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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Twin Flames. Mostrar todas las entradas




 Congruently we must balance our life with someone who decides to free her heart. Who wants to heal her wounds instead of embalming them between walls. That you want to expand everything you have inside, learn from life and share your Love.

 Choose someone who is willing to love; To love with loyalty, with honor and respect. May he look at you as a complement and an extension of his inner temple. May he be kind to all beings and seek harmony in life

 Choose someone who understands that Love is sacred, that when bodies touch, souls connect and share their energy in a divine act.

 Choose someone who offers you their light and does not make you pay for their shadows. Who wants to believe, create, grow and manifest by your side, that is the purpose of being a couple: accompanying each other in the walk of life. 

 Choose someone who wants to evolve by your side, be like-minded accomplices and at the beginning and consequence. Knowing that we are image and likeness.

 You will come to me, when I become what I seek from you. Without pressure without forcing and when it arrives, acknowledge it being grateful, happy share your light in Love since the truth flows like a river



WHAT ARE THE FLAMES GEMELAS? Channeling by Master Master Jesus 

Anandi Christavé

Twin Flames is called, all those divine sparks of God, light rays that were developed as rays of light, later becoming Twin Flames with male and female polarity. The first Twin Flames were created from God's creation of Adam and Eve, the main rays of twins embodied in female and male body. And gradually they were created in the Universe twin beams becoming more flames remained bound and intertwined until decided by the maximum evolution of their souls separated and they were separated into two. His real home is the Divine Source, and its nature, spiritual pure.
The aim of Twin Flames is starting to take a trip and return home.From the beginning of time is known on Earth, from the continent of Lemuria and Atlantis, Twin Flames embodied separately in male and female bodies according to their polarity and those were his first incarnations, and from there most would still life after life to evolve, to experience soul in a body, in order to join sacredly and physically back on Earth, evolve and experienced life after life until the maximum evolution to unite and come back together in Divine Love at Home , the Source of God. 

