Lynn: Let's welcome all our interview on October 10, 2017. Welcome back Cobra.
COBRA: thank you very much for your invitation. It is one of the best opportunities now to continue our interviews.
Lynn: I'll let Aaron start with our first question.
Aaron: Hello Cobra is always good to hear from you. We'll start with the first question. This is an interesting question. He has been out much in the news. It is one of the biggest events. This is the Las Vegas shooting happened about 10 days ago. We begin with a spectator, and losu question, and then we'll go to specific points. This is one of the complicated issues.
There is much information on the internet and YouTube. I just want to hear your comments. The question begins:  October 1 just experienced an event of mass shooting / false flag in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was reported that 58 people died. Is there someone "bigger" behind this attack?
COBRA: Basically, it is one of the many attacks engineered by the Cabal that generate more fear and panic. This is one of the objectives and will add the opinion of Benjamin Fulford: this was designed to promote more crowd control, more security and security firms expected to make money with this. This was the other problem behind it.
Aaron: So, referring to Steven Paddock, ask: It has been alleged to be the shooter. There are various opinions, whether it is or not. The interrogator asked: Who trained them? That might not be a valid question assuming he is the shooter.
COBRA: they are simply various aspects of the Cabal that can simply hire such people and are trained well enough in advance, so it is a small operation for them, nothing very complicated.
Aaron: also is said to be an arms dealer.
COBRA: Actually, there were many shooters, not just a shooter, so we have some people here involved in this situation.
Aaron: Would you say that Steven Paddock is a "scapegoat" who took the blame ?. Always kill the alleged shooter and the media want to leave it as unique.
COBRA: Yes, exactly, exactly, yeah.
Aaron: And now everyone has a  smartphone  and have left many recordings. You can hear automatic fire away in the distance and then people at Mandalay Bay can hear very strong about the same time and it was not an echo. You said that there were several shooters.
Aaron: is said on the 34th floor, on the 12th floor of the fourth floor and in the crowd. People who were fleeing the shooters at Mandalay Bay received a shot from the front. Well, that proves too. I would say that there were also some actors crisis there.
COBRA: What kind of crisis.
Aaron: Well, you know that there were real guns and real bullets and real shooters (Yes, yes, yes) the real people they were hurting obvious but there were actors.
COBRA: Oh, yes, actors, yes, it is a combined situation. There were real victims, real shooters and royal blood and there were actors to inflate the number of victims to inflate the event to create more fear, creating more panic, create ... Actually, one of the things they wanted to create is that all the alternative community endlessly analyze what happened, how it happened, why it happened. It is actually a great distraction. It is counterproductive to spend too much time analyzing this because it is only one of many attacks occurring and in fact would give a perspective: every day chemotherapy kills more people every day in clinics around the United States and around the world and nobody seems care.
Aaron: Right.
COBRA: And the Cabal is killing people with chemotherapy and other drugs daily without anyone noticing, and this is much bigger than what happened in Las Vegas.
Aaron: Right. Chemotherapy has been condoned. It's okay because it's one of the approved therapies.
COBRA: Yes, but if you see what happens all the time, you can put things in perspective.
Aaron: So the 58 people who supposedly died, that amount could be less, or more than 500 injured victims could be much less really?
COBRA: according to my sources, is is less, yes.
Aaron: Is it less? Agree.
COBR: But there are also aspects of the situation. People are trampled by panic in the crowd and that's something to be taken into consideration.
Aaron: Are you hurt but not by bullets?
COBRA: Many of them, especially those who were not mortally wounded, had been trampled and this was a crowd, actually one of the aspects of plans, one of their plans, the Cabal, was to create panic in the crowd.
Aaron: I would like to be something of an experiment for them to see how well they go?
Aaron: Interesting. Yes, we could go on and on with this, but we should probably move on to the next question, but as you said, is very distracting. Cobra Thank you for that answer.
