
31 de agosto de 2019

Anna Von Reitz: Aclaración para todos

Los Estados Unidos de América se formaron el 9 de septiembre de 1776. La Confederación de Estados de Estados se formó el 1 de marzo de 1781.

Los Estados Unidos de América, por lo tanto, a diferencia de los Estados Unidos "unidos", se formó casi cinco años antes.
Septiembre de 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780, más tres meses en 1781 equivalen a –si quieres ser exigente, cuatro años y tres meses, afectando seis años calendario de 1776 a 1781.

¿Estoy llegando a todos y a todos? 

La Federación es más antigua que la Confederación por años y no solo eso, la Federación está compuesta por Estados soberanos independientes, no por entidades comerciales llamadas "Estados de los Estados".

¿Me estoy haciendo perfectamente claro?

¿Ahora todos entienden lo que está pasando aquí?

Estamos declarando nuestro estatus político de derecho de nacimiento y descartando cualquier "presunción" de que nos ofrecimos como voluntarios para adoptar cualquier ciudadanía extranjera.

Estamos reuniendo nuestros Estados independientes y soberanos reales, no una organización empresarial creada para vendernos servicios.

¿Todos se lo pasan por la cabeza ahora?

Como tal, el Sr. Trump, el Estado Mayor Conjunto y todos los hombres en los Estados Unidos Territoriales Británicos de América están REQUERIDOS por el Tratado Internacional, el Fideicomiso Internacional y el Contrato de Servicio Comercial Internacional para eliminar estos Tribunales Municipales y Administrativos de nuestro territorio, restringir el Municipal El gobierno a su límite constitucionalmente declarado de "diez millas cuadradas" que se les otorgó, colapsa los 500 distritos mini-municipales que estas corporaciones traidoras han intentado superponer en nuestra tierra y suelo, confisca los fideicomisos fiscales extraterritoriales formados "en nuestros nombres" y los Bonos CUSIP relacionados y nos devuelve todos nuestros activos, incluidos nuestros títulos de propiedad.

¿Todavía no lo entendéis?Nuestro propio y querido ejército, al más alto nivel, a sabiendas o sin saberlo, siguió órdenes bajo la falsa presunción de que el "Gobierno Civil" romano extranjero creado simplemente para administrar el negocio del Municipio de Washington DC, se convirtió mágicamente en el "Gobierno Civil". "De este país en nuestra supuesta" ausencia ".

Los dos proveedores de servicios a sueldo se estaban volviendo locos, asegurando el crédito bajo falsas pretensiones en nuestros nombres y utilizando nuestros activos como garantía supuestamente respaldando "nuestras" deudas, mientras que de hecho, estaban gastando nuestro dinero y crédito como quisieran, sin consecuencias para ellos, hasta que nos pusimos de pie y dijimos: 

Esta es la misma situación que un pirata informático de tarjetas de crédito robando su identidad, accediendo a su crédito y haciendo una ola de gastos. ¿Todos ven eso?

Debido a que se permitió al Gobierno Territorial Británico ejercer algunas de las Potencias Delegadas pertenecientes a los Estados Unidos de América, también se le permitió realizar negocios bajo una variación de nuestro nombre: "los" Estados Unidos de América.

Muchas personas estaban naturalmente confundidas y no notaron ni entendieron la diferencia entre los Estados Unidos de América y los Estados Unidos de América.

Esto sería como si John Reynolds Jackson fuera confundido con John R. Jackson, o cualquier otro engaño de nombres similares.

Este es el juego que estas corporaciones ham estado jugando durante 150 años y no es más que el tipo de estafa más fácil. Es hora de terminarlo. 


Agentes de la entidad territorial británica que ejercen algunos de nuestros poderes delegados y hacen negocios bajo nuestro nombre como "los" Estados Unidos de América "han estado arrebatando bebés estadounidenses y tratándolos a su jurisdicción territorial extranjera durante décadas, identificándolos deliberadamente como dependientes territoriales británicos y cobrar sus Buenos Nombres y activos para usarlos respaldando las deudas de la British Crown Corporation.


Los monarcas británicos que están obligados a actuar como nuestros fideicomisarios en este lugar han permitido que esto suceda en Gross Breach of Trust.

Los Papas también han permitido esto en Gross Breach of Trust.

