
20 de septiembre de 2017

Unidos We can propose to the parties an assembly of deputies and mayors to urge the Government to a referendum agreed in Catalonia

Daniel Ríos 

The call excludes PP and Citizens and would end with a manifesto in which it urges the Government to dialogue with the Generalitat "to look for political solutions to the conflict of Catalonia that allow all Catalans can call a referendum agreed"

We, the Secretary-General of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, launched a proposal to the rest of political forces to hold an assembly where parliamentarians and mayors approach the situation in Catalonia and put pressure on the Government to seek a negotiated and agreed solution, which in its view must pass through an agreed referendum and with guarantees. Sources of the United States We may subsequently state that they do not intend to invite PP and Citizens to this conference.
 To this assembly, which would be held before 1-O, would be convened parliamentarians from both the Congress, the Senate, autonomous chambers and the European Parliament, and mayors of municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants, who are committed to the defense of "the civil rights, "as opposed to the policy of" exceptionality "that the PP is developing, and that" endangers democracy. "
 The call would end with a manifesto addressed to the Government of Mariano Rajoy to, in the words of Iglesias, "to engage him in dialogue with the Generalitat to seek political solutions to the conflict in Catalonia that allow all Catalans to call a referendum agreed, agreed with the State , to decide their future ". United We can expect a multi-party bloc to publicly oppose the actions being taken by the Government in recent days to halt the 1-O referendum, such as the inspection of printing presses or the cancellation of rallies.
 "It is fundamental to understand that the democrats must bet on giving the floor to citizens and not restrict democracy and civil rights. We think the situation of conflict between the State Government and the Generalitat requires dialogue and democratic political solutions to deal with it "argued the maximum leader of Podemos. Xavier Domènech, parliamentary spokesman for En Comú Podem, said that the government's actions in recent days denote "a democratic involution" that "affects the whole state", while IU leader Alberto Garzón dared to call them "clearly anti-democratic" and to be similar to those of the "Francoist dictatorship".
Among these solutions, the confederal group continues to defend the need to celebrate once the 1-O passes a referendum agreed between the State and the Generalitat, which has guarantees, and so they want to make it manifest in that assembly that they propose. 
The PSOE insists that the Constitution does not allow a referendum agreed 
 Shortly before the content of the proposal of Unidos Podemos was known, Socialist spokesman Óscar Puente confirmed that the contacts between PSOE Secretary General Pedro Sánchez and Iglesias , are common. If what they want is to make a proposal to solve the problem in the field of the "welcome" policy; the PSOE will be delighted to present it at the table of dialogue of the Congress they want to create in the next few days to seek a dialogue solution.
But, pointed out Puente, "the position of the PSOE will not vary: defense of legality - that referendum should not occur - and, secondly, defense of the dialogue to seek the lace of Catalonia in Spain with a constitutional reform if necessary ". Is the PSOE willing to negotiate a referendum agreed and with guarantees? The Socialists say no, because in order to "divide sovereignty" (to make Catalan self-determination possible), the first thing to do is to "modify the Constitution and that is something that the PP will not accept and the PSOE either.

Being realistic, Puente explained, "what we can tell citizens" is "what the PSOE is defending: a constitutional reform that will allow a new lace of Catalonia." And that leads to "a vote agreed and agreed" but only with the participation of Catalans, something "that is not possible." The spokesman of the PSOE did not expect new developments in the proposal of Unidos Podemos (when the reporters asked him was not yet known its specific content), which puts in a frontal opposition to the way the government is acting in Catalonia and much less ready to criticize the violation of the law that is leading the Government of the Generalitat.

Asked about the excesses that may be committed to prevent the referendum, Puente stressed that socialists are "in favor of respecting freedom of expression" also to defend independence, something that they believe "can be done within the legality. It is a different matter that the courts consider that acts of justice are in conflict with legality; in that the PSOE can not enter. For us there is a difference between acts that violate the law or that is simply the manifestation of freedom of expression, "he concluded. 

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