
10 de agosto de 2017

Brazil, calls for actions across the continent of Solidarity with Venezuela and against foreign interference

ALBA MOVEMENTS Brazil, calls for actions across the continent of Solidarity with Venezuela and against foreign interference

We are all accompanying the seriousness of the social and political crisis in Venezuela. We are following the degree of violence adopted by the rightist forces have already killed many people. the audacity to attack a barracks was trying to cause more victims, civilians, trained in Miami and Colombia, by right-wing forces. 
The Maduro government and the progressive forces in Venezuela sought in the Constituent Assembly a way of writing social arrangements of the country, which showed broad support of the Venezuelan people with the participation of more than 8 million voters in the elections of July 30, all the difficulties. 
Right deputies publicly said their tactic is to produce more violence, more mayhem, with extensive international media coverage, to provoke foreign intervention in the country. 
This tactic was also spelled unfortunately by former Spanish President Mr. Felipe González. 
Trump Government, without any moral or legitimacy, is trying to influence the directions of Venezuela, decreeing sanctions eleven people Maduro government, including the President himself and several ministers, forbidding them to visit the United States and blocking personal property, if they have Dependencies US. 
The coup Brazilian government hastily called a meeting of Mercosur to suspend the rights of Venezuela. An illegitimate and supported by only 3% of the Brazilian population government dares to punish the Venezuelan government for lack of democracy.
Above all that, made consultations between various movements in Brazil and Latin America, proclaim:
1) ALL BRAZILIAN POPULAR MOVEMENTS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE WORLD A manifest unconditional solidarity for the Venezuelan people, its government and the process of the Constituent Assembly, as a sovereign and legitimate right of the Venezuelan people to define the directions of their country;
2) ORGANIZE "COMMITTEES FOR PEACE IN VENEZUELA": a national level in Brazil, and began the process of foundation (still evident in annex). 
We suggest that committees be organized in the Brazilian states and municipalities, in line with the participating organizations of the Frente Brasil Popular, which also already positioned itself nationally on the matter. In addition, it will encourage Committees also organized in other countries.
Julian Assange denounced as the Trump government to create a new Iraq in South America, we can not remain silent before this
3) USE DIFFERENT FORMS OF MOST DEMONSTRATIONS: doing get this message in the government and people of the United States, through street actions, political events, cultural events and communication actions in all possible vehicles.
In which we perform simultaneous actions in cities around the world, addressing embassies, consulates and to deliver our letter and express our outrage at the actions against the government and the Venezuelan people companies.
5) Public LETTER FOR COLLECTION OF SUBSCRIPTIONS: see attached the letter to the Government, Parliamentarians and organizations in the United States. We have the support of all for: 
5.1. widely known in their print and web / social networks 
5.2. Sign and pick up new accessions: Popular Movements, Political Organizations, Parliamentarians, intellectuals, artists 
5.3. Send Full Name, Organization / profession and country of subscribers until the day August 20, 2017 to the email:
We have the contribution of everyone in this work will require of us a lot of effort and generosity to maximize the process of unitary construction focused on the defense of the Bolivarian Revolution, the government of Nicolás Maduro and the new Constituent National Assembly installed in the country.
Fraternal and bolivarianos Hugs!
Joao Pedro Stédile 
by the Operative Secretariat of People 's Movements of ALBA - Brazil
Jaime amorim 
MST - Via Campesina International
Paola Estrada 
by the Secretariat of the International Assembly of Peoples

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