
2 de septiembre de 2017

13 tips for when life gets difficult for us

Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha, left us a legacy of great wisdom. Among many, 13 tips for those who are experiencing difficult times. There is, according to Buda, a way of living the moment, a quieter way and the secret has to do with attitude.

1. Things are what they are Our resistance to things is the main cause of our suffering. This happens when we resist things as they are. If you can not do anything, relax. Do not fight the current, accept it or else you will be consumed by suffering.

2. If you think you have a problem, you have a problem Please note that everything looks through a perspective. At one point things seem difficult in others. Knowing this, when you have a difficulty choose to understand it as a challenge, a learning opportunity. If you see it as a problem, this difficulty will certainly be a problem.

3. Change begins in yourself Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. We tend to think that everything will be fine when circumstances change. The truth however, is that circumstances will change only when this change occurs within us.

4. No more learning the wrong Failure does not exist !!! Understand this once and for all. All successful people have failed several times. Enjoy your failures as a learning experience. If you do, the next time you're closer to success. Failure is always a learning lesson.

5. If something does not happen as planned, it means that the best is yet to come. Everything happens perfectly, even when things go wrong often when we look back, we realize that what we consider bad, in fact, was the best thing that could have happened. However, when it works, no doubt we are aligned with our life purpose. The Universe always works in our favor.

6.  appreciate this. We only have the present moment . So do not let go wasting time with the past. Appreciate your present moment as it is all important. It is from the future when you believe your life.

7. Leave aside the desire. Most people live life guided by desires . This is extremely dangerous, an unsatisfied desire becomes very frustrated. L frustration triggers a strong negative energy and retracts growth. Try to understand that everything you need will come to you to cultivate their unconditional happiness.

8. Understand your fears and be grateful . Fear is the opposite of love is another thing that hinders your development. However it is important because it provides a great opportunity for learning. When fear is overcome, it becomes stronger and more confident . Overcome your fears takes practice , fear is just an illusion and, above all, is optional.

9. Experience joy. There are people who enjoy everything that happens to them. Even in the worst situation, you have to laugh at himself. They are people who see growth at all. These people learned that it is important to focus on the joy, not the difficulties. The result is that they attract much happier than sad situations.

10. Never compare yourself with others. Only he came here with a mission of its own and is as important as anyone else. However, if you can not avoid comparisons, compare yourself to those who have less than you. This is a great strategy to realize you've always been much more than you need to be happy.

11. You are not a victim. Whenever you are the creator of your experience. Everything that happens to you is attracted to you same and extremely necessary for your learning. When something unpleasant happens to you it gives thanks and asks: Why am I attracted that to my life ?, What do I need to learn from this experience?

12.- Everything changes. Everything in life is dynamic, everything changes in a second. So grieve not alive . If you do not know what to do; do not do anything. The Universe does not stop change, grow and expand, so expect because everything will pass.

13.- Anything is possible. Miracles happen every day, and we are responsible for them. Trust and believe that. To the extent you get a change of consciousness, you'll find the power to perform miracles.
It's time to change and understand its importance, the possibility that you have to change the world. Believe.

Author Aleja.


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