
8 de julio de 2017

11 Genesis Power

The origin of the "World Power in the Shadow" is located in the major European banking dynasties of the first half of the nineteenth century (Rothschild, Lazard, Warburg ...) controlling the currency and its international circulation from the Bank of England.

The American Civil War (1861-65) and the oil monopoly favored the financial primacy of the new empire USA in the hands of a plutocratic-technocratic oligarchy Vanderbilt, Morgan, Rockefeller, Carnegie ...

In the early twentieth century, the malefic plan for a "New World Order" went from the main Masonic lodges associations shared the goals of the secret societies. The most hermetic circles of power were constituted by iluministas sectarian infiltrated Freemasonry. The two main centers still have their center in Oxford (The Group) and Yale (The Order "Skull and Bones"). At Harvard there is a strong core of social-Masonic influence.

John Ruskin and the British Cecil Rhodes were the highest ideological mentors and funders of the project "World Government" controlled by a small elite of the big banks.

The dome of the World Power is displayed in "philanthropic" foundations that guide American public life, discrete circles of power (Zionist B'nai B'rith Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Trilateral) and international organizations (RF, IMF, World Bank, UN, NATO, EU ...).

The web "Global News" Father Sanahuja said: "The Sunday Times" (24.05.09) revealed a secret meeting convened by billionaires Bill Gates and held at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, Nobel Prize for Biochemistry and rector of the Rockefeller University. The summit called philanthropists attended by David Rockefeller, George Soros (Chairman of the Davos Forum), Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of N. York, and gurus of the media Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey. The group calls itself the "Good Club".

These characters have donated more than 45,000 million pounds from 1996 to population control programs: Abortion, Euthanasia, contraception ... Analyzed problems will worsen in the near future: climate change, water and excess global population. They agreed to promote reproductive health programs by chemical and surgical abortion.

Bill Gates called for unity in efforts to overcome political and religious obstacles to the "New World Order". They are not willing to make sacrifices for the common good but aim to reduce the diners at the table of humanity.This new anthropology is evident in the "Gender Ideology" born in the Beijing conference (1995) UN: women should be freed from her feminine specificity (maternity and family).

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