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David Wilcock was threatened with torture by revealing "The New Monetary System Abundance": Do you remember NESARA? by:

Monday, May 14, 2012

NESARA: "Create GOLD Nothing" ... The "Golden Age" of the New World Order ... (the pseudo-history)

Note : At the end of the article I discuss my personal reflection on this serious and sensitive issue, which I consider of vital importance because so much misinformation on this subject all it does is advertise a New Financial Order in the New World Order ...  
Gloria H. Here media propaganda :  Original title : David Wilcock was threatened with torture by revealing "the New Monetary System Abundance": do you remember NESARA?

December 25, 2011
Incriminating papers elite Planet
for stealing the gold that gives way to the Age of
Abundance: Are you going to be stopped?

The oldest of this "place" called remember that I years (exactly 9, even before opening the Web) from speaking  to Ron Paul  and a  mythical law  allegedly adopted in 2000 and was to launch the September 11, 2001 one  New Monetary System  (my note: "New World Order")  based on gold and whose symbol is the rainbow. Remember,  called NESARA later  GESARA.  Ten years ago, in the mythical newsletter  'The Dove of Oneness'  (My note: The spokesman of the United Nations) That was how I found out the lie of the monetary system and that was how I was the first in Spanish and translated saw  "Money as Debt".  It's simple: had been waiting for the release of such information in video (I had read in English text) years. Since then, a fog envelops the lengthy plot that was to Ambassador Leo Wanta then and his chronicler, Christopher Story. Neither David Icke, or Alex Jones, Jeff Rense or not believe in NESARA Edward Griffin. I Yes .  And  Ron Paul  is living proof that there is a "Plan of Light"  (the quotes are mine, may be so, it is curious that his campaign NESARA deviates):  I met him through that issue. (Also Dennis Kucinichy Cynthia McKinney  are in the "garlic").

Well, a couple of weeks in Argentina, someone told me that makes  David Wilcock had appeared crying in an interview with Project Camelot  because he had received death threats and torture as a result of exposing some papers talking about a gigantic operation , led by the  Society of White Dragon  (Asian secret societies) (My note: the Illuminati "good" of the NWO / NOM)  to return to this continent gold stolen by the United States and England in the forties. 

I summarize the talk with Kerry Project Avalon and content of the  text published on the website of Wilcock , product of an interview with Benjamin Fulford thereof, which is who has put him on the track on the subject.

The recent start of this mess is the detention of two Japanese in Italy a few months ago when worn over a bonds worth 134 trillion, news that appeared in the official press, such as Fox News ,  Bloomberg  or  Asia Times . Although they were described as "thieves", types dressed in suit and tie looks coming from Switzerland (does not mean looking like that might not be thieves, obviously). See what that says this page of investors on the matter , which is still in court and attacking directly, former Italian President Silvio Berlusconi and the Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki Moon (see screenshot, above and the news here ata news page Courts ).

Before getting into flour we must also remember the subject of English Lord few months ago told the British Chamber be spokesman for an order of Templars who claimed to have in his possession such an amount of gold that could end the economic crisis of a stroke of the pen. What you remember, right? It will also be good to remember that this summer Fulford told a meeting in Monaco attended by representatives of a hundred countries, who tried to be attacked: it has to do with everything I'll tell you then.

Well, here it begins the story between Fulford (spokesman for the self-proclaimed "White Dragon Society") and Wilcock. And, as in NESARA, everything revolves around gold.

