
9 de julio de 2017

Spain: 118 elderly per 100 children under 16 years

The aging index in Spain increased for the seventh consecutive year by the increasing casualization of families and poverty wages and achieves historic mark of 118%, which means that for every 100 under 16 there are 118 over 64 . the figures, collected by the Adecco Foundation based on data from the National Statistics Institute (INE), is two points higher than that obtained last year percentage points and exceeds by more than 12 to 2010, reaching 106, 1%. The figure is particularly high in the autonomous regions of northern Spain, where Asturias (210%) and Galicia (192.6%) lead the regions with a higher proportion of people of 65 years or more. 

Radiography has not always been the same. The proportional number of young outpaced higher in Spain until 2000, when the trend was reversed due to increased life expectancy and declining birth rates. The index is then placed in 103.3% after remaining below 100% during the nineties.Since then, the aging has increased by more than 15 points and in the last decade the percentage has always been increasing. 

By autonomies, the indicator is especially high in communities of the northern half of Spain, except Navarra and Catalonia. The aging Asturias region is again a mark of 210%, which means that there is no greater per 100 210 children under 16 years. Follow Galicia (192.6%), Castilla y León (190.5%), Cantabria (146.4%) and the Basque Country (145.0%).

Around the national average autonomous regions such as Valencia they would be located, with an aging index of 118.6% and Navarra, with 116.5%, ahead of Castilla-La Mancha (113.9%) and Catalonia (112.1%). The youngest areas of Spain are the two autonomous cities, Ceuta and Melilla, with indicators of 40% and 51.3% respectively. The proportion of under 16 is also higher than in Murcia over 64 (83.6%), Balearic Islands (96.1%) and Andalusia (96.4%). I

n its latest report on population projections, the INE estimates that the percentage of over 65 years could be 25.6% in 2031 and in 2066 to reach 34.6% of the population. This wouldalso increase the number of inhabitants of over a hundred years old, which would be more than 222,104 in 50 years. In addition, the rate of Spanish dependency,which results from dividing the number of under 16 and over 65 among the working age population, it would rise to 62.2% in 2031 according to the INE predictions. As a comparison, in 2000 it was 48.2%, Expansion reported. 

The National Archive publishes the 66,590 convicted of Francoism The list of persons subject to military court proceedings in Catalonia during the Franco dictatorship is already public. Following the adoption of the law of legal redress for the victims and families of Franco on 29 June in the Parliament, supported unanimously, the National Archive has released the names of the repressed and killed by the fascio.In the list contains 66,590 victims alphabetically ordered although some of them were instructed more than one procedure. 

14,000 places of public employment cuts do not cover the DNI issuing offices have become a pressure cooker about to explode. Queues and waiting from six in the morning, saturated officials, appointments within two months, unforeseen situations that there is no room to solve ... The template will incorporate in August to 150 people who passed one of the squares in 2016 and another 150 coming from the extraordinary public job that the government approved today. A crumb to a desperate situation. " 

Attorney Altsasu a fascist" Everything is ETA " José Perals, the representative of the Public Prosecutor asking 375 years in prison for the defendants in the bar fight in which they were involved two civil guards, He was involved in several lawsuits against independentistas politicians, lawyers and prisoners Twitter users. A considerable part of the future of the eight accused of "terrorism" by the bar fight in Altsasu is in the hands of a hard man.

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