
19 de abril de 2017



Bulrushes revives plan DUI while still anger in together for yes

Bulrushes revives plan DUI while still anger in together for yes
Vice President of the Government, Oriol Junqueras, at the Palau de la Generalitat.XABIER BARRENA / FIDEL MASREAL / BARCELONA
TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 2017 - 23:23  IST
Publicly, the intention of posconvergentes and Republicans are trying to show conviction and unity. But internal cohesion is still far from returning to the field after the scandal independence recording PDECat number two,  David Bonvehí . A scandal that binds intervention Tuesday Esquerra leader,  Oriol Junqueras , dusting the controversial idea of a unilateral declaration of independence (DUI) if the referendum can not be held. One option that guarantees CUP and also the ANC has put on the table, but the PDECat cooled in their day. In this climate, the Government is preparing a public act to try to show strength in favor of the referendum.
Junqueras intervention has unearthed Tuesday the option of a DUI if the State prevented the holding of a referendum. An idea that four years  figure in Republican plans . At a lunch-conference organized by 'El Punt Avui', the leader of ERC has ensured that this possibility was contained in the electoral program  together for yes .
Bulrushes has stated that "this is already reflected in the electoral program and called  clause unlock ". "It was introduced foreseeing that one day could produce a situation like this. And we support from ERC always respect the commitments we have , " she added number two Govern, tearing applause from those attending the ceremony. PDECat sources recall that to activate this clause is necessary absolute majority, leaving the Cup again in decisive position.


In a message of unity in full internal tension, Junqueras has made a new call for "unity of action" of separatism and "social mobilization" as key elements that give "strength" to the secessionist cause. "All legs must work as coordinated as possible. We need much. All are essential," he stressed.
Apart from the llamda release clause, the electoral program envisages a declaration of independence during the 18 months of this legislature. The 'president' Puigdemont  denied such a possibility ,  ERC recalled that itself is in the program  and the controversy was settled with a "statement of intent".


Only the CUP has applauded Junqueras while spokesman together for yes in Parliament, Republican  Roger Torrent , merely stated that "the plan A, B and C" is simply to follow the roadmap to the referendum .
Hours before this new controversy, the number two PDECat David Bonvehí partially lowered tension and decided not to report to the prosecutor recording in which he is heard pose a PDECat autonomist candidate profile if the referendum fails option. Bonvehí has ​​claimed again that ERC move tab and assume responsibilities. The PDECat calling on Republicans to position but privately latter insist on denying that have leaked the recording.
Bulrushes has even hinted that the state may be behind. The truth is that the mayor of Manresa,  Valentí Junyent , the PDECat, has withdrawn all its powers to the first deputy mayor,  Mireia Estefanell , ERC, for "loss of confidence" after attributed to this recording by the Local former candidate of Esquerra Pere Culell.
In this climate, the Govern last public act of unity in favor of the referendum. It will be an act of political courage, not legal, which will stage the Palau de la Generalitat and does not provide invite the group together for yes, where posconvergentes still waiting for a gesture of Esquerra. And the only one that has existed have been the words of Junqueras Dedusting DUI controversy. And the CUP has claimed that the solemn act of the Government and serve to set the referendum date and question.

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