
4 de septiembre de 2017

"Letter to the Elders" by We Knowing Americans - 9.4.17

Entry Submitted by We Knowing Americans at 9:42 AM EDT on September 4, 2017

Dear Elders,

Congratulations on yout BRICS announcement forcing everyone to a gold standard. Most of us in the USA don't know what you have done for us. Most will know I hope very soon and we all need to humbly bow to you i respect and in appreciation. All pride aside. It does not belong. 

Yosef suggested there is a widow between hurricains that we can use t accept your gifts and I know there is much to repair as of recent due to these storms. Please use this opportunity widow to allow us finally to accept responsibility for out blind pride assuming it was right to dominate others. This is certainly not the view but of a select few. But we will all own it and accept you as the new world funding source graciously and humbly admit we were too big for our britches.

Please allow this to commence within the window suggested.

We knowing Americans

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