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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta child pedophilia. Mostrar todas las entradas


"obligaciones familiares”, una mentira obvia.

U.S. Marines arrested disgraced California Governor Gavin Newsom on 1 November, delivering another major blow to the Deep State hegemony’s plans to impose permanent lockdowns and enslave law-abiding American citizens.

The arrest, Real Raw News can now report, took place at Newsom’s lavish $4m estate in Fair Oaks, California, days after he received a Covid-19 booster shot and fell violently ill. His last public appearance on October 27 was a public relations stunt that showed him getting his 3rd vaccination, and on October 31, his Twitter account, which may be controlled by persons other than Newsom, tweeted a photo of his family adorned in Halloween costumes. Even MSM publications such as the Daily Mail have raised concerns over Newsom’s inexplicable silence.

A military source speaking under promise of anonymity told RRN that Newsom became “seriously ill” 36-hours following the shot but opted to try to recuperate at home rather than admitting himself into a hospital.

“When the Office of Military Commissions learned Newsom was weakened and without much protection, it decided to act,” our source said.

During early morning on 1 November, an unknown number of Marines sent by United States Marine Forces Special Command infiltrated the Newsom estate and engaged two California State police officers who had been assigned to guard the Deep State governor. The Marines, our source said, offered state police a chance to surrender, but the officers drew sidearms and forced the Marines to respond with lethal force. Both officers took multiple hits, killing them, and no Marines were wounded in the brief firefight.

Having dispatched Newsom’s security, the Marines navigated the residence and spotted Newsom’s wife, Jennifer, and their four children dashing down a hallway that ended in a false wall leading to a “Safe Room,” a fortified room that is installed in a private residence or business to provide a safe shelter, or hiding place, for the inhabitants in the event of a break in, home invasion, tornado, terror attack, or other threat.

Mrs. Newsom and the children entered the panic room before the Marines were able to catch and interrogate them, our source said.

“The soldiers cleared the rest of the place and they found Gavin Newsom and his private physician in the master bedroom. The doc threw his hands in the air immediately and said he was just there to care for Newsom and didn’t want any trouble,” our source said.

A bedridden Newsom lie on his back with an intubation tube stuck down his throat and a nasal cannula jammed up his nostrils. Beside the bed stood an array of portable patient monitors.

“When the Marines said they were taking Newsom, the doctor warned them that he’d die if disconnected from the life support equipment. A Corpsman in the team radioed for aid, and a military ambulance soon arrived. They took Newsom and the doctor, presumably to question, from the home. They didn’t try to get his wife or kids, though,” our source said.

Newsome was taken to an unknown medical facility for treatment and, when medically fit, will be processed by JAG and sent to Guantanamo Bay to face a military tribunal.

Asked why the Marines didn’t simply “pull the plug” if the military intends to seek capitol punishment, our source said, “That wasn’t their job. Newsom may have answers we need. If he survives, he will face the same charges Cuomo did.”

Meanwhile, the MSM has blamed Newsome’s lengthy silence 

 “family obligations,” an obvious lie.


The final resting place of the victims who were pulled from the tunnels who didn't make it

Brace yourself....The final resting place of the victims who were pulled from the tunnels who didn't make it....Bless their souls.. will never be forgotten and forever will be imbedded in our hearts!
I have always told people there would be things that would come out that unless you have an open mind and deprogram your brain and undo everything you were told taught will not want to accept and or believe or be able to handle what has been being exposed and there is more to come!
Are WE still willing to turn a blind eye to the REAL pamdemic?
Time to wake up and turn your blinders off!
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It’s not just Epstein: Welcome to the Democratic donors’ sex-creep club

