
8 de septiembre de 2017

Galactic Council, through The Royals, issues an order to cease and desist Cabal, The Keepers, in preparation for global changes

There have been rumors and whispers of a council that oversees the "kingdoms of men," but the identity of this group or what it is remains a mystery. According to a document published on August 20 of this year, a group of former royal members has been in place to monitor humanity for centuries, responding to the "Galactic Councils". The document issued orders to cease and desist "Guardians" who are the world leaders an average person would recognize, such as the Queen of England, the Dragons and elected officials. But it is more likely that these guardians are the powers behind the public figures, the Cabal, Illuminati, Deep State, Shadow Government, etc. The document states that some of these Guardians have violated their original mandates and are subject to the removal of power. In addition, since October 2015, all assets of the Reals, such as the collateral accounts, have been "returned" and no disbursements have been made to these accounts. The big question is, how reliable is this document? Is this something real, or just another distraction?
The document is linked below this comment. I suggest you read it yourself (less than four pages) so that you can begin to understand, first hand, what is being discussed.

Update: I received a link to this video, which claims to have "denied" the document, and found Ernest Rauthschild as a fraud. But the evidence cited, a list of seven points, is deficient. It does not provide material evidence to confirm that Rauthschild is a fraud, but has made some incredible claims. At best, he exposes some links between this character Rauthschild and Cyndy Kay Courier and Neil Keenan - claiming that all are frauds, claiming that his ex-wife practiced voodoo and is affiliated with the Office of International Treasury Control. But these are not substantive damning accusations. To be clear, I am not saying that Rauthschild is a valid agent of the Royals, I am simply saying that the claim that it is fraud is not supported by material evidence, they are mere accusations by certain investigators. That said, discernment, as always, is advised.

I can not confirm if the document is valid, if it speaks of real groups in powerful positions or if it has authority to issue orders to cease and desist. But what I can say is that there is merit for many of the concepts mentioned in the document.
The agent of these Reals who issued the document is named Ernest Rauthschild, which seems to be a variation on the name Rothschild that many will recognize. Rothschild means the Red Shield, and this symbol is probably related to the concept of stewardship, which several groups in power recognize its importance. Within the law, an organization has power because it manages the rights of people in trust, that is, it is a benevolent administrator. Obviously, this is not the case for many Cabal-led groups, and yet they maintain order to some extent, partly because, to prevent the intervention of other benevolent groups, they need at least to appear well-intentioned. And there is a lot of rhetoric coming from this group that they could hold as proof of their good intentions, even if this is an obvious smoke screen.
Having said that, Rauthschild could be an agent who works for the Guardians as a representative of the Royals.

The document states that the Royals owe their authority to a "Mandate of Heaven," which at first glance may seem like a meaningless reference, but it has great weight in considering how the powers that were claim rights of authority over the people.
All the claims of the right to govern, whether of monarchies or of democracies, declare these rights in the name of some divine figure, in the name of the divine. The Vatican, which is arguably the largest and most influential ecclesiastical body on earth, claims to rule over the kingdoms of men for God, in particular, that St. Peter created the church and entrusted the keys of the Vicars of Christ to the priests in Rome. It does not matter if this claim to power is valid, it reflects that this group recognizes heaven as the source of its authority.
From a philosophical perspective, all law comes from the divine.

All rights are held in divine trust and transmitted to individuals and governments through divine writings and spiritual notices, made real by evidence of the fact that human beings are endowed with natural rights. In other words, the fact that you are alive, the fact that you have a mind and can be directed with free will is prima facie evidence of the fact that you inherited these rights from the divine creator, the creator of these rights.

What this means from a government and nation perspective is that the authority to rule over human beings is divine.

Governments of the world exist as corporations, and these corporations owe their existence to the Roman Curia, an ecclesiastical body of law organized and verbalized by the Vatican.
An ecclesiastical body is by nature an organization of human beings that recognizes that they are at the service of the Creator and of creation, specifically to meet the spiritual, mental and material needs of the people. As such, the idea of ​​a "Mandate of Heaven" is quite real.

The powers that take this mandate very seriously or at least some of them do. The more nihilist groups, due to the internal changes that took place during the earlier periods of human history (between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries), largely abandoned the "Mandate of Heaven" and began to act openly against the divine law, but this is a story for another time.
The point here is that a mandate from heaven exists as something real and is a central principle at the core of the legal system governing the nations of men on earth. And almost all brotherhoods, the religious body, the legal system and the government recognize that the Creator is the true creator of the law and "king" of human society.
The document also states that large solar weather events are imminent and that the guardians of several nations are required to prepare people and technological infrastructure to cope with any precipitation. In this regard, we have heard from many people that there really are reasons to worry.
Recall that in October 2016, then-President Barack Obama issued an executive order specifically addressed to the concern of space weather events in society and technology.