Apparently, the gold of the Roman Empire and the Spanish Empire (ie, the gold that brought America) ended in China to pay very famous spices and other Asian exotica that both liked in the West. In the late nineteenth century was there saved a lot and that (according to my personal interpretation) was the cause of the "Opium War" that the English pirates will set up the Chinese Empire and by which succeeded Taiwan, Hong Kong and other major ports such as Guangzhou and Macao. Cahoots with the Japanese Emperor Meiji dynasty which had been placed by the Rothschilds, in the thirties Japan invades China to steal the gold in 1938 was brought to Japan, the Philippines and the United States. Later, They illuminati introduced in China's horse communist Troy (Mao was formed in Paris) that overthrew the current Emperor, as the Kuomintang (Nationalists) wanted to get that gold, in exchange for which the Illuminati Yankees gave them some bonds, to return in 60 years, which they are those who went to look for the Chinese and Japanese representatives to Switzerland, and appear in the news above. That is, the deadline was met in 1998, the deal was that gold would serve to support a fair monetary system, but the reality is that what they did the Pirates (because they really are the same Pirates, as I have been saying for years) it was to hide in secret places and passed the baton as front men for all these years, "reinventing the wheel" as the saying goes. Gold NESARA, the Templar and the famous Leo Wanta Money Program is part of all that gold that is the basis for the Liberation of Humanity and beyond, with many more than the volume of the current global debt; that fictitious money, created from the creation of fictitious money, no real wealth behind.

Thus, the solution zen koan that have released in recent talks ( "how is it possible that the volume of world debt is more than twenty times the volume of wealth?) Is as follows: that wealth is confiscated, in the form of gold, these pirates / bankers who govern us. If you do not understand, you think that you play Monopoly and all participants are not only debt but debt volume is greater than the value of banknotes of the game itself. Absurd, right? Someone is lying and is taking the wealth elsewhere, as is logical. Well, this is the same: it is absurd that after 2,000 years of civilization, nations such as Italy, Greece, Spain or the United States itself are bankrupt. The wealth created has had to go somewhere, could not evaporate. If it disappears from one side, another has had to do with it. The answer is: those who create money out of nothing and are left with the gold. With this gold.

In other words, the Pirates have stayed with gold and have created over the years inflation, ie poverty, when the reality is that decades ago that we should be living in abundance and stop working to survive. The coup of creation of the Federal Reserve on December 23, 1913 (the wanted mount the December 21, 1912, to match its centenary with the solstice of 2012) and Kennedy's death were part of the same conspiracy .

Chinese nationalists fled to Taiwan with some gold as informants Wilcock is hidden in the hills surrounding the National Taiwan Museum.

In 1934, Roosevelt banned the possession of gold. According to him, so that he could not speculate, the reality is that was part of this conspiracy. The Conference of Bretton Woods, before finishing World War II, won the gold standard but with the caveat that anyone who was not controlled by the Zionist bankers, was "taken off the market" (that's what it says Fulford and puts as an example of the Shah of Persia and the king of Thailand).

In 1955, 77 integrated into the block of "non - aligned" nations signed the treaty with Hilton Green Memorial who wanted to bring prosperity to the poorest areas of the planet, based on gold kept in Thailand. His main driver was the president of Indonesia, Sukarno, a descendant of the Chinese emperor. The familiar Benjamin Freedman It is one of those who can attest to these movements.

The missile crisis between Cuba and the United States climbed to stop this "positive conspiracy" Kennedy took the leader who was about to do this : why he was killed. The now famous Executive Order 11110 which allowed the government to create based on silver dollars was aimed at restoring the power of issuing currency. But he went further: it was coordinated with the attempt by the Indonesian President Sukarno, why was ousted from power. His grandson demand continues today.

In 1968 they disrupted the original documents and placed a false heir of that 85% of world gold. According to Fulford, that gold is kept today at 125 sites around the world, but there is another financial executive who claims they are 172: Do you see how the history of the Pirates? This amounts, according to Fulford, gold would fit into 10 Olympic swimming pools, at least.

In 1994, the Treaty of Bretton Woods (for 50 years) expired, and 200 countries claimed their rights for that gold. That's when Bill Clinton comes in, which allows 100 different ways to create money "air" and is the explanation for the stock market bubble that we are suffering today. As you can not invent gold without recognizing that they have not returned to their rightful owners, they allow money is created " out of nothing".

