
7 de octubre de 2017

Banc de Sabadell and "La Caixa" are suckerfish last ... FEM NET!

Please, do we want independence and still have our money in Santander and La Caixa? 
Or stick with Movistar and Endesa?

When you go to Germany you surprised to see banks and savings banks in every town with names you've ever read ... 
Normal, the German banking system was rescued and there are 431 Sparkasse (savings banks). When we hell out of Spain must create a Banco de Catalunya and return to the box model. And repudiate all those Spanish banks we just wanted the pasta. 
And the employees of banks that already find work in the new come , do not worry. Although in any case, are closing branches in Catalunya for 5 years is especially "La Caixa" ...

The fun will ensure that both CaixaBank and Sabadell suffer a boycott of Catalonia and Spain. Or do you believe that if we go will forgive their Catalan origin ...? 
The two entities will end up as the People: The Sabadell absorbed by the Santander and "la Caixa" merged with Bankia.

Macrobancos left alone those savings Catalans. 
And if they work in Catalonia they will pay under our regulatory and tax bank deposits Catalunya.

All that would be a drag to create the illusion of a clean state from top to bottom. We do not want a country to continue enriching the Airlift. Isidre Fainé and the company is going to live in Madrid, which already will see how well try ...

Adminsitración Council of CaixaBank:

Sabadell Bank:


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