El Lord Mayor de Londres ha llevado a cabo una "guerra" comercial contra los Aliados del Tratado y las Personas inocentes protegidas internacionalmente y es un Criminal Internacional del más alto orden.

¡Despierta! ¡Despierta! ¡Despierta!

No somos chattel.

No estamos aquí para ser separados por los Acreedores de piratas que han sido groseramente y sin mérito pretender "representarnos".

Así que ahora estamos comprometidos en desentrañar esta empresa criminal y llamar al Papa, a la Reina y al Señor Alcalde, y a las Naciones Unidas, para que todo el mundo lo vea, y estamos exigiendo rotundamente la devolución de nuestra propiedad robada y nuestros activos reales. para nosotros, no para ellos "actuando" como nuestros "representantes".

Obviamente, no son confiables. Período.

Han violado su Confianza con los Estados y el Pueblo Americanos y la única opción sensata es devolver todo de donde vino, a nuestro gobierno legal y actual que ahora se está reuniendo bajo el encabezado organizativo de la Asamblea de los Estados Americanos.

Los Estados Unidos han sido llamados a reunir y realizar negocios por los Estados Unidos de América formados el 9 de septiembre de 1776 y por el Jefe de Estado Hereditario bajo cuyos Grandes Sellos navega el Barco Internacional del Estado. Esto es correcto, apropiado y verificable y no puede ser impugnado ni anulado.

No hay registro ni procedencia verificable de ninguna organización que opere como Estados Unidos de América 1781 relacionada con este país.

Parece ser un intento de aferrarse a la larga y desaparecida Confederación de organizaciones empresariales de los Estados Unidos de América, que se formó el 1 de marzo de 1781 por un grupo de fanáticos religiosos que también operaban como The Reign of Heaven Society.

La historia nociva, la naturaleza y las intenciones de esa organización que se hace llamar The Reign of Heaven Society comenzó cuando plagió el trabajo de Frank O'Collins, lo torció y lo volvió a presentar como la base de esta secta religiosa elitista.

Bueno, todos hemos tenido suficiente de eso, ¿no?

Hasta ahora, los perpetradores detrás de toda esta mala gestión y negligencia criminal han tratado de mantener el control de nuestros activos entregándolos a "terceros filántropos", Wolfgang Struck, Kim Goguen, Karen Hudes, etc., y han desvelado varias historias sobre cómo y por qué estas personas de repente controlan nuestros activos y tienen derecho a disponer de ellos.

La simple verdad es que los bancos robaron los activos, los militares estadounidenses los recuperaron y ahora nadie sabe cómo controlar su liberación (que es necesaria en términos de inundar los mercados y colapsar todo) y, sin embargo, devolverlos a la realidad. propietarios legales.

Otra parte del problema es que los activos legales solo pueden pertenecer a personas legales, y ninguno de los responsables está actuando en calidad de personas legales. Todos actúan como personas jurídicas, y también lo fue el Príncipe Felipe cuando recibió todas las "Anualidades de valor de la Fuerza de Vida" robadas a estadounidenses y canadienses.

Designan al presunto filántropo que controlan y pretenden que esta persona tiene algún derecho natural heredado de sentarse en esta posición, y todo es solo una cortina de humo infantil para lo que realmente sucedió aquí.

Sus intentos de nombrar a un filántropo tercero para manejar la distribución no se han vendido, por lo que han intentado otros medios. Han tratado de justificar la estafa del bebé muerto. Nadie está comprando eso tampoco.

Han presentado un GCR, pero eso no funcionará por las razones que ya describí. Hacerlo admite que PUEDEN hacerlo, y que son delincuentes. Sal de eso.

Han intentado una nueva ronda del viejo engaño justiniano presentando "PARSE SYNTAX" como el nuevo legalés. Eso tampoco está funcionando.

Así que ahora están de vuelta con el truco de Ye Olde Scottish Corporation de tratar de usar una corporación de nombre similar y engañoso, en la situación actual, una Asociación de Membresía Privada que se llama a sí misma "Los Estados Unidos de América 1781", para atrapar a las personas desprevenidas para que se revelen más contratos creados bajo condiciones de fraude constructivo deliberado con la intención de engañar.

Los estamos llamando en todo esto.

Lo que debe suceder es que el Papa se deshaga de los masones que actúan como "grandes maestros adoradores" en el antiguo sistema pontificio, que se supone que ya no existe, que todavía dictan a los gobernadores territoriales elegidos. También necesita diseñar la remoción de Mike Pence de la oficina del Vicepresidente.

