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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta ZODIAC. Mostrar todas las entradas


The Scorpio Full Moon on 18 May 2019 will have the greatest effect on these 5 signs of the zodiac

The full moon of this month is about to arrive. This lunar cycle will be in the sign of Scorpio, happening on May 18.

The Full Moon of Scorpio will have powerful blows, and several signs of the Zodiac will be more affected than the others.

Some of them are going to be affected in a negative way, while others are going to be pushed towards something they have not even realized they need in their lives. As we move forward, our ways of handling those energies that come will define many things.

There are five signs of the Zodiac that will feel more emotional during this period than normal. They will try something they may not have experienced in several years. For some of them, this will be a huge turning point, while for others it will be "too much".

Here are the five signs that Saturday's full moon will affect more:


Usually, people born under the sign of Taurus do the best they can to ignore their instinct and then move on with some things that they know will take them where they need to be; However, during this lunar cycle that has powers, they will be dragged into new things.

They will work to follow your heart more than usual, and they will do everything possible to find some ways to overcome their own minds. The energies of the Full Moon are going to make you feel that there is enormous pressure that overwhelms you, so you have to stay strong during this period..

At the moment when this lunar cycle will influence people born under Gemini, they will rethink friendship, and cut ties with those who never thought they would. In those moments that are about to arrive, they will learn how important it is to really get out there to do everything they want. They will no longer be observed as someone they have also overcome


The next full moon will have people born under Cancer annoying; however, that will happen for a good reason. In general, they are too likely to give away their well-being. They do not take care of themselves, and finally they realize it. They should do what they feel they have to do


The Sagittarians can no longer flee, since the Full Moon that comes will punish them in the best way. They have to work to be more comfortable at every possible moment, since they will soon warm up. They are not often the kind of individuals who allow themselves to experience mostly the negative sides of things, but that will change soon.


Aquarians tend to hide their emotions, and that has not helped them in their past; however, they continue to do so. The next full moon will have them on the edge, ready to explode. Therefore, if they do not address the problems they face and do not work on them, they will end up beyond their means. They should never bottle things that make them who they are, but they should express themselves.


Publicado por EVERTH THENANSHED, 1er Oficial de la Federación Galáctica de planetas libres.

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanece completo, el autor recibe crédito y la URL se incluye en https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com y el aviso de copyright

La lluna plena d'aquest mes està a punt d'arribar. Aquest cicle lunar estarà en el signe d'Escorpí, succeint el 18 de maig.
La Lluna Plena de Escorpí tindrà poderosos cops, i diversos signes del Zodíac seran més afectats que els altres.
Alguns d'ells van a ser afectats d'una manera negativa, mentre que altres van a ser empesos cap a alguna cosa que ni tan sols s'han adonat que necessiten en les seves vides. Mentre avancem, les nostres formes de gestionar aquestes energies que vénen definiran moltes coses.
Hi ha cinc signes del Zodíac que es van a sentir més emocionals durant aquest període del normal. Van a provar una cosa que potser no han experimentat en diversos anys. Per a alguns d'ells, aquest serà un punt d'inflexió enorme, mentre que per a altres serà «massa».

Aquí hi ha les cinc senyals que la Lluna Plena de dissabte afectarà més:


Usualment, les persones nascudes sota el signe de Taure fan el millor que poden per ignorar el seu instint i després seguir endavant amb algunes coses que saben que els portaran a on han d'estar; però, durant aquest cicle lunar que té poders, van ser arrossegats cap a coses noves.
Treballaran per seguir al seu cor més del que és habitual, i faran tot el possible per trobar algunes formes de superar les seves pròpies ments. Les energies de la Lluna Plena van a fer-los sentir que hi ha una enorme pressió que els atabala, així que han de romandre forts durant aquest període.


 En el moment en que aquest cicle lunar va influenciar a la gent nascuda sota Bessons, ells repensaran l'amistat, i tallaran llaços amb aquelles persones que mai van pensar que ho farien. En aquests moments que estan a punt d'arribar, aprendran l'important que és realment posar-se allà fora per fer tot el que volen. Ja no se'ls seguirà observant com algú a qui també han superat 


La propera Lluna Plena tindrà a les persones nascudes sota Càncer molestes; però, això succeirà per una bona raó. En general, són massa propensos a regalar el seu benestar. No es cuiden a si mateixos, i per fi s'adonen d'això.Haurien de fer el que sentin que han de fer. 


Els Sagitari ja no poden fugir, ja que la Lluna plena que ve els castigarà de la millor manera.Han de treballar per estar més còmodes en cada moment possible, ja que aviat es van a escalfar.No són sovint el tipus d'individus que es permeten experimentar majorment els costats negatius de les coses, però això canviarà aviat. 


