
22 de junio de 2017

Archangel Gabriel The chakras 7, 6, 5, 8

You are seed planted of the plant next to the love and healing, and its fruits, it will be for millions so brothers and sisters are so fortunate to receive this treasure, that it has no price on this earth, and will be in a very short time, appreciated in its Fair value for all of you.

Every change produces a certain fear, a certain uncertainty, you have always needed some teacher, someone who shows you firmness and authority, to inspire confidence, that is why we ask so much faith and trust. Now you, you will be your own teacher.

I am not the authority that can make you feel secure, IF YOU DO NOT HAVE FAITH, YOU SHOULD NOT even trust me, I AM A SIMPLE COMMUNICATOR OF THE HIGHEST, IT IS THE ONE TO WHICH YOU SHOULD BE ALL THE GLORY, and notice, that we have not even Chosen a special teacher to communicate this wonder, we have chosen a humble channel, which has the same knowledge as you, because as I said before, only a master of himself can be in front of what will come, only a being In perfect communion with the Most High, knowing that He will send His angels to protect us and guide us, and to face what you will come.

That is why brothers learn to listen to your heart, learn to be teachers of yourselves, to trust, to be safe and whole in following your intuition.

Safe and confident to know that you are protected and that you must develop our capacity to serve, Believe, Decide, Teach, Love and learn to be able beings to be secure, whatever you do in a moment of great distress, will be And will be accompanied and guided by us, the angels of God, the angels of heaven, we are at your service and protection.

Archangel Gabriel Server of the HIGHEST


My brothers:

For clarity and homogeneity give the information of the chakras I will tell you everything that you should inform the brothers who begin to meditate with the Marian Key.

As I always told you, it is very important that everyone teach the same things, since this is a unique Technique and the information must be unified as well.

You often use the term chakra blocking, this "Blocking" is not really the correct term for it to be used which does not mean that this does not happen but I will explain correctly what happens.

The word "block" gives the impression of obstruction and Energy is not obstructed, but it diminishes the capacity of natural uptake of Energy when there is an Emotional imbalance in the individual that is very different.

When a chakra is "blocked" as you say, it means that the area comprised by that vortex is no longer capturing or absorbing universal life energy, so the area comprising the organs of the same is affected by a serious disease. Is spread throughout the body.

When a chakra does not capture the vital energy that is needed it weakens, densifies, the area that must absorb Energy and send it to the organs and the millions of microchakras that are found throughout the body. When there is no energy that sustains the equilibrium, it "takes" the same from other vortices, weakening them.

Energy deficiency of vortices or chakras.

Deficiencies in energy intake of the chakras are produced mainly by emotional states, negative thoughts of all kinds: aggression, continuous discontent, anger, hatred, confrontation and continuous opposition, pain, frustration, envy, duels, resentments. All the negative feelings produce a physical alteration that goes from acceleration of the pulse, tachycardia to sudden change of blood pressure, etc.

Do you think that this does not affect the uptake of Energy? It not only affects it but consumes all the telluric energy of your bodies indispensable for the functioning and cellular oxygenation.

All this affects your body in a very negative way and precisely for this reason it is an excellent opportunity to capture wandering kites with violent characteristics as well.

This energy deficiency in the chakras is one of the major causes of gestation of diseases, something that you must keep in mind and try to avoid. Meditation with the Key for that purpose is an excellent way to quiet your thoughts and consciously harmonize your emotions as it acts as a wonderful and natural sedative in energy replenishment to balance both energies.

When you feel that you are about to lose control, meditate by activating the Key to regain lost balance and loss of energy through the misuse of thought and emotions.

The levels of this SCIENCE, since you will call it from this stage (refers to 3 °), are provided by the Conscious Force or levels of consciousness, since it is the mental body that governs the Physical body, a serene mind Will result in an emotional and controlled and balanced body and will bring to the physical body perfect health. That is why the main focus of this Science is the mental body (thought generator and receiver of ideas). You generate thoughts influenced by the emotional body most of the time. If these thoughts are negative, this implies that the receptive capacity will not be attuned to the high frequencies but to the mental effluvium of collective thoughts with the characteristics that govern this time, as: ambition of power, of social position, of competitiveness, desires, Aggressions, restrictions, etc.

When emotions take over cells as I told you, they do not capture enough Energy, then they weaken and send the message to the mind to request the energy it needs to alleviate the problem. You should not forget that the body regenerates itself (in colds, fevers, cracks, etc.), if the brain then is listening the message will send enough energy and the cells will recover.

Imagine then, when your chakras are potentialized, the great amount of Energy channeled and consciously sent the wonders that will work in you.

When the mind is altered with negative emotional thoughts the energy balance is altered and it does not respond to the internal requests that it receives, the conscious thought processes of balancing with Energy do not respond and the response is an unforeseen, untimely, mistaken and wrong action, The more ill you will feel then if the flow of Energy is interrupted with your ability !, so be careful.

