
10 de agosto de 2017

Everyone should take your hands off Venezuela


Latin American Summary / La Jornada, August 8 , 2017.

The attack yesterday registered against Fort Paramacay base of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (Army) in the city of Valencia, in the north of Venezuela, I -perpetrado by those who identified themselves as a civic-military group and was described as paramilitary terrorist by the government headed by Nicolas Maduro realizes the coup virulence which have reached some sectors of the opposition in the South American country .

It may be recalled, as immediate antecedent, which in late June stealing a helicopter last took place in Caracas by a police deserter, which he used the aircraft to attack with grenades and gunfire headquarters of the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Interior, fortunately without causing casualties.

Yesterday's action in Valencia, however, left a toll of two dead among the ranks of the attackers and eight arrested, while an unknown number of assailants managed to flee.

Thus, after the hectic preceding days when the regime organized the election of a National Constituent Assembly returned to prison dissident leader Leopoldo López and subsequently dismissed Attorney General Luisa Ortega, all with the backdrop of violent street protests in various cities, seems to open a new and dangerous way to resolve the confrontation between the Bureau of Democratic Unity (MUD) and the Bolivarian government: attempts to fracture the military, which so far have remained loyal to Maduro, and bring to a sector them to undertake a coup.

Efforts to drive the Venezuelan political crisis in such a direction could desembo-car, however, in the creation of a civil war and even a regional destabilization of unpredictable proportions.

It must be noted that the persistent meddling of Washington and its allies and the desire to discredit the Venezuelan government and take sides in favor of opposition groups, far from contributing to a peaceful resolution of acute polarization by passing Venezuela, feed violent and undesirable perspectives mentioned, in which the Venezuelan people would be exposed to suffering exponentially greater than those suffering today.

It is relevant in this respect remember, keeping the differences in Iraq, Libya and partly in Syria, following the American obstinacy in destroying governments considered hostile, settled power vacuums and territories one in which quickly mushroomed barbarism, chaos and terrorism.

Destabilization of Venezuela from the outside could lead to the emergence of a similar scenario in Latin America, and it is inevitable to ask whether this is the purpose of governments that accompany the White House- that of Mexico, in first place in their zeal isolate, delegitimize and destroy the Bolivarian regime.

Must demand therefore that external state actors draw the hands of the beleaguered South American country, lay down their meddlesome wanderings and adhere to theprinciple of nonintervention, whether because in the not so long run could experience firsthand the undesirable consequences of a much more serious and widespread conflict which today suffers from Venezuela and whose genesis would be jointly responsible.

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