
11 de septiembre de 2017

Fade to Black: Jimmy Church and Corey Goode - SSP and the Interstellar War - Operation Paperclip, Fleet Obscura and ICC


Jimmy  : We have been talking about German scientists and Draco. Corey, we must enter the  Operation Paperclip . Did the German scientists who were here with Paperclip, introduced us to Draco and technology, or the United States already had some knowledge of what was the Draco and what they were doing here?
Corey  : Yes, the United States already had a good idea about three or four different species on the planet, when it was the time of Paperclip. What the United States really did not understand was how dedicated these Paperclip scientists were still, many of them still, the Nazi party, who now had moved to Argentina and Antarctica.
Jimmy  : Right.
Corey  : So these people were contacted through spies, who were already in place since World War II, contact your spy network with their superiors in Antarctica and Argentina. So they were receiving orders, and were passing information back and forth. They were interfering with the technological developments of the United States when necessary. They would make the experiments did not work well or that technology would fail. So they were against us at first, but all that changed in the early 50 's , around 1952, after, I suppose,  High JumpAnd we had gone there and we realized that we could no longer handle technological or militarily. Then we brought the Nazis to Washington DC for use primarily to force Americans to come to the table to negotiate with them.
Jimmy  : The Draco shared weapons technology? Obviously shared antigravity and flying saucers and spacecraft technology and technology out of the world, but what about weapons?
Corey  : They shared technology with the Germans. But you must understand that deliver the German technology research and development, where they have to take the technology that is beyond your understanding, find a way to marry technology with the technology, and then produce a coherent result they like it , then bring it to a point where it can be manufactured and put it in the field.
Jimmy  : When World War II ended, and they not had the opportunity to develop the technology to which they were exposed?
Corey  : Right.
Jimmy  : It would have been a different story. With his guess, with their research and what they have been able to figure out, how close they were really cause many problems?
Corey  : They were close. They were ready with the help of some of the underground groups of Antarctica, to repel a battle group, which was basically down to invade Antarctica. So they were very close.
Jimmy  : Yeah . What the countries of Draco knew? Did they have contact with them? At this moment, they were only the United States and Germany, or were other countries too?
Corey  : Her people had heard about Draco, under different names, for a long time, through their occult practices. Many of these Germans were doing these former German occult practices, which were causing these beings manifested themselves.
And these beings became, you know. Reptilians. They were accessing them through magic and ritual for some time before they made the technological leap. These were based on technology and not just spiritually.
Jimmy  : I have three questions and then we will move on. First, the United States knew the foundations of the Moon and Mars? Second, are the Nordics were involved, or was only Draco right now? And thirdly, are the Nordic involved in the negotiations of the Alliance we are coming down with the Draconians and the rest of the world were?
Corey  : OK, let's take one at a time.
Jimmy  : Yes, of course. First, conscious and about the relationship between the Draconians and the rest of the world were Nordic?
Corey  : Yes, the Nordic tried to warn the United States about making deals with this group of Draco, but of course humans did not listen; They wanted the Nordic provide us with a lot of advanced weaponry, they were not willing to give us, because we no longer were spiritually in balance with our technology state. So they knew what was going on . They were interacting with us at the same time. When people think of Draco, or think of these various groups try to put these pieces small time, this group came into contact with us, and then this group came into contact with us. We had several groups contact us at the same time.
Jimmy  : And we, along with all this conversation was going on , and knowledge being shared, the United States knew of the moon base and what was happening on Mars?
Corey  : Well, they had intelligence about, I suppose, the fledgeling base system that had developed. They were not receiving until after the end of the 50s, when I really started working with the Nazi separatist group South America, we did not really all that intelligence yet.
Jimmy  : What that tells me, and I really need confirmation on this, that the group was holding Paperclip and thought we had something good. Certainly they knew what was going on , on the moon and Mars, but did not tell us.
Corey  : Right. They were part of a plan the whole time. The Nazis had this technology, which would like to develop, and they wanted to co-opt the United States and the industrial power that had expired. We had produced five or ten tanks for each they had. So we wanted to use our infrastructure to build a broader infrastructure in outer space, and to do so, they had to infiltrate. At first, when we were making deals with these separatist groups Nazis had planned all along to infiltrate and take over . But already several steps ahead of us in that process.
Jimmy  : Is there any reason why von Braun not-for supposedly did not, say yo- put us on the moon until 1969 when, obviously already had a lunar base there, there was a deliberate attempt to sabotage the public version of space program?
Corey  : Well, this was compartmentalized. Who knows what von Braun's space program knew we were developing, you know, and going to the moon before the time of Apollo.
Jimmy  : Right.
Corey  : So this is all very compartmentalized, as I said.
