
15 de noviembre de 2017

coup d'etat to Zimbabwe.

Julio Ferreira by Email - November 14, 2017

Sent by humanangelservices to julio ferreira

Just when I thought we were dating, we are pulled back with a desperate coup in Zimbabwe.

If you recall, Zimbabwean Vice President Emerson Mnangagwa, recently fired, was poisoned by President Mugabe, 93, in an effort to replace him by force with his wife, Dr. Grace Mugabe, 53.

Grace, God bless your heart, and do not marry the wealth of Zimbabwe ... and many do not feel that you have earned the right to handle it, much less govern the affairs of the nation and the army.

As a result, we suddenly have Zimbabwe military tanks arriving in the capital of Harare, Zimbabwe, this morning.

Do you think the whole was planned to stop the RV?

The reason is that Zimbabwe, and the general wealth of Africa, is the main source of guarantee of the new currencies of the RV, all of them, with the massive guarantee of the Elders as a backup or secondary source that guarantees the performance of the new Finance system.

This protects the future of humanity and elevates the dignity of Africa to once again lead the world into a new era.

Trump returns today from Asia simultaneously and has suggested that he will soon make a big and important announcement.

While "flying home," Trump's eldest son, Donald Jr., was implicated for having direct contact with "Russians" through Wikileaks.

This also implies that US Vice President Mike Pence has prior knowledge of the "Russian" collusion in the 2016 presidential elections.

This applies pressure to Trump.

Observe the push / pull nature of the RV while massaging forward. Like a game of chess, with pieces that are eliminated continuously until there is a clear winner.

But the cabal has almost no piece on the board now, if there is any. So these last attempts to revert the trench to subvert human progress are obvious and temporary.

Keep in mind that special prosecutor Robert Mueller is an agent of good, and that he is in order to regulate the news cycle by timing the exodus of Trump to the RV for an optimal global distraction.

And this is the reason why his credibility is now being attacked by the remaining actors of the deep state of the clique.

Make no mistake, this late chaos in Zimbabwe and the United States is a good thing: a series of expected events with built-in counterattacks to quell potential problems, not to incite them.

Hey, what if I told you that the real American president never left Washington or traveled to Asia for two weeks?

What if I told you that the Trump we all saw on television was an imitator used in case of a possible and expected assassination attempt?

The last US president, Bush Sr., died of food poisoning while traveling to Asia.

Would that change your face? Do not?

How is this ... Trump is not the president and was never elected because the whole election was a farce to keep the public calm, making all this Russian collusion nothing more than a sophisticated cover story to make way for GESARA and the RV without media. Do you understand?
Does not your face change yet? Hmm ...

Well, what if I said that Trump's next announcement will be today and / or tomorrow will be the moment for the imitators to declare the implementation of GESARA, including the gold standard?

Therefore, I would begin the RV in America and the world!

Wings of human angels!

God is with us

foto de Julio Ferreira.

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