Special to
Well, well, well. “Follow the facts,” Democratic strategist Christine Pelosi now advises fellow liberals in the wake of billionaire and high-flying political financier Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking indictment this week.
Some of “our faves” could be implicated in the long-festering scandal, the Pelosi daughter warned, so it’s time to “let the chips fall where they may.”
Too bad Ms. Pelosi’s mommy hasn’t adopted that same attitude of accountability. While serving as the highest-ranking elected woman in America for decades, San Fran Nan has chronically downplayed, whitewashed or excused the sleazy habits and alleged sexual improprieties of a long parade of Dem pervs — from former San Diego Mayor Bob Filner to former New York Reps. Eric Massa and Anthony Wiener to former Oregon Rep. David Wu to former Michigan Rep. John Conyers and current presidential candidate Joe Biden.
Hillary Clinton and Ed Buck.
Since the woke-ty woke Democrats are now gung-ho on undoing special treatment of wealthy liberal sex creeps, perhaps they will soon be revisiting the matter of two of their other “faves,” Oregon real estate mogul and deep-pocketed left-wing White House donor Terry Bean and West Hollywood Clinton pal Ed Buck.
Here, let me help.
Terry Bean is the prominent gay rights activist who co-founded the influential Human Rights Campaign organization. He is also a veteran member of the board of the HRC Foundation, which disseminates Common Core-aligned “anti-bullying” material to children’s schools nationwide.
Like Epstein, Bean had a penchant for rubbing elbows and riding on planes with the powerful. Upon doling out more than $500,000 for President Barack Obama and the Democrats in 2012, he was rewarded with a much-publicized exclusive Air Force One ride with Obama. His Flickr account boasted glitzy pics with Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton.
Like Epstein, Bean also had a thing for young minors. In 2014, a grand jury charged him with horrifying sexual abuse allegations involving multiple victims — including a 15-year-old boy. After a sweeping investigation led by the Portland police department’s sex crime units and two county district attorney’s offices, authorities charged Bean with two felony counts of third-degree sodomy and one misdemeanor count of third-degree sex abuse. His 20-something boyfriend, Kiah Lawson, was indicted on third-degree sodomy and third-degree sexual abuse.
Allegations of Bean’s lurid sexual trysts with young men, which Lawson says the Democratic donor secretly videotaped, first surfaced in the local Willamette Week newspaper five years ago. Police say the pair enticed a 15-year-old boy to a hotel in Eugene, Oregon, after meeting him through the iPhone app Grinder, which helps men locate “local gay, bi and curious guys for dating.”
Bean wriggled out of prosecution by publicly dangling $220,000 a cash “compromise” with the alleged victim, who then suddenly refused to testify against him. A judge in the county where the politically influential Bean family reigned, promptly dismissed the charges. Case closed? Not so fast.
In January, government investigators filed new charges against Bean and Lawson after the alleged underage victim, now an adult, revealed that he had been ripped off by his attorney, who reportedly never delivered Bean’s payoff. The criminal trial is scheduled to begin in August. In May, a second alleged juvenile victim of Bean’s came forward with a civil lawsuit alleging the Dem donor sexually abused him three times when he was 17. The state Democratic party and several federal officials who have received donations from Bean have declined to return the money.
Then there’s Ed Buck, another Democratic gay rights leader and moneyman whose West Hollywood den was the scene of not one, but two overdose deaths of black men he allegedly paid for sex and drugs. An independent journalist/blogger, Jasmyne Cannick, who has investigated Buck’s sordid activities for several years, warned authorities that the influential campaign contributor was a “predator” who lured vulnerable minority men into his filthy orbit. This week, the mother of one of the dead men alleged Buck violated federal human trafficking laws and “knowingly utilized interstate commerce” to entice the victim to California “for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts.” Family members will mark the two-year anniversary of the death of one of the victims, Gemmel Moore, at the end of this month.
Buck has donated more than a half-million dollars to top California Democrats including current Gov. Gavin Newsom, former Gov. Jerry Brown, LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, and LA District Attorney Jackie Lacey.
That’s a lot of chips falling in the coffers of the party that claims to care most about sex assault and human trafficking victims.
Will Pelosi “follow the facts,” like her daughter recommends, or continue to cover up?
Michelle Malkin is a columnist for and host of “Michelle Malkin Investigates” on Her email address is


Police Chief Confirms Former U.K. Prime Minister Raped Dozens of Children & Government ‘Covered it Up’

In what will likely turn into the largest pedophile bombshell in recent history, Sir Edward Heath, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has reportedly been accused by the police chief as being a pedophile. His vile crimes against children were allegedly ‘covered up by the establishment.’

More than 30 people have now come forward with claims of sexual abuse by the former leader of the Conservative Party and PM. Police investigators told the Daily Mail that the victims all gave ‘strikingly similar’ accounts of the sexual abuse and none of the individuals were known to each other.

On Sunday, the Daily Mail revealed that the police chief investigating the Heath case said the allegations against him are ‘120 per cent’ genuine.

The original investigation began last year as Heath’s alleged victims began coming forward. Disgraced DJ Jimmy Savile’s nephew alleges his friend was sexually abused by former Prime Minister at parties in the 1970s.

Guy Marsden, whose uncle abused more than 500 victims aged between five and 75, alleges his friend was abused by Heath at age 14. Now, it appears more and more victims are coming forward — with strikingly similar stories.

Wiltshire Chief Constable Mike Veale regards the allegations as ‘totally convincing,’ and plans to publish a report in June, according to the Daily Mail.

According to the source at the Daily Mail, “‘Mr. Veale believes in them 120 per cent and thinks they are totally convincing.”

“There are very close similarities in the accounts given by those who have come forward. The same names used for him, the same places and same type of incidents keep coming up.

“What stands out is that the people giving these accounts are not connected but the stories and the details dovetail.

“It contains disturbing stuff. Investigators have been shocked by what they have learned.”

“The police were initially skeptical about the allegations, but now believe them. And they have come round to the view that they were covered up in the past because of who Heath was,” said another source speaking of how the alleged crimes were covered up.

According to investigators, Heath’s estate claims that he could never have committed these crimes because he did not have the ability to drive a car. However, multiple photographs, witnesses, and video show that he did drive and he did have a car.

