetic.

Source:  final call-up

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...