
17 de junio de 2017

Imagination and beliefs. III

Seth 's imagination and beliefs. III 

mention (in session 619) a game in which you take an idea you wantrealize, and you imagine that happening. Remember that all events are mental and psychological happen first and then physically, but do notobserve all the time. Gowith the game. 

Constantly you do the same with the beliefs that you have, and they also translate constantly and automatically. 

It is the separation between being and beliefs which is so important at first. No you have to insist and consciously martirizaros. Imagination and emotion are your greatest allies. Your conscious direction will automatically enter the scene. 

Why it is so important that examinéis all your beliefs about yourself and about the nature of reality; and a belief will lead you to another. There are many who argue that if the will and imagination are in conflict, eventually winning the imagination. I assurethat ifyou you examine,discover that imagination and the will "never" are in conflict. 

There may be conflict between beliefs, but imagination always follows the power of will and conscious thoughts and beliefs. If thisnot evidentyou, it's because you have not yet fully examined your beliefs.Consider a simple example. Suppose you have a weight problem. 

Youu have tried several diets, but in vain. You say you wantlose weight, and you do what I have said so far. Cambiais belief and you say, "Because I think I'm fat, I am; so I'll think I'm thin, my ideal weight. " 

But you find that you keep overeating. Mentally you continue seeingas an overweight person, imagine sweets and goodies, and you "you render" to your imagination.And then you think that the will is useless and that conscious thought is powerless. But suppose youone step more. Of sheer desperation, you say, "Okay, I examine my beliefs more closely!". 

This is a hypothetical case, so youfind one among many possible beliefs. Perhaps you discover, for example, think it not worth much, and therefore you should not look attractive.Or health equiparais physical weight and think it is dangerous to be thin. Or maybe youfeel so vulnerable thatbelieve thatneed the extra weight so that people think twice before messing with you. In all these cases the ideas are aware. Ye have entertained them often, and your imagination and emotions agree with them, and not conflict. 

Perhaps you may be poor. By following my suggestions, perhaps tratéis to alter the belief and say: "My needs are met and enjoyed great wealth." But possibly still struggling financially you should follow. Maybe you see in your imagination get the next bill and that you can not afford"" I have "enough money -decís-. 

This is my new belief "But nothing changes, so you think.: "My conscious thoughts do not mean anything." But after examining your thoughts, perhaps ye may find the deep conviction that not worth much at all. You might feel: "To begin, I am nobody," or "The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer" or "The world is against me" or "Money is something wrong. People who haveare not spiritual. " Again, youdiscover a belief that takes you not wanthave money or be afraid of it. 

In any case, your imagination and your beliefs go together. -decís- enough money. This is my new belief "But nothing changes, so you think." My conscious thoughts do not mean anything. " But after examining your thoughts, perhaps ye may find the deep conviction that not worth muchall. Say, for another example, that you try to remember your dreams. Sugestionáis you will properly every night, but awaken each day without being able to remember them. Perhaps you say: "Consciously I remember my dreams, but my suggestions do not work. Therefore I want a conscious level is of little consequence. " 

But if you examine your beliefs in more detail, youfind some that prevents you remember, such as "I'm afraid to remember my dreams," or "My dreams are always unpleasant," or "I'm afraidknow what I dream" or " I remember my dreams, but I may reveal more than you wantknow. " In this case your reality also affects your beliefs, and your experience is a direct result of your conscious attitudes. 

With attitudes like the ones I just mentioned, you liquidáis to your innerpurposely obstaculizáis your experience, and so reforzáis beliefs on the negative aspects of your being. Only by examining these ideas you can know what your relationship you have with yourself. I do not intendreinforce negative at all, so I suggestobserve those areas of your life with whom you will feel comfortable and I did well. Look how emotional and imaginatively have reinforced those beliefs and how physically carried into fruition; Warn how natural the results appear automatically. Hold fastthose feelings of accomplishment and understand that you can use the same methods in other areas. 

Good evening, we start with the dictation. You alsotransmit your beliefs to others,course. When guests enter your home, they do not look exactly like you because also see through the screen of their beliefs. However, in your own environment usually dominate your personal beliefs. 

People with similar ideas are mutually reinforcing their beliefs.Perhaps you will enfrentéis to some misunderstanding when you judge suddenly change your realitychanging your beliefs; dependingthe circumstances, perhaps you will encaminéis in a completely different direction from that of the group to which you belong. Others may feel the need to defend ideas before dabais all for granted. In such cases your beliefs came together.

Each person has their own ideas about reality for reasons that seem valid. The needs converge.When suddenly you change your beliefs, you change your position in the group, you are no longer you play more this game. 

In the group, perhaps suddenly ceasing to satisfy a need that others before satisfacíais. This affects both intimate behavior and social interactions. So, for a while youprove perhaps a sense of loss while ye trasladéis a set of beliefs to another. However, soon others who share your new beliefs will be attracted by you and you for them. 