Some of these military-industrial complex military programs, which consist of the NSA, DIA, intelligence Air Force with a pair of space stations orbiting 400 or 500 miles from Earth orbit, and have a number of these exotic boats like these artifacts in a triangle. So many of these people have been given information and know nothing about bases on the Moon or Mars, and have been told they are the top of the totem pole in terms of safety, and simply would not accept anything that you said, that does not fit their programmed reality.
Jimmy  : Was the Draco freely leaving the earth at that time too? Were they coming and going?
Corey  : In a moment. At once.
Jimmy  : In the 50s?
Corey  : Yes . Yes, came and went from the earth and our solar system.
Jimmy  : I got it . AGREE. Now let's move a little on the timeline and go to the "brain drain". What was the brain drain?
Corey  : Well, once the Nazis infiltrated enough in the West, where they could actually start really began to build this infrastructure, needed people to do, and wanted the best minds, the best engineers, the best that puedieran they get to get to do this. So they had approached these people, they were told that an asteroid or something was on track to hit the ground, they were the best of the best, they were special and were chosen as a project of continuity spice to take humans to Mars, say, and establish colonies there and industrial sites there, to make it more likely that our species survive.
Jimmy  : And when the brain drain was active, participants who volunteered once they were told, had the chance to step back? Or was that, you practically kidnapped, right? Almost Enslaved is the word I want to use.
Corey  : Right. Once you walked in , you were in, and misled many of these people. They showed brochures, which were actually images of some of our deepest military bases, which are for the elite to keep them safe here on Earth. And they would tell, this is on Mars, and they would see these great and large glass elevators up, futuristic - looking, and told them, this is like the Jetsons. You'll live like the Jetsons. And they, you know, bring family with them and come to Mars, and would get a reality check very quickly and discover that, in fact, they and their family are now slaves.
Jimmy  : How many participated? And a big piece came from South America too, right?
Corey  : Yes, South America, United States, Europe. They took them out of Asia. They took them everywhere.
Jimmy  : And what is your best knowledge of how many people were involved?
Corey  : The number of people has reached millions of people for decades. This is something that was ongoing. There was a real boost at first, to get, you know, we need 50,000 people immediately. And then after that, they just needed to sustain the numbers, along with bringing in fresh people what they needed to sustain the numbers, because these people were procreating on the bases.
Jimmy  : And it was a one way ticket.
Corey  : Yes.
Jimmy  : There was no return.
Corey  : No.
Jimmy  : Okay. Now, with that, as sensational as that sounds, we could probably look at the numbers again and find a lot of people missing, right? There 's that part of it. The other part is, how could they keep something secret?
Why we do not know, and how we can not account for it? How to keep a project like this, which is so great with 50 million people missing or enslaved, how they kept this secret?
Corey  : Well, you know, if people do not return, they can not tell their secrets. I think David Wilcock has discussed this in the past, that would fill a lot of postcards, you would tell your family that you are taking a job in an exotic place and that, until we hear from them anymore. And people have gone from their lives and that's it. Olvidadod.
Jimmy  : OK, so let's move on to 1980. It was formed  Solar Warden . Take us there. What happened in 1980?
Corey  : Yes, the  Solar Warden  was formed. They were building the first submarine ships were basically glorified very large, which operated by electromagnetic torque drives. Power plants in the beginning were only nuclear power plants as we know them . Then later they moved to these reactors, thorium, and then much later, in the late 90s, around that time, they moved to the zero point module they had. It took very little space in the module, which once kept or maintained these very large reactors.
Jimmy  : These ships were obviously great. Where built them ?
Corey  : I was told that they were built in Utah, and were modular. They were built in pieces.
The outer hull was constructed in two pieces it was. And then inside, they could build modules that slide in and out of the interior hull uh, if that makes sense.
Jimmy  : Yeah . You've described as submarines, and asked me to go to see a video, what I did, and said that if you can understand this, you can understand what ships as basically were only they were much bigger. Another comment made that I found very interesting. You said that the guys who built these ships, built a beginning?
Corey  : Yeah, so built a group. They build carriers. They had the smallest ship in the service of these ships in space, but these are the biggest cigar - shaped craft was describing.
Jimmy  : And the crews who built ships lived on boats, as constructed.
Corey  : The engineering group mainly lived aboard the ship, and they were finished building it, so they could learn the input and output systems.
Jimmy  : And how leave Earth? Because we will reach the LOC now. That is, that is the next step in this timeline. How could they leave Earth without being seen?
Corey  : Many times you see them.
Jimmy  : It 's true.
Corey  : Yes, but take off at a given time when they are supposed to be less likely to be seen. They are detached from the surface of the Earth, in outer orbit, contact moon command operation, which is basically flight control for the area around, and then told where they are assigned.
Jimmy  : It 's true. Right. And what the Russians or the Chinese, or Australians who had fairly extensive radar and British, were not able to track? They did not know that these officers were between the moon and Earth at that time?
Corey  : They realized, as their space programs began to develop. The Russians began to develop these ships spherical shape were quite easy to handle and reliable. Eventually they began to work more closely with the United States during the era of the Cold War. Many of the things of the Cold War were, I guess, theater.