In 1998, the Chinese Kuomintang (Taiwan government) files a lawsuit against the Government of the United States to recover the gold in 1938 had led seven warships to yanquilandia, in exchange for which, they gave these notes ( seems laughable, right ?; ripped off like the estampita! 'you give me gold and I give these papers and in 60 years back, and I will restore it to you .... ").

Apparently, the Federal Reserve of the United States back in the seventies tons of gold to the communist government of Mao, which for them was enough and the matter Hang on , is that the International Tribunal in The Hague, after hundreds of lawsuits, there were ordered the first shipment of gold was sent to Taiwan ... the September 12, 2001!

Where was the gold?


All papers of the company carrying the matter, Cantor Fitzgerald Securities, were destroyed with that autoatentado, and all employees killed. (As stated in the history of NESARA).

In fact, the Twin Towers, built in the seventies, were created precisely to keep that gold, after 11-S, he was sent to California and from there to Paraguay. There have been several confirmations that  the Yankee gold stored in Fort Knox  was out of there in recent years.

Fulford inside the Pentagon confirms that there are patriots who are torpedoing attempts to create WWIII followers of false Torah, the Satanic Zionist Sabbateans (SSS). That's why they invaded Georgia (because from there, and from South Ossetia, Israel wanted to attack Iran). They are also currently collaborating with the forces of Truth many members residing CIA in Asia, who have worked with the "Chinese mafias" (actually, secret societies throughout Asia) and are legal possessors of those trillions of dollars in gold. (Oddly enough, the man with the staff that sometimes appears beside Fulford is the "high priest" of all martial arts in Asia, able to mobilize 50 million karatecas and aikidokas, among others).

Wilcock  continues the story of Yamaguchi and Watanabe, the two agents of the  White Dragon Society, held in Italy, and Berlusconi both as Ban Ki Moon tried to bribe offering 100 million dollars. Since they had no charges against them, they let them go.

Davos World Forum was also involved in this story.

Supposedly, according to Fulford, all the planet's wealth amounts to 63 trillions of dollars (in Anglo figures, ie Latinos trillion) while the total value of those bonds / gold amounts to 371 trillions. That is, 6 times more. According to Keith Scott, one of the plaintiffs' lawyers mentioned process of Chinese bonds by the stolen gold, Fulford is wrong because that figure is only one of the 270 places where the metal is stored, specifically, Malaysia; the actual amount is Thousands of trillions! (This coincides with what I read in the list of NESARA, where it was said that the amount of gold stored by the "hierarchy" to start the New Era, was measured by quadrillions).

In other words, there are two monetary systems right now: fake one, in which the money simply is written on the screen as a debt (the Zionist-sabateo) and another, the real, the Gold Pirates keep in their havens prosecutors. So you can see how the two timelines that in this year 2012 are separated: one dies (nonexistent money) and the other (Our Time, money Gold) comes to light.

Fulford and Wilcock  comment that the central banks of each country are not allowed to negotiate their debt between them, and must do so through private companies. I understand this fact is that the BIS Basel, Switzerland (created in 1921) and the agencies that rate the debt in the hands of the Zionists, are those who manage these instruments and they just decide what goes and what no, in the same maner that the Pirates decided to sink a ship stealing.
Then discussed the problem of knowing what power structure can judge them, since it is a planetary system (that is where enter the  World Alternative Aquarius !!!!) and say they would require new structures to implement the plan.

Then discuss the new system and that (if gold is not in a single hands) speak would be perfect for sustained growth, such as China and Japan proved in recent years.

Again, Leete what  came about NESARA  ten years ago and realizes that THIS IS THE TRUE PATH TO THE GOLDEN AGE OF MANKIND.

This is the only way to bring peace, justice and Abundance to the Planet Earth.

PS: To those who know English, I recommend  veais this true story of the United States , linked to the subject of money, sponsored by Lyndon Larouche. It fits well with everything that I have told you .

Berlusconi and Ban Ki Mon (UN) charged in the theft of trillions in gold Humanity



Personal reflection: 

Before going into details, let us remember the Agenda of the proposal NESARA:

NESARA implements the following changes:

1- Condona all credit card debts, mortgages and other bank debt due to illegal banking practices both as government activities.

