
23 de junio de 2017

We live under an evil system that seems one thing is really something so different that it is hard to believe for the layman.

Last notice to shareholders of Banco Popular

 applauseWith this article I would like to close the cycle that involves giving warning of what happened with the heist at Banco Popular and its shareholders, I understand how shocked they can be when a popular form of savings was established by the Exchange and the sad reality was confiscation by Night and covered premeditation in law by corrupt officials sheltered by politicians who do not care betray their people in order to receive a string of kickbacks in a perfidious infamy that acts contrary to the oath of allegiance to the development of their functions. I know that costs assimilate this confiscation of shares of Popular euro and a sad ending up in the hands of Banco Santander, already they have said many things and all the inexplicable lead to an intervention by illiquidity  when  the competent authorities have to intervene bankruptcy.  Illiquidity is no reason to intervene whenever equity losses outweigh any, that simple. It is precisely these authorities who have to provide the necessary liquidity , the funds withdrawn by depositors are replaced by the ECB and all that happens will the balance sheet is a change of creditor. This and much more has been explained in the above articles and  identified the perpetrators of this assault orchestrated  by an oligarchy that dominates the media and among these means,
foto2-0011 [1]We live under an evil system that seems one thing is really something so different that it is hard to believe for the layman . I wear a long career investigating banks Banco Santander and explicitly to which I have written two books:  The Power  and  The Booty booty , and hundreds of articles. Without false modesty I can say I know "the bank as the mother who bore him" and as has been gobbled bank after bank despite going against common sense, from the social point of view, to exterminate the competition. Botin Santander and Banco Central Hispano, Banesto and Banco Popular now ate. All these binges have the common denominator of appearing a save and when it is actually an appropriation  EBB 001orchestrated  by a tribe that through repetition increasingly rub perfection. They leave nothing to chance and conscientiously choose their victim. Banco Popular was mostly a pushovers with more than 11,000 million euros of actual reserves .  These equity accounting balance provided far superior to the rest of Spanish banks solidity. These reserves had not fallen from heaven, they came from retained earnings to shareholders for many years. So how a bank with many reserves overnight worth one euro? Where is the record that confirmed? How the hell bid auction that was finally awarded to Santander made? Are the bids were for cents? Everything was orchestrated in advance.
A foolproof method
vinetas0003a1 [1]Now for you, now for me! The oligarchs once the savings banks were distributed by the banks, the method is infallible. The appropriation process is orchestrated along the lines of an infallible model.  It is that some inspectors from the Bank of Spain presented in pushovers and certifying a substantial lack of provisions that went to church. The pronouncement of these officials had the rank of divine word therefore was indisputable. That was then, now, in the case of Banco Popular responsibility report corresponds to ECB officials but  the method remains unchanged . Where is the catch? In the divine word of these officials who act like robots with remote control. The "hole" for lack of supplies is custom made , so you have to take from this world capital and reserves, ie equity and also you have to overcome "something more" in order to provide public funds and to take shareholder control and  send for house bank managers . But, and this is a but of category,  the divine word of officials rises to the level of irreversible,  ie if concoct a list of loans and credits with a payment incident (delays or lasting unpaid mortgage guarantee) the Rating unsuccessful and lead to  irreversible losses . This process has been accompanied and encouraged with bad news for the media to fulfill the remaining "his master's voice". Once you are assigned missed the big game begins.  The oligarchs are rubbing their hands with the bank captured and disarmed assaulted and plucked shareholders. That easy.
imagesThe next phase is more complicated, they need politicians who move like puppets by time and circumstances, let 's see what happened when assailed Banesto which  he awarded a "hole" just measure to gain control of the bank  and move administrators. One solution was a capital increase subscribed shareholders to regulate the imbalance of the balance sheet. The oligarchs opposed to a capital  Why? If it is a corporation and the shareholders put their money out of pocket Who hurts? For the oligarchs and recipient of the "gift" the  Banco Santander  and also have discovered that much of the irreversible "hole" was made by the very Bank of Spain. In the capture process Banco Popular oligarchs failed to stop the capital  by 2,500 million euros What was you? Then  turn to the other side:  the market value and new hand minions is cast into the media by releasing false news and ushering intervention by the CNMV in guarding the collapse of action allowing actions People are cooked in their own sauce and  Get the legality of the right to capture the approach.  Money lords of marque without the full cooperation of politicians could not be done with the catch.
Who intimidates a thief has 100 years of forgiveness
