
18 de octubre de 2017


The INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) is studying the introduction of Universal Basic Income. 

People who do not have enough money to meet their survival costs or are not enough will receive money for it, called Universal Basic Income. 

This money is not free has added conditions and serves to avoid popular revolts in countries where the population is impoverished by leaps and bounds even working with ridiculous payrolls.

The universal profit is an invention of a group of bankers, businessmen, politicians, judges, prosecutors, lawyers and unscrupulous kings, is 1% of the entire population of the planet, 99% of the money circulating around the world is in his hands and is known as elite depending on the sectors he covers has a different name for each thing: 


his organization chart is composed of big businessmen, European royal house and bankers, meet every year in a different place apart from cameras and publicity, until recently their meetings were secret in them are debated that policies and business rules have to be put in the states for their own benefit. 


This association governs politicians, there is a rule obey my mandates or you will be nobody in politics. Its tentacles are located in all countries and regions of the earth. 


It is an organization with hidden motives organize human sacrifices and those who try to leave make life impossible or slightly kill them without a trace. 
FAMILY ILLUMINATI: Wiliam Rockefeller Clinton, known as Bill Clinton, Angela Rockefeller Merkel, George Bush, George W. Bush, Will Smith, Jose Luis Rodrigyez Zapatero, Felipe Gonzalez, Felipe de Borbón (Felipe VI) 

JESUITAS: religious organization that controls all the records of the planet by means of notaries, bank accounts, property records ...

As you can see all this organization is very well designed to have control of humanity. 

There is another way to get the money and not to spend hardships, it is called GESARA, in the USA. NESARA. 

NESARA is the original law that gave way to the US Constitution. in 1862 
lasted five years for another that benefited to the companies instead of being the citizens, at the moment it is in force.

NESARA reinstates the original constitution, gives power to the people, basic products such as electricity, water, housing, education and health, free of charge, taxes for citizens disappear, debts with banks, mortgages and credits, besides being illegitimate completely eliminate, stock markets disappear, eliminate sales of shares outside the company, banks and companies that work for the full are removed from the market, bank accounts are respected, confiscated money will be distributed to all humanity except to those who are part of the elite. 

The distribution will be as follows: 

$ 100,000 each for collateral damage 

$ 10,000,000 to each inhabitant of the planet divided by 96 monthly payments.

prices will fall by 90% when taxes disappear and a fixed quota of 14% will be created for new non-basic products for survival that the state will collect from companies. Second-hand products can not be taxed. 


will work from 2 to 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, many jobs will change, others will disappear and new ones will be created, health will change with new forms of healing, laboratories will disappear, lace will be personal and not generic. 


Your fuel will be unknown to us and non-polluting the fossil fuel will disappear, the vehicle will be antigravity. 


Small floors are eliminated and electricity will never go to private hands, water will be clean and free, as light, water is a natural non-negotiable private profit. 


Judges, prosecutors, lawyers, politicians, businessmen, bankers, policemen who have collaborated with the cabal will be removed from public life and replaced by others, the police will stop serving the capital to follow the real criminals. There will be no defaults for defaults. 

Do you understand why they want to impose universal basic income? so that you do not have that life that you have always wanted and not lose the control they have over humanity

© misteri1963 Non-Profit Organization authorizes the disclosure of this article provided that the copyright is respected

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