It is very probable that a change of behavior takes place in you, the most tranquil and balanced beings who are practicing the technique is very likely to experience a rejection by people very untimely or violent, are in the same or not and those who are violent They will be attracted and drawn by people of the same characteristics that they.

Before you practiced the technique it was very common in you that you were usually attracted by people very opposed to what you are in reality: the sensitive by the more cerebral; The serious and formal by the cheerful and informal; The quiet and patient for the irascible and impatient, etc. After arriving to where you have arrived the calm, patient, happy, plumed, you will be attracted by people with their same characteristics of behavior and those opposed to these, with those of these characteristics.

Each one will continue to attract the prevailing flows of his being, not his opposite, since this feminine energy tends to the perfect equilibrium not of its opposite, but of its complementary.

- Chakra 7: (Sahasrara)

The crown chakra is the chakra filter since it is the one that allows the entrance of the Cosmic Energy.

Previously it had 7 shields or filters through which the Energy penetrates and is distributed to the nine aural fields, one for each chakra that you have now.

This chakra governs the pituitary gland and the central and peripheral nervous system, the neurovegetative and osseous system, pain (along with chakra 9 in prolonged and acute pain), fever.

You will see that much information you know very well and another will be very new for you, since things are in perpetual continuous change.

In the first years of life the chakras 7, 1 and 8 work intrinsically united.

The 7 chakra rules the pineal gland, in the first years of life chakra 1 is of vital importance for physical growth and connection with the material world. The chakra 8 allows the perfect immunological protection necessary in the stage of growth, to go this chakra losing its potentiality begins to increase the one of the chakra 1 aided by the chakra 7.

Chakra 1 governs the gonad glands (prostate - testicles or ovaries - uterus) both glands work together especially at this stage to regulate sexual development during puberty.

The pineal gland produces the hormone that you call melatonin, the production of it decreases with continuous light; And at night, in the darkness, this production is regenerated and produces in you a greater serenity.

The other hormone that produces this gland is the denominated serotonina whose function is to foment the physical activity and influences the emotions.

Chakra 7 controls the central nervous system and the peripheral, the brain as an organ. Together with chakra 9 (at higher levels of consciousness) they help control acute pain.

The pineal gland also has a complex biological connection with the adrenaline-producing adrenaline called also the aggression hormone. This connection influences the levels of stress through the kidneys and intestines.

This chakra, next to the Chakra 6, are the two corporeal chakras that allow the connection with the superior spheres of consciousness. Both chakras, 7 and 6, work together intrinsically bound since the Energy penetrates by the Chakra 7, that as I told you rules the brain and without the conscious thought of the absorption of said Energy could not be emitted with the chakra 6.

You should know that while these two chakras are called superiors or spiritual chakras in your physical bodies, the levels of consciousness you are passing through are the dense vibration-scale vehicle in comparison to the two great chakras 4th and 5th, These are of a much greater vibration and subtlety.

The gland that governs chakra 7 is the pituitary (also called pituitary). But you must remember that chakra 7 and 6 are deeply connected then the pineal also corresponds and vice versa.

However you will take the pituitary as the dominant gland in this vortex since it regulates the entire glandular system, regulates the neuropsychic and neurovegetative system, the nervous and muscular network.

Mental and emotional alterations are also regulated by the treatment of this vortex and the 6.

When a deficiency of energy uptake by chakra 7 occurs, it is due to the reasons that I will tell you below:

Negative stages that you may experience when chakra 7 is unbalanced by low energy uptake can lead to confusion, depression, hallucination to deep trauma of emotional or physical origin, an irrational fear of death, phobias, and so on.

Instead if this chakra is fully potentialized and balanced it will favor the sense of perception, intelligence, will and will lead you to Universal consciousness.

In higher stages of consciousness such as the one you are transitioning, you open yourself to the great chakra 4 or "The Soul Star", to the unification of the two energies (feminine and masculine) leading to divine service, with hope, faith and openness Of perception that are beyond time-space and three-dimensional consciousness.

Its color is white - bright violet and denotes the inner transition and contemplation.

The white color transcends that stage of consciousness to the yellow, Christ stage, where light cells are stored. (This will be given in a later lesson).

The vital teaching of this vortex is the release of physical attachments transcending karma. The emotional lesson, existence itself. And spiritual transcendence, the Union with the Soul Star. (Higher Self).

- TREATMENTS: always used, wildcard type.

It is used in EMERGENCY treatments: pain, blows, injuries, burns, etc .; With one hand in the affected area (local) and the other in the 7th chakra of the same person.

- Chakra 6 (Ajna)

The "Eye of Wisdom" is located in the center of the forehead approximately 2 cm. Of the hair's birth. The gland that governs it is the pineal. It is the organ of spiritual perception, seat of light and clairvoyance.