They can embody several lives Twin Flames on opposite or both sexes bodies are experiences that have to live in the evolution of the Soul. But until they do not fuse properly on Earth, with its original energy masculine polarity embodied in man and female polarity embodied in woman there is no true consummation to return home, which are the past lives of conscience and service to the Light and the Creator to remain and to reconnect and recognized as flames or Twin Rays, that is, in this present life the Flames couples are couples of men and women as were created from the beginning, feminine polarity and masculine polarity together to form the perfect complement , and so they can become attached properly recognized and loving alike must heal their own individual karmas and sets. All those who are in the path of the flame, both are conscious and those who have not suffered and continue to suffer heartbreak, feelings of abandonment, loss of a loved one, empty interiors not find the unrequited love and endless situations conflicting partner that is what is called karma Twin flame. Once you are aware that you have Twin Flame is because it is ready to make the process of healing and purification of Karma and always advised and advised to take this path with the greatest joy and enjoyment possible awakening the maximum energy Divine feminine, both a man and a woman are endless virtues of the heart.Our heart is feminine and women in particular, has a very high divine energy and, usually, is a pioneer of rescuing the hearts of men and transform male egos staying in the middle and heal his evil expectada Feminine Energy. 
To merge properly, they must be spiritually elevated, individually and jointly healed (closure of major Karmas) to join in the mission.
Once fused correctly both have strength in rays of light and love of approximately 1,000 people or more conscious together since joining divine rays having the characteristic of having God's virtues 7 universal rays, this maximum energy acting doubly generated dimensionally brightness covering a lot of space on Earth Light.
Once Twin Flames join sacredly in this life, there is no more separation between the two, even if it means returning to a mission or finish some individual Karma or set in an upcoming or more lives. They will be recognized and will remain the same together is the divine gift for all the work done in the present life and the rest of lives.
We are all created in God's cosmic rays, and depending on our creation, we are of energy or another, but we are the same as our Flame. Twin Flames arcoíris are those of the Family of Christ Light and the most advanced quedándoles a life, or very few work lives on Earth or no longer to return to the source. Depending on the rays of each flame, they can join in this age of marriage of Twin Flames but not necessarily with the Karma completely healed, depending on the rays that are missing to work, the union will be different but not unholy, and that they would acquire virtues and Karmas together to heal it heal in the following lives and has even come to pass if they have very little Karma,
The goal is to acquire 7 Universal Rays in our energy. With our Twin Flame we have shared previous lives to have the opportunity that our souls evolve more, it is for this reason that life after life we ​​create strong energy ties between the two together through the energy centers (chakras) and it is through these ties when we meet and recognize in the lives on Earth, we attract and recognize us.
Also, being designed to evolve with the aim of the sacred union physics on Earth, ultimate goal of the flames, we need to move the wheel of Karma, as we experience and growing slowly and awakening our consciousness from more primitive life even more conscious lives and there is a whole generation process and karmic debts, those negative energy would have to cut ties with the path of healing and Light. As beings with divine nature, how to break negative ties and promote and further develop the bonds of love between the Flames are the ones who recognize and truly love each other, but the healing of negative ties that separate can break making a energy healing work consciously connecting with the divine source, Teachers and guides through a pure channel and, gradually, becoming us in pure light channels. Karma Twin Flames either between or among partners or kindred souls can heal only making a conscious labor of love and healing for ourselves and for others. If we want to heal the Karma from the mind, the chances of healing are void because the Karma between people are energy ties low vibration that while some reside in the mind (chakras of mind), go wiping layers of memories painful for undoing these ties with understanding and conscious healing work through the Light. If our source is the light, this will be our resolve and conviction.Karma Twin Flames either between or among partners or kindred souls can heal only making a conscious labor of love and healing for ourselves and for others. If we want to heal the Karma from the mind, the chances of healing are void because the Karma between people are energy ties low vibration that while some reside in the mind (chakras of mind), go wiping layers of memories painful for undoing these ties with understanding and conscious healing work through the Light. If our source is the light, this will be our resolve and conviction. Karma Twin Flames either between or among partners or kindred souls can heal only making a conscious labor of love and healing for ourselves and for others. If we want to heal the Karma from the mind, the chances of healing are void because the Karma between people are energy ties low vibration that while some reside in the mind (chakras of mind), go wiping layers of memories painful for undoing these ties with understanding and conscious healing work through the Light. If our source is the light, this will be our resolve and conviction. the chances of healing are zero because the Karma between people are energy ties low vibration that while some reside in the mind (chakras of mind), go wiping layers of painful memories for undoing these ties with understanding and conscious healing work through the Light. If our source is the light, this will be our resolve and conviction. the chances of healing are zero because the Karma between people are energy ties low vibration that while some reside in the mind (chakras of mind), go wiping layers of painful memories for undoing these ties with understanding and conscious healing work through the Light. If our source is the light, this will be our resolve and conviction. 
Another important objective of Flames consumed together on Earth, either at its highest, most recent or past life spiritual degree, it is the spiritual mission work of Light, which will be discussed later. Each pair of Llamas with its particular mission, is higher than others, all of equal importance to God. The goal is to unify their divine energies and strength to fulfill the purpose of their souls and their divine plan, this was specifically to assist in the process of Ascension of the Planet and the expansion of consciousness and when you ascend back to his origin, will continue to do its work up ... the Divine Plan of the Twin Flames is written to be performed in this age and is going to help very high degree, healing of Planet Earth. 
Who supports and keeps the divine plan of Twin Flames?
From the etheric Temple of Jerusalem, the Masters Jesus (Sananda) and Maria Magdalena your Twin Flame with Mary, the Virgin Mother of Jesus and Archangels and the Goddess Isis and her Flame Osiris God save, support and protect the Divine Plan called Christavé namaha Universal Book of the Twin Flames written by the soul of Anandi Christavé Namaha who gave him his power the Universal Book of the Twin Flames for having lowered the Plan to Earth in order and written order to be done with the whole family has incarnated Christ Light under this plan and all willing to evolve and heal your karma to unite in divine love and help the planet twin flames. Through hundreds of lives, 
Jesus and Mary Magdalene are one of the Twin Flames over evolucionadas residing in the 9th dimension of consciousness, which have also passed cycle of reincarnations since their separation as twin rays, embodying many lives on Earth that are not known, since only they have talked about the life of Christ, important life that marks a before and after, but not recognized as the church hid the law of karma and reincarnation. Although Master Jesus was already a very evolved, an Avatar as Krishna.

Channeling Anandi for the Flames; I will be putting when you go feeling that I funneling messages Beloved Masters of Jesus, Mary Magdalene ... with much love for all Twin Flames.
important moments of the Universal Divine Plan of the Twin Flames are close ... many flames lighting, rediscovering, recognized after long periods of Earth time without being able to recognize (one of two at the moment is now and some recognize ... deaf ...) but what is important, what counts, what really needs to be assessed is that a couple of Llamas has already been found in his heart the Christ Flame that binds to its complementary divine part to his Twin Flame. "If a flame begins to walk, its complementary stop sitting" and many others have long Earth working to raise the total energy Christic your heart and the seeds are planted, they are being irrigated with love, enthusiasm, honesty,
master Jesus 
publishedEverth Thenansehed through Joan Ashtar Copyright © misteri1963 all rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author will be credited and this URL https: // and the Copyright notice


Twin Flames: * how to recognize those feelings at that age

Calls the "Amalia" program from Virginia who is 16 and Twin Flames and questions about how to recognize those feelings at that age. 

Father God 
is quite possible that teenagers can meet your Twin Flame. Says that there are adolescents in times of pre-teens may feel a very strong attraction to someone. An incredibly strong bond of attraction with someone. This has sexual overtones but it would be something like being attracted by a magnet each other. A magnetism so strong that no one could deny it That would be what happens with the Twin Flame.

When they are really ready they will know without adoubt that should end up being together. They will attract each other to be first and foremost the best of friends at the stage of pre-teens or early teens. This bond is so strong that nothing can destroy or undo it .This is the energy of the Twin Flame. 
You can also find a close friend which one would never want to not separate but rather be with each. They will never betray.

 Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit to the author is Given URL is included and esta https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com and the Copyright Notice

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