Lynn: Cobra OK, now let's look at Saudi Arabia: Women are now allowed to drive it in the oppressive authoritarian country of Saudi Arabia, which adheres to Shariah law. It is the first time in well, all this time. Saudi Arabia is a country where women have to cover their faces with black draperies; where they can not walk on the same pavement as men; where adults are obliged to obey their male guardians, her husband, her father, her brother; where women must obtain permission to travel and get a note from her husband for medical care because Saudi law codifies the lack of ability of women to make decisions for themselves. In addition, Saudi Arabia is a country where women can be stoned to death (be) violated, but there is no punishment for the rapist, and also allows a father to kill his daughter if the daughter dishonors. Yes, this is the law of Shari'ah at its best. But Cobra, how the hell is a country with so much wealth, as the reverse? This sounds as if they had come out of the Stone Age, perhaps 50,000 years ago! Can you comment on this Cobra?
COBRA: Actually, there are many countries that are still in medieval times if we talk about the development of society and many of these countries are quite rich. Wealth does not mean ... it can not be equated with the state of development of society. It simply means that in Saudi Arabia, the ruling Cabal is simply more powerful and can suppress more. So this is the kind of society we have created. (OK thanks)
Aaron: Next Question: Much has been said that the coins dead back to life again. History and common sense tell us that when a coin is inflated to the point where the toilet paper is worth more, the currency is practically dead. But now, the bill Zim 100 trillions of dollars being sold on eBay for between 1 and 70 dollars as collectible. And, at this time, Zimbabwe's central bank will buy 100 note trillions by 40 cents. I understand that those who have collected many of these hyperinflated coins are selling and pushing the idea that, magically, come to life and everyone will be rich. This includes the Vietnamese dong and the Iraqi dinar. Could you comment on this Cobra?
COBRA: Actually, I've talked about this many times before. People who expect a drastic wealth of trade in these currencies are wrong. This will not happen. Actually, if you have a situation of hyperinflation what happens is that the country can devalue the currency and remove three zeros or six zeros or 10 zeros, issue a new Zimbabwe dollar, for example, linked to the US dollar And all the old money suddenly worth less. Maybe now worth 40 cents and then maybe worth 20 cents. Therefore, it is very risky to operate on coins in spiral hyperinflation. Those kinds of bank notes are really interesting for collectors, but other than that, I see no reason why someone should collect a lot of these bank notes.
Aaron: So if a country decides to make its own currency, like I guess Zimbabwe uses the US dollar, but if they decide to use their own currency would print a new ticket. That's right?
COBRA: Basically, what happens in these situations is usually that the country issues a new bank note changes its currency, eliminates certain amount of zero and the central bank may, at some point, change the old currency but at a pace very low (about 40 cents), so this is what will probably happen. This is one of the possibilities. (OK, thanks for the reply)
Lynn: It has been established that the actual cost of illegal immigration in the United States is $ 135 billion a year for US citizens. And for the "Dreamers", children who were brought here when they were young, it will be especially difficult for adults to be deported Mexico or any other country you came. If Dreamers stay here, this has a snowball effect, because eventually all their families and friends migrate here to the United States as well. The United States can not support the massive influx of unskilled workers who migrate to this country. There is only a limited number of households needing gardeners, janitors and maids. Can you comment on this Cobra?
COBRA: Basically, this type of situation can only be resolved with the event when there is equality among all nations and all parts of the human population. The reason why people escape from other countries and enter the United States is because in their own countries are struggling to survive or to create a happy life. That's why they migrate, and people continue to migrate until this balance is addressed in one way or another. So there is a policy that can solve this without addressing the basic inequality that exists on this planet. (I agree thank you)
Aaron: The cities of shrines are another issue that deals with the problem of immigration. I know it's called tough on Democrats support the "hand outs" and welfare programs, and, of course, if undocumented immigrants have voting privileges with Obama Free Care, which is what has been happening, immigrants will vote for all Democrats and free stuff on the way. And Trump wants to end all this and bring the money to Americans, not to migrants. Can you comment on this Cobra?