Desafortunadamente, "Vicepresidente" se ha convertido en "el Presidente a cargo del Vicepresidente" como en "Vice Escuadrón".

Debe darles crédito por tener un sentido del humor sardónico, pero no necesitamos ningún vicio aquí, y mucho menos un CEO a cargo de las empresas comerciales relacionadas con el vicio, gracias.

Ahora con eso en mente, eche un vistazo de cerca a quién ha estado sirviendo al Pontificio Vice Aparato en su país. Mike Pence, Creepy Joe ... Todo el camino de regreso a LBJ, quien, sí, fue en gran parte responsable del asesinato del presidente Kennedy. Haz una reverencia, si supieras eso en 1963.

A continuación, mire a todos los "Tenientes Gobernadores". Estas alimañas han gobernado desde detrás del trono, es mejor tener a alguien más a quien culpar. ¿Alguna vez ha tenido sentido que tengamos a la vista todas estas oficinas obviamente cuasi militares? ¿Teniente gobernador? ¿Qué demonios es un "Teniente Gobernador" o un "Comisionado de Impuestos" o, lo que es peor, un "Fiscal General"? ¿Dónde se definen sus cargos en alguna constitución original legítima?

En ninguna parte. Ninguna. Estas alimañas no tienen autoridad relacionada con nosotros. Estas oficinas han existido y continúan existiendo simplemente como resultado de la ignorancia pública y la falta de supervisión de nuestros "proveedores de servicios".

Francis también necesita cerrar los TRIBUNALES municipales en todo el país, voluntaria y pacíficamente.

Si no toma estas acciones, obviamente no está actuando de buena fe.

Mientras tanto, la Reina necesita presentarse y ejercer nuestro Poder Delegado "para nosotros", de hecho, para reestructurar las operaciones de la Marina de los EE. UU. Para hacer su trabajo por nosotros en lugar de participar en actividades sindicales de crimen en todo el mundo que benefician a la Corona Británica. No más usarlo para transportar drogas por todo el borde del Pacífico y el Mediterráneo y luego pasarnos sus proyectos de ley de operaciones. Ya no más atacar al suelo estadounidense y al pueblo estadounidense como objetivos "domésticos" para las armas de Geoingeniería y Scalar Tech.

También necesita arrestar al Lord Mayor y expulsar a su peculiar religión de British Shores, si tiene la sensación de un escarabajo de estiércol y desea conservar cualquier credibilidad por la limitada monarquía de la que es responsable.

La Santa Sede ya está comprometida en público con el enjuiciamiento del Templo de Baal y sus promotores, a pesar de que la Santa Sede trata de manera privada a los piratas y artistas del fraude que dirigen estos llamados "programas seculares", las consecuencias de apoyarlos abiertamente contra el Las demandas de nuestro gobierno legal pondrían en peligro aún más a la Iglesia y su credibilidad.

Todas las ratas están ahora en la misma posición básica que estaban en 1300. Sus opciones son las mismas ahora que entonces. Procesar a los adoradores de Satanás o ser procesados ​​ellos mismos.

Por lo tanto, las alimañas de Satan Worshiping han propuesto abandonar América y establecer su nueva base de operaciones en China, donde durante mucho tiempo han controlado el tráfico de drogas, pero los gobiernos chino, indio y afgano que han sido esclavos del Triangle Trade organizado por los británicos, Puede ver la situación ahora y tener otras ideas.

Para decirlo sin rodeos, ha llegado el momento de una reforma real y un gobierno honesto en todo el mundo. Se supone que todos los gobiernos funcionan como organizaciones de servicios sin fines de lucro monitoreadas de cerca por las personas a las que sirven.

Cuando lo piensas, tal meta es estúpidamente fácil de lograr una vez que las personas entienden cuál es la meta, cuál es su papel como supervisores de supervisión, se les da un medio para hacer cumplir su supervisión, y asumiendo que están motivados para hacer su parte. .

Si la perspectiva de ser esclavos de las drogas y el sexo enloquecidos, Satan Worshipers no es la motivación suficiente para despertarse y moverse, no sé qué es.

Y eso es literalmente lo que está sucediendo y lo que está en juego aquí.


Deje de molestar y divertirse.

