
9 de agosto de 2017

Zionism is the only beneficiary of the war in Syria

The d Al-Miqdad:  Zionism is the only beneficiary of war in Syria

The victories achieved by the Syrian and Iraqi Army in the city of Mosul represent a turning point in the history of the war against terrorism, said Faisal al-Miqdad, Syrian vice chancellor.
Zionism is the sole beneficiary of the plot created against the region to weaken Syria and divide Iraq, said Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Miqdad. He also reiterated the importance of the two countries coordinating to achieve victory over this conflict.
During a meeting with ambassador Saad Mohamad Rida, head of the Arab Department at the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, he said that the so-called US-led coalition anti-Daesh (self-denominated Islamic State) is aimed at hampering the advance of forces Syrians in their fight against terrorism, even though they claim to fight terrorism and deceive the world with their actions while attacking the forces fighting the armed groups.
Al-Miqdad denounced the Turkish government's role in opening its borders to foreign terrorists and supporting them in an attempt to resuscitate its ambitions for expansion, reiterating Syria's repudiation of any Turkish presence on Syrian or Iraqi territory under any pretext.
For his part, Ambassador Rida stressed the importance of developing bilateral relations in all areas, especially in the fight against terrorism, expressing his desire to restore peace and security for Syria.
In recent months, both countries have made progress in combating terrorist groups, backed by Western countries. In their commitment to help Syria in the fight against terrorism, Iranian advisers and Russian Aviation also ended up with terrorist groups in several areas, particularly in the cities of Aleppo and Palmira.
Syrian forces are advancing rapidly to the province of Deir al-Zur (east), after Iraqi forces regain control of the city of Mosul (north) with the help of the Popular Mobilization Units (Al-Hashad Al-Shabi in Arabic).

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