
13 de agosto de 2017

Prophecy was written 70 years ago and is totally amazing!

Prophecy was written 70 years ago, the Earth will soon be covered by extraordinary waves of Cosmic Electricity 

Peter Konstantinov Deunov , also known as  Beinsa Douno, born in 1886 and died in 1944, before his death left a prophecy that had obtained through a state of trance.Therefore, the prophecy was dated 1944 , a few days before his death in December of that year. 

The Beinsa Douno prophecy fits perfectly in the times we are going through right now, in relation to the change in consciousness, earth changes and our golden age. At that time, Duno was aware and showed that we were entering the age of Aquarius, according to the astrological system.


. ". During the passage of time, man's consciousness went through a long period of darkness This phase, which Hindus call" Kali Yuga ", is about to finish We stand today on the border between two periods: Kali Yuga and new age we are entering.

A gradual improvement is already occurring in the thoughts, feelings and actions of human beings, but everyone will soon be subjected to divine fire, which purify and prepare them in regards to the New Era. Thus man will rise to a higher degree of consciousness, indispensable to his entrance to the New Life. That's what one means by 'Ascension'. 

Some decades will pass before this Fire will come, that will transform the world bybringing it a new moral. This immense wave comes from cosmic space and willinundate the whole earth. All those who try to oppose it will be taken and transferred elsewhere. 

Although all inhabitants of this planet are not in the same degree of evolution, the new wave will be felt by each of us. And this transformation will not only touch the Earth, touched the whole of the Cosmos. 

The best and only thing that man can do now is to turn towards God and improve himself consciously to raise your vibrational level, in order to find himself in harmony with the powerful wave that will soon submerge. 

The fire of which I speak, that accompanies the new conditions offered to our planet, will rejuvenate, purify, reconstruct everything: the issue will be refined, your hearts will be freed from anxiety, problems, uncertainty, and will be a very bright light; everything will get better; thoughts, sentiments and negative acts will be consumed and destroyed. 

His present life is slavery, prison. Understand your situation and get rid of it. I tell you this: get out of prison! It's really sad to see so much deception, so much suffering, so much incapacity to understand where the true happiness is. 

All that is around you will soon collapse and disappear.Nothing will be left of this civilization nor its perversity; all the land will be removed without trace will be left of this erroneous culture that maintains men under the yoke of ignorance. Earthquakes are not only mechanical phenomena, their goal is also to awaken the intellect and the heart of humans, so they are released from their errors and their follies and understand that they are not alone in the universe.  Our solar system is passing through a region of the Cosmos where a constellation that was destroyed left its mark, its dust. This crossing of a contaminated area is a source of poisoning, not only for the inhabitants of the earth, but for all the inhabitants of the other planets in our galaxy. Only the suns are not affected by the influence of this hostile environment. This region is called "the thirteenth zone"; also it called the "zone of contradictions". Our planet was enclosed in this region for thousands of years, but finally we are approaching the exit of this space of darkness and we are about to achieve a more spiritual region where more evolved beings live. Earth is now following an ascending movement and everyone should be obliged to harmonize with the currents of the ascension. Those who refuse to submit themselves to this orientation will lose the advantage of good conditions offered in the future to rise. They will remain behind evolution and must wait tens of millions of years to the arrival of a new upward wave.Earth, the solar system, the universe, everything is being put in a new direction under the impulse of love. Most of you still consider Love as a derisory force, but in reality, is the greatest of all forces! Money and power continue to be venerated as if the course of your life depended on it. In the future, everyone will be subjugated to love and serve all. But it is through suffering and difficulties that the consciousness of man be aroused. everything is putting in a new direction under the impulse of love. Most of you still consider Love as a derisory force, but in reality, is the greatest of all forces! Money and power continue to be venerated as if the course of your life depended on it. In the future, everyone will be subjugated to love and serve all. But it is through suffering and difficulties that the consciousness of man be aroused. everything is putting in a new direction under the impulse of love. Most of you still consider Love as a derisory force, but in reality, is the greatest of all forces! Money and power continue to be venerated as if the course of your life depended on it. In the future, everyone will be subjugated to love and serve all. But it is through suffering and difficulties that the consciousness of man be aroused.