In addition, NASA published an article in 2009 that spoke of "local fluff," a peculiar energy region that the solar system was about to enter, which would probably affect life on Earth.

And many others, scientists, astronomers and government whistleblowers have said that some kind of great solar event will take place in the coming years, which will probably have a profound effect on human consciousness and, consequently, on human civilization.

Although I can not confirm whether the groups cited in the document are real, such as the Royals, the Guardians or this Galactic Council, there are several points of confirmation from a merit perspective that can not be denied.

As I write these words, there are several groups on the planet that specifically address the inequity and corruption of the Cabal-led groups, reaching the highest places of worldly power. One of these groups, in my view, has codified a divine system of law, so perfect, that it completely absorbs and consumes the existing system. This Rauthschild document is functionally equivalent to the work the group is doing, which in my view is rather intriguing, and I could give credence to this document. I'll get to my contacts there for more information.
The restoration of the rule of law is of central importance and is an important focus for many groups of healers in the world, even if these words are not used in their rhetoric.

In short, since all true law comes from the divine, then the restoration of the rule of law is the recognition and adherence to the will of the divine on earth. The will of the divine is the law, be it natural law, positive law, canon law or the law of equity.

The philosophy of law and the golden rule are exemplified in recognition: our actions and desires are "for the highest good and best of all," a statement that recognizes the rule of law and the divine will.

In this sense, anyone who works to develop the consciousness of morality or the way of being of service to others, is involuntarily, seeking to do the will of the Creator and restore the rule of law within themselves. By extension, such law-minded people will eventually form governing bodies or communities governed also by divine will or the rule of law. The true "Guardians" of such divine government are not men and women as the final authorities; the true "Guardians"are men and women who embody the rule of law for the kingdom. This is what is meant by the phrase "Lex Rex: the law is the king".
So although the "law" is often painted as a Cabal or Illuminati creation, it definitely is not.  He Cabal has kept the knowledge of the true law and his philosophy out of circulation specifically because it is the cornerstone of a truly benevolent society.
In conclusion, I would say that this is a very interesting document, but we will not know with certainty what, in any case, materializes until the slow flow of time progresses.

But, we can continue to do the inner work as individuals, to recognize the importance of the law in our own lives.

The law, in its true form, represents divine wisdom, the master manual for creating a utopian society on earth and in the cosmos in general. Through knowledge and application of the law, human beings enjoy greater creative powers, freedoms and benefits. Truth, beauty and goodness, together with love, communion and altruism are made possible and improved through the knowledge and working philosophy of the law, a gift of divine mercy and the grace of "heaven" .