I also told you that the pituitary is linked to this vortex since both chakras 7 and 6 transform the energies into a multidimensional universe.

In most people this chakra is closed.

It is also called "dual chakra". Hence it is represented as a double petalled lotus flower, symbol of the two right and left hemispheres, of light and darkness, male and female, etc. The struggle between the personal ego and the spirit of light that he himself represents.

When the ego governs your lives believing that you are almost omnipotent, this vortex remains closed and relates to intellectual activities, having the misconception that earthly intelligence is synonymous with universal wisdom. Nothing further from the truth.

People who have the closed 6 chakra will have mental, learning, fear, ego, cynicism, permanent tension, suffering from severe headaches or migraines. If it has a low energy uptake, the ego will manifest itself uncontrollably with feelings of disappointment towards everything that surrounds it.

A full potentialization of the chakra 6 can instead use intuitively its capacities (the two small chakras that are found on both temples help the process of potentialization), being as I told you to develop clairvoyance, the inner power of intuition, imagination, self-contemplation, Peace of mind and wisdom.

This vortex potentiated with chakra 7 I repeat, leads you to "the soul star" or fourth great chakra.

From the pineal you project your highest thoughts while from the brain and emotional thought you project your earthly ideas; As you see in both cases the thought is projected as a reality in your dimension with your mental body and your thoughts.

Energy follows thought. Care what you think my loved ones! When you are adults, the pituitary gland (or pituitary gland) is related to this chakra. Its secretions provide an intrinsic relationship with the brain and immune system since the chakra 8 has been closed. Hence, the negative thoughts and emotional traumas recorded in the brain can cause physical illness.

The emotional action of this chakra when empowered is to bring clarity and awaken intuition.

- TREATMENTS: It is the most delicate chakra of all. ALWAYS BE ATTACHED TO CK 7; And should not be treated if not necessary Severe case: Severe memory loss. Treat 6 days a week (rest 1), four to six weeks until memory recovers; Then rest for at least two weeks to a month. Rest: according to gravity, try 4 to 1 day a week, two weeks in a row and rest two weeks.

Children with learning problems or students required: 1 time per week for one month. Then rest for a month.

You can "talk" from ck 6, to send love and wish the best.

- Chakra 5 (Vishuddha)

This chakra is extremely important because through it you can communicate with other human beings and also with those of the high spheres. It is one of the doors that leads to them. Its blue color represents

- Chakra 8:

This chakra acts and regulates the thymus gland.

From the moment of birth until the age of 12/14 years puberty stage in which this vortex closes and the thymus gland atrophies (now you know that this chakra reopens), works strictly linked to the immune system by increasing the system Of physical defenses and increasing levels of Energy.

When this chakra does not capture enough Energy that it needs, the organic and energetic defenses are lowered.

As this vortex is very close to the gate of chakra 5, both vortices act very intrinsically.

This chakra is called "protective shield", since when it is activated it protects of the aggressions of all type: physiological and organic, of viral contamination, even of the verbal and energetic aggressions.

In people who have it re-open it will greatly help in the process of convalescence of diseases accompanying the entire healing process. This will activate automatically when you feel an aggression of all kinds. It is possible that you feel that you are choking or that it is activated and rotates very fast, when this happens the vortex is triggered automatically.

This vortex is activated only in cases of very serious diseases, but in the next level you can treat it normally, as to another vortex.

It is the Chakra shield since as I told you it acts as protector of the physical body and the energetic before any symptom of corporal disharmony or energetic. It is the one that will take the "Extra Energy" you need to balance. This chakra is the only one that can be activated before the Chakra 7 since it is the one that gives notice to it so that it activates to take the Energy that needs. Its color is green seawater.

This vortex is linked to vortex 4 and regulates vital lymph as chakra 4 regulates the circulatory system, both circulatory systems are governed by each of them respectively.

The lymphatic is vital for the disposal of toxins, the blood is for the distribution of vital food that your body needs for its full development and functioning.

When your energies are low somehow you are contaminated by other vibrations that are yours, these are deposited and circulated through the lymphatic system passing to the circulatory which is governed by the chakra 4; As there is where you are, that is why your being happens to be a perfect stranger since you really are not you. You are infected by "other beings" who seek the light and approach the humans who have it thinking that this is the true path to It.

Many children are in these times infected by almitas since they from their innocence they shine with own light. Hence, as I already told you, you must protect them and give them driving treatment as many times as necessary.

The fingers of your hands and feet are the nerve endings where the blood flow ends, hence they are called nerve terminals. That is why you have the greatest sensitivity there to capture your presence. Remember the lesson I have given you of the thymus gland and its relation to lymph.

Dear brothers and sisters, we will continue with the lesson of the chakras.
Archangel Gabriel Server of MAS ALTO


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