
15 de septiembre de 2017


Friday, September 15, 2017

I am going to tell you some history about our formation for the so-called Ascension on Sunday, March 16 at 2:00 p.m. Let's go to Lady Portia's etheric retreat - which will be appropriate, do not you think? Here we are going to talk a little about Ghana and why Mrs. Portia chose that place for her retreat.

A long time ago, he saw the beauty of the African peoples, many of whom he knew as the descendants of the soul of the planet Maldek. She and St. Germain have been very close to the families of the Mushaba people, the group of Maldek people evolved more highly. 

They were closely aligned in the efforts to rescue Maldek from those in the darkness who had others convinced that advanced weapons testing was a good and necessary thing. Of course, it is good and necessary for those who wish to conquer, kill and maim. 

There was no real threat to Maldek, but he could have asked the Galactic Federation for help, but there were those on the planet who refused to give up their control, so a great fight ensued. 

In the process, warmongers, under the influence of Anunnaki from distant galaxies who had come to Maldek to take over and establish a base of operations here in their solar system. They believed that fomenting the war eventually would cause the Maldekians to activate one against the other and cleanse each other. 

With this in mind, each side is "fed" with propaganda and powerful weapons, similar to the nuclear weapons it developed later here on Earth. 

The Anunnaki were a success beyond their wildest hopes. Over time, despite pleas from peacekeepers - the Christ Consciousness Beings - the "rebels" used their weapons in a massive and coordinated attack. 

Unfortunately, the lack of a true understanding of the consequences of their actions did not dissuade them. A series of weapons exploded, some under ground sown, which had a devastating effect. 

The vibration created when weapons exploded in a series of Fibonacci, combined with high sound vibrations, weakened the planet's ability to remain in a coherent balance. The entire planet exploded into molecular fragments, scattered in space for millions of miles. 

The effect on the souls that inhabited Maldek was something that nobody wants to experience. Being blown to the four winds while in a 3-dimensional body through the force of a nuclear explosion has a terrible effect, disintegrating into the soul that has incarnated in the body. 

It was going to take millions of years for the planet and its people to recover from the trauma of the explosion and the loss of its home planet. 

Those souls who have recovered enough to incarnate again decided to come to Earth, the Twin Flame of their beloved Maldek, but they wished to remain as distant as possible from the dangerous technology that is being developed on Earth under the influences obscure similar to the Anunnakis that designed the destruction of Maldek. 

And so, they decided to incarnate only for the less developed continent of Africa. They pledged to remain as close to the Earth as possible, to carry out the traditions of the tribal peoples of the Black race, leaving aside the "advances" that swept the world in Europe, Asia, and later the Americas. 

Therefore, the Mushabans began their recovery by coming to Earth. They were comfortable here, because it was similar to their home planet in climate, vegetation and natural resources, especially on the African continent. 

Of course, there are no distinctions that have to do with race in the higher dimensions. This was only an agreement designed by the Mushaba people, in cooperation with the First Creator, which allowed them to incarnate here, while using the "insignia" to distinguish them from others. 

It was smart because what else can you bring to this life that make you stand out, and make you easily visible to your peers better than having your skin a very different tone to your brothers and sisters? I did not intend to isolate them, just keep them together and easily recognizable to each other. 

It was achieved, to a large extent, despite their reluctance to participate in global "progress" made them the difference, and made them vulnerable to mockery and suppression, just as it did with Native Americans and other groups indigenous peoples. 

Mrs. Portia knew of the great suffering that her friends the Mushabans had endured, and wanted to help in their transition to life on Earth. The old friends - old souls, who had - raised their soul children together in higher dimensions, and many Kumara children had chosen incarnations in Maldek with their Mushaba "cousins." 

The tragic destruction of Maldek claimed the lives of 75% of the people, including three of their eldest sons and St. Germain. There was no time to rescue the majority of the inhabitants. 

The survivors took care of being builders of peace throughout the Universe, especially when the new planets were being inhabited in the low-vibration realms. 

The Etheric Retreat on Ghana was established by Lady Portia as a center of light, comfort, healing, and most importantly, freedom and opportunity, values ​​Lady Portia represents in all her work and her teachings. 

He saw the need to raise the vibration in this part of the world to help his friends maintain the balance that would allow Planet Earth to survive without the disasters that had fallen on Maldek. 

While the rest of the world was close to destroying itself several times, during the fall of Atlantis and in present-day civilization, the African continent remained largely independent of the conflicts, and managed to keep it until the last centuries, when British colonization, the slave trade and then the development of global communications brought Africa on the world stage. 

Ghana is a country of palm trees, beautiful beaches, lush forests and undulating savannas with abundant wildlife. It joined the modern world by being the first African country to gain its independence and, despite chaos and conflict in Ghana and neighboring countries, has succeeded in maintaining a balance between attempting to age (Earth-oriented) traditions and new communication with the rest of the world. 

There are many lightworkers and open-hearted people who have come forward in recent generations to try to teach the gentle love of life and the deep connection with Mother Earth, which is the tradition that goes back thousands of years . 

The terrible invasion of the slave trade led to a large influx of black people from the villages of Ghana and neighboring Ivory Coast to the West Indies and the Americas, especially the southern United States in its early days . 

His influence as Lightworkers deep into the ground helped soften and raise the vibration of the new nation in its infancy. Although the traumatic separation of families and the subsequent grinding oppression gave a terrible price on the people's spirit, and served to separate them from their traditions, the spirit of the Mushaba people did not die. 

It has been the work of Lady Portia and her twin flame, St. Germain, to restore individual freedom, and to preserve the homeland which will again provide a refuge for the people of West Africa. 

As abundance flows throughout the planet, it will be places like Ghana, which returns quickly in a rich and colorful celebration of Life. 

On Sunday, March 16 * we will visit the etheric city on Accra, the ancient city that was established by the priests of Atlantis who fled before the great catastrophe. It is a fitting place for the awakening of the Golden Age and the celebration of the survival of the Mushaba people. 

With the rise of planet earth, many of the Mushaba people will finally return to their home planet, which has been miraculously recreated by cosmic scientists, restored in its pristine beauty. 

It will be a fitting companion to the beautifully restored Mother Earth, which is cleansed and renewed in the looming era, as its inhabitants have also been renovated and elevated to the 5th dimensional vibration. 

So you see, Dear Ones, the history of your planet is really a mystery to you, that you have been taught that yours is the only advanced civilization on this planet or on any other planet. 

You will soon learn a lot about the evolution of your part of the galaxy, and about the Masters who have played a crucial role in your return to the Light. 

I hope to be able to share this information and more with you during our training for Ascension programs, which will be available for everyone to listen live or archived for future listening. 

I know you will enjoy our "informal talks". 

I am your Sananda, in Love, Light and Brotherhood. 

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, March 16, 2014, 2 AM. 

Permission is granted to share or copy these messages, providing no additions or 

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