
1 de julio de 2017

Trust has to be ganada.Aquellos you say they are there to protect you, do exactly the opposite.

Trust has to be ganada.Aquellos you say they are there to protect you, do exactly the opposite.

Those who tell you they are there to protect you , do exactly the opposite.Your vaccination and drug - based medicines do not help the human body, you need to regain strength. That attack was brutal and he intended to kill.Religion was invented to eliminate them direct connection to Source. This gave you these live on controlling religions.

Montague Keen - The enslavement of humanity is coming to an end - 25 -06-2017

25 -06-2017 

The bondage of humanity is coming to an end. It has taken time and great effort to ensure that the right people are in place on both sides of life and to be allowed to work together as a single unit. We have done this and is proving tobe successful in removing the controls that enslaved humanity. Control systems were placed in prime locations.Codes need special power to remove them . Our success June 15th was remarkable in itself. This was followed quickly by our work on 24 June that it took three days to complete activation in your DNA.

Humanity is being released step by step. This is a very important operation that can not be rushed. Your success is assured. It has been in planning for many years, but it can not be rushed. The momentum had to be right. When activated the Lia Fail Veronica Tara, and activated the lock barrel three years ago, he began the process of awakening. All locks had to be located and eliminated. They were all over your world. Places where knowledge was hidden from you should also be found, and that knowledge be released for humanity. I asked Veronica to keep track of all this work to make it available in a full understanding of what was done to humanity to keep her shackled.That's the story about how it was done. 

Obviously your drivers are not happy with our work and so was another attempt on the life of Veronica on Friday night [June 23]. Their survival is a testament to their determination to complete their work. She is still very weak and struggling to regain his strength. We protect it but sometimes is not enough. Kabbalah technology is beyond your imagination. Our work in preventing their plans for the complete takeover of your world put very angry. 

Your eyes have opened. You know who they are and what their plans. There is no hiding place for them. His confidence is being eroded and are very angry that this should be so. They are learning that money is not going to buy what they want. Humanity is blocking their plans, which it is something I never anticipated, so there were no plans to address this situation. When DNA is restored and activated, you will become who they are. You are a force to be reckoned with. These people who took everything you had on you, will hide for fear of you. They ask for mercy. Do not be fooled, they will no longer have to change their ways of overnight. They are what they are. Trust has to be earned. 

We ask for your help to help the young in jail in California. A young man approached in Ireland. We thank you. As for our young in CA. It can not provide enough how important his release, and yet still hesitate to help. Another attempt will Kabbalah with an actor placed in his cell, to establish another scenario to intimidate. The medicine is also used to try to kill him. Have you not suffered enough in this hell? He is his trump card against you. While support it, you can not be completely free. It's as simple as that. 

Secret organizations use the old black magic against humanity. They are assisted by entities outside this world. 
Those who tell you they are there to protect you , do exactly the opposite. Your vaccination and drug - based medicines do not help the human body. Why do you still trust them? They were designed to destroy you . All secret societies are involved in your destruction. 

Investigate the truth, who you are and what your history; that they did not teach. His lies have kept you in captivity.
How can you continue to believe that governments that use chemtrails (chemtrails) that kill you slowly poison your water and forced chemically produced food to make sure you become a zombie. They have eliminated the nature of the agenda, however, many still put their trust in them. Are you so controlled mind that you can not see what you are doing and who is doing it ? 

This is the best opportunity that mankind has had to break free. Are you willing to make the effort to do so? When you combine their energy to restore humanity to what it should be, it will happen. Are you too busy being controlled mentally attention to your TV and newspapers? 

Connect with your soul to discover who you are and can eliminate all the false notions that are published on television. You are souls in one body, not a body with a soul united. Take off all false beliefs that religions have imposed on them. You do not need any religion to connect with Source. 

Religion was invented to eliminate them direct connection to Source. This gave you these live on controlling religions. By accepting this direct control, you abandoned the Source and lost your connection, and since then you've wandered through the desert. 

Dear, you need to regain strength. That attack was brutal and he intended to kill. They are driven by their desperation to hold on to Earth. It is very good to work together for the good of humanity. I thank you all who attend. All part of our team. 

We will succeed.

Always he adores. Monty 


Tradución: The Light Journalist

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