
11 de octubre de 2017

Clean and protect your aura all negative energy, Transcends as Being of Light!

Why do I do the evil I do not want ?, why my being prevented from flowing Light that characterizes me? For now, why do I feel sad?  Do not suffer anymore these nightmares! Join me, and enjoy some techniques and tips I'll give you to cleanse your aura and protect them from all kinds of negative energy .Cleans and strengthened Aura equal to Being of Light!

Aura: Spiritual Light of Human Transcendence

20170617 willyhern39164 id127950 Aura Cleansing - Clean and protect your aura all negative energy, It transcends Being of Light!  -
If you are a Being of Light you are protected!
I invite you to  do the following exercise together , you get copious benefits, I assure you !

Let us begin. Close your eyes, imagine you're a lamp and you're giving off glare.Amid the observation in your mind of this light, ask yourself,  how can I radiate my light? ,  What are the limits of my glow will be? Dedicate time for exercise, answer honestly. Your answers keep them in your heart and in your mind, the need to make myself understood in relevant parts of the dialogue that we will sustain.

Our  universe is  full of energy  that interact with you and me, that is, with all beings of creation; Many of these energies are  powers and light generators , however, there are also dark  and darkness. Ask yourself, what kind of I radiate energy?  Go to exercise that previously did, and all rely.

Ideally, our  energy physical and spiritual system are closely linked with the operation , so there will be integrity, and your  Aura  and mine will remain clean , they will strengthen daily and protection shall be final. However, there are many experiences that keep us from this ideal. Come I teach you how itworks and why the ideal can walk away.

When you exist through frequencies related to love , compassion and faithfulness, your  energetic hygiene spiritual remain clean , your Aura will be flawless, but if, on the contrary, the experiences are related frequencies with fear , anger, anger, violence, do  you go dirt loading of spiritual energy , and need immediate cleaning.

Look at another example of our daily lives. You get your work Prendes television and watch the news. Unfortunately,  the vast majority of news shows images and themes of violence, incite to war and fight , the mere fact of narrating the violent story, and is an invitation to act. Think of the exercise we did, and contestate,  do you let drag so dark and gloomy experiences littering of your aura?

Now, according to your Aura, be your actions and feelings. If you are a Being of Light, you will radiate all around you the Light that you possess .According to experts, and spiritual energy sensitivity, your  Aura  and mine, they shine all around us, at least 1 meter away . Remember that we agreed that the answers to the questions of the exercise were going to keep in your heart and in your mind; Well, you remember them and ask yourself,  what are the limits of my glow will be?

Source of negative energy, If You're Being of Light you are protected!

20170617 willyhern39164 id127950 Being of Light - cleans and protects your Aura of all negative energy, It transcends Being of Light!  -
Cleans and strengthened Aura equal to Being of Light!

If during your day you are in constant contact with many people, your Aura  will be more prone to thoughts and energies that will stick to your astral body , and cause serious problems. Now, if you  think and feel dark experiences, your Aura will create a negative energy field . Just as your physical body is exposed to contracting viruses, diseases and germs, your astral body collects negative destructive energy.

Important let me understand that the negative energy that can be absorbed into a conversation or the environment  will be just you and the affecting your spiritual light, if there is instability in you in your electromagnetic field .You will see that if your energy field is balanced, negative energy externally attack you will have no impact on your Aura, nor will there be any exchange of energy.

Remember that  negative energy is created by fields of emotion, feelings and thoughts  of people you get involved or for yourself. Much careful about your experiences, your actions and thoughts!

The  emotions that can contaminate your Aura , lock your centers of consciousness, and slow to flow Being of Light you really are, are as follows:
 20170617 willyhern39164 id127950 AURA - cleans and protects your Aura of all negative energy, It transcends Being of Light!  -
Finally,  I invite you for your energy positively vibrate frequently, so you allow your physical body and energy system work correctly .

Techniques to cleanse your Aura and exist as Being of Light

20170617 willyhern39164 id127950 Clean and protect your aura - cleans and protects your Aura of all negative energy, It transcends Being of Light!  -
"The negative energy that can be absorbed into a conversation or the environment, will only come to you and be the affecting your spiritual light, if there is instability in you in your electromagnetic field"

Ideally, it would be  cleaned your Aura twice a day , morning and evening, just to get up and go to rest .

There are several techniques and tips to clean the Aura, today I will  introduce you to some of the most classic and important . I list them to continue.

Smoke Salvia

Salvia is a plant of the large family of Lamiaceae. Indigenous natives of North America, recognized this plant, highly purifying and healing properties . It is used to  cleanse the aura and energy of negative type . To do this ,  you must turn a bunch of dried Salvia, use your hands to direct the smoke over your head, your face, front and sides of your body, around your hands and arms under your feet and what you can reach your back.


With this preparation of aromatic plant resins, it is one of the oldest techniques used for energy cleaning. I invite you to  burn incense, avoid thinking anything, just appreciate its pleasant smell and angelic smell . With the smoke of these plants is purified and your Aura and the environment is clean.

Cold shower

If you bathe  in cold water, will remove negativity from your auric field , inaddition, you will improve circulation, you will eliminate harmful toxins, tone upand put highlight the rigidity of your body. If you do, you'll realize that your thoughts will be clearer, you'll feel like new, energetic and healthy. Fortifying the purification of your aura with this technique, we propose  to use an energy sweep around your body .   

crystal Labradorita

This crystal, also known as silicate glass is  capable of curing the tears in the auric field through leakage prevention . The Labradorita glass  slows drips or leaks energy, diverts unwanted forces of your Aura, achieving balance itcreates a barrier to attacks of negative energies, align your physical body with the spiritual, helping steer you on the right track by psychic signs and choosing the right moment to act . Ideally you bear it in bracelet, if you can not do, take it in your hands as at least 20 minutes . It is a remarkable cleanser of your Aura.


I invite to  you pick in your right hand a small branch of Ruda, and slips over your body for two minutes . By this practice, think positive and constructive intentions , could also be targets and goals you want to achieve.In the region of the stomach, right in the  solar plexus, do this exercise emphatically , you will feel immediately as your aura and your Being, they will be balanced. When finished,  strip branch and burn .

Sun and sea salt

Get the Sun, it will begin  to feed and expand your Aura also if you do walking in nature, it will be quite healthy for your mind, spirit and body. You Aura will be renewed completely! Grab  a handful of sea salt, and rub all over your body before showering . You will receive excellent benefits, will eliminate dead skin cells, toxins and bring forth your Aura will be refreshed. If you live near the sea, takes time and space to  swim under salt water . Sun feeds and expand your Aura, sea and sea salt, all those negative energies will be .

How you feel?  The invitation is for you to practice these tips, benefits for you, who are a Being of Light, will be excellent, your Aura will be cleaned thoroughly, protect her you return to initiate a stage of life with your Aura and spirit totally clean!

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor - in the great family of

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