
10 de noviembre de 2017


 The seed has already been planted, and everything is prepared, for the recognition and reunion, of the Star Twin Flames.


FLAME PORTAL Dear ones: We bring a message, long awaited by many of you, and it has to do with the importance of Portal 11.11 of the Twin Flames, which is fast approaching.

From there will enter, a tsunami of compassionate energy, which will soften the Divine Masculine.

We would like to remind you that all timelines are executed simultaneously, therefore linear time, as you know, does not exist.

However, within the eternally rotating wheel, of the present perpetual moment, all the Souls make certain agreements, with respect to the collective choice, to give importance to certain cosmic dates , being 11 11, a perfect example of this.

We wish to inform you also, that this date in question, power, as never before, the collective consciousness, aligned to the recognition, of the Twin Flames among themselves.

We are now in an extremely powerful energy input, which will boost the ascension group .

Many slag and energetic waste have been cleared, and now dark and dirty ancestral templates, erased in the etheric plane, can now be approached and brought to light.

They are already being replaced by updated ones and will be anchored without obstacles.

All Pure Intention, is exceptional and nutritious fertilizer, for the collective heart garden unified in the Twin Flames.

The seed has already been planted, and everything is prepared, for the recognition and reunion, of the Twin Star Flames.

The male divine feels guilty for not having fulfilled the pre-birth commitment and deeply misses the superior angelic presence of his beloved Twin Flame.

This powerful Portal will allow that energetic bridge, which the Divine Masculine calls, to unite in this life, as promised.

The Divine Feminine, for the most part, spiritually awake, knows her male twin, is going through an extremely intense door of awakening and enlightenment.

Intense changes, are happening, at the spiritual level, for many Male Twin Flames, the Twin Female energies, you should trust that.

Take a step forward, and join your energy, for this powerful portal of twin flames of
11:11 , thus reestablishing, the vibratory harmonization, of each male and female twin flame.

This will be supervised by Yeshua and Magdalena.

Unify yourself with the divine masculine collective consciousness, to send a message of support, empowerment and alignment, with the master codes, that will vibrate with the union of the Twin Flames, in all planes of consciousness.

At this gateway, they will also realize that the one they believed to be their true twin was, in fact, their catalyst twin.

Many of these thermal contracts will come out of their lives, very quickly.

The true Flame will take a step forward.

All this is in the hands of Mother Father God.

Relax that God the Father Father, resides with you, in every breath and is available, at all times.

In love, light and eternal service

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