2- abolishes income tax.

3- abolishes IRS (USA office revenue from this tax). IRS employees will be transferred to the office of Finance dedicated to sales taxes.

4- Create a tax "flat rate" of 14% for new non - essential goods will go to the government. In other words, food and medicines will not have taxes, as well as second - hand goods, such as houses.

5- Increase benefits for retirees.

6- Return to the Constitutional Law to all courts and legal issues.

Reinstates the original law 7- title of nobility. Hundreds of thousands of Americans under the control of foreign powers lose their citizenship and be deported to other countries, and be prevented from entering the rest of their lives. And millions of people will realize that their diplomas are now worthless papers. [Translator 's note: This article refers to the interference of the British Crown in the affairs of the United States, which has continued since independence].

Sets 8- elections to the Presidency and Congress within 120 days after the announcement of NESARA. The interim government will cancel all laws of "national emergency" and retracts us to the original Constitutional Law.

9- Monitors elections and prevents illegal activities of selected groups around the electoral process.

10- Create a new currency, the "dollar rainbow" backed by gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals

11- prohibits the issuance of birth certificates and bonds owned by the USA won Department of Transportation.

12- Implement a new system of Treasury Bank in line with the Constitution.

13- Eliminate the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period, the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate in support of the Treasury for a period of one year, until all the tickets are removed with the seal of the Federal Reserve money market.

14- Restores financial privacy.

15- Replace all judges and prosecutors under the Constitution Act.

16- Cesa all the aggressive actions of the US government throughout the world.

17- Establish peace around the world.

18- releases huge amounts of money for humanitarian purposes.

19- It allows publishing 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that have been away from the public under the pretext of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and machines healing through sound. My comment : 

From the above, we can deduce that this is a very confusing and complex issue because many things (coveted by the public, of course, as the suppressed energies and the abolition of income tax) are mixed which would not be nothing wrong, of course, if not because the message is corrupted, to put it in some way, with the publicized new currency, formerly called  "rainbow",  which would be backed by gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals... which it is not true, from my point of view, first, because both speak GOLD is nonexistent ... The "Annunaki" with Saint Germain (Marduk) to the head (the Government to the shadow) have been responsible for removing it from the Earth for their survival purposes and secondly, because it is more than clear that the entire financial system begins to be slowly supplanted by electronic money (with microchip implant) ...

we are in a Total War and this includes Psychological Terrorism War (psy-ops) through Disinformation continuous and ongoing throughout the network where they are mixed  pseudo-stories  Definition NESARA Wikipedia ) ,  reports "official" (David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford)  and  "pseudo-pipes",  including the Count of St. Germain, of course, Hatonn, Sananda Maitreya (the false christ), Ashtar Sheran, Archangel Michael, Joshua David Stone, Sheldan niddle, Candace Frieze, among others ...

in all the cyber war, we have for example this Trailer Documentary:  "Waiting for NESARA" (Waiting for NESARA)

And one of the comments: 
"NESARA was created to keep people waiting ....  (NESARA was created to keep people waiting ...) 
waiting for aliens  (aliens waiting)
waiting for others to resolve Their problems  (waiting for others to solve their problems)
& doing nothing waiting  (waiting without doing anything)
like zombies "  (as zombies)

And to end: 

Sorry to disappoint those who still believe in the good intentions of Invisible Patriarch, mastermind of this project:  NESARA / GESARA,  known as the  Count of St. Germain ... This Triangular Grimorio to leave as a legacy to the 33rd degree Mason,  Manly Palmer Hall  Click to download the book in pdf (English)

Triangular in this book entitled  "Triangle Dragon Book",  it shows its  DRACONIAN lineage  which goes back to the history of the  Anunnaki ... as they say, I present here the Dragon Mayor, better known as  Marduk. 

If we want to unravel the truth, we have to open the eyes of lemurs and separate the wheat from the chaff among such "scum" junta ...

Gloria H. 

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