Ponte de pie. Declara tu estatus político adecuado. Grabarlo Únase a su Asamblea Estatal o si su Estado es uno de los pocos que aún no tiene una Asamblea Estatal oficial, forme una ahora.

Hay un gobierno legítimo que queda en pie en la jurisdicción internacional, uno y único que realmente representa a la gente de este país. El nombre de esa organización es Estados Unidos de América. Se formó el 9 de septiembre de 1776.

Los Estados Unidos de América operan y navegan sus buques en jurisdicción internacional bajo los auspicios de los Reyes Normandos de Inglaterra y Francia, y en particular, bajo los Grandes Sellos de William Belcher, un estadounidense de hecho, también conocido como The Belle Cher. de los reyes bellas de la Galia, además de ser soberano por derecho propio en Inglaterra por herencia legal establecida y colonizada en 1087 DC

Los parientes de William Belcher, LaFayette, acudieron en su ayuda en 1776. Y los Belles y Pelles seguirán respondiendo contra los reyes Helles, si es necesario.

Los Belles y Pelles de esta generación respaldan la enseñanza de la Gente para autogobernarse y honrar al Verdadero Rey del Cielo, Nuestro Creador, que vive en los corazones de toda la Humanidad para siempre. Cualquier otra presunción debe ser rechazada.

Vea este artículo y más de 1900 en el sitio web de Anna aquí:


Sep 3, 2019 - 1:51:24 AM



I refer to a recent article in the New York Post, dated August 28th 2019, url:

Gold bars stamped with fake logos of major refineries have been circulated into the global market and landed in the vaults of JPMorgan Chase & Co. - part of a plot to launder smuggled or illegal specimens of the precious metal, according to a report.
Bars worth at least $50 million stamped with the logos of Swiss refineries that did not produce them have been identified by all four of the country's top gold refiners in the last three years, Reuters reported.
They have been found in the vaults of JPMorgan, one of the major banks at the center of the market in bullion, senior executives at gold refineries, banks and other industry sources told the news outlet.
Four executives told Reuters that at least 1,000 of the bars have been found - a small share of output from the gold industry, which produces about 2 million to 2.5 million such bars every year.
But the forgeries are sophisticated, so thousands of additional ones may have gone undetected, according to the head of Switzerland's largest refinery.
"The latest fake bars ... are highly professionally done," Michael Mesaric, chief executive of refinery Valcambi, told Reuters, adding that there are "way, way, way more still in circulation."
Blocks of cheaper metal plated with gold are relatively common in the industry and are often easy to detect, but the forgeries in these cases are more subtle - the high-purity gold is real, with only the markings faked.
JP Morgan Chase Bank office building in New YorkReuters
Fake-branded gold is a relatively new way to flout global measures to block conflict minerals and prevent money-laundering. The forgeries pose a problem for global refiners, financiers and regulators as they try to rid the world of illegal trade in bullion.
Without a stamp from a prestigious refinery, such gold would be forced into underground channels, or priced at a discount.
But by pirating major brands, metal that has been mined or processed in locations that would not otherwise be legal or acceptable in the West - such as parts of Africa, Venezuela or North Korea - can be slipped into the market, channeling funds to criminals or sanctioned regimes.
It was unclear who is producing the bars found so far, but executives and bankers told Reuters they believed most originate in China, the world's largest gold producer and importer, and have infiltrated the market through trading houses in Hong Kong, Japan and Thailand.
Once accepted by a mainstream dealer, they can quickly slip into the global supply chains.
In 2017, JPMorgan, one of five banks that finalize trades in the $10 trillion-a-year London gold market, found that its vaults contained at least two gold bars stamped with the same ID number, 10 people familiar with the matter told Reuters.
The news outlet couldn't determine exactly where the vaults were.
JP Morgan declined to directly address questions about the fake bullion.
"It's our standard practice to immediately alert the appropriate authorities and refineries should we discover mismarked gold kilobars during routine checks and procedures," the bank said in a statement.
"Fortunately, we have yet to have an incident resulting in a loss to the firm or a client," it added.
Kilobars are small - about the size and thickness of a cellphone - unlike the roughly 12.5-kilo bars typically stored in the world's central banks.