Els acuarianos tendeixen a amagar les seves emocions, i això no els ha ajudat en el seu passat;però, segueixen fent-ho. La propera lluna plena els tindrà a la vora, preparats per explotar. Per tant, si no aborden els problemes que tenen davant seu i no treballen, acabaran per sobre de les seves possibilitats. Mai han embotellar coses que els fan ser qui són, però s'han d'expressar. 


Publicat per Everth THENANSHED, 1er Oficial de la Federació Galàctica de planetes lliures. 

Copyright © misteri1963 Tots els drets reservats. Podeu copiar i distribuir aquest article sempre que no ho modifiqui de cap manera, el contingut roman complet, l'autor rep crèdit i la URL s'inclou en https: // i l'avís de copyright



Aquari et fa perdre a peus, però en el fons no voldràs canviar aquesta sensació per res del món.

Si vols que Aquari romangui en la teva vida, no ho tractes com si fos l'estrany de la família, que algú tan genial com Aquari, decideixi perdre temps de la seva preciosa vida amb tu, has de començar a plantejar-te que hauràs de lluitar amb el major enigma de la teva vida, a CEPTA seves peculiaritats i comença a gaudir de la vida i de l'amor des d'una perspectiva molt diferent a tota la resta.  Si, aquari és el misteri pur i no es deixa veure molt bé a la primera de canvi. De primeres, aquari és una persona que transmet petites dosis de fredor barrejades amb petits tocs de seducció. Et confon, molt.

Per arribar al seu cor fa falta molta paciència i moltes ganes. Ganes per no llençar la tovallola en el primer moment. Ganes per seguir intentat cavar fins arribar al més profund. Ganes, per descobrir aquest tresor tan preuat que tan ben guardat: el seu cor.  
El cor d'Aquari és com un mar profund de secrets personals que no volen ser descoberts i que volen estar fora de perill. Aquari, necessita algú que guardi i cuidi aquest tresor com ningú.

Necessita poder confiar a cegues de la mà de la persona que tingui costat.

Necessita un braç on descansar, un petó al qual recórrer quan tot camini malament. Carícies de sentir quan més ganes tingui i abraçades que gaudir, quan més falta faci. Si Aquari se sent a gust amb tu, sent que pots arribar a formar part de la seva vida i comença a tirar-te a faltar quan te'n vas de la seva banda, tens una probabilitat molt alta de poder gaudir del seu amor. Com un 80%. La resta, es guanyarà amb el temps i amb més confiança.
Si vols formar part de la vida d'aquesta bogeria en persona, hauràs interessar pels seus gustos, per les seves aficions.

publicat per Everth Thenansehed 1er oficial de la Federació galàctica de mons lliures  
a través de Joan Ashtar  ©  misteri 1963 Tots els drets reservats. Aquesta publicació pot reproduir-se lliurement a condició de respectar la seva integritat i esmentar a l'autor com a font de la mateixa i s'inclogui aquesta URL i l'avís del Copyright


Aquarius makes you lose a head, but basically will not want to change that feeling for the world.

If you want Aquarius remain in your life, do not treat me as if the oddball of the family,  that someone as great as Aquarius, decide to waste time of your precious life with you, you have to start plantearte you'll have to fight the greatest enigma of your life, CEPTA its peculiarities and start enjoying life and love from a very different perspective to everything else.  If Aquarius is pure mystery and not be seen very well at the first opportunity. At first, Aquarius is a person who transmits small doses of coldness mixed with small touches of seduction. Confuses you, very much.

To reach your heart takes a lot of patience and desire. Win not throw in the towel at the first moment. Wanting to keep trying to dig down to the depths. Eager to discover this treasure so precious that so well guarded: his heart.  
Aquarian heart is like a deep sea of personal secrets they do not want to be discovered and they want to be safe. Aquarius, needs someone to save and take care of this treasure as anyone.

You need to trust blindly hand the person having side.

You need an arm to rest, a kiss to turn to when everything goes wrong. Caressé feel when you have more desire and hugs to enjoy when it matters most. Aquarius If you feel comfortable, feel that you can become part of your life and start to miss you when you go on your side, you have a very high probability of enjoying his love. As 80%. The rest will be won over time and with more confidence.
If you want to be part of the life of this madness in person, you should be interested for their tastes, hobbies.

