
24 de abril de 2017



NATO - GLADIO and intelligence agencies

Operation Gladio and RED GLADIO

Operation Gladio  (or more commonly  GLADIO ) was a clandestine network secret  anti - communist  who operated in  Europe  under the direction of  NATO  and the  CIA  US during the  Cold War .


The name of  Gladio  has generally been applied to a number of organizations  paramilitary  various  countries , although the most common is their use to refer exclusively to the Italian paramilitaries. 
It was discovered and exposed the  24 of October  of  1990 , at the end of the  Cold War , by  Giulio Andreotti , then Council of Ministers President of Italy ; 3  both this country like  Belgium ,  Switzerland  and  Turkey developed parliamentary inquiries. 
Exposed the plot was condemned by the  European Parliament  in Resolution  22 as November  as  1990 .
No one was convicted of these facts, no investigations were followed and their current status is unknown, as proof that they are involved all intelligence agencies.
Its activities consisted mainly  
in subversive activities such as bombings and mounts against those groups  ideological  ( Marxists , anarchists ,  nationalists , etc.) that could have social support,  
and break the hegemony of the traditional hegemonic power groups and political parties of different countries that belonged to  the Warsaw Pact , the military alliance of the  socialist countries  of the former  Eastern Bloc .

Actions attributed to  Gladio

Also in Italy, the  massacres of Peteano  (1972), the  Piazza Fontana (1969), the Bologna train station (1980) and the failed coup " Golpe Borghese " (1970) were the work of Gladio. The assassination of Prime Minister  Aldo Moro , carried out by the  Red Brigades  in 1978, has also been linked to Gladio opposition to its policy of Historic Compromise. 
The research was tinged with suspicion by the occultist state strategy. In fact, the judge  Felice Casson  said he discovered the existence of Gladio reading Aldo Moro letters sent from his place of detention. A 2000 parliamentary report by  El Olivo  concluded that: the strategy of tension was designed to prevent the  PCI , and to a lesser extent the  PSI , allow the executive branch. Citation ]
In Greece, Gladio forces were involved in the coup in Greece in 1967 that began the  dictatorship of the colonels .
In Turkey, the counter (Counter Guerilla), name of the Turkish branch of Gladio, was related to the slaughter of  Taksim Square , Istanbul in 1977, and with the  1980 military coup .
In Spain, members of the Italian branch of Operation Gladio were involved in the  events of Montejurra  during the  transition . They were deeply infiltrated mechanisms Franco Spain and the whole transition. Citation ] 
Also some authors who? ]  Indicates that the  case Scala  (police-judicial set loosed against Spanish anarchist organizations) in January 1978, and enough of the attacks made by the far - right groups were also supported, when not orchestrated by "Gladio". 
According to Andre Moyen, a former agent of the General Information Service Belgian, the Gladio network in Spain he had nuclei in San Sebastian, Barcelona, Madrid and the Canary Islands. 8  This could eventually lead to linkages of this network with the appearance of  ETA , Terra Lliure , the  GRAPO  and / or the  Guanches Armed Forces , respectively, although not yet been investigated.
In France, the OAS was created by members of the local equivalent of Gladio.
In Belgium the  massacres of Brabant  (in the eighties) were attributed to the Belgian arm of Gladio.
In Germany the network was established first by  Reinhard Gehlen , who was head of the German secret services, and formerly involved in ODESSA , the organization that provided refuge to Nazi retired. The terrorist act of Oktoberfest in 1980 in Munich, was carried out by agents linked to Gladio.
borregomátrix-III-guerramundial-rothschild-Luciferian-the economist-Viernes13-viernesnegro-nuevordenmundial-nwo-illuminati-France-hollande-isis-Syrian-al-Assad-guerramundial785
In Argentina, several members of the board of  Jorge Rafael Videla  were members of P2, including  Raúl Alberto Lastiri  and  Emilio Eduardo Massera . 
Also  Jose Lopez Rega , adviser and minister during the government of Isabel Perón and founder of the  Triple A ,. Licio Gelli  often said he had important links with Argentina, especially with Peron. Citation ] 
This would occur within the context of  Operation Condor , Latin American analogue of Operation Gladio. It is also noteworthy that the  Triple  - ofArgentine origin participate in the European terrorism in the Cold War, which makes suspect had connections with European Gladio network.
In Mozambique the head of FRELIMO,  Eduardo Mondlane , was assassinated by Aginter Press , the Portuguese arm of Gladio.