Below is my article dated September 2015:-

.................... GOLD / SILVER
Earlier this year I was asked a question about what happened to our targeted date of November 2014 for specific factors to happen.
To this I responded, publicly, that as a result of substantial interference we had been delayed. However, all factors were still positively progressive.
I am now authorised to reveal what these interferences were.
During the 3rd quarter of 2014 we were advised by our intelligence people that they have identified Three (3) possible small illegal refineries where stolen Gold was being refined and re-blocked complete with Hallmarks and forged documentation.
All of these small illegal refineries were positioned on Military bases within countries of the Far East.
Teams were organised to gain access to these illegal refineries and obtain as much information as possible, including photographs.
It took some time for our teams to obtain what was necessary, and then for us to commence tracing the people involved, whereby this work is still ongoing.
In all Three (3) cases, C17 and C130 American Military aircraft were being used to haul the Gold / Silver (We have photographs of this activity), stolen from the Depository country, to the applicable Military Bases in other countries, usually arriving early in the morning and leaving again late in the evening.
There, the delivery aircraft were unloaded of their stolen Gold which was moved into the illegal refineries (We have photographs of the inside of these illegal refineries). During the daytime the aircraft were reloaded with Gold / Silver that had previously been refined, ready for the evening flight out to another destination where ships were waiting to be loaded.
One, 1 star General, who was involved under orders from the top brass, was located, lifted, and taken to a safe place for interrogation. There he opened up and was given assurance of our protection and complete anonymity.
The documentation for this refined stolen Gold / Silver is being forged mainly in Thailand. Having seen some of it, we will state that it is very good in quality whereby the naive, and by using that word I refer more to members of the public who are unaware of the international procedures that apply to precious metals; would easily be fooled by it.
Without being registered by the World Gold Council, this stolen and illegally refined Gold, or some of it, is now circulating within the normal world markets, or, in the hands of unsuspecting individuals who have purchased the odd 1 kg bar or two, not realising that they are purchasing stolen Gold / Silver, but feeling that they are protecting themselves and their families against any possible future financial crash.

Two (2) C130's parked close to a small building (left) which is the illegal refinery, situated on a Thai Military Base (Thai Airforce Wing 21) quite far away from the main airbase activities. Several vehicles, including Forklift trucks are seen to the left of the building (Some not apparent on the Photograph), which are used by the foreign personnel (Americans) who are the operatives of this illegal refinery operation and the loading and unloading of the aircraft.
This stolen and illegally refined Gold / Silver, which is totally unregistered and illegal, is being sold by the secondary and sub-secondary bullion dealers (The small operations working mainly below the radar) with "off-shore domiciles companies", mainly in America, Central America / Caribbean, and Europe.
That brings me to the final factor of this article.
The more recent issue of the MF bankruptcy and the scandalous activities of the CME, along with others who do not have the Physical Gold against Paper Gold to settle on Date of Call.
Was the Gold they are selling, either forward selling or otherwise, part of the stolen and illegally refined Gold / Silver of the Collateral Accounts, all of which is still being thoroughly investigated and Gold / Silver transactions being tracked, including the real beneficial owners of MF Global ???????????????????
If that eventually turns out to be the real situation then sadly those who bought Gold / Silver from these secondary and sub-secondary bullion dealers (The small operations working mainly below the radar) with "off-shore domiciles companies", mainly in America, Central America / Caribbean, and Europe; without checking everything out, now stand to lose their money and the Gold / Silver they had purchased from these secondary and sub-secondary bullion dealers.
David P. Crayford
As everyone can now observe, the truth is always revealed in due course. It may take a little time as these clandestine illegal activities do take time to uncover. Sometimes that truth is too late to prevent someone from losing everything. This time, I am please that it is the notorious J.P.Morgan, even though they are claiming, quote "Fortunately, we have yet to have an incident resulting in a loss to the firm or a client," it added.
Which actually doesn't make any sense at all, because if they (J.P.Morgan) haven't lost, not any client of J.P.Morgan lost, and that is what J.P.Morgan are stating, then what the hell is it doing in the vaults of J.P.Morgan????? Sounds to me like someone in J.P.Morgan is covering something up.

I stated it would happen, and it has. However, it has taken 4 years, yes 4 years, for some of this stolen gold to show up, albeit in the vaults of J.P.Morgan, but there is a lot more, up to a minimum of 50 MT, somewhere in the world that someone is holding that has yet to be exposed and then confiscated.

