
7 de mayo de 2017

As the leader of the independence movement in California left everything and moved to Russia

Leave politics, family and homeland to seek happiness in distant Russia is not an easy decision to make. Louis Marinelli, who spent the last years to the struggle for the success of 'Calexit' independence -the USA- California has spoken with RT on the independence campaign and life in Russia, where he said he was "freer" in US
Founder and president of the movement Yes California, Louis Marinelli announced  on 17 April its decision to stop collecting signatures that wouldallow the referendum in November 2018 to boost the so - called 'Calexit', the spin - off of California of the United States. 
If the organizers had collected enough signatures to late July and then the voters accept modify the fragment of the state Constitution that says that California is "inseparable part" of the US in March 2019 could be held a vote to decide whether California can leave the country. However, plans changed Marinelli.

Wind of change

Disappointed by the American political and economic system, he decided to move to Russia, which had already visited and which was established in 2016 in search of a new life. The lack of desire to live under the American flag was partly due to his own experience.As he was married to a Russian, he felt firsthand the details of the changing US immigration law, which contributed to their marriage breakdown, in all its 'splendor'.
If before he planned to return to California to continue the independence campaign, no longer he wants to return from Russia, which "will continue to be the representative of the Republic of California" until the day that the state becomes independent, as he confesses in a 17 of April.
Since last year, Marinelli living in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg, located in the Urals. He teaches English at a language school and found happiness and a life free of frustration and resentment toward their homeland.
Were only personal motives which pushed him to abandon the initiative of 'Calexit' and stop collecting the signatures? How feasible is the split of California? How has it changed your attitude towards life after the time he has lived in Russia? In an exclusive interview with RT, Louis Marinelli answers these and other questions.
- In mid-April you announced your intention to stay in Russia and revoke the petition for the referendum on the independence of California. If we leave aside personal reasons for this decision, can it be said that it was disappointed with the initiative?
L.M.: No. La iniciativa está apropiadamente elaborada como para ganarse el reconocimiento internacional de otras naciones si hubiera sido aprobada por el pueblo en 2019. Fue revocada por la realidad política de que su autor (yo) decidió mudarse a Rusia de manera permanente y no sería correcto que el pueblo de California votase en un referéndum de independencia preparado por alguien que se ha trasladado a vivir a Rusia. Por consiguiente, fue retirada para poder ser reestructurada y presentada nuevamente en el futuro próximo (antes del verano) por los californianos locales y nativos que residen en California.
- To hold the referendum in November 2018 had to collect about 600,000 signatures on July 25. How the campaign was developed? Got collect most of the signatures for April? How estimated the real possibilities of success of the petition?
LM: We  collected a substantial number of firms and volunteers worked as hard ascould to collect, classify and organize our signatures. I'm pretty sure we would have collected 600,000 signatures to the time andis why we decidedrevoke the current initiative. Certainly, in California thereenough support for independence to qualify the initiative for the ballot. However, not wantingdisturb our chances of emerging victorious only because the author of the initiative decided to move to Russia. It would be an unnecessary negativity about the vote and revoke [the initiative], restoringwith a new, that negativity is removed and people can move on with a clean vote.
- At the moment, the independent Republic of California is a utopia, an illusory dream or a goal that can be achieved in return for hard work?
LM:  Currently California is a republic.Prays even our flag. If the new request under new management collects signatures was able to pick up my -and surpasses request to cross the line meta- then Californians will vote 'yes' or 'no' to independence. It will be a historic victory for supporters of 'Calexit' day, butonly be the first step towards independence. It will be a small step for California, one giant leap for the cause of selfdetermination inUnited States.
- California is home to a large number of migrants from Latin America. How would your life change if the state became an independent country?
LM:  As an independent country, California will be able to better serve all Californians, not just Latin Americans.An independent California will be able to afford basic services that Latin American (and all Californians) deserve.We will be able to guarantee health insurance for all, so that no one is forced to declare bankruptcy because they can not pay their medical bills. We will be able to ensure that our young people can get the education they need for the economy of the twentyfirst century without graduating accumulating a mountain of debt.These, among others, are important issues for Latinos in California ... but they are also important for any other demographic group. 
However, I would highlight an example in terms of changes in the lives of Latin Americans in California. When California is an independent country, we will facilitate meetings between relatives on both sides of the border.There are many Latin Americans in California who are separated from their loved ones by the US immigration system and border wall. An independent California collapse the wall and work to reunite families. It's a human thing and so are Californians.
- The right to self-determination is also pronounced in Texas, where the National Movement, led by Nathan Smith tries to achieve political and economic independence of the region.Can we link the activity of campaigns to celebrate the independence referendum in California and Texas with the outcome of the US presidential elections?
LM:  Of course around California you can make this assumption. Our campaign for independence grew incredibly after the elections of 2016. However, Texans have an ideology that is morekeeping with Donald Trump, so his choice was a relief for most. I imagine if Hillary Clinton had won the National Movement of Texas have grown as much as our movement in California.
- He now lives in Yekaterinburg and seeks happiness in Russia, but also looks to the future with the hope of returning to California. How will the struggle for independence of the state under the current Administration Donald Trump developed?
LM:  I can not promise that happen during the administration of Donald Trump, because he would leave power in less than four years and our independence vote can not take place within two years. If he is reelected, it may be possible for Californiabecome independent before he leaves the White House. However,a larger scale, the best way to independence of California is through the dissolution ofUnited States.If this happens, not only Californians will have their own country, but also the people of Texas. In the country there are many states where the desire to be free of Washington lives and grows. I think we should meet inUnited States realize that we have irreconcilable differences and agreethe dissolution of the country.
Then, California will not only be free to restore the Republic of California, but also to join with the people of Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and possibly Hawaii, forming a great republic Pacific. Imagine!
- In an interview with Bloomberg in December last year, you compared the country with the Titanic and the victory of Trump in the elections with the crash of the Titanic with the iceberg [ "We believe that the country is like a Titanic and the choice of Donald Trump equals the collision with the iceberg Titanic "].However, you voted for Trump. What do you think his first 100 days in office?  
LM:  I voted for Trump and I like how he governed during his first 100 days. I hope you continuedrive the boat becauseprobably will pull downwhole house of cards. That's why I voted for him and hopefully not disappoint me. If the house of cards collapses, California does not need permission from Washington to become an independent country ... need neither Texas.
Yekaterinburg, Russia
- Let's go back to Russia. Yekaterinburg now has another life, she teaches English and speaks Russian very well.What do you think this new stage?
LM:  I feel that life in Russia is more real, more authentic. Life in America is so organized, so commercialized, so materialistic. The people there are very ignorant about what is happening in the world and even more ignorant about the role they play in what is happening in the world. They believe they are the only free people in the world, but I feel freer in Russia than inUnited States.
What surprises me most is how different are the Russians and life in Russia of what our Government shows US in the media, in our films. I really wish that more Americans could come to Russia to see the real Russia with their own eyes, like me. I know US and Russia could end this unnecessary antagonism between our two countries.
- What have you learned in Russia?
LM: I  begin to depoliticize all. My whole life has been politically and, asresult, I have analyzed all very political way. But it is not the way everything in life should be analyzed. So in Russia I'm learning to live a more normal life.
Alina Kulachkova

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