COBRA: Ok, this is only 2 sides of the same coin. Again, this will not be resolved before tackling the basic inequality. You can not solve a level polarized between Democrats and Republicans. (OK thanks)
Lynn:  Cobra, as usual, the media still call Trump ban in countries hit by terror, "A Muslim prohibition". This misnomer is typical of the media, always wrings words and does nothing to hit Trump. 8 prohibited countries are Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen. This seems logical, since these countries are terrorists and we must be cautious.  Can you comment on this question Cobra?
COBRA: Basically terrorism is a creation of the Cabal and Cabal has one of its main bases in the United States, so I would not worry so people who come from the named countries because "Terrorists are already everywhere ". (Yes, sure we've seen that, thanks)
Aaron: The Ken Burns PBS documentary "Vietnam" has been issued recently, was very revealing. This shed light on the fact that Vietnam was a French territory, occupied by French and Japanese. France was our ally and former enemy Japan. South Vietnamese hated both the French and the Japanese. Ho Chi Minh started a revolution and wanted our help to free the people of South Vietnam. Add to communist North Vietnamese to the mix, and has a very complex problem of control and desire for freedom. United States was in an awkward position. I know this is an oversimplification, but Cobra can comment on this overall situation of Vietnam in the 60s and 70s.
COBRA: Basically, I just simplify and :. The Cabal wanted to have another war and had another war, that's all. There are always local complexities that can be used abusively to create an excuse for another war and this is what happened with Viet Nam as well. (Agree)
Lynn: John McCain was a fighter pilot in Vietnam, and was shot down, captured and almost died. In the documentary, it sounded like a true patriot. But now in Congress, McCain is a filibuster against the Trump administration. What happened to John McCain, Cobra?
COBRA: A mentally controlled by the Illuminati network and that explains all his behavior slave. (Wow, yes)
Aaron: Julian Assange in an interview with Dana Rohrabacher, has evidence that no election meddling between Russia and the United States. We know this is true, but what about turning a Assange a criminal because he was only a journalist and reporter for the truth? Please comment.
COBRA: I have no comment. (agree)
Lynn: Robert Mueller, in an effort to pursue Trump by firing the FBI director James Comey, was the target of the ex-advisor of the White House Roger Stone and Judge Andrew Napolitano, to be fired by Trump, Trump has all the right and authority. Since this whole FBI has been a witch hunt from the start against Trump, it would be great to see Mueller go along with the rest of the swamp creatures that need to be eliminated. Do you have any comments about this Cobra?
COBRA: I would say that this whole line of questioning comes from someone who is polarized with Trump and antidemocratic. I'd say both sides and the whole situation has been designed to create exactly that kind of polarization within American society. And I would say that none of these parties are good and some are bad. Is not true. Cabal has basically infiltration in both parties and indeed the Cabal at the top, the Jesuits and the other principal members of the Cabal are manipulating political parties and both parties to create exactly that kind of division. (OK thanks)
Aaron: This is probably the same:  the Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been shuffled into processing and bring to justice those who have been violating the law so flagrantly.  Ever more comments Cobra?
COBRA: Again, I would say the same comment again. (OK thanks)
Lynn:  With regard to the traitors, it was discovered that the most important Republicans deliberately tried to sabotage the election of Trump, Trump as well as administration. These include, but are not limited to: Paul Ryan, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham and John McCain.  Any comments here Cobra?
COBR: Yes, this is, I would say that this is true and this is what happened, yes. (OK thanks)
Aaron: This is a good example: our new rocket man, Kim Jong-un, as Trump calls it, has been moving their common problems. I'm not worried about a nuclear exchange between North Korea and the US. UU., But others are not so confident. I think there are safeguards in place that will prevent things from getting out of control. Cobra, can you make sure the rest of us that everything will be fine so far of the Third World War?