Globalization as the fight against terrorism is a ripoff of Zion to rule the world

The fact unique in terrorist attack is that the official version that tell us ... is always false

  Globalization as the fight against terrorism 
  is a ripoff of Zion to rule the worldImage result the only certainty of any terrorist attacks ... The official version is that they give us ... it is False     
The only certainty of any terrorist attacks ...
            The official version is that they give us ...  it is False

All counter-terrorism is a blatant farce to legitimize bombings against innocent, plunder the resources of countries to benefit corporations and implement a continuous state of emergency monitoring constantly to ordinary citizens although this, nor does agree with him, much less the false view of the facts that tell us the pro-establishment media.
From the dead sometimes do not exist or are tuned dolls, past the lone wolves who are nothing more than Pring manipulated by mind control, or paid and / or extorted by intelligence services, to chemical weapons that exist only in their Manichaean imagination or in the hands of these terrorists recruited by their security companies, everything ... absolutely everything except some loose fact that proves the rule, not more than a montage by the Zionist elite with the complicity, coverage and necessary collaboration intelligence and state security forces. And all this is done on behalf of those terrorist organizations that they themselves have created.

Any means it to an end

Occasionally, the attack is true and the dead are real ... but in the attacks committed by the Gladio NATO operation, are dead necessary, side effects for what is for them the supreme good: Islamophobia that allows on the one hand, meet the expansionist ambitions of the Jewish state and thus be able to build his Great Israel has the West to free their wars and ends with his enemies, and on the other, and through the reception of refugees, lay the foundations of a society multiracial and even without national identity, to face each other if necessary (ie governments that do not follow its guidelines), and still be easily manipulated,open and receptive to the implementation of a permanent state of emergency that leads us gradually and without realizing almost has a global pseudo-democratic and bipartisan dictatorship that legitimizes and drive these supranational institutions of global governance managed by them, (and existing , UN, IMF, World Bank, etc.), conform and give birth to their NWO.  


Image result the only certainty of any terrorist attacks ... The official version is that they give us ... it is False

Xavier Jugelé 37, the gendarme allegedly murdered in Paris, NO. Probably the same thing happens terrorist does not exist

related image
JAMAS FRENCH INTERIOR MINISTRY OF MORE PHOTOS WILL ADD XAVIER because he never existed. At least as a gendarme. WHAT WERE THE REAL CHARACTER we will not know.

Readiness of the media to launch artillery fabricated news, leaving people literally incapable of thinking. The matrix with two ideas are dulled and no longer serve any purpose.
This man has no profile on social networks and even Google existed, everything has been created at the times of the alleged crime. A profile with no history without chronology, without photographs. To this add contradictions, on the one hand they put a profile in active gay  organizations  LGBT and another having a child. On the other hand they point out that escaped Bataclan Paris, but this time it has come.

Please notice on the false attack Bataclan, were already heralding the Zaventen Brussels. NEVER THERE ARE ALL ACTORS AND DEAD DOLLS.
Among the latex dolls. No one was killed BATACLAN IN ROOM AND WAS A TALE WITH FUNERAL ACTORS, looks perfectly drawn the logo Brussels airport.

The elections in France will be handled with  Scytl , but needed a false flag attack only to justify the result we shall see, out of all odds.

The results presented us will be tailored to the interests of the Rothschild banking France despite the  mere  prevention postal voting abroad.

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