August 20, 2017
From the table: HE HRH Prime Minister Ernest Rauthschild
United States of America, Republic of North America
Y: President of the Royal Imperial Federal Reserve System
Re: Compensation of ICJ / ICC Assets
To all the Guardians of the Royal Assets, peace be upon you all. This is an update from the perspective of The Ancient Royal Families (aka "The Royals") on world events - especially those unfolding in the Middle East and in the BRICS countries. The real problems that are manifested on the ground are discussed, as well as the concerns of the Royals regarding the behavior of the Global Community towards Real Assets and the concerns about their conservation in general. Let's start with a bit of history as an introduction.
Who are the Royals? The Ancient Royal Families - not to be confused with the kings and queens of the present day or the Dragons of whom you hear about - are barely mentioned in the news and this is how it is supposed to be. The Royals have been caring for the planet for millennia, their treasures, their land and their occupants under the pact known as "Mandate of Heaven." They respond to the Galactic Councils. The Royals own the titles of all lands and hold the title "Public Land," all remaining lands are under "Fair Use Maintenance" and are the backers of all currencies in the system. As caretakers of the planet, they entrust the land to "Implementers" who care for the operation of the land for the benefit of its maintenance and that of its occupants.
At times other ancient families become implementors and if implementors use force and coercion, then referred to as "dragons". For example, Queen Elizabeth II is Implementer and not part of The Royals, so this should not be a matter of confusion. They are sometimes given to groups or parties to form governments and therefore use their Central Banks to manage some aspects of the interface between the Royals and the Implementers . In recent history, the Committee of 300 was used for this interface, but now this organization is no longer in operation and a new one is in the process of configuration.
What are Guardians? Everyone who works on behalf of  The Royals  as  Implementers is also called Keepers . Custodians have an obligation to keep property under their responsibility, including care for the earth, sky, natural resources, water and air, as well as living beings and people who benefit.They are also responsible for the safety of treasures stored on the ground and should not touch or handle them without explicit consent. Part of these treasures are those held for the future of mankind and others are brought from outside the planet to keep them in the name of the different Galactic Councils. So the "Governments" are Guardians who take care of the land called "Countries" and their town in the name of Los Reales . For the Royals to manage these countries, corporations - with the same name as the countries - are used to handle the responsibility of such guardians; and its central banks are associated with these corporations and their responsibility.
What are global agreements? As long as the custodians guard the people and all assets in their custody, the  Royals  normally let managers be, with the 70-year global agreement / mandates used to manage custody programs. The last agreement of 70 years signed with  The Royals  was at the Conference of Bretton Woods in 1944. This agreement included the agreement on the release of funds to the system and the main world-wide programs of development to elevate the developing countries to a better state of being.This agreement ended after 70 years, in 2014 with a temporary extension taking place, with the latest funds available by mid-October 2015. After all the global accounts were returned to  The Royals . At the beginning of January 2016, no new agreements have been made and no new launches have been affected. A new agreement called "The Global Peace Treaty" is currently being presented, the details of which are being finalized before being presented to the Global Community.
What are custody violations? During the last part of the Bretton Woods agreement for years and since its completion, there has been a worrying trend of violations and offenses that have occurred against Global Assets, and the custody system as a whole. But before entering into these violations, let us examine the different types of crimes that the Royals are noticing are of concern:
  • Type 1 offenses are those that directly and aggressively attack the Royals and Assets. The remedy is the complete removal of the perpetrators and the loss of their custody, as well as the elimination of ALL others who have provided material / logistical support to them.

  • Type 2 offenses are those that misuse Global Assets, such as exposing assets without explicit authorization. The remedy is the confiscation of its custodian, as well as ALL the others that helped and fomented these crimes.

