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14 de marzo de 2019

The White House news March 13, 2019

The White House • March 13, 2019

Video of the day

January 16, 2019: 247 illegal migrants rush the U.S. border in New Mexico. Night vision footage captures the scene—one that U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers must confront week after week in areas where border barriers are insufficient or run-down.

Congressional Democrats and too many of their allies in the media would rather you not see videos like these. That’s because it’s much tougher to keep pretending that there’s no crisis on our southern border if Americans actually know what is happening there. 

This is what a national emergency looks like

One month ago this Friday, President Donald J. Trump signed a national emergency declaration to address the humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border. In the weeks since, the absolute worst of Washington’s irresponsibility has been on full display.

There has been virtually no debate about policy or solutions. There has been no discussion of how our broken immigration system fails citizens and newcomers alike. There has been no acknowledgement of Congress’ years of failure to act—or the undue burden that failure has placed on law enforcement every single day.

In other words, once again, there has been no accountability.

The price we pay is steep. Human smugglers exploit our broken border and profit off the migrants they trick into making the treacherous journey north. About 300 Americans die each week from heroin—90 percent of which flows across our southern border. And 266,000 criminals arrested over a two-year period by immigration officials were responsible for 100,000 assaults, nearly 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 murders.

While the statistics are sobering, the images are worth a thousand words:

This is what a lethal dose of fentanyllooks like—and how easy it is to smuggle in.

During the recent deployment of the National Guard to support border security, troops assisted with the arrest of 23,034 illegal immigrantsand the seizure of more than 35,000 pounds of drugs.

The heartbreaking truth is that 1 in 3 migrant women is sexually assaultedon the dangerous trek to the southern border.

That America’s immigration security could look like this in 2019 should be a source of national embarrassment for Congressional Democrats with no solution.

“Trampling over our fences, the drug dealers tearing down our gates—that is immoral. And we’re tired of it. We need that wall.”

Tomorrow, the U.S. Senate will vote on whether to stop or uphold President Trump’s national emergency declaration. In doing so, they will decide whether to acknowledge a crisis that went unanswered by America’s political leaders for far too long.

Americans will remember if the only real action Congress takes is attempting to stop the President from enforcing its own duly passed laws.

Photo of the Day

Photo courtesy of CBPA lethal dose of fentanyl compared to the size of a penny

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