COBRA: With respect to North Korea, there will be a massive scale nuclear exchange. This will not happen. There will be the usual tension between Trump and Korean leaders because the Cabal needs that tension to create fear, to keep everyone in that state of tension. They need this especially at the level of plasma to maintain the tension in the plane of plasma to keep humanity enslaved.
Aaron: Besides that, I think Fulford said something about "we bomb North Korea just to let them know that we will not tolerate any of his experiments with rockets". That was true?
COBRA: Actually ... actually yes, there was a small nuclear bomb that was detonated below the surface in North Korea without any casualties and was supposed to be a warning, but North Korea did not receive this as a warning.
Aaron: According to Fulford says they are not doing more tests.
COBRA: more testing planned. This game is expected to continue for some time. (Oh good). But again I would not worry about this situation. (OK thanks)
Lynn: By continuing classification leaders and other prominent people, we have some people more than we would like evaluases as the evil goes Cobra (OK).
Aaron: once again, to control the degree of evil that have certain prominent people in the world, could give us, in his view, a rating from one to ten scales, one being a good person and ten being the epitome of evil . Starting with the first person to qualify:
1. How would you rate Henry Kissinger? Pure 10 (Wow, did not expect that)
2. How would you rate Dick Cheney? pure 10
3. How would you rate Donald Rumsfeld? 9
4. How would you assess George HW Bush Senior? Father Bush-10 (wow)
5. What is George W Bush level Junior? 8 (OK)
6. How would you rate Barack Obama? Barack Obama, 5 (so it is almost a good guy)
7. How would you assess Vladimir Putin? 2-3 would say (OK)
8. How would you rate Angela Merkel? 8 (wow, thanks Cobra)
Lynn: Can we assume that all these people are really alive or that one of them has been replaced by clones?
COBRA: all are alive, yes. (Thank you)
Lynn: The Cabal War climate on the islands south of Florida and around the world has created confusion, devastation, death and more refugees. Can you talk about some of the major climatic anomalies and what negative faction deliberately manipulated the climate?
COBRA: Basically, this was an agreement between various factions of the Cabal because increasingly realize that their time is over and are doing what they can to stop the process of planetary liberation, and so they try.
Lynn: Are different countries or different factions cause the most damage?
COBRA: They are basically factions. It is not divided country because all major factions of the Cabal are everywhere on the planet.
Lynn: How much of what is happening is natural and that both Cabal still have access to technology that is making things worse?
COBRA: basically what is happening is that the planet is reacting to the increased energies of the galactic center and then the Cabal misuses of existing storms and try to direct them to where they can do a lot of damage and where they can ... for example, they did in Puerto Rico recently.
Aaron: Next question: A European trust Rothschild 250 years used to blackmail, making donations for political favors (often for the Bushes and Clintons), bribery and crime coverage. From Wednesday 27 September, this trust was confiscated and is no longer available to them. Do your comments Cobra?
COBRA: OK. I do not think it has been confiscated and no longer available to them. Where does this information? (I do not know) So I do not think this, according to this, still works perfectly and running.
Aaron: You still have a lot of wealth to use as they wish?
COBRA: still have enough wealth to continue what they want. (OK thanks)
Lynn: Catalan officials say 90 percent of people voted "yes" to independence from Spain in the referendum banned by the central government in this country. The only Catalan leader said the region "earned the right" to their own state ".
We know that Catalonia is a major economic engine for Spain. Can you talk about these elections in Spain and why the Spanish government wanted to suppress this choice?
COBRA: Basically, the Spanish government wanted to abolish elections and one of the main reasons why you just answer is because it is the source of a large percentage of wealth for the Spanish central government. And part of European policy ... Actually, the Cabal wants Catalonia to remain under Spanish rule. I would say that many Catalans wanted to break free of this agreement and do not yet know how it will develop all this because the arresting forces are still quite strong and this referendum was conducted under various stressful conditions, note that most Catalans he voted, so its referendum does not reflect the will of the majority of Catalans. So here too we must be careful how we interpret this.
Lynn: And at this point believe this independence movement is a positive movement, and that light has prescencia there?