  • Type 3 offenses are those that have neglected their custodian role, such as neglecting the defense of assets and / or providing insufficient logistical support for their custody. The remedy is the loss of your custody and the restoration of the harm caused.
From the above it is clear that the Royals consider the maintenance of Conservation as an important part of the global system and seriously consider any violation committed by the Custodians.
What violations are or are about to take place? There are a number of violations that are or are about to occur, for which a "WARNING" with the associated "Cesar y Desistir" is now given, as well as the "Imminent Loss of Custody Declaration":
1. There is currently a gathering of forces attacking former royal assets in Syria and Iraq, as well as others hoping to join in the attacks . The Royals see these attacks and these meetings as a direct attack on the Royal Assets, and therefore are Type 1 Crimes and a Custody violation .ALL parties are WARNED, SHOULD START AND WITHDRAW, and are now given the FINAL CUSTODY LOSS STATEMENT. ALL PARTIES MUST RETURN FROM WHERE THE ATTACKS COME AND STOP IMMEDIATELY. ALL countries, intelligence agencies, military, families and other organizations involved in these violations MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY AND RETURN. A "Loss of Custody Statement" including "Application of Action" will apply immediately if even ONE PIE is placed in either of these two countries by the participating parties. Further,ALL countries that host or support such groups, or do not have control of their internal guards to prevent these groups from operating freely within their regions, have committed Type 3 Offenses and violations of conservation. Warnings and similar actions will be acted upon. No further warnings will be given.
2. On the other hand, there are currently Real Assets exposed to the sale, theft or placed as collateral in the financial system. None of these sales or warranties are authorized by  The Royals  or have the blessings of  The Royals . If in doubt, please contact me or the competent authorities to validate these transactions. The Royals consider these illegal activities as Type 2 Offenses and as a violation of Conservation. This includes, but is not limited to, the BRICS Bank, which has illegally used the Royal Asset warranties without explicit authorization. ALL parties are WARNED, WILL BE CIRCULATED AND WITHDRAWAL and are now given the FINAL CUSTODY LOSS STATEMENT. ALL PARTIES SHALL RETURN ALL GOODS AND GUARANTEES AND WILL STOP VIOLATIONS IMMEDIATELY. ALL countries, Intelligence Agencies, Military, Families and other Organizations involved in these violations MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY AND RESTORE THE ASSETS. A "Loss of Custody Statement", including "Application of Action", will be enforced immediately if the participating parties have committed further violations.No further warnings will be given .
3. In addition, there are now genuine and tangible reports that Planet Earth will soon be passing through a long period of severe climatic events, which will affect the lives and livelihoods of all on the planet, as well as severe alterations in the way normal life. It is anticipated that the installation of contingencies for the general population and contingencies for ALL Real Assets will be carried out by ALL Custodians. ALL Custodians must report to  The Royals their plans for preparation for overcoming such events. The lack of notification or contingency or interruption in the proper functioning of the services under its Custody will be considered Type 3 Crimes and violation of the Conservation. A "Loss of Custody Statement" including "Application of Action" will apply immediately if it is discovered that the violations have occurred. No further warnings will be given.
4. In addition, there are currently authentic and tangible reports that the Royal Assets under the Vatican Alcazaba would be threatened with attack by other groups as a way of liquidating their internal accounts. The Royals see these potential attacks as disquieting. These attacks will be considered directly against the Royal Assets and, therefore, are Type 1 Crimes and Custody violation.ALL parties are WARNED, SHOULD START AND WITHDRAW and are now given the FINAL CUSTODY LOSS STATEMENT. ALL THE PARTIES SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CANCEL THEIR ATTACK PLANS AND START NEGOTIATING TO RESOLVE THE THEMES BETWEEN THEMSELVES.The use of prohibited weapons will not be tolerated. The Royals are not interested in being absorbed in mediation of these issues among the Trustees. All countries, intelligence agencies, military, families and other organizations involved in these violations MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY. A "Child Support Claim", including "Action Application," will be enforced immediately if even a Real Asset is adversely affected by the participating parties. No further warnings will be given.
5. In addition, there are occasions when reports circulate from some Guardians preparing to use Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in their conflicts, to control the situation. The use of weapons of mass destruction in their own regions or against the custody of others are by necessity type 1 offenses and a custody violation. ALL parts are WARNED, SHALL BE FULFILLED AND WITHDRAWAL and are now given the IMMEDIATE DECLARATION OF LOSS OF MAINTENANCE. ALL PARTIES SHALL IMMEDIATELY CANCEL THEIR WMD ATTACK PLANS AND START NEGOTIATING TO RESOLVE THE ISSUES BETWEEN THEMSELVES.ALL countries, intelligence agencies, military, families and other organizations involved in these violations MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY. A "Child Support Claim", including "Action Application," will be enforced immediately if even a Real Asset is adversely affected by the participating parties. No further warnings will be given.
Which are the next steps? These warnings are hereby given and it is expected that such warnings will be attended by ALL the Trustees. If these warnings are not observed and if the violation is found to have occurred then the Royals reserve the full right to take any necessary Remedial Action Application against the individual Custodian and ALL supporters. These issues are viewed with seriousness by  The Royals, so it should be similarly done by ALL the Trustees. ALL Custodians are aware of their custody responsibilities and therefore these warnings are not conditional upon the individual Custodian receiving such warnings; because this document is only a re-application and a reminder of the responsibilities and consequences of violating the custody agreement.
Accordingly, this will serve as a legal notice to ALL the Trustees, that Royal Families ordered that all asset settlements be prosecuted and sanctioned by the Imperial Court International Imperial Court (ICC), the Royal Board of Governors of System of the Federal Reserve and the Royal Sovereign Government of the United States of North America - The Republic of North America.THEREFORE, all Guardians are instructed to process all assets and accounts under their tutelage for the liquidation, through and through, of the Royal International Imperial Court of Justice. There will be no other sanctioned or licensed government agency or agency to receive or redeem global assets and collateral accounts without the sanctioned authority of the Royal Sovereign International Imperial Court.The ICJ Sovereign Royal Judges will have full authority over all global assets and guarantee accounts. In addition, all asset holders and collateral accounts are simply that, non-proprietary holders, nor have the power, authority and jurisdiction to sell assets, negotiate or issue agreements, the ICJ has original and exclusive jurisdiction over all active Royal Family settlements and collateral accounts. Failure to comply with this original and exclusive jurisdiction will be subject to criminal prosecution before the ICC.
If any manager has any questions regarding the above, please contact the  Royals  or with me to discuss the said concerns.
Ernest Rauthschild
Ernest Rauthschild Royal Prime Minister 8216-8217
United States of America
The Republic of North America
The Family of Nations
cc: Royal Imperial Sovereign International Court of Justice Royal Board of Governors,
Federal Reserve System
source )

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