
21 de agosto de 2017

The world's 10 most dangerous multinational companies

No matter where you live, it is impossible to escape globalization .
The only way out is to learn to choose consciously before buying.
Start growing and producing your food, reduce consumption of oil and its derivatives, reforest, buy necessities, listen to your inner voice rather than the voice of advertising ... they are small step to escape from big monsters.
And always remember that the power of choice is one, do not give them the pleasure of falling into his paws.

1. Chevron

chevron nigeria The 10 most dangerous multinationals in the worldSeveral of the big oil companies would be on this list, but Chevron deserves a special place. Between 1972 and 1993, Chevron (then Texaco) poured 18 billion gallons of toxic water in the tropical forests of Ecuador without any repair, destroying the livelihoods of local farmers and indigenous people sick. Chevron has also contaminated in the US in 1998, Richmond (California), Chevron sued for illegal dumping bypassing wastewater treatment, contaminating local water supplies, ditto in New Hampshire in 2003.
Chevron was responsible for the death of several Nigerians who protested against the company for its presence and operation of the Niger Delta. Chevron paid the local militia , known for its human rights abuses to crush the protests, and even provided them with helicopters and boats. The military opened fire on the protesters, then burned their villages to the ground.

2.  De Beers

They get so how did famous18 The 10 multinational world's most dangerousThis company does not skimp on expenses, and finances, supports and creates authentic dictatorships guerrillas and terror to keep getting through exploitation of children and adults, the precious stone. In Botswana, a DeBeers has been blamed for the "cleansing" of the land where diamonds are mined, including the forced relocation of indigenous peoples who had lived there for thousands of years. The government reportedly cut off the water supply, threatened, tortured and publicly hanged resistant.
Do not let go of their environmental responsibility null, void labor rights, human lives, and their fusty and chauvinistic campaigns.

3.  Phillip Morris

pm The 10 multinational world's most dangerousPhillip Morris is the largest manufacturer of cigarettes in the United States and the world.
It is known to cause cancer in smokers, as well as birth defects in unborn children if the mother smokes during pregnancy. Cigarette smoke contains 43 known carcinogens and over 4,000 chemicals, including carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide ammonia, nicotine, and arsenic. Nicotine, the main psychoactive chemical in the snuff, has proven to be a psychological addiction. Smoking increases blood pressure, affects the central nervous system and blood vessel constriction. Cigarette butts are one of the major pollutants that smokers routinely shed; slow to degrade. Many of these filters make their way into the soil or water where their chemicals behave like real leech.
The snuff not only pollutes the land for its vast hectares of monoculture, which are sprayed daily toxic agro, industrial production pollutes (huge amounts of paper, cotton, cardboard, metal, fuel used ...), consumption pollutes the atmosphere, damages to the buyer and those around him. His cigarette butt takes years to biodegrade providing the land and water an enormous amount of toxic.