COBRA: Yes, it is positive if done the right way. If guided in the right way from now, you can become very positive. (OK thanks)
In updating Cobra September 5 on the effects of Meditation Solar Eclipse, he said it is still important for us to continue to strengthen the power grid of New Atlantis on the planet with rocks and meditations Cintamani.
[Prepare for Change has begun a new project to strengthen the network of New Atlantis Cintamani stone in areas where more needed Cintamani stones. If you live in Africa or you can travel there, or if you live in or near an area that you think is a place where we need to anchor more light, send an email to ]
Aaron: I heard that Britain would not leave the EU after all, since they have to pay an astronomical fee if they leave? Cobra Is this true?
COBRA: This is simply a part of negotiating tactics. You'll hear different stories polarized about this in the coming months because they are trying, both sides try to make everything possible in this situation.
Aaron: Why the people voted and want to leave the EU, at least those who voted, the majority?
COBRA: Yes, it's true. (OK thanks)
Lynn: At a recent meeting of the United Nations an ultimatum after threats of Rothschild, that unless the UN members install them as drivers came, they unleash a germ warfare, genocide worldwide. The deadline of the ultimatum was the Monday, September 25, when they should deliver all governments and all other funding agencies promised. The deadline passed with no response from the Rothschilds and Tuesday morning the consequences of policy actions were launched. Removing any associated person, working or is associated in any way with the Rothschilds now being phased out, as well as the Rothschilds. 78 countries have launched raids. 1100 were dismissed government officials and about 600 arrested and some are no longer with us. This process is ongoing and will not stop until it is completed. Does this help the RM (Resistance Movement) to move? Do you have comments on this statement Cobra?
COBRA: Yes, I can not completely confirm that this statement is true.
Lynn: So you do not see those kinds of numbers, or do not think this is true at all.
COBRA: I do not see those kinds of numbers. The real numbers are much, much, much, much lower. Certain things that are mentioned here are not happening the way they are showing up, so I can not accept this claim. (OK, thanks Cobra)
Aaron: We have a new theme. It's called: GLOWING SPIRAL OVER RUSSIA 
On September 26, there was a bright spiral on Russia. Can you tell us more about this?
COBRA: this was simply testing a scalar weapon.
Aaron: The ET estuvierton involved in this?
What does this anyway?
COBRA. It was simply a test of a scalar weapon, that's all. (OK, thanks Cobra)
Lynn. When we replicators, you still will have value art and handmade products?
COBRA: The truth is yes. Replicators replicate everyday objects, but the real art is something that can not be replicated in the same way as the original. Yes there will be copies made with replicators, which will be stamped with a signature as such so you know that the original was not made by the replicator. (I see)
Lynn: This person goes on to ask: Was it easy to copy a work of art?
COBRA: Yes, but again all replicators will have some protection mechanism since each piece of art has a unique energy signature that can not be easily replicated. (Which make artists happy. Thank Cobra)
Aaron: The next question is regarding updates, most in North Korea: Cobra, we can update you in North Korea? Is there anything light workers can do about the problem of North Korea?
COBRA: Yes, of course you can always meditate and these meditations help calm the situation.
Aaron: Is this the same next solution of MRI?
COBRA: Yes, of course, when the event occurs all this will be solved everything. (OK thanks)
Lynn: Cobra, please briefly describe the agreements between the light and dark forces that are still being respected and complied with by the forces of light.
COBRA: I would not say are agreements, I would say that there is a dynamic balance of who does what. Light forces certain lines do not intersect and are not dark forces across certain lines. The forces of light do direct physical contact with the surface populations. And the dark forces are not unleashing massive genocides on the planet. These are the two polarities that we have at this time. (I see)
Aaron: Cobra, can give us an update on the Yaldaboath, Black Stone and toplet bombs?
COBRA: The black stone has been completely eliminated. Yaldabaoth is losing much of its power, but there are other entities that are also stirring. And toplet pumps are being phased out, as we speak. (all right)
Lynn: Why is a feeling that things have slowed appears. Is this true or am I too eager?