Jimmy  : Yeah . We're making getting to Ronald Reagan here in just a bit, but we want to address: The original base in German became the  LOC  (Lunar Operations Command). Why? Why not build something new?
Corey  : Well, for real estate on the moon, have any real estate you are able to tap into something very positive. It is a kind of division among many non-land in these areas. It's like separating the Antarctic in areas that the United States controls, which Russia controls, you know, and the moon is kind of that way too. Groups are highly segmented with each other, and do not allow intruders.
Jimmy  : The original German base was in an area to which we had access, is what you're saying?
Corey  : Yes, the Germans were given an area that could build on the Draco, the conditions of the Dracos.
Jimmy  : In 1986 came the "back 20" in which he participated. So the LOC was already in place, right?
Corey  : Right.
Jimmy  : What happened around 1981-1982. 1986 was the "back 20". What was that?
Corey  : Yes, the "back 20" was the program that normally was an offer that is normally done for military personnel. But suppose civilians were also needed specialists. And it is a program where you sign in going into space for 20 years, and at the end of those 20 years, return back to Earth after being reprogrammed in blaco, or interfering with the mind not having any of recoleción travel. And then, and this is where people get lost, (laughs) aging is reversed through some kind of pharmaceutical go method. And then "it is sewn" within the time frame to which they belong.
Jimmy  : And why not, this is the question that is probably more often, and I'll just deal with right now. Why not just let the same age? What was the need for regression?
Corey  , who had had some kind of agreement in place, that if they were to pull assets in this way, these assets had to be, when performed using them, these assets, people like being, had to be returned to the point in time and mental state and prudent old they were when they were taken. Why did this, I do not know, but I think it has to do with a technology exchange between the Nordic groups and some of these union groups ended up forming part of these secret space programs.
Jimmy  : And how many people were involved at that time than you knew, in the "back 20" and were all regress?
Corey  : Well, yes, everyone was a regression, even military people. They had people who were, you know, obviously military in the space program, and had been taken to make this program 20 and back while serving in the regular army. So they were recruited output type of regular armed forces. When they are done, they will be returned back to the same period of time from where they were taken as well, and also have their memories erased.
Jimmy  : Now it was at this point that you have been exposed to the Germans and the  Dark Fleet ?
Corey  : Yes, all the time in the space program was going to see these people. There would be people in different uniforms, different energies on them, and assume all were part of the same program; just it does not know anything about them. But as time passed we could hear people talking about that group, they did not like his attitude, so they began to listen and to obtain information about other groups with time and so on .
Jimmy  : And so was the Dark Fleet?
Corey: It was a group of very ... seemed Nazis, Nazi type of people, who have long had no idea what they were doing in the  Solar Warden. But obviously they had a job that was more offensive than we were doing, and they were very reserved and had an air as if they were more important or know something we do not. And finally, we realized that they are working together with Draco and control of territories and, uh, conquests too.
Jimmy  : Why? What it was used? When you say so, it sounds almost offensive. It was offensive and defensive?
Corey  : The Dark Fleet? It was purely an offensive force. They were armed to the teeth, and they were flying outside our solar system, almost exclusively, next to the Draconian.
Jimmy  : So continued to develop this technology and were exposed to these weapons in World War II, and now we are in the mid-80s, and they are armed to the teeth, and have a totally offensive fleet for war.
Corey  : Yes, and at one point, when we develop some understanding of these anti-gravity and scalar technologies, our engineers comanzaron build this matter as the mad military industrial complex, and began building very well, and we have trapped very quickly be able to manufacture much of what was given to us.
Jimmy  : So we had the LOC, right? The LOC was us? Right? That was ours.
Corey  : Yes.
Jimmy  : But the Germans and had a combined basis Draco up there that was out of bounds. What do you know about it?
Corey  : Very  poco.Lo  I discovered is that they are doing a lot of genetic types of tests. Much of it are in laboratories, and also have part of the area that deals in human slave trafficking is happening.
Jimmy  : Ok. I do not want to jump into the slave trade at the moment, as there is also the ICC comes into play here, the interplanetary conglomerate that is there.
Corey  : That's right.
Jimmy  : And they are involved in trade. And part of that is this traffic interstellar slaves. But first, what is the ICC? And it's just a money making machine?
Corey  : It 's essentially a conglomerate. Interplanetary conglomerate, basically, those who lead, is a super board as a board that would have on a company.
Jimmy  : It 's true.
Corey  : And many of these companies as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, they have someone who is on the table, which has been on the board for 20 years, is preparing to retire. If you have the right stuff, I guess, they offer them: "You know, listen, why not go ahead and retire, and then come to work for us in the Super Board, where he will have a lot more access to these technologies has been developing. "Then they go to the board, which becomes a member of all these different industrial-military complex.

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