
22 de junio de 2017

the dark side of Disney revealed: Goofy man worked for 20 years and confessed tod

A former member of the team of actors playing the mythical characters of Disney in the park revealed the secrets of the place worse.
We all love the theme parks of  Disney , and those who were not dying to go because, without a doubt, is one of the most famous destinations. Our childhood is closely linked to the mythical characters of the string and do not would like to leave this world without knowing !.

 Picture 1 - Goofy man worked for 20 years and confessed everything: the dark side of Disney revealed
However, not everything seems rosy at  Disney World . Through the testimony of a man who for 20 years worked  Goofy  in the park, Paradise worst secrets were revealed.
Although we all want to meet  Mickey  and the castles of  Magic Kingdom  or get us a picture with the princesses of flesh and blood, after reading his sayings we replantearemos. Apparently, behind the famous amusement park truths are not so attractive.
For this reason, the former  Goofy  warned in his blog statement: "This publication is not for those who want to preserve the magical spirit of  Disney ". Want to know what are the secrets?
Picture 3 - Goofy man worked for 20 years and confessed everything: the dark side of Disney revealed
1. Under the parks there is a chilling system of underground tunnels
As said former  Goofy , the floor has hundreds of corridors through which the cast members are mobilizing behind the scenes. Thus avoid contact with the public without interrupting the shows without revealing their true faces. " It 's actually a bit boring in some places, but in others creepy , " said the actor, adding that there is an automatic pipe system connecting all food courts with the center where they end up debris. This site is located behind  Splash Mountain . "It 's amazing how the stinking garbage can travel covertly below without people noticing" 
the dark side of Disney revealed: Goofy man worked for 20 years and confessed everything - Image 4
2. There is an AC jail for visitors who do not comply with the rules           
Many times we have heard of it: within the parks of  Disney  there is a prison where are sent those guests who disrupt order and corrupts rules established place to live. According  to Goofy , the cell is really just a room in the candy store on the main street.
Image results for Disney World
3. How does the casting is developed to be a Disney character? 
"The audition process is fairly standard , " said former  Goofy  adding that to work a movie character must compete in an audition. "There is a part of funny animation in which you have to put on the skin of a character, for example, mowing as  Pluto , " summarized the actor.
Picture 5 - Goofy man worked for 20 years and confessed everything: the dark side of Disney revealed
4. The characters are forbidden to talk in front of the visitors
"We are not allowed to talk to the costume put in front of the guests. Never! "Exclaimed bluntly former  Goofy , and revealed that in the subsoil, which functions as a private space for them to do" anything ". "I used to love telling dirty jokes to new unsuspecting employees. I have a good 'laugh  Goofy ' it took me years to perfect , "confessed the actor.
the dark side of Disney revealed: Goofy man worked for 20 years and confessed everything - Picture 6
5. The costumes are uncomfortable: the characters can not see much
According to the ex  Goofy , they found the situation uncomfortable, is when visitors brought their newborn babies to the park and asked them to cradle them to photograph them together. "I can see it being  Goofy . I'm also wearing gloves, giant paws or whatever, depending on what the character. Why do you let me hold your baby? "Quipped the character.
Picture 7 - A man Goofy worked for 20 years and confessed everything: the dark side of Disney revealed
6. The Disney hate parents
Former  Goofy  confessed that he hated when parents told their children: "It's just a guy in a suit, do not be afraid". Apparently, this phrase is terribly counterproductive, and scarier small.
7. Within costumes very hot
Former  Goofy  suffered intense heat for 20 years, until he was tired. He said that within disguises an extreme temperature rises, and in summer it directly devastating. About her experience, she said that: " It was an absolute torture the first month (and especially the first parade), but after a few months I got used. After a few years I forgot I had put the costume. "
Picture 2 - Goofy man worked for 20 years and confessed everything: the dark side of Disney revealed
8. Each character has a signature
you ilusionaste believe that the real  Donald Duck  or  Mickey Mouse  made you a special signature and staff in the autograph you asked them? Chuck it! According  to Goofy , characters have predetermined and standardized signature that authorities  Disney  determined for all employees to write the same. "We have a small summary of the character that includes autograph. We try to make it look like once we signed , "said the actor and concluded:" Goofy  is easy to do, but I can write backwards, which would make visitors return crazy "

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