Idiscuss this in more detail later in the book, but this explains, for example, why a person who follows a diet and suddenly decidedlose weight may find party or open resistance from family or friends; or why the person who adopts new resolutions meets the taunts of his classmates; or why the alcoholic trying not to drink is openly tempted by others to drink, or induced to do with subtle tactics. 

When someone who has been ill begins to recover by changing their beliefs, you might be surprised that even his dearest relatives suddenly concerned and for the same reasons, remind the "reality" of his poor health.Since beliefs form reality-experience- structure, any change in the beliefs that alters the experience of course, triggers a change to some extent. The condition for serving some purpose no longer exists, new elements are introduced, and begins another creative process.

 As you share your private beliefs with others, since "no" interaction, any change of direction from you is felt by others, they react in their own way. You propose the most satisfying experience possible reality. To do this you have begun, I hope, to examine your beliefs. Perhaps you wish that others change, but this must start with yourself. 

I said (in session 619) that practicarais a game in which you imagine actingaccordancethe new desired belief. As you do, imagine how afectáis also others with this new way. Imagine that react differently. This is very important because you send them telepathically internal messages. 

You tell them that you are changing the conditions and behavior of your relationship. You diffuse your new position. Some may well understand your new position. Perhaps thereothers who need the old reference frame and someoneplay the role previously desempeñabais you.

 Those people will turn away from your experience, or you will leavehers. If you conceivedaily life as a constantly moving threedimensional picture that you create, you will see that, as your beliefs change, so will your experience. "You must" fully accept the idea that your beliefs are your experience. 

Cast aside the beliefs that do not produce the effects you desire. Meanwhile, you often will say that something is true even though the physical data seem completely contradictory. Perhaps you say: "I live in abundance and I lack nothing" while the eyes inform you that your desk is full of unpaid bills. You must understand that you yourselves produjisteis these "physical evidence" to which you face, and you did it by means of your beliefs. S

o when cambiéis belief, physical evidencegradually begin to "show" the certainty of your new belief as faithfully as he did with the old. So, you must work with your own ideas. Although theregeneral categories of beliefs, and general reasons that explain, you must personally make you aware of your own, because no person is completely alike. 

Old beliefs served a purpose and met a need. As we said earlier, maybebelieved that "yes" poverty was more spiritual than abundance, or you were basically worthless and therefore chastise you ought to poverty. 

Dependingyour energy, power and intensity, "you can" help change the beliefs of many people. Normally, in physical life youengaged only you change your beliefs about yourself, and then change the beliefs that others have about you. You will see that there are conflicting beliefs within you and you have to be aware of them. 

For example, perhaps you may believe that wantunderstand the nature of your inner self and tell you that you wishremember dreams, but atsame time alberguéis a belief on nature unworthy of being,and fear ye remember dreams so you could find in them. In suchcase, there is no point lamenting the situation and say, "I wantunderstand myself but I'm afraid I do not like what you find." You must change your beliefs. 

You must stop believing that just keeps infamous inner being repressed emotions. In fact,contains "some" pentemotions, but also contains a great insight and knowledge, and answers to all your questions. Pay attention when you conversáis with friends. You will see how each reforzáis beliefs, and how your imagination often follows the same direction. 

It is very easysee when you're aware of it. Most people in this society knows the old suggestion: "Every day got a little better in all aspects." * This is an excellent suggestion, given by the conscious to other parts of * be Seth refers to the famous autosugestión francés Émile Coué, a pioneer in the study of suggestion who wrote a book on the subject in the twenties. His ideas were well received in Europe at the time, but not in the United States. In fact, his lecture tour in this country proved a failure because of the hostile press reaction. 

be. But suchsuggestion results also depend on the conscious beliefs. Previously I turned toexample of "I am a responsible parent" asexample of a belief. If for you this means: 'I watch with great attention to my children brush their teeth, eat and behave appropriately enough, "then you will understand the suggestion to" improve "in the light of that interpretation.

 If belief means to you that your children love expressed "best" in this way, if you think you embarrassing express affection directly, then the suggestion "improve" only reinforce that belief. That way you can more competentagain. It is therefore vital that examinéis your beliefs and comprehend what they mean for you personally. 

If, in the example we gave, soon you ADVERTIS your position and begin to directly express love to your children,no doubt be surprised and delighted though, they will feel confused. Ittake time to understand your reactions; but, and the former actually had a cohesion, also will have the new. So, you must examine and understand your beliefs, give account that make your experience, and consciously change that do not have the effects that you want. In the review you will become aware of many excellent beliefs that give you good results.

 Examinecarefully. See how your imagination and emotions obeyed. If possible, seek in the past at what time you got those new ideas and how beneficially changed your experience. Ideas not only alter the world constantly: the "create" constantly. We are nearing the end of chapter four, but now we will adjourn and continue at our next session. Warm Regards. 

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