Thenansehed published by Everth 1st officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds  
by Joan Ashtar  ©  misteri 1963 All rights reserved. This publication may be freely reproduced respecting its integrity and mention the author and source thereof and include this URL and Copyright notice



Resultat d'imatges of ZODIAC

There are more likely to regret things they say and do signs, and yet others do not even think, loosen the pump and go. Sometimes itis difficult, especially for the receiver, but they are well. And it 's almost impossible to make them change. Here is the ranking of the signs that unless they repent:

Incredible but true. Although it seems that you repent of wrong decisions do you do, and far more than anyone. You do not like to fail, but fail you yourself / or you like least of Capricorn. You are a very critical person with the actions of other people around you, but you are much more about yourself / o forgive you a hard time when you've done something that you have repented later.
Obviously you learn from your own mistakes as anyone and thanks to them, make you stronger and stronger Capricorn, but you eat much the head when you fail, you do not sleep or take care of yourself as you should when you have an internal conflict or when you've taken a decision to force. Disagreeing with your own mind, can you Capricorn, your enemy stronger your mind and you know it.
This is to let the world know you're not as rock cold as they say, then, in your head and your privacy, yes you take a lot of laps to things, you worry, you suffer in silence and think about how it would have been if you could change everything.
Who knows you really think you know everything, absolutely everything, everything. Your decisions, neighbor, those of the people who live three streets down your own home ... Your mind has to retain everything, absolutely everything, everything Virgo and regrets that you had in the past and you have in the present, They occupy the top spot. You worry a lot when you've made a bad decision and you punish yourself / or turning the matter over and over again.
Even if your face does not show anything of what you actually do on your mind, but your expression is firm and serious, deep down you are a person who takes many turns everything and to hate fail because everything has to be perfectly measured to go to pearls.
When it comes to you Virgo, no middle, or are very proud / a of what you've done, or you regret more than anyone else (but do not say or do not ask forgiveness) overwork that you give your mind when think about your decisions, it makes your character cloud and things affect you more Virgo.
You eat much the head when you do something that basically do not know if you wanted to do or when you say something that might have affected someone in your environment and you know Pisces. You punish a lot mentally muted your worries and thinking alone in all the decisions you made wrong, how it could have been if you had acted differently ...  Das more laps to head a dog when he chooses "Turning on itself same "Pisces and that's really exhausting.
You do not want to miss anyone, but not you want to fail you and make decisions that sometimes madness in maximum mode and then relents.
But you know Pisces and even punish you much for taking a decision that is stupid for you, you do it again again. Why? Because if you do and failures, you can regret for having done but at least, you've already done. If you do not, just as you would regret for not having done so and have stayed with doubt. You're so Pisces.
There are people who can play with your mind cancer, there are people who know how to soften your heart that you eat then head for something that really was not that bad.  Cancer, you are a very emotional person, so much to make the problems of others are yours own and if you had to do in a bad decision together with someone else, is known to be you who ends up carrying all the blame because you're so, you've always been and you will remain.
To be a very good person and empathize both with people you've loaded with guilt that sometimes or you belonged. Even if you have a lot of character, doing something that basically did not want to hurt you and ultimately affects you in some way.
The good thing is that you know and ask forgiveness cancer that does not make any. There are times that even you will understand and do things that you would not do at another time, but prefer them to stay with the doubt. Even though you know you might regret, the beams, then relents as well and had intuited previously and go.
You regret the decisions that you decide to repent and not what you tell the rest of the world and you know Tauro. You are a very thoughtful person with everything you do and what you do, what you say and what you did or were in a past NO caught us by surprise.
But basically everything you impact and it hurts more than you appear so, because it's not that be the most expressive person in the world Taurus, but basically you eat much the head when you've done something you do not feel much pride. And not only because the subject pride, hurts fail and regret because you are a person who meditates much everything before acting.
You know apologize, but you do only when you are 100% sure / a that must be so, if not, you keep your head scratched and go.  Now, you repent and give many turns your head for a while, but not for life, because when something is already closed and extinguished for you, BOMM disappears, Taurus and always advance in this area too.
POUND you depends. It depends on the situation you find yourself and how you are emotionally.  Much depends on the company you have and the role that you have taken in a botched performance for all to repent or not. In other words? You are a very fair person and although dudes up the preferred your ice cream flavor, you know when you've screwed up by your own hand and when you have done for heeding external advice, but you do not so much when you know it has not been your fault, but you always find in the middle of almost all disputes.
You're like the balance that gives balance to all of the people with more sense of justice and you know what? We need more people like you, because even if you're a disaster in many things, you know differentiate the good from the bad, the truth of injustice ....
When you can most regret is when you fail because of bad advice from a friend and for not having heeded your "pros and cons" that hurts you more, heeding others and not yourself / or .
You are in Ecuador this ranking for one simple reason Leo: because you know repenting but you do only what you know you have done wrong, without shouldering blame anyone else, without being in the middle of a dispute without saving the ass anyone, just saved yours, you're very intelligent Leo.
Obviously you eat much the head when you know you've done something wrong, when you have not done something that basically wanted to do or where, because of you, someone is going wrong (surely you told him you did not want to be your crush and so what it went wrong) and it hurts you get to that point, but you know difference.
Do crazy things is no reason why you will repent because you like adrenaline, experience and NEVER stay with the win, but those crazy things have bad consequences if reason for you not eat the head and you regret some your actions.  Obviously, you can not think "why did not I? and do not regret, because basically you like to act and then think Leo. You know what? You have a good heart.
Are you surprised not to be in the number one spot Scorpio? Deep down you know that's not your place because you're really a very emotional person inside Scorpio, they will greatly affect the circumstances that happen because of a bad performance on your part and you know Scorpio.
You are a very impulsive person who prefers charge and act as often as necessary and to stay with nothing or with the desire to have done something, but when you do something that is not right or something you do not find much comfort If you regret Scorpio, but your way.
Obviously not say to the four winds and will not ask for forgiveness or you will show very sorry, but the procession goes inside and you take your procession inside you Scorpio, you do not like that others will see it that so vulnerable form .
Now, do not panic right? Scorpio you and your case will not be anything as nice as you paint. Do you regret? Yes, but only solely on what is wrong done to your eyes. What they think others is his thing.
To satisfy your curiosity and not stay with the desire to do something that basically want to do it or yes, you are quite capable of charging as often as necessary and Gemini, because to satisfy your curiosity you do everything.
I love to explore and have fun as often as necessary and if you risk seven times in a week, then you end up screwing up about ten times that your life cycle so, you're wrong because bets, because you risk and play and that you like. But then come the regrets and consequences , and that's the part you do not like both Gemini but there is To repent you should stop and think about it a lot and gives you so lazy ...
When they do you regret truth is when third parties who may be going wrong or when the situation is already very serious, only in those cases.  If you screw by a fault or because it has passed us something that is very serious, you take it as an anecdote to remember, but if it was not bad for you, no regrets on your part. Clear and simple.
Aries, do not regret their mistakes because thanks to them you learn many lessons from your own faults and not the faults of others, it is obvious, and best of all you do not have the need to scupper anyone or blaming third parties for failing to pay their own actions, because if you screw up, you assume it without any problem, but regret to try, do, say or risk?
In life, not an Aries you may be asked to repent trying everything, Aries TRUTH?  It's easy, you're a very impulsive person and your nature prevents you stop and think and doubt. Your heart tells you to act and do, your mind tells you to do, and you rush full. What if you fail? Well , no problem, you assume the consciousness and do what you have to do to fix it , but REPENT is not something that you are enrolled in your vocabulary Aries and you know it .
The only way there is to feel really regret is that part of your family see involved in a problem caused by you, nothing else.