The crooks involved in all of this, and that includes the US Airforce personnel, Army personnel, together with some rogue members of the Thai Royal Family and Senior Airforce personnel of the Thai Air Force, much to the disdain of the former and revered deceased King Blumipol; believe that because they got away with things right at the beginning, they can continue and never get caught. Ha, ha, ha, little do they know we are watching with very sharp eyes, and one by one they are being taken down and incarcerated. This will continue indefinitely until all stolen gold is recovered and returned to the Global Debt Facility, no matter who is involved.

That has made my day today, so I am very happy. So I am now going to have a coffee with a wee dram of Glenfiddich Scotch Whisky to tickle the taste buds.


David Crayford

© and Copy Holder plus ® to David P. Crayford in conjunction with

Galactic Federation of Light, light frame

If you post this on other sites please add this note. Thank you.
Hello everyone. Over the past 11 days I have been trying to solve my problems mailing lists, to no avail. My nerves are shot be on the phone to my server and trying to figure things out on my computer. Drained to the core! Sorry, no doubt, some people do not want these messages to bring light out there, and I would like to send me to the funny farm! LOL ... (As you may recall, I went through all this again in March!)
Full time beginning rehearsals on Monday. The universe always gives me a professional show than a year ... (that's all I ask / need). Therefore, there will be no pipes until the end of September this is the only way I have to let people know.
After the show is running, I'll be looking at a new bulk email server and I'm very lucky to have had a lady from the US offer to sponsor me for one year subscription. I choose to find one based in Australia. Less complicated ... it expected.
OK. Well done, if you are in my newsletter and I found this! I would be very grateful if emails could be kept to a minimum or sent without an answer ... during my 'playtime'!
So for now you goodbye, and Cheerho course ... unless something major happens and I am called to duty!
Thanks to everyone who publishes these channels on other sites and social networks. Every little bit helps the planet.
Sending so much love and Golden Rays
G. Flower
And here is the lastest pipeline.
Hello my friends. No doubt in my mind, the less light are doing their best to drive me crazy! And it's working! Again, I can not send my newsletter to inform people that a new conversation with us is published. I will not go into it here, but I guess it is a wonderful proof that what you have to say is the truth and is trying to be canceled. Therefore, let the battle 'of! Could you talk to us about how to connect more consciously with energy boxes that spoke last week?
Welcome to you dear flower and although we are aware of the 'delicate web' you reside within at this stage, we are also aware of their strength of Light and are still able to maintain their high vibration in order to 'tune' with we. Thank you.
These higher energy levels that filtered through his own sweet way ... ... we would say have a life. We both say they are not scheduled, however, even more, which are wireless smart energy they know exactly what to do and where 'deposit' themselves.  You, in human form, however, as its 'SoulHighSelf' also knows how to connect with them simply 'address them ' as his friends. Because in fact, each incision is one that is part of the agreed plan.
Incision? Bit of a strange word to use?
We are using the term to mean the infusion / cut through.
Yes.  I understand you. It's what I thought. Assuming also that I AM THE LIGHT. I am Love. I AM mantra is a very powerful way to connect with them.
Is it so. For encoding power within those words it is like a magnet for them.
The higher you as an individual ... Each one of you ... you have allowed to wake the 'right place' it is within these 'spheres' to meet.
However. Suddenly it changed the word boxes 'spheres'. Yesterday I met a loved one 'exceptionally' clued friends (Masters meant?) And they said the boxes were actually spheres. Lady association had 'seen them' when 'be somewhere'.
Is it so. Spheres of a magnitude that can not be understood enough.
... regarding my own curiosity ... Why is not the term 'spheres' used before?
We are now. When they mentioned moons ago, 'cajas' was more appropriate for metaphor and then, from our last conversation / communication ... ... respect ... we brought the matter to the term as in the past ... 'Level 1 2 and 3 boxes. There is only so much we can 'fit' within our time together!
That was fun and I can tell you also have fun while carrying this through. I know my friends will be glad that you have confirmed this. Suddenly I feel very emotional (far from unusual at the time!)
Flower dear, dear souls who touch base with us through these communications and individual communications Alma-Love ... ARE THESE TIMES '' very emotional!
Not only are releasing the old way of thinking ... / ... Being themselves and on behalf of others ... well ... you attune / mix ... with these higher energies that they are offering a vibration highest of Love itself.