COBRA: It's just a psychological response to the situation where nothing changes as fast as we would like so this is a normal reaction. It is not an objective assessment. It is simply: Things are taking too long, but they are taking too long already for quite a long time. It is not a new development, it is something that is happening in progress (yes)
Lynn: I know you do not like quantitative questions but it seems that we are in a place where we are making progress, but it's uplifting when you give us a number or percentage that indicates that we are in a better place. This person is thinking the same thing and I am too. Sorry Cobra.
COBRA: OK, I do not like to share just because we are not the only ones who hear this and especially when critical operations forces of Light that take place. And we have many of such critical operations taking place this year. It is unwise to give a lot of Intel and this is one of the reasons why my updates are shorter because I can not say much without compromising critical operations at this time. (I understand. I hope everyone else)
COBRA: Yes, yes.
Aaron: When the event occurs will be sure to be out or be changes in the earth at that time?
COBRA: Is it safe to be out. There will be no drastic changes in the earth at that point. (Ah, well, thank you)
Lynn: Cobra, when the arrival of the soul in the womb occurs or during birth?
COBRA: In most cases occurs between 2 and 3 I'd month up to 6 or 7 months. In rare cases it occurs before and rarely occurs later. I'll give you a rough guide to get an idea of ​​this.
Lynn: So between 2-4 months.
COBRA: I would say between 2-6 months. (OK thanks)
Aaron: The next question: The Central Race, finished becoming highly evolved, under the manipulation of the Archons? It could give us your thoughts Cobra?
COBRA: The Central Race had its completely independent development of the Archons. (OK thanks)
Lynn: You said that "until November 11, 2011, all lines of negative consequences for the planet Earth and time have collapsed and the positive future of the planet is a reality." There will also be alternative land. Therefore, a bright future for the planet's true ... and most of the planet's inhabitants. It is this also true for parallel earth? Are there parallel lands? "Cobra, do you understand?
COBRA - Yes, I understand, but the answer is no.
Lynn - But still agree with the principle.
COBRA - Yes, yes, I agree with what I said then. Yes.
Lynn - What is the difference between earth and parallel timelines?
Cobra: The timelines are simply possible futures. Parallel earth is a concept that some people are using when they try to explain what is happening. (OK thanks)
Aaron: What are the exact steps or protocols that raise our vibration enough to change the physiology of our body?
COBRA: Ascension protocols exist that connect with activation light body and then you can and should change at some point the body's physiology.
Aaron: They made a comment, Bio-kinesis?
COBRA: No, no, no, no.
Aaron: And say: Are these the same changes that can go forward as regrow our bones and even change the color of our eyes?
COBRA: I would say at one point that may be the end result, but we're not there yet. (OK thanks)
Lynn: Cobra, what is your feeling that we are able to re-create the 24 strands of DNA.
COBRA: I would not agree with 24 strands of DNA. It's just another New Age concept that has been introduced. (OK thanks)
Aaron: Is it true or not true?
COBRA: Again, it is simply a new era concept that has been introduced to the surface population.
Aaron: I would like to elaborate a little on that. Our DNA has 2 strands.
COBRA: Yes, DNA has 2 strands.
Aaron: I do not see how you can go from 2 to 12 or 24.
COBRA: Exactly, our physical DNA is not going to 12 or 24.
Aaron: It is what it is. We've been hearing for years. I guess it's just another rumor or myth.
COBRA: It is ortho concept of the  New Age  that has been introduced and I would say that everyone has to use common sense in reading books or Internet articles or anything that has been introduced through alternative means.
Aaron: I had a hard time buying that first time I heard. I'm glad you clarified that.
COBRA: Yes. Basically we have 12 strands of DNA in the etheric plane, but not on the physical plane.
Aaron: Ah, that makes all the difference.
COBRA: It's a different story, yes.