proce1-001 [1]Corsairs who raided the People 's Bank are above good and evil so they can afford to establish that rob the bank's shareholders will have 100 years of forgiveness. The fact that minority shareholders even care very little to invest their savings in a financial institution, and were called before knowing that the banks had fleeced their depositors, with coña of preferred and other martingale savings entire life . Still, knowing this slapstick shareholders of banks continued their actions instead of saying  "Not by my actions."  Some might sell at a loss and others with profit but  get out of the "property" of a society that does not play fair was what touched  How about the eviction? banks do not own the mortgages sold in the financial market in the form of bonds, however, after having sold and practiced a shell game stay with the judicial support, guaranteed: the mortgaged property. We are talking about commercial companies that outperform the mafia, which is at least protects his "family",  with this relea have to face shareholders of Banco Popular. The muggers do not give stitch without thread and wait, while rubbing their hands, that assailed regain consciousness for what happened and debated among themselves are splitting hairs or if a suspension of payment (illiquidity) or bankruptcy to undertake the actions of judicial claim . Spanish justice works great once the banks have collapsed with their messes trilleros: preferential, subordinated debt, securitization, floor clauses etc. etc, which small shareholders of People will be added. The never ending story. to which small shareholders of People will be added. The never ending story. to which small shareholders of People will be added. The never ending story.
Last notice to shareholders of Banco Popular                
1238389_517283895008664_1753627816_n [1]I have in my favor to have predicted the vicissitudes of Banco Popular (see published) is not occurrences, I say knowingly , and I give a damn if this voice is lost in the desert as neither have shares of any kind, nor have I lined my knowledge  since they have always been driven "to notice" care which you are preparing.  Not think it's a crazy vagary say that the judicial process through  the traditional claim will last a decade , then the new "owners" People have already materialized, and more than 20% of the investment as they seek to obtain of the operation. This will be 20% which will emerge, but (we return with the buts) the hidden benefit will be huge because once taken control of the bank expect to make the sale of a loan portfolio alleged  mortgage - backed securities,  under the sole word of Banco Santander. In the magical list, from first to last will be qualified defaulters.  Sale, blessed by the authorities "runaway" to a vulture fund domiciled in a tax haven will be forced by circumstances without alternative. Mrs. "botina" has already stated that  thinks getting rid of 50% of home equity loans.  The method is still infallible through repetition, banks captured by corsairs have already successfully applied. For one example: in one of the catches, the FROB encouraged and consented to the sale of the "Portfolio Hercules" (5,600 million euros in mortgages) to vulture fund Blackstone to scrap price Who won in this operation? The buyer about 2,000 million euros  Who lost? The majority shareholder who  sold good evil . Who was the shareholder? The FROB. The bank, if not guessed was  Catalunyacaixa (CX)  constructed of the remains of the Savings Catalan. Who was the shareholder? The FROB. The bank, if not guessed was Catalunyacaixa (CX) constructed of the remains of the Savings Catalan. Who was the shareholder? The FROB. The bank, if not guessed was Catalunyacaixa (CX) constructed of the remains of the Savings Catalan.
boat- pirate-33 [1]It is all said who they see fit to attend the traditional claim to do so. It will good, nice and cheap to embark on a process that will be very long and everything eternalizes favors claimed. Moreover, those who decide to stand up to the FROB (and hanging from it) preventing the Santander make the shot with mortgages Popular,  they will be able to exchange trading cards . Everyone to interpret their good understanding. Who intimidates a thief has 100 years of forgiveness. By the way, have not passed 15 days and the issue has disappeared in the media Is not an indication that the orchestra gives terminate his performance?
In short, there will be a dividing line between those who decide to sue the People 's Bank for falsifying or tampering with accounts that run the compensation on account of Banco Santander, something very difficult to be demonstrated with an army of experts against the fearsome Santander Legal Counsel or the other line focus the claim against arbitrariness, the MUR (and secondarily the FROB)  to confuse the lack of liquidity with a bankruptcy.  While on the one hand, they have to prove the accounting items that are affected by an alleged manipulation on the other beans are counted: equity outweigh the alleged losses? Well, we are out in the street. You decide, it's your money, are your savings.
Logo Teseo Consulting
thITSNQ5B1We will see if they are worth or not worth the shares of Banco Popular, these rascals will pay for what they have done and only depends on you. Problems in sight? No, just that of the 305,000 shareholders of People sign up (currently without obligation) than will fit in a taxi. SOBRE7Those who may be interested here have a number  900 69 65 39  where to call or direct an e-mail to  teseoconsulting2016 @ gmail, com

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