
4 de octubre de 2017

Garzon believes that the King's speech fuels tension and confrontation

IU's general coordinator, Alberto Garzón, has criticized that the King has put "a fronton that fuels the tension" with a speech that "encourages the confrontation and distances a democratic and peaceful solution" in Catalonia.
Garzón, in a note to evaluate the message of the King, regrets that Felipe VI was advised by "his enemies" and that before a "serious crisis of State" has been "limited to replicate the speech of the corrupt president of the Government, Mariano Rajoy , whose position is absolutely unsustainable. "
Alberto Garzón

Alberto Garzón: "My opinion on the speech of the citizen Felipe de Borbón"

I just heard the speech of the citizen Felipe de Borbón. I will not deny that I expected a balanced and measured speech that could contribute to solving the conflict. 

I personally know the head of state. I have talked to him several times and I know he thinks things before he talks. 

Today, however, I fear he has been advised by his enemies. 

His speech has been lamentable, and his tone unfriendly and hostile. He has not lived up to the political moment. 

Instead of bridges, the head of state has put a fronton that feeds the tension and the conflict in both Spain and Catalonia.

We are going through a serious state crisis, and in Catalonia there is a political problem that has developed over many years. 

Millions of people have mobilized in Catalonia to demand a vote on their future. 

80% of Catalan society subscribes to this demand, even to vote NO to independence as we would the people of the United Left. These are facts that can not be ignored. 

But today the citizen Felipe de Borbón has not made a single mention to it. He has limited himself to replicate the speech of the corrupt President of the Government, Mr. Mariano Rajoy, whose position is absolutely unsustainable. 

No political problem of this nature can be solved by blows against thousands of peaceful people. 

No political problem can be solved only with judges or police. Only dialogue and understanding is the way.

However, the Head of State has not once spoken the word dialogue. Nor has he said anything about the more than 800 injured on October 1. 

Much less on the immense peaceful mobilization of October 3, or all precedents. 


It has made the worst decision of all at the moment: to ignore the existence of a political conflict by believing that it is a simple problem of public order. 

It has been enrocado and, wrapping itself in a Constitution that no longer represents the whole society, has been in the first line of the reactionary bloc. 

Irresponsible attitude that, it is necessary to insist, has been accompanied by a bronco and undesirable tone for these moments.

Today's discourse encourages confrontation and avoids a democratic and peaceful solution that 

others and others will continue to defend with all our strength.Citizen Felipe de Borbón is preparing the ground for a harsh intervention against Catalonia by the most corrupt government in the whole European Union. When will you understand that that will not solve anything at all?

The monarchy is an anachronistic institution. And if it is not part of the solution, it is part of the problem. 

Those of us who want a responsible and negotiated solution are not represented in the words and attitude of the current Head of State. 

And today, with more arguments than ever, we say: 

      Long live the Republic!

Alberto Garzón

October 3, 2017

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