As your being ... tune / adjust ... at these levels, then their souls are recognizing that they are coming ... contact / contact ... and put your heart into ... ' overwhelm / overload '... in a good way ... and yet, because of all the crumbling of all ... everything feels like you're all wrapped up in one.
What is ... I do not know if I'm Arthur or Martha!
This is an indication of what we're understood ... scrambled / upsidedownness. This requires not only take place in a ... universal / global level ... ... However, in / within ... an individual, too.
Back to the 'sphere of' if you can ... because I feel are important.
You can say that ... there is nothing more important. Imagine seven vast spheres.
I'm sure it's the number of my friend saw. In days of old I questioned myself about this coming through now, because my brain receives information yesterday from my friend. No longer. I'm all growed now!
Imagine ... two lines of three one below. Tune through breathing and 'I AM' mantra / chant / connection and feel can be taken to the Sphere that suits you and stay there for meditation.
Keep in mind. This is for the improvement of Light. It is a way to connect and yet, not that you are actually entering this sphere, literally, since it is not possible to do it. It would be too much for your soul to do so. However, it certainly is a 'tool' to help you connect with them. You can say that is a version adapted for your ... Being 'use' ... during this transition period.
I'm right in thinking ... no matter what ... we could not get into these areas because of the enormity of their energetic vibration?
Right. However, to work in connection with them is a very powerful thing to do.
OK. Therefore, this may be a meaningless question, however, where exactly are these spheres?
They are circling the planet.
All of them?
A difficult question to answer. The best we can say is 'presence' is known that the outer layers of the planet, however, that phase in and out ... the release of 'levels' of Light Energy as and when appropriate.
Therefore, they are actually 'visible to the eye' one should be going that way?
Going through there, one would have to be of a particular vibration to begin with You can say yes ... that are visible to those who can see them!
I understand you. Fair enough. And it is obvious that they are very involved with what is happening at this time on our planet? Silly question!
However, one can answer. Yes, indeed. They have been 'watching' for millions of years 'time'. They are an intelligence that can evaluate everything that is happening.
Wait, when you say everything that is happening, do you mean literally? As in who is the president of each country? Who is unreliable? Who it is not? You know what I mean? As in a way that 'we' are shown?
Flowerless. Not this way. They operate on an energetic level. They evaluate the energy of your planet ... not only as a whole, however, 'sections as well. 
Whoa! Warped I just suddenly a feeling of higher energy ... and ... now!
These spheres are of love.
A love that defines love to know your truth ... to feel its truth.
Its purpose is to prevent your PLANET fall further.
HIS DESIRE ... that mission ... to raise their planet in a higher place ...   with your help.
These spheres are friends.
These spheres are part of God's plan to bring bright SENTIMIENTOS to exercise their Beings.
FEELINGS you know ... YET, have long forgotten.
These spheres are on your side.
You come from these areas.
WOAH! Wait a Tootin Pickin 'seconds. WE COME these areas ?????????
You can say that was his method of delivery.
However, you said you could not be in them fully because they are too strong (Or something.)
Too strong for you now. However, when humanity as a new beginning ... new race / ... arrived, the 'welfare state' was certainly capable of being ... it / part of it / in it.
Will we be created?
No. saying they were his ticket to the stars, to his planet.
Seriously! This is such an inopportune moment to talk about this drip ... as I am unable to connect with you for a while after this communication ... we will all stay! What you say makes me feel as if these areas were kind of ... how shall I say ...?
We'll try. What are you feeding through flower it is that ... these energy spheres were carriers across dimensions "and then release the energy of humanity ... the existence of mankind ... on / in / within a level ... that 'aspects' of your Higher Soulself could be deposited in creating.
Blowing brains !!
And yet, not what another level entirely understand what?
Yes, and yet, as I say, I must be off-hire for a while ... how can 'put it in a small box and wrap it'?
In saying that we want.
That tells you that you already know all this.
Mentioning that not all stops along as it should and in the month that is not available to chat with us ... we are very close to each of you ... both in thought and spirit. Allowing us to lift until the consciousness of understanding that are much more than once accepted well being.
Join our energy on display ... / ... meditation ... areas that have been created to connect with you.
Thank you so much guys. I hope next time and yet eager to feed my soul, fill it with my passion of being on stage. Whether for a short time only! I LOVE. In gratitude. In loving service. I AM!
The audio of this channeling is posted below shortly.
My next event is in Hawaii! HURRAH!  

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...