After losing his chauffeur-driven car of which he was entitled to as the PM, he purchased his own vehicle.

According to the report in the Mail:

The disclosures come after several senior politicians dismissed the allegations against Heath as absurd and unfounded. Former Tory Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind complained Heath’s reputation was being ‘besmirched’. Heath’s sexuality has been the source of much speculation over the years. Some believed he was gay, others said he was ‘asexual.’ At one point, he was being investigated by no fewer than five police forces – the Met, Wiltshire, Hampshire, Kent and Jersey.

The claims, some of which have been proved false, include alleged links to a convicted brothel keeper known as Madame Ling-Ling. A paedophile dossier compiled by Labour peer Baroness Castle said he offered young boys trips on his yacht, and in a separate incident one man claimed Sir Edward picked him up hitchhiking in Kent as a 12-year-old in the 1960s and lured him to his Mayfair flat.

Labour MP Tom Watson also said he had received allegations about Sir Edward. However the claims Mr Veale is investigating, which date from the 1960s to 1990s, are not linked to the discredited evidence of the man known as ‘Nick’, who alleged a high-level paedophile ring.

Unfortunately, pedophilia, as the Free Thought Project has exposed, is all too common among those in power. Sadly, however, those who attempt to draw attention to this problem are labeled as conspiracy nuts or perpetrators of fake news.

As CBS anchor Ben Swann pointed out, the information gleaned during Pizzagate, while some was outlandish, showed the issue was deserving of an investigation. However, it was quickly marked as fake news and written off.

Interestingly, the Heath investigation in many ways mirrors the high-profile pedophilia scandal that has already gripped the U.K., before being unceremoniously swept under the rug. In that case, historical abuse by politically connected elites, celebrities, and politicians was brought to light — with an official inquiry being started — only to have the inquiry “crumble” after heavy pressure was exerted by highly placed power brokers within the U.K. establishment. Heath may have just been lucky enough to escape the pedo spotlight back then.

Given all of the revelations on pedophilia coming out of the U.K. establishment, the idea of a massive pedophile ring among the elite can hardly be written off as ‘speculation.’

However, even in spite of police noting that the allegations are serious and warrant further investigation, ex-Tory MP Matthew Parris dismissed the allegations, saying: ‘If Heath was a child abuser, I’m an aardvark.’

Ridicule, as we all know, is one of the easiest ways to distract attention away from the truth. Sadly, it almost always seems to work.



Names Connected With PedoGate

Names Connected With PedoGate

July 27, 2018

The names in this list are tied to the PedoGate scandal in various ways. Some through public advertising of known pedophile symbols, some are convicted pedophiles, some have been photographed attending cultist rituals that revolve around pedophilia and/or cannibalism, such as Spirit Cooking and Bohemian Grove. We will be writing articles on each name and providing information and evidence to support our claims. This will be a long process due to the length of the list and the amount of research and writing it takes for each name. We will be updating this list regularly and will be posting articles within our 'PedoGate' category on our site as each individual's articles are completed. An X will appear next to the individuals names once their article is posted.

Hollywood Names:                                          

Seth Green
James Gunn
Dan Scheinder
Steven Spielberg
Tom Hanks X
Steven Colbert
Jimmy Kimmel
Ashton Kutcher
Kevin Spacey
Kathy Griffin
Oprah Winfrey
Shawn Carter
Beyonce Knowles
Anthony Kiedis
John Legend
Chrissy Teigen
Jim Carrey
Steven Tyler
Ben Affleck
Stephen Collins - X
Will Ferrell
Aliaune Damala Badara Thiam (Akon)
Marshall Matthers III
Jeffrey Jones
Victor Salva
Marc Collins Rector
Charlie Sheen
Tyler Grasham
Madonna Ciccone
Katheryn Hudson
Gwen Stefani
Stefani Germanotta
James Franco
Will Smith
Justin Roiland
John Cusack
Demi Moore
Brian Affleck
Meryl Streep
Wanda Sykes
Chelsea Handler
Michelle Wolf
David Yarovesky
Pharrell Williams
Quentin Tarantino
Robert Downey Jr
Courtney Love
Alec Baldwin
Johnny Depp
Brian Warner
Asia Argento

Political Names:

Joe Biden
John McCain
Bob Menendez
John Podesta
Tony Podesta
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Chelsea Clinton
Jeff Flake
Bob Corker
Jacob Schwartz
Ed Murray
Barney Frank
Brock Adams
Mel Reynolds
Neil Goldschmidt
David Wu
Tony Mendoza
Anthony Weiner
Peter Strzok
Adam Schiff
Charles Windsor
John Kerry
Joe Scarborough
Andrew Cuomo
Justin Trudeau
Brian Stelter
Jake Tapper
Chris Cuomo
Pope Francis
Bill Richardson
Peter Soros
Prince Andrew
Barack Obama
Anderson Cooper
Sheila Jackson-Lee

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