
11 de septiembre de 2017

Venezuelan oil policy, geopolitics and rising geoconomía

Pdvsa,  being the main economic and financial player in  Venezuela,  is actively involved in policy making at all levels in order to deepen the country 's oil industry and its possible conversion into various areas of national life. 
Participation  in the National Constituent Assembly  (ANC)  within five research carried out by the  Commission of Economy  is a key itself as to what referral.
Pdvsa proposals to the ANC  are framed in a situation of economic and financial unprecedented siege. 
Emily Glazer for  The Wall Street Journal   and  available on the Morningstar website , focuses its analysis on the actions of US financial blockade and tankers with Venezuelan oil in the US: 
"Some US refineries have struggled to buy Venezuelan crude, as US banks refused to extend letters of credit that buyers need to complete imports of Venezuela" .
Consulted  Mission Truth , oil industry expert  Carlos Mendoza Potellá  claims that  the actions of Pdvsa this year  do not have to do entirely with the aggressive measures of the Administration Trump. 
"However, they have to do with an upward trend in the oil business expansion of the state enterprise. 
We no longer sell crude as before the US, and India and China have been two of the Venezuelan export destinations barrels. They are the second and third respectively, with a view to industrially develop two refineries in China ".
When asked about alliances and agreements Pdvsa has developed  in the months of 2017 and its effectiveness,  Mendoza Potellá  said ... 
"If they are not sufficient, they are necessary. 
It has become urgent,  amid the geopolitical climate,  diversification of sources , trade ties and suppliers linked to the Venezuelan oil industry. 
Especially if we take into account the deficit regarding the sale of crude to the US, the low prices have caused as a country have an entry of 100 million recently to 40 billion dollars in the last year. 
In addition industrial work 40% of extra - heavy crude extract is necessary, of which 40% is also linked to the  Orinoco Belt . "
Therefore,  Pdvsa has sought funding for the development of this kind of crude refers Mendoza Potellá under the Deep Conversion Project , in which different capitals are present. 
A point also shows that ... 
Venezuela is not isolated: 
It is one of the most important players in the energy world map  with the countries of OPEC and the BRICS, including Russia and China.
Confirms the recent financial measure of the Bolivarian Government announced by President Maduro to the ANC, with the implementation of a new basket of international payments which would include the Indian Rupi, the Russian ruble, the euro (if the EU did not support the US blockade the Venezuelan finance) and Chinese yuan. 
A measure that extends to geopolitics and geo - economics with the news that China, the largest importer of oil in the world, "is ready to launch futures contracts for oil in yuan with possible conversion into gold , "  said Sputnik Mundo , which would avoid the use of the dollar as financial transaction for these businesses globally.
Pdvsa responsibility  in that geopolitical and geoeconomic conflict with natural resources in the center of the dispute, together with the right balance in terms of international oil prices, has much to do. 
It is because the relevant actions and outlined in this special report, understood not as technical value of the industry but as a geopolitical asset.
Threats, interference and blockages  are the current resources of a US-European elite trying to collect for himself what Pdvsa sovereignly manages his successful foray in 2017 into a long - term alternative geoeconomic project. 
At this historic moment the Venezuelan state is attacked from all sides, take the appropriate decisions to develop local oil industry despite the circumstances and plays a heavy role in the global geo-economic plane. 
It is then understood the responsibility that comes as the main generator of the economy and the country's finances and to represent Venezuela in the great international concert.

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