
15 de octubre de 2017

Monsanto / Bayer and its global dominance

Monsanto / Bayer and its World Dominion against FOOD SOVEREIGNTY of PEOPLES

In this regard the mega-empire made up of Monsanto and Bayer is currently one of the most solid but at the same time highly dangerous and damaging business in the world. 
Could it be that Bayer and Monsanto want to reduce the world population and that is rather their goal for 2050?
"Future wars will be by resources." 
This phrase that is shared by millions of people in the world and rejected by "apocalyptic" by a few powerful governments, is increasingly a reality. 
Indeed, the tentacles of large multinationals have settled on ... 
water supplies, the purchase of vast tracts of land and, above all, in numerous and costly investigations aimed at the accelerated production of food, on the pretext of covering the demand of the world population which, according to estimates, could amount to 9 billion in 2050.
In this regard the mega-empire made up of Monsanto and Bayer is currently one of the most solid but at the same time highly dangerous and damaging business in the world. 
Let's see why.
The German group that bought the US multinational at $ 66 billion in September 2016 hopes to become the world's largest agricultural product monopoly 
According to its global trade vice president , in the next four years the group will spend more than 16 billion dollars on "innovation and development".
This is of course a euphemism under which the true intentions of the powerful economic group are hidden: 
becoming the sole ownerof food production, criminalizing alternative forms as "unprofitable" models. 
Through this alliance, the food giant aims to consolidate a legal-economic-police framework that undermines food sovereignty and the right of peoples to define their agrarian policy.
It should not be forgotten that the chemical weapon used in the Vietnam Warknown as "Agent Orange"was produced by Monsanto. 
By its action, more than 400 thousand people diedand 500 thousand children were born with malformations.
In addition, several studies conducted by prestigious universities in the United States have shown that the aspartame (non-caloric sweetener) and saccharin produced by Monsanto cause different types of cancer . 
Similarly, the bovine growth hormone developed in the laboratories of that multinational is related to breast, colon and prostate cancer, which is why it has been banned in countries such as Canada, Australia, Japan, Israel and Argentina.
Herbicides, genetically modified crops, and Terminator seeds (which have rendered extensive sterile land) are other Monsanto inventions that have been catastrophic for much of the world's population who are coerced into buying their poisoned products.
According to scientific studies glyphosate agrochemicals developed by Monsanto can be the cause of more than 25 diseases. 
In addition to the various types of cancer mentioned above, the action of chemists has caused Alzheimer's, autism, genetic malformations, chronic kidney disease, colitis, hypothyroidism, liver disease, among others.
Notwithstanding the health risks that have been supported by studies of various kinds (eg, Toxicology, 2009), the US multinational has come out well because of the large amounts of money they spend on misleading advertising and lawyers. 
Despite allegations and even convictions against Monsanto, its power still poses a threat to food diversity and autonomy.
Although the US company's investments are now focused on food products, in its more than 110 years of history, have been responsible for serious environmental and public health problems. 
For example, the production of polystyrene, one of the most polluting chemical elements on the planet, continues to occur despite criticism. 
The Monsanto group is also related to the investigations that triggered the purification of plutonium for the production of the atomic bomb. 
Research on food production and distribution began in the 1950s. 
One of the multinational's catastrophic inventions was oil fertilizers , whose agents killed beneficial soil microorganisms , rendering the soil infertile.
In this way, it is verified that the actions of the North American company have been harmful for the world population. Most troubling is that the economic emporium has received the backing of the White House.
In fact, President Donald Trump has initiated talks with Bayer / Monsanto to create favorable conditions for investment in the United States.
With a figure that exceeds $ 8 billion, the food monopoly hopes to ensure its hegemonic presence in the country after some financial reversals due to the multiple lawsuits against it. 
What is worrying about this is that the Trump administration has openly declared itself in opposition to those who regard climate change as a serious problem. 
This is undoubtedly a ground for multinationals whose interest is productivity over damage that can be caused to the environment. 
The magnate-president is a representative of that worldview where money is the most important.
Without any legal impediment, the   Bayer / Monsanto group  will continue to poison the world despite warnings from environmental groups. 
The modus operandi of this monopoly is the production of seeds that can only germinate with certain chemicals. 
If peasants try to save seeds for later planting, in order to improve the species, this action is framed within the crimes of intellectual property. 
Thus, the peasants are forced to throw part of their crops because some legislation imposes even penalties depriving them of freedom. 
This type of legal framework has shielded the North American giant that will now be much stronger with the investment of the Bayergroup 
According to some estimates , 90% of corn distributed in the United States is transgenic and owned by Monsanto .
One of the most visible consequences of the actions of these multinationals is the indebtedness of the peasants with the purchase of all the products. 
According to the in-depth research of Vandana Shiva, an Indian-born activist and philosopher, the peasantry in his country to pay off debtsimposed by these powerful groups have had to sell their kidneys or even commit suicide. 
The author calls this phenomenon as the economy of death in which, because of monopolistic land relations and agreements reached with corrupt politicians, millions of peasants have lost their land and others have been immersed in predatory logic. 
This fact seems to confirm the tendency of the economy to form monopolies very much in the style of imperialism that consumes everything and everything turns it into business, even the most vital of life: water and food.
Some voices have been raised against Monsanto and Bayer so it is hoped to gather sufficient evidence to demonstrate their systematic violations of human and environmental rights. 
The International Monsanto Tribunal is a civil society initiative of many countries that claim to hold this group liable for damages caused for more than a century. 
The Tribunal brought the case before the International Criminal Court, whose pronouncement is expected in the spring of 2017.
This ruling constitutes an unprecedented historic moment in which multinationals are expected to pay for the atrocities committed.
One of the testimonies collected was a study carried out in Argentina, specifically in the province of Santa Fe, which resulted in the tendency of the inhabitants to suffer from different types of cancer. 
Professor Damián Verzeñassi, leader of the project has been persecuted for the disclosure of his conclusions that seem to be added to another series of similar studies.
The dark powers of Monsanto and Bayer have silenced dissenting voices as their sole purpose is to have full control over global food production in a few years. 
Everything seems to indicate that the main ambition of megacorporación is that because the strong investments in "investigation" are accompanied by the purchase of enormous extensions of land for the sowing of monocultivos.
Poverty, desolation, death and inequality, that seems to be the legacy of Monsanto in more than a century of history. 
The merger with another company that has been responsible for producing irreversible diseases, is a sample of the economic ambitions of a small group of people. 
The support that will receive this emporium from the hands of President Trump, hints at a future nothing encouraging since food will definitely become a business. 
Peasants who wisely repeat "bills can not eat" are increasingly cornered by a system whose main motivation is to bring them to the brink of despair. 
Could it be that Bayer and Monsanto want to reduce the world population and that is rather their goal for 2050?

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