
11 de marzo de 2016

A new law will limit the use of antibiotics in animals

A new law will limit the use of antibiotics in animals to curb the alarming increasing microbial resistance in humans
If antibiotic resistance is not stopped, infections can kill more than cancer
The new European law will prohibit the use of antibiotics in barns and farms for preventive use, as is done now reserved for humans only a few molecules
a month ago, the European Centre for Disease Control issued an alarming report on the weakness of antibioticsGonzalo Garteiz 03/11/2016 the European Parliament approved yesterday bill for which shall be strictly restricted the use of antibiotics in animals for food, in order to address the serious risk to public health which has become antimicrobial resistance by abuse in the consumption of antibiotics, mainly indirectly through the food chain of meat. the World Health Organization had already claimed restrictive measures and greater responsibility on governments to prevent a few years more people die from infections that are resistant to known antibiotics by Cancer. Although legislation must now be negotiated with the ministers of member countries and the Commission is understood that should have no trouble being accepted and become binding in 2019, relying ,however , on whether adopted before in many countries. In the bill 'preventive' use of antibiotics is prohibited on farms and stables, as at present, when the disease all animals begin to be treated with antibiotics was detected.The treatments are limited in droves to specific cases, in addition to preventing key veterinary use of antibiotics in human medicine and will end the online sale of antibiotics, vaccines and psychotropic products. In this way it is hoped to reduce the amount of antibiotics in circulation, he stressed the popular group MEP, rapporteur of the law, the French Françoise Grossetête . To address antimicrobial resistance, the legislation amended enable the European Commission to designate drugs reserved for treatment in humans. The European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC, for its acronym in English) issued a month ago an alarming report on antimicrobial resistance in the countries of the European Union. The report emphasized for example high resistance to tetracyclines isolates the order of 30% Salmonella, and 28% in the case of sulfonamides and ampicillin, a semisynthetic penicillin.Multidrug resistance occurred in 26%, with much higher prevalence in some countries. Even some serovars showed an unusual resistance to third - generation antibiotics such as cephalosporins, especially in some specific countries and colistin. They are maintaining a good therapeutic level ciprofloxacin, the order of 9% resistenica, and cefotaxime, 1.1%. However, Salmonella Kentucky resists 84% of clinical trials to ciprofloxacin. Spain has reduced the consumption of antibiotics In November last year, the Center warned of the expansion of enterobacteria , production of enzymes, carbapenemases with a destructiveness of many antibiotics therefore of great resistance, which has forced to strengthen research. Good news has been the decline in consumption of antibiotics in five EU countries, including Spain. In order to promote research into new antibiotics, Parliament iscommitted to introduce incentives, including longer periods of protection of technical documentation on new medicines, trade protection of innovative active substances, and protection of large investments in data collection to improve an existing product or to keep it on the market.

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