Lynn: Let's move on to the next question: Although there is plenty of information online about how to astral project, it is wise to astral project?
COBRA: It's a good idea if you know what you are doing. Not convenient if you are exploring different dimensions of curiosity.
Lynn: OK. This person will say: Can we trust the experiences of astral projection?
COBRA: I would say that many things are possible when we project astrally so it is not always safe. (AGREE)
Lynn: So if a person wants to do that, we must ask for guidance in the beginning. How you can discern whether it is safe or not.
COBRA: I would rather recommend not to. If you're wondering what kind of questions do, maybe it's better not to. (OK, well, thank you)
Aaron: What does "monadic extension" in relation to human behavior and our current state of human consciousness of slavery?
COBRA: I would have to know what you mean, by extension, monadic. Since the monadic extensions is a term used in different ways by different people.
Aaron: I have in quotes, but do not know what that means either. AGREE.
Lynn: Can you comment on the idea that there are several versions of our existing themselves at the same time.
COBRA: In a way yes, because there is a higher being, a real being and is not an extension of that in the physical body in our physical incarnation.
Lynn: Are these versions in parallel realities or dimensions or timelines?
COBRA: I have already answered this question. (OK. OK Aaron)
Aaron: Is it true that a large proportion of the human population has already been cloned?
COBRA: No, it's not true. (agree)
Aaron: That there are "copies" of people walking around the planet being used by the programs of mind control?
COBRA: In most cases it is not true. (OK, that's good to know)
Aaron: And please comment on this. What percentage of the population can be cloned at this time?
COBRA: A very, very small percentage.
Aaron: Is not it a bit tricky to clone a person ?. They still have to go through the years ...
COBRA: You can clone the body, but can not clone the soul so it still would not be able to completely replicate a human being.
Aaron: In addition there are environmental factors as they grow.
COBRA: There are many factors involved, also environmental factors. (Thanks Cobra)
Lynn: Is it possible to put the soul of a person in a clone.
COBRA: Yes, of course.
Lynn: So that person would have to die then, right?
COBRA: If you want Yes, a clone is just a copy of the physical body of a then of course you can put a person into that or else carry it out. (HMMM)
Aaron: How long it takes to grow a clone.
COBRA: A clone can be grown quite fast, even in a few months with very advanced technologies. (Wow)
Lynn: Is it true that "the speed of the planet's orbit" is of 66.600 mph?
COBRA: Always measure velocity related to something. So speed is always relative. It is necessary to define the speed of the world, in relation to what?
Lynn: This person says that the "curvature is one square mile," is .666 feet? and "The inclination of the axis" is 66.6 degrees?
COBRA: That story is not true.
Lynn: What is the esoteric and hidden meaning of this interesting number of planetary dimensions in relation to reducing or increasing our consciousness? Is there a connection here?
COBRA: No relationship because I said, at least one of those numbers is not correct. (But 2 of them are correct?)
COBRA: they could be if I can get more information about what this particular person being measured. Which can potentially be correct under certain circumstances. (I understand. Thank Cobra).
Aaron: Cobra, who spent 10 years in making GPS and global analysis in terms of physics and mathematics and these are the wrong numbers. I can not even understand the 66.000 mph.
COBRA: That could be a rate related to the movement of the earth in relation to a particular point within the galaxy. It may be so, but need more information. (Moves off the ground and that might be true somewhere)
Aaron: Let's go to the next question here: Can you tell us, generally, what is the process of correction?
COBRA - No, again I can not answer this question here. (Yes, it's a little dark. Thanks Cobra)
Lynn: Cobra, lucid dreaming is useful?
COBRA: I can be useful if again if done with the right consciousness..
Lynn: Should we spend time doing or learn?
COBRA: yes, if you feel so guided and you have the security of it, and can handle it, yes.
Lynn: Do you have any trustworthy sources that we can let it guide us towards further education.