¿Stay with the desire to do something about what people will say? In the life. Do not leave home for having a very serious mistake with someone in particular? NEVER. ¿Repent of your faults or something you have done wrong? Never, Aquarius, never ever regret you live and fail as often as necessary and more, because for you it would be like giving up your own independence and your freedom of expression and to live life the way you Of the will.
Look Aquarium, the first place is not yours for a simple reason: on the bottom if you can eat a little head when you had a problem with someone and do not know exactly why, or when someone you love very much is wrong with you ...  Anyway, what we want to say is that you have a very big heart butter, but under many breastplates and to reach it you have to be somebody, if nothing.  But that does not mean that you regret your mistakes Aquarius, because you look stupid. For you, a mistake is a lesson in learning.


The first job is yours from beginning to end Sagittarius, because you deserve it more than anyone. Repentance has no place in any of your actions Sagittarius, you can ask forgiveness and feel really many times, especially when you damage someone unintentionally. But do not regret any step you false and any decision to end up being wrong, because that's life and you learn really, because why repent if you can find another option, another solution and something new to start?
Sagittarius think very well, you are free in every way and it shows up in the way you walk and express yourself with people.
Improvised and crazy plans, for you are the best, the decisions made at inopportune times but turn out to be the most dynamic, the best undoubtedly are a person who inspires adrenaline, ambition, impulsiveness and vitality for every one of the pores of your skin Sagittarius. And you never regret anything of what you do, because you never cease to be free. An end. You prefer to live screwing up I live conditioned by what others say.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...