
18 de julio de 2017

YOUR TIME HAS ENDED: Politicians, media owners, bankers, is it only the material that counts?

We must stay focused and patient, shedding light. 💜💙💚💛


We are averaging a year 10 (2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10) that marks the Reset. Rebooting means emptying completely to place ourselves in a completely new place without the drags that the expansion has removed or made us see that they must be removed.

During this first half of the year the push has been so great that most chose to get inside the shell and hold on to 3D as much as possible. Only a few took with self-honesty that opportunity and challenge of personal and spiritual growth, yet they still do not see the fruits of this great decision, and to a certain extent, today they wonder if they have really done the right thing or not, since the Results have not arrived as planned.

Let me explain to you what is happening. What I will tell you next is not something that the general public can understand, because it is necessary to go beyond the three-dimensional reality that the majority handles, but I still have to transmit them, because it is the origin of all the apparently paradoxical circumstances That we are experiencing. To many it may sound fanciful, but it definitely is not.

There are dark forces working hard to block the process of individual and collective awakening, and they are manipulating everything that is at their disposal so that this does not happen, because they know that moments of profound transformation are approaching humanity, and it is for the simple reason That the earth has already fulfilled one of its most important cosmic cycles as far as these latter generations are concerned, so that, by a space / time question, a very marked vibratory change is expected.

This event, should have happened a few years ago, but due to this opposition of interests that I explain, create a fictitious environment and manufactured as nothing will happen. You can not imagine to what extent EVERYTHING is being manipulated. Some of this I have communicated in my previous energy report titled: "The Frequencies of Error".

Personally I have received and I do not stop receiving attacks from these lords of the dark to discourage or obstruct the way whenever I intend to advance in my purpose as it is to communicate. And many of you, if you are observers, will be able to realize that at different levels, something similar happens to them, they want to advance, and for one thing or another, they do not succeed. Do you think this is due to bad luck or chance? Do you feel a sense of uneasiness and helplessness because you do things right and go wrong? Well, that's what these guys are about.

My message on this occasion is to openly denounce these shameful maneuvers on the part of those in the dark, because it is time to put white on black and say things as they are. This will weaken them, for their greatest strength lies in invisibility and the unconscious of people. Conscience is your worst enemy, so for those who resonate, I propose to keep you attentive, vigilant and aware that this battle is being fought in different spheres.

In the three-dimensional world as we inhabit, the Draco-reptilian energy / consciousness that dominates the Energetic Shield in which we remain manipulates politicians, media owners, and economic power to create the illusion that only material It is what counts, or what you can feel or perceive with your limited physical senses. That is your strategy, distract yourself, so that the disconnection with your true Self, or worse, make you believe ilusorily that Yes you are connected (false light).

And why is this? It is precisely because they fear something. They are desperate because their time of submission and control is running low and they are beginning to do everything they can to keep their "human farm" in a period that no longer corresponds to them.

The time of physical and three-dimensional experimentation as we have experienced it so far has already been exhausted. For them, it is time to discount, but their nature, is to cheat. So that is a scenario that we should expect, although we have been enduring for some time.

On the other hand, and although the Light are premised on non-intervention, they begin to deploy their presence as custodians of the original plan and to respect the period of transition and adaptation for the subsequent exit of the Energy Shield. This lasts for years, but it is already noticed the delay that we take by the intervention of the dark ones to obstruct in every possible way that process.

I know that the vast majority will read these lines as one more note, because they are not yet ready or simply because they are not in this timeline that I describe, because they are in another cosmic cycle, but sooner or later they will also have to travel when their Own cosmic cycles finish and get closer and closer to the exit of the Energetic Shield. For now, they are useful for the system, then, they will keep them in a comfortable situation and immunized from any wake-up process.

Today I have extended more than the account, but I thought it was extremely important and justified to expose the cosmic context through which we travel, although there are many things I can not say here. Anyway, take advantage of the next energies that come to do a "reset" of all the mental and emotional programs that for the reasons that I explained before you can keep you conditioned.

Remember that the best weapon and passport out of all this hoax, is CONSCIOUSNESS.

A strong cosmic hug for everyone!

Daniel Cipolat (Dandelion)

Butterfly Caterpillar Project.

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