
12 de noviembre de 2017

"Righteous Now" The only thing that truly matters is who we believe ourselves to be now

Entry Submitted by TANK at 3:43 AM EST on November 11, 2017


There is only one time when this great event could ever occur. I know the exact moment. The moment is NOW. The endless promises of performance everyday for a thousand days have all had one thing in common. Every time when we believed it was happening, it was part of the eternal timeless reality of NOW. Now is where, when and how we live. This is the only place we exist and therefore the only time this change can occur. Every event in our life has lead up to this moment and we cannot change, impact or predict any other time.

Our programming shows through us allowing our subconscious beliefs to manifest as our current reality. So if we are willing to dive deeper into that programming we can release it by choosing not to accept it any longer. Identifying the events, actions, or attitude that have created our current situation can literally be erased by rejecting the belief we have created based on these past experiences.

That being said, we currently accept the illusion that we are poor, and powerless to do anything about it. When we identify the series of circumstances that have lead to this conclusion we can choose not to accept them as real. Although the events may have occurred, they do not currently dictate who we are right NOW.

The only thing that truly matters is who we believe ourselves to be now. In this moment we are a powerful ambassadors of change and development. If we let go of the version of ourselves that we have created, we can will a new reality into existence.

If we all reject the outdated version of ourselves and our limitations that we've created, and look internally to accept the powerful being we truly are, then we can exist in a more accurate reality. We release the energetic programming that does not serve us and embrace the responsibility and power of the unified field that connects us all.

Right now the world is ours to create. The only reason that this event has not occurred is that we believe it has never happened before. The reality is that it has already been accomplished in eternity and we are the ones limited by time.

A world created from this minuscule egomaniacal version of our weak selves would always be limited by such a near sighted visionary perspective. We have ascended through the base chakra of Fear, creation and control and we are at the door of the solar plexus. This is where ego has to relinquish control and we ascend upwards to the heart. It is in this space we begin to see our oneness with God and accept that it is the same spirit in us that has subjected ourselves to the limitations and darkness of the fear and ignorance that we have created. The creation of our own enslavement is a hard truth to face. Realizing that we chose this path willingly destroys our ability to look outwardly for someone or something to blame for our suffering.

The most difficult transition we make is letting go of the failures and disappointments of our past to accept the perpetual grace and mercy available in this moment. We can stop punishing ourselves with guilt, regret and anticipation. If you have done this already then you are present right now with all of the collateral beauty attached to this epic transition.

And perhaps we can rise up to a place where we are able to speak our truth. That truth has the power to purpose a new creation into existence that is in perfect agreement with the will of God. The dissenting voices to the truth we speak become like muppets criticizing the elegance of a perfectly performed symphony, becoming such an insignificant factor that we regard them as little more than the childish banter of a class clown.

We pray without ceasing giving honor to and receiving from the perfect will of our higher calling. Be exactly who you are in this moment and know for an assurance that you are what was needed to move this world into a higher state of existence. Let go of the weight which has held us here. The moment is now. The time of our silence and suffering has past. Now is where our voice is the instrument able to impact the development of a brand new world. Now is the time of the event because this is where we exist, and this is the only place where change is possible. Be present in this moment and release all doubt. Forgive yourself and connect with the life giving spirit that shines within you. You are a powerful being made in the likeness and image of your creator. The only logical thing to do is to follow the example set before us and create a new world. This is the righteous now, where our illumination, abundance and strength become the foundation to build the new world.

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