The terrible predictions of the prophet Daniel written in the Bible refer to the time that is opening. There will be floods, hurricanes, fires and giant earthquakes that will sweep everything. Blood will flow in abundance. There will be revolutions; terrible explosions willresound in numerous regions of the earth. Where there is no land, water will come, and where there is water, earth will come. God is love; however, we are dealing here with a punishment, a response of nature against the crimes perpetrated by man since the dawn of time against his mother; the earth. 

After these sufferings, those who will be saved, will know the Golden Age, harmony and boundless beauty. So keep your peace and your faith when the moment of suffering and terror comes, because it is written that not a hair fall from the head of the righteous. Do not be discouraged, simply follow your work of personal perfection. You have no idea of the grandiose future that awaits you. A New Earth will soon see one day. In a few decades the work will be less demanding, and each will have the time to consecrate spiritual, intellectual and artistic activities. The question of the relationship between man and woman will always be in harmony; each with the possibility of following their aspirations.The relationships are based on mutual respect and esteem. Human beings go through different planes of space and breakthrough intergalactic space. They study their functioning and will rapidly be able to know the divine world, to merge with the Head of the Universe.New Era is the sixth race. Your predestination is to prepare for it, to welcome it and live it.The sixth race will build around the idea of brotherhood. There will be no personal conflicts of interest; the only aspiration of each one will be to conform to the law of love. The sixth race will be that of love. A new continent will be formed for it. Pacific will leak out , so that the Most High can finally establish its place on this planet. The founders of this new civilization, call them "Brothers of Humanity" or also "Children of Love '. They will be unshakeable for the good and they will represent a new type of men. Men form a family, like a big body, and each people will represent an organ in this body. In the new race, Love will manifest in such a perfect way, the man of today can only have a very vague idea. Earth will remain a terrain favorable to struggle, but the forces of darkness will be removed from the land and the land will be liberated from them. Humans seeing that there isno other way participate in the path of the new life, of salvation. In their senseless pride, some will, until the end hoping to continue on earth a life that the Divine Order condemns, but each will end up understanding the sense that the world is not theirs. A new culture will see the light of day, which will be based on three main pillars: Woman lifting, lifting the meek and humble, and protection of human rights. The light,good and justice will triumph; It's just a matter of time. Religions must be purified. Each contains a particle of the Teaching of the Masters of Light, but obscured by the incessant supply of human deviation. All believers will have to unite and agree with a director, the placement of love as the basis of all belief, whatever it is. Love and brotherhood which is the common base! The earth will soon be swept by extraordinary rapid waves of Cosmic Electricity. A few decades from now beings who are bad and lead others astray will not be able to support their intensity. They therefore will be absorbed by Cosmic Fire that will consume the evil they have. Then they will repent because it is written that " They feed exclusively on vegetable products. His ideas have the power to freely circulate air and light of our days. The words: "If you are not born again" apply to the sixth race. Read chapter 60 of Isaiah refers to the arrival of the sixth race, the race of love. After the trials, the men leave sin and will find again the path of virtue. The climate of our planet will be moderated everywhere and brutal variations will no longer exist. The air will be pure, the same for water. Parasites disappear. Men remember their previous incarnations and they will feel the pleasure of realizing that they are finally liberated from their previous condition. In the same way that one gets rid of parasites and dead leaves on the vine, so act the evolved beings to prepare men to serve the God of love. They give them good conditions to grow and develop themselves, and for those who want to hear them say: "Do not be afraid still a little longer and everything will be all right; you are on the right track! . whoever wants to enter the New Culture study, consciously work and prepare. " Thanks to the idea of fraternity, the earth will become a blessed place, and will not wait. But before, great sufferings to raise awareness will be sent. Sins accumulated for thousands of years must be redeemed. The fiery wave emanating from On High will contribute to liquidating the karma of peoples. Liberation can no longer be postponed.Humanity must prepare for the great trials that are inescapable and come to put an end to selfishness. Under the earth, something extraordinary is preparing. A revolution that is grandiose and completely inconceivable will manifest itself soon in nature. God has decided to repair the earth, and He will! Is the end of an era; a new order will substitute the old, an order in which love and justice reign on earth. "Extranotix A revolution that is grandiose and completely inconceivable will manifest itself soon in nature. God has decided to repair the earth, and He will! Is the end of an era; a new order will substitute the old, an order in which love and justice reign on earth. "Extranotix A revolution that is grandiose and completely inconceivable will manifest itself soon in nature. God has decided to repair the earth, and He will! Is the end of an era; a new order will substitute the old, an order in which love and justice reign on earth. "Extranotix

Source:  rumormillnews

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