
6 de noviembre de 2017

Millions of ships are already positioned around our solar system, embracing our planet in the middle. | Saturday, November 4, 2017 Millions of ships are already positioned around our solar system, embracing our planet in the middle. 3 rings are protection from light. Impossible for the enemy and never harm us, at least from the outside. Look at the picture to see the size and shape of the ships of the galactic star fleet, led by the Divine Mother Mary and angels Interstellar (brothers from this and other galaxies inside and outside the universe of nebadon)

The land project is "the pearl of the creator", the project creator mega-projects. Everything that happens on this planet, directly affects the galaxy, the local universe and the multi-verse. That is why all eyes, minds, hearts and the highest consciousnesses are unified to bring our planet and all the kingdoms to our next abode, the fifth dimension of consciousness (5d). 

91% of those who controlled our planet by the opposite side to the light, have come out of it and are leaving the command of the control systems of humanity (politics, religion, science, mass media, finance, school education, etc).

The planetary grid (union of human minds and hearts) has already been cleaned in its entirety, allowing move more fluidly the light coming from the source to the depths of our own energy (DNA) to activate all codes (divine, light, defined geometric, numeric, solar, etc.) 

Brother (a) !!! Be proud (a) !!! we are in the last stretch of the old paradigm !! 

Here are the most warlike souls of the universe !!! we are achieving !! 

flows with the day to day, minute to minute .... leaves and the painful, negative, dark past ... we expect rewards and blessings to the great efforts we have done for millennia ...

Let us unite our human consciousness in favor of the disadvantaged and those who have done more work on the ground (our indigenous brothers of the planet) and are the ones who need our help. 

Together we are reaching the goal !!! 

The new earth, the New Lemuria, gaia, is emerging from the center of our planet, the heart of the Pachamama mother. 

It Ahó !!, Ometeotl !!, shanti om !! shalom !!! Amen!!

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...