4.  Coke

coca cola summer girl 1 Top 10 most dangerous multinationals in the worldThe world's favorite beverage or "milk of capitalism", accumulates demands and sanctions in several countries arising from serious acts of pollution, poor working practices and unauthorized use of water.
In the production phase, the company uses almost three liters of water per liter of the finished product. Discarded waters are pollutants, the multinational deposited in protected places, such as, a situation which was fined last August by the District Department of Environment, the Mayoy Mayor of Bogota, to demonstrate that habáin downloaded occurred in Colombia their waste in the wetland Chaplaincy in the Fontibón.El fact is considered attempt against an area of ​​special importance and ecological protection. The process Humedal Chaplaincy pollution originates expiration discharge permit granted to the multinacinal for five years and not authorized by the Ministry of Environment to renew this permit. Later,
A similar situation occurred in India in 2005, where about a thousand protesters marched to demand to close the near Varanasi plant, they were certain that all communities near bottling plants of Coca Cola suffer from lack and pollution soils and groundwater. toxicological analysis recorded the presence of high percentages of banned pesticides such as DDT and as "good neighbors" distributed their industrial waste to farmers in Mehdigani arguing that served to "manure" The result is that today the soils are infertile.
And as if that were not enough, the drink in question, along with consuming excess water does not provide any nutrient, on the contrary, containing high concentrations of sugar, it is one of the major contributors of obesity that increasingly affects more to our populations of the third world, generating other hand, dental problems. And the effect of "quench thirst" succeeds by using phosphoric acid.
Did you know …
  • Spain is the European country that consumes more Coca-Cola?
  • His other products are Fanta, Sprite, Aquarius, Nestea, Minute Maid, Tab, Sonfil, Finley, Nordic Mist or Fruitopia (there are 324 different)?
  • A can of 33 cl. It contains about 35 gr. of sugar?
  • In 1931 Coca-Cola changed the green suit Santa Claus red for an advertising campaign, matching your corporate color?
  • Other universities in Atlanta, Toronto, California, Ireland and Berlin have already expelled Coca-Cola from their campus?
  • Plastic bottles Coke in Spain are not recycled material but of virgin plastic.
  • Coincidence that former Mexican President Fox is former representative of Coca-Cola? And Adolfo Calero, former manager of Coca-Cola, CIA officer and public face of the Nicaraguan Contras? And the US ambassador to India? And the coup mogul Cisneros in Venezuela? And Jorge Presno Minister of Uruguay?
  • It has offices in more than 200 countries, including Bahrain or tax havens like the Cayman Islands to avoid taxes on their profits ...
  • In 2003 they obtained a profit of 21,044 million dollars (half of the planned expenditure by the UN to ensure basic education to all children of the world).
  • Propels powerful lobbyists: he opposed the Kyoto treaty through their lobbies US Council for International Business and the Business Round Table, changed regulations in the EU through the American Chamber of Comerce, was founder of the International Life Science Institute, very influential in FAO and WHO, etc.
  • It contains genetically modified products.
The next time you go for a drink, remember the pollution of wetlands, unauthorized use of groundwater, violence, one liter equals three actually ... maybe better lemonade.

5.  Pfizer

As if the massive use of Pfizer in animal experimentation was not enough wrenching, Pfizer decided to use Nigerian children as guinea pigs. In 1996, Pfizer traveled to Kano, Nigeria; to try an experimental antibiotic in the third world to combat diseases such as measles, cholera and bacterial meningitis. They gave trovafloxacin approximately 200 children. Dozens of them died in the experiment, while many others developed mental and physical deformities. Pfizer can also proudly state that is among the top ten companies in the United States that cause air pollution.
And do not leave aside the millionaires 'incentives' that give doctors and governments to prescribe their "medication".

6.  McDonald

MAC The 10 multinational world's most dangerousEach year, thousands of children consume fast food from a company that is active in the deforestation of rain forests, labor exploitation and death of millions of animals: McDonald's. Marketing strategies skillfully designed have expanded the company McDonald's to more than 40 countries, where empathetic image of Ronald McDonald and his "Happy Meal", sold in children's taste for fast food, associating it with great joy. This advertising has been very successful in different parts of the world, contributing to high rates of childhood obesity. ( See full article )
Food delivery company that is totally devoid of nutrients. Moreover, this meal is known worldwide as 'junk food', and it is not for nothing that gets its name.
Burgers and "nuggets" that McDonald's offers, come from animals throughout their lives were kept in artificial conditions: Private open air and sunlight, remain overcrowded to the point of being unable to stretch their limbs or wings (in the case of chickens), stuffed with hormones to accelerate growth and antibiotics to counter the multiple infections that are exposed by the unsanitary conditions and bunching. Chickens are fattened to the extent that their legs can not withstand the weight.
To set your franchise, McDonald's buys land cheaply in what were deforested rainforest to the farm before. It offers minimum wages to its employees, taking advantage of ethnic minorities and hiring minors.
McDonald's products, with its high fat, sugar and salt in children stimulate the development of overweight, insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes consistent.
Oh, did I mentioned that was one of the funders of George W Bush campaign?

7.  Nestle

The 10 most dangerous nestle multinationals in the worldNestlé and its huge blanket of crimes against man and nature, such as massive deforestation in Borneo - the habitat of orangutans critically endangered - to grow palm oil, and buying milk from farms confiscated illegally by a despot in Zimbabwe. Nestle began to provoke the environmentalists for their ridiculous claims that bottled water is "green", thenceforward have been uncovering the sinister network of control and destruction.
Nestlé global efforts made to encourage mothers of third world countries to use their infant milk substitute instead of breastfeeding, without warning them of the possible negative effects. Supposedly, Nestle hired women dressed nurses to provide free infant formula, which is often mixed with contaminated water, the media did not mention children who died of starvation when the formula ran out and their mothers could not afford more.

