
2 de septiembre de 2017

Who is funding jihadism?

This is one of the most studied chapters of terrorism, and on which more has been written. But a source of valuable information have been the roles of the US State Department, published by Wikileaks, which appeared during the electoral campaign for the presidency of that country.There appear figures confirm what has been suspected for some time. According to the Secretary of State Obama government (figure equivalent to Minister of Foreign Affairs) -the Mrs. Hillary Clinton, some of the most important sources of financing of jihadism have been the government of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, statement Secretary made with all emphasis, ruling that it was one of the princes of the royal houses that dominate such governments. The Mrs.

This relationship is widely known in international diplomacy and also in Spain, which has given rise to many complaints of the behavior of the Spanish Royal Family, for his well-known friendship and support to the royal houses of those countries, which are the governments that direct their states. An example of this is the argument used by the Catalan pro-independence political party, the CUP, in their opposition to the Spanish monarch presiding over the act of homage to the victims of the terrorist attack in Spain, considering improper relationship of the Spanish Monarchy the royal houses that govern those countries, an argument that has resonated strongly in Catalan society. I consider the position of the CUP consistent and understand the wide openness of this argument in Catalunya. However, there is a certain contradiction in such complaint (which I share) it seems to forget that many Catalan institutions are involved and intertwined with Qatar, which have not been reported; including no less than Futbol Club Barcelona, ​​which until recently was the biggest promoter through his shirt, the State of Qatar (which depended promoted the airline, Qatar Airways). In fact, rarely complaint to the club for their massive promotion of a state funded and continues to fund movements that include terrorist acts in its military strategy, as happened in Barcelona a few days ago (see my article on the club, "The Barça, more than a club "in the newspaper ARA). Actually Qatar,

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