
27 de abril de 2017

Trump seeks to dissolve the court that blocked three of its decrees

Trump seeks to dissolve the court that blocked three of its decrees

Trump se plantea disolver la corte que bloqueó tres de sus decretos

The president of the United States thinks that the 9th Circuit Court of San Francisco is biased against him and his policies and says he has a record of "terrible" annulments.

Following the final repeal of an executive order of Donald Trump by a district court in the city of San Francisco, the president expressed his disapproval of the practice of appealing to this court to prevent compliance with its decrees.

"Being our country very large and with many options, does anyone realize that both the cause of the prohibition [of entry to people from various countries in the Middle East] and now that of the 'sanctuary cities' are all brought to 9 . Circuit, which has a record of terrible cancellations (about 80%)? "He asked, indignantly, Trump. That was what he used to call a 'judge of convenience'! "Criticized the president, whose words have been collected by the magazine 'Politico'.

The practice of opponents of White House policies to avail themselves of the most comfortable jurisdiction for them, with more assurance of a favorable decision has already led to "there are many people who want to get rid of the 9th Circuit," warned Trump .

For this reason, the president is "definitely" considering proposals to dissolve this court of three "unelected" judges that is paralyzing the main initiatives of the Executive.

On March 25, this court first suspended the executive order of Donald Trump, signed two months ago, which froze federal funding for cities that did not comply with federal immigration laws.

The order was directed against so-called sanctuary cities, which refuse to hand over to the federal authorities undocumented citizens residing in their jurisdiction. However, the California court ruled that the presidential decree violated the US Constitution.

The White House discomfort was corroborated by its press service, which issued a statement in which it maintains that "this case is one more example of the overreaching of powers" of the judges of the court of San Francisco. According to this document, the ruling "undermines confidence" in the legal system of the United States.

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