8.  British Petroleum

The 10 most dangerous bp multinationals in the worldWho can forget the 2010 explosion of an oil rig in the Gulf Coast that left 11 dead and thousands of birds, sea turtles, dolphins and other animals, destroying fishing and tourism industry in the region? This was not the first crime against nature BP. In fact, between January 1997 and March 1998, BP was responsible for a whopping 104 oil spills. Thirteen rig workers were killed in 1965 during an explosion, 15 in an explosion of 2005. Also in 2005, a ferry carrying oil workers crashed BP, killing 16. In 1991, the EPA cited BP as the most polluting company in the US .. in 1999, BP was accused of illegal toxic in Alaska, then in 2010 for leaking highly dangerous poisons in the air in Texas. In July 2006, Colombian farmers gained according to BP after being charged the company to benefit from a regime of terror carried out by Colombian government paramilitaries protecting the Ocensa pipeline. Clearly, there is no way that BP do the right thing.

9. Monsanto

mon The 10 most dangerous multinationals in the worldMonsanto, creators and promoters of genetically modified food, bovine growth hormones and pesticides poisoning. The list of Monsanto includes the creation of the "terminator" seed that creates plants that never give seeds to farmers must buy each year, the lobby to label "hormone-free" milk and milk substitutes for infants ( it is present if ingested bovine growth hormones, an agent proven carcinogenic) and a wide range of environmental and human health associated with the use of poisons Monsanto - ". Agent Orange "especially. Between 1965 and 1972, Monsanto illegally pour thousands of tons of highly toxic waste in landfills in the UK.
Monsanto is notorious for assaulting farmers themselves who aims to "help" as when a farmer sued and imprisoned for keeping the seed crop one season for planting in the next.

10. It

The 10 most dangerous worth multinationals in the worldVale, a Brazilian transnational in 38 countries, is the largest mining company diversified mineral exploration in Latin America and the second-level mundial.Entre the merits involving the company excels in the development of hydroelectric Belo Monte, located in Altamira -Brazil- since the project affects the Xingu river, the main source of life for the region. As a result of the intervention of the company, today the Amazonian landscape is being severely modified, as well as the lives of thousands of people along one of the major rivers in Brazil.
In turn, in Carajás, in Pará - Brazil, many families were evicted, lost their homes and have relatives who died as a result of the construction of railway line built by the company, also denounced by the very poor wages and working conditions suffer their employees.
Impacts on the activities of the mining are not limited to complaints within Brazil. In the region of Tete, in Mozambique, a people were evicted from their land so that the company could carry out its coal mining. In exchange, the company built a settlement in the Cateme re neighborhood, where houses and public services do not meet the basic conditions for the development of the population.
There are unfortunately many other corporations that should be present in this list, some like Samsung, Tepco, Barklays, Microsoft, Intel, Sony ... etc
As the article would be enormously long and sad, I promise to soon deliver the list of the most responsible and committed 10 multinational ¿will exist ?, Is it true ?, we'll know soon.
Sources :
An Ecuadorean court convicts Chevron to pay 6,100 million for polluting the Amazon:
abuses and breaches of human rights in Nigeria by several oil companies, including Chevron them:
financing guerrilla by De Beers documented until 2000: /world/2000/mar/28/davidpallister.chrismcgreal
Coca Cola and misuse of water:
Coca Cola and contamination by pesticides India:
Coca Cola and companies in the Cayman Islands:
Coca Cola opposes the Kyoto treaty: article45851
use of GMO (genetically modified products) in Coca Cola:
Pfizer killed several Nigerian children to you that as guinea pigs used:
Greenpeace unveils the role of MacDonalds in deforestation of the Amazon rainforest:
McDonalds accused of child labor:
Nestlé and deforestation:
Nestlé and breast milk scandal: /MT/archives/2005/10/nestle_y_la_lec.html
Including more than 100 sources used to write the article.
Source 1:  ecocosas
Source 2:  EcoPortal

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