COBRA: You would have to send me an e-mail and I could find them. I do not have at this time. (OK thanks)
Aaron: Next question: People are fascinated with invisibility. Search Google showed nearly 140 films as The Invisible Man or Harry Potter book and the invisibility cloak. What is the fascination with invisibility?
Cobra: People are fascinated with everything that goes on behind the ordinary realities, so this is one of those fascinations.
Aaron: Is invisibility cloaking technology, so it covers and does not really unseen things?
COBRA: Actually, that's a cloaking technology that can reflect the rays in a certain way they are not visible to the eye. More advanced camouflage technology can even teleport photons and other electronic waves that are not detected. There are many different approaches to this.
Aaron: Is one of the many ways humans have been controlled - by having a limited vision?
COBRA: No, no, no.
Aaron: Other: Is one of the many ways humans have been controlled by dark forces that are invisible to us?
COBRA: No, this is not happening, except in very rare occasions by the Chimera group.
Aaron: Some psychic or intuitive are able to "see" the energy fields of people or beings both light and dark. They seem to be able to "see" a wider spectrum of light. Is this true?
COBRA: In most cases, no. (OK thanks)
Lynn: after the event or during or after our ascension, it will expand our vision to see wavelengths of light more or dimensions to see what was invisible to us?
COBRA: What will happen? many people will be able to see the nonphysical planes with their higher chakras.
Lynn: Can occur after the event or need to wait until Ascension.
COBRA: after the event at a certain stage in the process of ascension.
Lynn: So there is a gap between the event and the Ascension?
COBRA: Yes, of course. I have explained this many times. (agree)
Aaron: Is it possible that if more people ask for divine intervention that can accelerate the release process of planet Earth? His thoughts COBRA?
COBRA: Yes, yes. (agree)
Lynn: Are Orbs vehicles traveling?
COBRA: Most orbs are just ... Actually most people call orbs Orbs are reflections of the lens.
Lynn: Would you talk a little about Orbs are not reflections?
COBRA: they are not reflections (yes) - They are ethereal beings and plasma that are really affecting the region near the planet's surface area and under certain conditions people can see them.
Lynn: Many people see in photos or videos of night vision or night vision goggles. Are there different types of orbs? And what colors mean something?
COBRA: Yes, there are different types of orbs.
Lynn: And the colors?
COBRA: also there are different species simply orbs and different colors, simply it means that they are from different species or branches.
Lynn: they Are of a certain size?
COBRA: Again, most of them live in the etheric and plasma levels.
Lynn: OK. Are there any negative Orbs?
COBRA: Very rarely.
Lynn: you Can communicate with Orbs or call?
COBRA: Yes you can.
Lynn: They help us heal?
COBRA: Yes, they do. (Thank you)
Aaron: Sometimes I see stars shining very fast and start moving, usually are of two in two, three or four. Are these ships in the sky that camouflages?
COBRA: Yes, in many cases, yes.
Aaron: And if they are involved and we hear telepathically communicate with them we can?
COBRA: You can try.
Aaron: What are they so close?
COBRA: Depends on the situation. Sometimes they can be very close.
Lynn: This person says: I see a Pleiadean ship in the western sky. It is part of the cleanup of pollution in the atmosphere? If not, what are you doing?
COBRA: OK, that depends on whether you are actually watching a Pleiadean ship. Yes, there are many Pleiadian ships are cleaning up pollution. (AGREE)
Lynn: Cobra, thank you very much. I'll give you one last question to Aaron and then I'll let you go.
Aaron: This is something quick, Cobra. He says: Is it true that only 25 percent of the human race are humans?
COBRA: No. (I think not)
Aaron: If 75 percent are not human, what are they?
COBRA: Most people on this planet are human, the vast majority do. (OK thanks Cobra)
Lynn: The 144,000 are from elsewhere who have come to help.
COBRA: In many systems of stars, yes.
Lynn: Cobra I want to thank you once again for being with us today and always appreciate your visit and hope people will appreciate this information to our October update with you.
COBRA: OK. Agree. Thank you very much for this interview.
Aaron: Thank you bye.