
18 de septiembre de 2017

"This is What Really Freaks them out" by Sunflower - 9.18.17

Entry Submitted by Sunflower at 5:02 AM EDT on September 18, 2017

Good morning RV Crew :-)

It's a crisp fresh sunny Autumnal morning, the sun glints off the dewy spider cobwebs and the grass is still wet when I first go out.

While I'm out on the dewy grass I spend much time musing and contemplating, it's become a way of Be-ing for me and brings on much Universal awareness and spiritual growth.

Over the last few years lurking at the back of my musings, tucked safely away out of sight has always been this nagging thought that I've never given voice to as I believed it may crush some peoples' spirit but now I think you're strong enough, YOU'RE THE WARRIORS of this RV and that is part of what's freaking out the cabal.

I've always been confident that it would be a manageable challenge to reset the currencies of the 209 nations and recreate the system whereby all currency is gold backed. I could see this coming to fruition first when the BRICS alliance was formed, that's when my attention peaked.

But here's the rub, I could also see that the cabal would welcome the GCR/RV with open arms. 

This would be because it had to be done through the banking system which they were masters of. To then filter through governments and corporations, most of which the cabal have their deeply entrenched claws, or of which they could perceive getting control of those institutions in the future. 

After all they've done it before.

The GCR would benefit the cabal fabulously because it would give them the opportunity to wipe the slate clean of their fiat currency machinations, like one big money laundering operation.

This would then give them the freedom to start seeping forward out of their dark power closet to implement the next step in their agenda that required implementation in the public arena.

So, so far the cabal have had no problem with the GCR/RV so long as they had malleable people in place within the institutions. They would simply allow it to proceed through the nations, through the governments and the banks and the corporations until all the money was gold backed and level value all over the world. Then they would step forward and take control of the whole shooting match and bring on Agenda 21/30. Can you see it?

This is why so many pump fakes in the RV releases to us - to flush out the malleable and the traitors to humanity within the system.

But here's the thing, the one thing that freaks the cabal out, the real fly in the ointment that could totally scupper their plans for world domination .... YOU.

But not just you, YOU WITH MONEY.

You see if we "minions" get our hands on cash in a big way it would completely disable any control the cabal have intended within Agenda 21/30. We can't be controlled if they don't hold ALL of the cash. 

That's what's really freaking them out ... YOU WITH CASH.

It's like when your dependant child gets her first job after finishing school. From the moment she receives her first monthly salary she's not dependant on you any more, you have no control, nothing. You can't threaten to take away her phone, or ground her, or stop her leaving home if she wants to, she'll just spin on her heels and head out, leaving you powerless and sobbing in the doorway. From that point of her having her own cash she's free from you.

So this is what the cabal will do ANYTHING to stop, YOU WITH CASH.

They'll let the RV roll (so long as they have their greedy claws within the system) til it gets to putting cash in the hands of the "minions". Then they will pull out all the stops to prevent it going any further forward. This has always been the hot spot. This is where we are at and have been for a while. But I think you know that.

The bit to see and understand, the bit where you could focus your efforts, is that we need to get the cash through the system into OUR hands for FREEDOM. 
Not so much for individual projects or clean up tasks, yes that's part of it that's the detail, but so that the "minions" can be freed, so that you can help humanity achieve freedom. 

For the cabal it's about power and control, for us it's about FREEDOM FROM SLAVERY. Making our own decisions, about our own thoughts, for our own health, or our own movement (travel). It really is that fundamental.

Houses, transport, jobs etc relevant yes, but not so important.

So how should we deal with that, where should we place our focus, what should we visualise, create, meditate upon?

So, should we focus on freedom from slavery for all Humanity, for all Animals and for Gaia/Nature and for peace on Earth ... or stick to imagining what projects we would do, get tangled in the minutiae?

Is it time for an upgrade in our strategy? 

Constructive suggestions and responses welcome.

Loving blessings to y'all 

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